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Sunfish 8th Sep 2004 22:04

Landing On Wrong Runway
I'm starting to wonder just how common landing on the wrong runway really is?

OK, mugs like me get confused, but yesterday I watched a professional do it.

Luckily no harm done.

grrowler 8th Sep 2004 23:10


Can you expand a little;
What do you mean by "wrong runway"? ie. parallel runway situation, not into wind, cross strip

What is a "professional"? In this situation specifically

On the side, I'm sure its been done many times, I've heard of lining up, landing and taking off on taxiways, and I believe an airliner (China Southern\China Eastern??) took off the wrong direction in the states a few years ago.

Bevan666 8th Sep 2004 23:17

After spening a bit of time flying in the states, I was always worried about landing at the wrong airport! They are like a carpet over there.


Obiwan 8th Sep 2004 23:27

I've heard of students lining up on the taxiway instead on 11L at Bankstown :p

swh 9th Sep 2004 00:56


Are thinking about the China Air A340 that departed on taxiway K instead of runway 32 at Anchorage International Airport (ANC) ?

Taxiway K was almost a heading of 090 not 320 like runway 32, left big marks in a snow berm at the end and then contunied onto Taipei.

Understand many people in the past have mistaken Essedon for Melbourne, and the railway yards just near Perth for Perth airport espically at night where the railway yards lights are brighter than the airports.


cficare 9th Sep 2004 01:32

wrong runway
Dont know about landing but there is a Jabaru that uses Port Lincoln that usually gives a taxi call for one runway and taxi to another quite regularly.

PILOTGAL 9th Sep 2004 01:57

Details Sunfish, details.

I know you fly out of YMMB, so do I. Are you referring to parallel ops? Someone can be on final for, example 17L and given the option to land on 17R. It's happened to me before. Saves a bit of taxy time, that's all.

Frank Burden 9th Sep 2004 02:20

From a recent news report:


Even with GPS, EFI, etc even the big boys get it wrong.
Frank Burden

The attainment of wisdom is a life long pursuit

High Altitude 9th Sep 2004 03:29

My very first solo I landed on the wrong runway at Moorabbin! After all there was 5 to choose from!

The control tower were very helpful indeed and said nothing until after I landed.

Have seen planes take off the wrong direction in Darwin...

747 freighter lined up on McMillans road years ago parrallel to 11/29...

Atlas Shrugged 9th Sep 2004 04:17

If you mean wrong direction as in taking off and landing downwind, then most of the "time-sensitive" operators, such as bank runners, air ambulance and even some regionals will have done it at one time or another away from major centres. Generally they use what ever runway that is most efficient to their operations - within limits of course!


Transition Layer 9th Sep 2004 04:43


Where have you been? We have all missed you here in D&G GA.

Great to see you back...



P.S. Maybe your first solo was a precursor to the rest of your aviation career - one big :mad: up!

Pass-A-Frozo 9th Sep 2004 04:52

I remember a few years ago tuning into Jandakot Tower in Perth just in time to here "XYZ, you're going the wrong way on downwind, turn left immediately".


Sunfish 9th Sep 2004 05:00

Without wanting to get anyone into trouble. It was a medium sized turboproppy thing. Called inbound at academy and was directed to 35R. I was told sight it , avoid and to follow, which I did.

It zipped past and I kept it in sight on downwind, base and final. It took up a lot of sky to do this and I neatly snuck in behind him and lined up. At 500 feet ATC told me not to follow other aircraft onto wrong runway and to turn left and get over to land on 35R which I did. I was too busy congratulating myself for a good approach and watching turboproppy thing land to realise he was on 31 R! ATC comment "Oh well, it was a good landing even if it was the wrong runway."

Speeds high 9th Sep 2004 07:39

It was a medium sized turboproppy thing
:ok: :ok: My sides are aching with laughter, love it!:ok: :ok:

wasnt there a Korean boeing that tried to land on the road into Auckland some few years back, night, mistook the road lights for runway lights

Sunfish 9th Sep 2004 09:31

I know exactly what it was and what time it happened. I had a look at the (empty) aircraft on the tarmac. I merely went vague to protect the guilty. As I said before I don't want to get anyone in trouble.

Ultralights 9th Sep 2004 09:37

I've heard of students lining up on the taxiway instead on 11L at Bankstown
I am not surprised! 11R/29L isnt much wider than most taxiways! after their first hours doing circuits on 11R/29L i can see how a mistake like this can be made!

nzmarty 9th Sep 2004 11:07

i think it was an air france 747. lined up heading south on george bolt drive - not a bad effort considering the runways are 23/05...

Howard Hughes 9th Sep 2004 11:22

Umm err, I'm on the right runway, what are all you guys doing going the other way?

Cheers, HH.

compressor stall 9th Sep 2004 11:39

Sppeds High,

Don't have to go overseas for that!

Try Mackay. 3 large capacity RPT trying to land on the highway to date, and there might be more to come.

Who knows how many smaller ones? :confused:

radar o'reilly 9th Sep 2004 12:17

I remember hearing about a student on a flight test who was suppose to be flying to Casino Airport.

Apparently this punter flew to Lismore Airport, made all the correct calls for Casino Airport, runway numbers and everything.

Made a beautiful landing at Lismore, got out for a wizz, got back in, made all perfect outbound calls for Casino and left Lismore with a sense of pride on his great calls and landing.

Story was from one of my instructors who was also on the ground at Lismore and just went up to chat to the testing officer while he was on the ground.

Testing officer told my instructor the whole story and was going to wait till the test was over before he broke the bad news. :E

poor bugger :ok:

Obiwan 9th Sep 2004 12:21


I am not surprised! 11R/29L isnt much wider than most taxiways! after their first hours doing circuits on 11R/29L i can see how a mistake like this can be made!
My instructor reckons he waits until they're at about 150' - 200' and says "Where are you landing?"

They never make that mistake again :p

Of course I wasn't one of them!

Also saw someone land on the taxiway diagonally across the runways - turned out to be a partial engine failure. I nearly crapped myself as I was in the run up bay and they were coming straight at me! Got out of there QUICK smart :ok:

VRB03KT CAVOK 9th Sep 2004 13:18

I've seen and heard a few shockers at Bankstown over the years:

- Aircraft in the wrong direction on downwind facing oncoming traffic and ignoring tower calls.

- Panicked solo student from the training area landing in the opposite direction to the 3 active runways with no radio calls.

- The tower calmly saying "ABC, I thought I cleared you to land on the other runway left".

topdrop 9th Sep 2004 13:59

At Cairns, lightie from Western side was told to lineup (duty drag 15) Just prior to reaching the runway was told "Contact Approach airborne, Clear for takeoff, make left turn" Promptly turned left and took off in 33 direction, not answering any calls from Tower.

Ultralights 10th Sep 2004 10:56

How Long before the new western Sydney Orbital Freeway gets mistaken for 34 at YHOX!!!! :)

Shot taken on approach to 34 at HYOX through rain!


Milt 10th Sep 2004 11:58

Runway While You Wait

Last century was inspecting the route of road than Len Beadell was making NW out of Giles which is a long way back of the black stump. Forging ahead with his road making Len had 2 bulldozers and 2 graders.

Len said later that if only his radio had been working he would have had me wait 30 minutes and he would have cut out a runway for me on which to land the Gooney.

What an opportunity missed. Would have loved to have notched that one up.

Next stop was Fitzroy Crossing,

Obiwan 10th Sep 2004 13:14

How Long before the new western Sydney Orbital Freeway gets mistaken for 34 at YHOX!!!!
With the orbital that close, what morons are closing it for housing? Will they close the orbital when residents complain about the noise?

ZK-NSN 13th Sep 2004 20:13

Sunfish - If it was a controlled aerdrome then the guys driving the "turboproppy thingy" will probably already be knee deep in "it", i doubt you'll get them in any more trouble (may'be a bar shout though) Rather common thing to happen. Quite a few people have been on finals for Johns Road in Christchurch.

tribex500 13th Sep 2004 21:57

Radar o'reily
I remember hearing about a student on a flight test who was suppose to be flying to Casino Airport.

It never fails to amaze me the number of so called 'professional' instructors/testing officers who knowingly let students break rules and cause the potential for danger just to proove their superiority to the student. Might be 'funny' but Im sure it would have been real 'funny' if there was an accident at Lismore because of some poor punter who thought thew coast was clear except for some guy who was apparently at Casino:mad:

Another classic is the idiot instructors who unknowingly bust airspace with there student/line up on the wrong runway/have a near miss etc and then blame the student and act as if they were aware the whole time. JUST WHO IS THE P.I.C ONE MUST ASK????:suspect: Loosers........

locusthunter 13th Sep 2004 23:18

I was in the circuit in Albury when some rough-as-guts weekend warrior came in and turned the wrong way for an opposite direction landing...

TWR: XYZ you've turned the wrong way there to land on 07

XYZ: AHHHHHHH...........SH1T!!!!

TWR: Good to hear you using standard phraseology!!


7gcbc 14th Sep 2004 15:59

landed on a two or three the wrong way. [do it all the time at Golbourn]

what ?

what ?

like you never done it.........

:= := := := :=

Dog One 18th Sep 2004 10:58

Many years ago, one wet night, a Viscount tried to land up the main street at Wynyard (Tas). The street lights were brighter than RW26.

bushy 19th Sep 2004 04:08

Most cities have streetlights that are more obvious than the runway lights,To find an aerodrome at night, it is necessary to look for the darkest area and then look for a row of little fairy lights. Our infallible airline pilots have made a noumber of approaches to land on roads and so now mainly use runways that have an ils approach.. The solution is simple. If our safety organisation was really interested in safety, they would insist on proper "lead in " lighting with running arrows etc like the americans have. This has been happening for decades.
And our ailrline pilots have told us they do not like having to see and identify anything outside the cockpit.

Sunfish 19th Sep 2004 07:40

YMML has lead in lights, I saw them yesterday morning. I guess its to stop people landing at Essendon..;)

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