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Pinky the pilot 2nd Sep 2003 18:12

Happy Birthday Gaunty
May I through the august medium that are the pages of Pprune wish Gaunty a very happy birthday for today, Tuesday 2nd September and sincerely hope that he gets his wish of a nice new Citation X with the appropriate F/O.:ok: :ok: :ok:
(And that Mrs Gaunty does'nt find out!!!!)

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

Hugh Jarse 2nd Sep 2003 18:19

Goodonya Gaunty. You managed to keep it a secret (well almost).

Many happy returns mate.:}

Disco Stu 2nd Sep 2003 18:54

Happy Birthday Gaunty

Jeeeez, we are nearly twins.

Omigod, what a horrible thought.

Disco Stu
GG sends a big KISS...............:eek:

gaunty 2nd Sep 2003 18:59

Hey Pinky and Jarse

Thank you very very much.

The ASX will have to get to somewhere around the 1,000,000,000 before I see my Citation X but stranger things have happened at sea.

In any event I will be too old by then to fly it, so you'll have to come and help and you can give me have the odd take off and crash, when it is severe CAVOK OK!

Young (he's only 55, it's all relative you see) brother and wife is coming round for dins and I have bought some seriously fresh scallops, they fight you to open them, some Tassie salmon so fresh that I've had to handcuff it to the bench (three citrus sauce with roasted pistachio) with some prawns you could ride in the Melbourne Cup.

Some very fresh and crisp Margaret River whites, followed by a delightful Barrosa sticky with the strudel and King Island Cream made with my beloveds own hands.

You can see I don't plan to do a medical anytime soon. :{

What more could a man want.

and thanks again I'm really grateful, well you know what I mean.

hungry_flygal 2nd Sep 2003 19:25

What a great sounding dinner ...........

I'm envious ...... :p

Happy B'day to a fellow ppruner ......... :D

Kaptin M 3rd Sep 2003 00:08

YOUR Birthday is Sept., 2nd, Gaunty??!!!

What an honoured occasion it is for my little no name to enter this world.

Happy B'day young man. It only seems like a little more - or less - than a year ago that we were charging our glasses for the same event.

Tempus fugit.....and all too fleetingly!!

Torres 3rd Sep 2003 07:23

Happy Birthday and how's the head this morning, Gaunty?

Two years younger than me. Geeze, ya haven't weathered too well............


:} :} :}

Woomera 3rd Sep 2003 07:44

Happy Birthday Gaunty!!!

This party has the participants to get out of hand and may need moderating!!!

:E :E


Blue Sky Baron 3rd Sep 2003 09:03

Celebrations all round
Happy Birthday young Mr Gaunt.
They come around so quickly these days. Hope you enjoyed your dinner, but not too much. I'm still drooling at the thought of such a fine collection of foods.

Congratulations Capt. M and Mrs M. Another member of the tribe.



gaunty 3rd Sep 2003 11:17

Thanks all, not well this morning, I'm convinced it is the sleep that does it, coz I felt real fine when I went to bed last night.

Kaptin M

Congratulations on the safe arrival of SO "M".

Doesn't time fly when you're having fun.


You're too kind. 'Tis the aviation industry that does it, now where did I put my Grecian 2000??


Indeed dinner was passingly fine.:ok: Mostly out of the Bass Strait, on the ice here in Perth by the miracle of aviation, less than 8 hours out of the water, except for the prawns.

My middle daughter had never seen live scallops and wife and she had to leave the room while I "killed" them. :rolleyes:


Where were you last night when my intake needed moderating.:p :uhoh:

Disco Stu

You get that on these big jobs, return smooches for GG, hope you are enjoying life in Brisvegas.

Windshear 3rd Sep 2003 12:40

Happy Birthday Gaunty .... how's about a beer at the Sail and Anchor [ Freo] Sat. night ? ........ Windy

BlueDiamond 4th Sep 2003 17:51

Happy Birthday Gaunty ... sorry I missed it :O

If I give you a ride in my Citation will that make up for it?? I still owe you one from the last OzBash and you can sit on the left if you're good.

:) :D :cool:

Pinky the pilot 4th Sep 2003 18:06

Glad to see that you enjoyed yourself Gaunty ol' chap.
Unfortunately I did'nt get my Citation X either but I did get a day in the Pawnee at the local Gliding Club. Beats the hell out of pruning orange trees anyway.
And the drink that a sweet young Japanese Lady bought me after the days towing was almost as lovely as she was!!:ok: :ok:

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

OzExpat 7th Sep 2003 12:26

The Ozbash group helped gaunty to a further celebration of his birthday at the Sail+Anchor in Freo last night! Hope yer ready for "round 2" tonight mate! :ok: :E

BTW... Happy birthday! :ok:

john_tullamarine 10th Sep 2003 04:12

... he didn't look quite as good as his photo in an earlier link a few weeks ago .... my group was accosted by the esteemed one as we entered a restaurant on the other side of his normal world ... took me quite by surprise to have someone calling out my alter ego name until I located the source of sound and recognition processes functioned .... come to think of it .. I think that, after a few bottles of this and that ... neither of us was looking all that good ..... slept well, though ...

Best wishes, indeed, for the other day, good Sir .. and likewise to Mr, Mrs and the various little M and Ms .....

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