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kiranchalla 28th Jul 2008 17:58

love norway want to work there!!!
hey everyone of u norwegians...
I am an indian woman with an FAA ASEL and AMEL commercial license and am getting my CFI and CFII by the end of august...
now the thing is that I have a norwegian boyfriend and i visited norway and lovedthe place absolutely...
so I was wondering if u could help this poor woman with some sort of a solution to work in aviation..no matter how **** the pay in norway!!
i would be highly grateful for any help and will cook a lovely indian meal for u:)

kiranchalla 28th Jul 2008 18:10

nd i do love the drinking and the fjords...oh my God i loved the place..I have to work there!!:ugh:
please help me all u vikings:(

Jobhunter 28th Jul 2008 20:16

If you want to work in aviation you have to marry your boyfriend to work here. You also have to get an JAR-FCL flight licence which is a lot of work, and expensive.

Not what you wanted to hear, but thats the way it is i`m afraid.

People from India may work here, but only if sponsored by a company, and thats usually in oil related jobs. Never heard of anyone getting a job in avation.

kiranchalla 28th Jul 2008 21:50

that sucks for me:(...still hoping though...there has to be a way...

Guttn 29th Jul 2008 00:04

First of all get the JAR-FCL license, then sort things out with immigration and work permit to Europe:ok: Not too many companies in Norway, but there are quite a few pilots trying to get employed by them. Good luck though!

kiranchalla 29th Jul 2008 00:20

thats the point....im hoping for this fairytale story and this miracle where they will take me on and give me time to convert on thier expense if i sign a contract or something for a couple of years,,definitely willing to do that...aren't there any caravan jobs that i can aacept?..
ik actually that desperate to move there..i absolutely fell in love with the place and the people:)

MartinCh 29th Jul 2008 02:36

hello again kiranchalla.

I searched for the IAA revalidation thing and found your post here. I just replied to your queries in PM.
You'd be much better off if you do either UK work permit or EEA passport.
As I wrote, it only takes marriage or cohabiting in Norway with Norwegian and about 2-3 years. Or the UK route I wrote about - WAY FASTER and OK for some UK companies that'd employ you if you fit the picture.

Not sure how you'd fare in working for N. company flying. At least SAS have Swedish speaking as requirement as do some other 'local' EU airlines. Let's not go into it being fair or not to whomever.


Anonymus6 29th Jul 2008 07:50


why don't you try india where you come from. better chance to gain employment than norway. You need JAR,,,it takes about 1 year to convert and will cost you 15 to 20000 us dollars. You don't have citizenship, that will make it even harder, and you don't even speak the language. You have all this odds against you and still want to work here. Don't forgett that there are guys with more than 2000 hours flight time waiting for a position on the 737.

At the moment the airlines are not doing very good either so, soon we will see a lot of pilots on the street after summer.

Sorry to be so negative, but this is the truth and reallity.

Guttn 29th Jul 2008 08:38

A few things you can already start doing if this is what you really really want...
1. Learn the language. By learning one of the Scandi languages you can easliy understand the other ones (except Finnish:}). It`s a requirement from the airlines that you commanda one of the Scandi languages. I know it sucks for foreigners, but it`s an easy way of screening people.
2. Find out where you can do the conversion as fast and cheap as possible. Whilst doing the conversion, start sending CVs everywhere. A lot of people, for some reason, wait with this when they are doing their conversion. Takes more time....
3. Conact your local Noggie embassy and get the facts on what is required for employment.

There`s some homework for you:ok:

There aren`t too many companies in Norway, but here are a few;
Westair (though actually Swedish they fly for the Norwegian Mail on contract)

kiranchalla 29th Jul 2008 18:06

the reason..i dont want to work in india..is because i dont want to work in india:)...
i really would love to be flying in europe....like i said...im not asking for the airlines..it could be corporate or charter or smaller..no problem

kiranchalla 29th Jul 2008 18:08

i do like ppl giving me homework actually!!..its very kind of u i must say!!!
i will get on it and tusen takk!!!

Oluf 29th Jul 2008 18:26


The fastest way into the European market is to get a job on a N registered Aircraft operated privately in Europe. There are quite a few of those actually. As a prior poster mentioned, when converting, it may be easier to do so through the UK system.
(There is of course a rumor that Canada is contemplating becoming a full EASA member, which would mean that if you were to get a Canadian license issued, the path would be very easy. )

Corporate aicraft in Norway---the best bet would be Sundt Air in Oslo. Airlines in Scandinavia do not as a Rule demand a scandinavian language unless they are SAS or some derivative of that, it would however help you imensely to learn one. Some of the other operators in Europe, especially Corporate ones, are willing to give commutable rosters for work, i.e. 7/7 or 14/14, so that opens up even more possibillities of where to work, Netjets is one example.

As with anywhere, experience is silver, luck and being in the right place at the right time is gold. Get the hours, and keep churning, if you really want to go Scandi, there is nothing stopping you.

Good luck


Anonymus6 30th Jul 2008 09:30


You mentioned on your post while you are converting you can send your C.V to the airlines. Ok, my question is will airlines accept this? I'm half way through my ATPL conversion have more than 2000 hours. You think I should start applying. Just thought for some advice.

Du kan skriva på Norska eller Svenska, det går bra vilket.


Guttn 30th Jul 2008 09:35

Anonymus6, I would think so. Just mention when you estimate to have your conversion done and it should be ok. The employment process isn`t done overnight, so why wait until you have the license before applying? Probably not all will accept this, but some will, and maybe you can get an interview out of it:ok:

Norsk 4th Aug 2008 04:05

It is very hard for foreigners, especially those of non-european background (not Caucasian) to get jobs in Norway. Although Norway is relatively peaceful and friendly there's an underlaying fear of those who are different, especially those who "look" differently. There are so many stories in the newspapers about well-educated foreigners (not Caucasian), people with PhD's, MD's, engineering degrees etc. who are unable to get jobs in Norway, even if they speak the language perfectly. This is because many Norwegian companies are managed and run by people who are incompetent and are unable to see people as a resource, regardless of race and national origin. Add to that being a female and maybe a different religion. Here in the US there are specific laws against discrimination based on race, religion and cultural background and we are all immigrants here, more or less. I have been hiring pilots in the US for 10 years but let me tell you that there are obstacles here too. When I started hiring pilots for my airline I looked for the best qualified, regardless of sex and race. When I started hiring well-qualified female and black pilots the members of the "good ol'e boys club" freaked out. Anyway, expect obstacles as Norway has a piss-poor record in regards to fear treatment of qualfied, foreign labor. Add this to the other replies you got here and think twice about it. Its not impossible but difficult. Good luck!

Anonymus6 7th Aug 2008 16:05

I don't want to say I totally disagree with you, but I disagree to certain point. For example, my brother is an engineer and work in Norway in a very popular oil company. He holds a Swedish passport and he is not white (middle Eastern). I know people that fly for Sterling, and Norwigan that are from foreign background and hold swedish passports.

TowerDog 7th Aug 2008 16:10

It is very hard for foreigners, especially those of non-european background (not Caucasian) to get jobs in Norway

Norway has welcomed thousands upon thousands of immigrants, especially Pakistanis since the early 70s.

No country is as liberal and colorblind as Norway, good for the immigrants, but a burden on the welfare and criminal justice system.....:sad:

Nick Figaretto 7th Aug 2008 21:16

Here in the US there are specific laws against discrimination based on race, religion and cultural background
As if no other country has that kind of legislation... :rolleyes:

Norsk 8th Aug 2008 05:45

Sure "they" have welcomed them. "They" is the government. The Norwegian people have been less welcoming, unfortunately. Poor integration policies have led to many norwegians turn their anger against immigrants when in fact the politicians have screwed it up. Look at how FrP have gained popularity, especially in its view on immigration. They used to be more radical in the past but are starting to change their tactics as they preach a more "sound" immigration policy without sounding like racist. It is not until the 2nd. or 3rd. generation of immigrants that things starts to change.
Of course there will be stories about those getting jobs in the oil sector etc. and maybe even an occasional pilot but that's about it. I guess my point is that I want to challenge those who believe Norway is this utopia where everybody loves everybody and foreigners are embraced with heart warming smiles as soon as they cross the border. Sorry, but its not the case. Look different = be treated differently.

And talking about legislation: Sure there are laws but countries enforce them differently. A law was just passed in Norway where immigrants have equal rights for government jobs by a certain ration. Without it, they wouldn't hire a single soul, more or less (slightly exaggerated but you get my drift). I still stand by my previous statement that there are many Norwegian companies run by incompetent people who are unable to see people as a resource. But you are right, the oil industry is the exception.

Guttn 8th Aug 2008 06:57

Not to get too political here, nor rain on anybody`s parade, but there is a new proposal (or maybe the law has already passed?) which restricts the number of asylum seekers radically. The background is that there really has been no control regarding this, so foreigners have come, done a few weeks in an asylum camp, and then simply disappeared. The government has no idea as to their whereabouts, nor their true background:eek:.

But that is for asylum seekers. You might just get a different opinion if you`re arriving as an educated person with a background that checks out. But a work permit would be your best bet still.

PanPanYourself 8th Aug 2008 08:38

Hi kiranchalla,

I am a Turk/Belgian who moved to Oslo, Norway 8 months ago upon getting a job offer for a system developer position at a Norwegian financial institution. I was living in Istanbul before I moved here and I had a girlfriend who I loved dearly and was planning to eventually pop the question to.

I wasn't happy with my job in Istanbul, and was really excited about the great opportunity offered to me here in Norway, so I accepted the offer. Clearly my girlfriend wasn't too happy about this, but she knew I had to do it.

I moved here in November 2007, the worst possible time to move to Norway, I had six months of bitter cold and darkness to look forward to. My girlfriend visited me the following month, and we bought in the new year together here in Oslo. She said she didn't like Norway at all, she is more of a Brazil - Spain - Ibiza kind of person. Regardless she tried very hard to get a job here so she could be with me. After 4-5 months of stress, disappointment, and no luck, she gave up, and we broke up. It was a very stressful period for both of us, her trying to find a job but failing, and me trying to adjust to a new country while missing all the people I hold dear. It tore us apart.

I don't know what your situation is with your boyfriend, how long you've been together, how often you get to see him, or what your plans for the future are, so I can't really help you much.

Just be very sure you know what you're doing.

Anonymus6 8th Aug 2008 08:47


I hope I don't offend you by writing this, but from your posts and impression of writing, I get a feeling that you are from a foriegn background that was treated unfair in norway and moved to US, because you thought that US will give you better treatment (eually right). You also mentioned you have lived in US for more than 10 years. I currently live in US (los angeles) and fly for a regional cargo carrier. I simply choose to educate and fly in US because I thought better chance to get job, since I'm from foreign background as well. After living in US for 7 years I have seen my friends that went to flight schools in Sweden landing 737 and a320 jobs left and right (most of them are foreigners). A lot of things has changed during this 10 years you have been away from norway I have two iranian friends that fly for west air (i belive its a cargo company) and they love it. Several times I have mentioned this issue regarding race to land a job, and they seem to not be worried about it to much. a quate from one of them " If you have the experience you will get in, they need captains"
I'm not saying that racism doesn't exist,,,, it does, and it's a shame that skin colour is going to prevent someone to land a job. I see a lot of racism in US as well, and don't get me started about this country.

anyway, I'm not going to spend to much time on this subject and I hope everyone the best.:ok:

Norsk 9th Aug 2008 03:20

Jeg er 100% norsk, hva naa enn det betyr og er i USA paa snart det 20 aaret. Norge er fint, don't get me wrong. Vokste opp men annen ungdom som bl.a kom fra India hvor foreldrene hadde gode utdannelser men det blei liksom med gartneri-jobber og butikkjobber. Dette var paa 70-tallet men det er fremdeles mange godt utdannede "utlendinger" som ikke faar jobb der pga deres nasjonalitet. Denne er fra aftenposten.no, 9 august 2008: Tar ikke rasisme på alvor

JohnnyEagle 12th Aug 2008 21:59

There is a captain in Norwegian who is from India.

Norsk, you've been in the US for 20 yrs, Norway is not the same now as in 1988..

(Edit: husker jeg jobbet sammen en meterolog(5 år på Blindern) på postens pakkesentral, han hadde norske forfedre og fikk ingen relevant jobb..)

Icenor 13th Aug 2008 07:57

Since it somewhat relates to the threadstarter's question about moving and working in Norway, I'll say that I do not share Norsk's view of Norway. I'm a young guy and wasn't around to know how Norway was during the 70's, but I can say this, there is no open or hidden racism amongst the major majority of Norwegians today.

Sure you'll allways find someone that blames foreigners for everything, no matter what, but you'll find that anywere on this planet.

Our integration politics isn't really keeping up with the large pressure of people that apply for asylum and there is some consern about how to manage the problem. In addition recent fights and other violence that have broken out in asylumfacilities have painted a rather dark picture of the refugees, but people do know the difference betwen asylum seekers and immigrants and I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to prosper professionally and socially in Norway as long as you abide by the country's laws and make an effort to integrate and that would ofcourse be alot easier if you learn the language :ok:

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