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ABN 99 31st Dec 2003 00:23

As an ex member of the Thames Valley Aviation Society (Deputy editor of the RAF Abingdon section) it could well have been one of our Group visits to which OAG was referring too. Sadly not one of the Group members on that occasion.

If I remember correctly we had two visits per year to RAF Abingdon, visiting "C", "D", "E" & "F" hangars. We were also taken over to the B.D.R.F area on the North-East corner of the airfield, this was always an interesting place to visit for aircraft i/d.

I have very fond memories of the once famous RAF station and thanks to Neil we can keep the memories alive. I have a feeling the "Abingdon Fayre 2004" will be the best so far for aircraft movements.


Wootton, Oxon

oag 31st Dec 2003 02:17

it was indeed, ABN99

Neil Porter 2nd Jan 2004 01:00

Anybody out there from 1 AMS, who used to be in F Hangar on Jaguar Major servicing - trying to figure out how many Jags could on maintenance at any one time.

I seem to remember ( around 1987 & earlier) the Hangar was divided into 3 "bays", each bay containing something like 6 Jags = 18 total - any advance on that figure?

Anyone know how i can contact Flt Lt Mike Lawerance - ex Abingdon Unit Test Pilot???

Arclite01 2nd Jan 2004 04:35

I have a pic of me in front of a Vulcan - I think this was at Abindon on ATC Summer camp circa 1982 - as I remember there was a load of Falklands War 'prizes' dotted about in the hangars....Am I right ?

And was there a swimming pool on the base (open air) or does my memory deceive me ??????

Great fun base for summer camp - under canvas


Neil Porter 2nd Jan 2004 06:23

Arclite01 - you are probably right about the "Falklands War" prizes so to speak - got pics of the ex Argentine Pucara & Agusta 109 / Huey Heli's at the 82 B of B airshow.... & yep did ( & still have i think) an open air swimming pool..

Neil Porter 7th Mar 2004 23:52

Updates on Abingdon Fayre 2004
Chaps - here is the link for latest update on what we have planned for this years event, i have now also posted the Military participation but all "tbc" at the mo!


It is nice to have abit more RAF Participation as is my ambition to encourage more from them each year, being as it is a former RAF Station.... oh well 8 months planning will soon be over, and then in September start all over again for 2005!!!

PS: Can anyone point me in the right direction to how to contact Innsworth is it(?!?) to publicise the event in the RAF news:ok:

QuidProQuo 8th Mar 2004 00:59


Details of the RAF News can eb found at it's website www.rafnews.co.uk. The editor is Andrew Wise - his contact details are on the website as are those of the rest of the staff. Best of luck with the event.

Neil Porter 4th Apr 2004 07:04

Any of you who fly a privately owned aircraft - to warn you to keep away from Abingdon between 1400hrs & 1500hrs local on Sat 1 May due to Mil aircraft display rehearsals & all day Sun 2 May (if you have not booked in of course!) due to increased actvity & the Flying Program...... we will have a 3nm radius & vertical height up to 7000ft...

Looking good and we are all very excited!!!! - just hope for decent weather !!!:ok:

Quidproquo - ta for the RAF News address, i have sent the Ed a article so something may appear in it soon.

Neil Porter 31st Dec 2004 16:28

Thanks for the input & photos still being sent to me from ex Abbo personnel - great stuff & nice to see pictures especially from the 1950's - 1960's (Hastings, Beverely era's)...

The RAF tribute page has been updated with some more B/W pics - but keep sending me any images from its past - all gratefully rec'd - areas esp concerned with are:

Any aerial photos from 1930's, 1950's & 1960's, plus any pics of Jaguars in F Hangar, Buccs, Hunters & Hawks on maintenance, Lancaster on Major Servicing, Overseas Ferry Unit, 1 Para school, AS&TF, RSS, 6AEF, ULAS & OUAS, special occasions & any pics of various Hangars & associated buildings , and past Airdays etc - send them to me - go to the website contact page for my email address.
I have recently been given 4 great pics of a formation of Beverelys on a wet day plus some fantastic air & ground shots of the 68 Royal Review... thanks chaps:ok:

But please state if you wish for them to be on our RAF page, or for our archive....
We plan to have our Ab Fayre Air & Country Show stall on display at the 2005 show which we have started to take to aviation / non-aviation events in the last quarter of 2004 to get publicity & fund raising and we plan to have an expanded photo pictorial on display.

Thanks to all so far for all your support!

Krystal n chips 1st Jan 2005 08:54

Just curious here. I remember in my "of no fixed abode" days at Abingdon, there was a sign on the road from the town to the Station which was really rather quaint and said "To the Aerodrome"----is it still there I wonder? -- or has it been removed to conform with all the usual " modernisation" so beloved of Local Authorities:mad: Happy days when based there.

Man-on-the-fence 1st Jan 2005 10:13

I dont think it is there Krystal, however if you can remember the road it was on I will pop out and have a look sometime.

Krystal n chips 1st Jan 2005 11:00

M-o-T F... Thanks for your offer. As far as I can recall, the sign was on the road that runs under the A34 and leads to the Station Gates. It was located on a signpost on the left hand side of the road as you leave town--- I am sure there was also a road junction at that point as well----after that, my aged memory fails me I'm afraid:confused:

Man-on-the-fence 1st Jan 2005 11:07

I'm 99.9% sure its gone, but I will check (Neil drives past there daily so may get there before me)

Neil Porter 1st Jan 2005 14:34

Krystal - that sign went yonkers ago... was RAF Abingdon as far as i can remember (now Dalton Barracks of course)...

Trying to think of the name of the Station magazine back then - "White Horse" springs to mind???? Anyone?


Krystal n chips 1st Jan 2005 14:58

Neil---Thanks for that, there was always a slim chance it could have survived--hence my query-----given that in Cheadle,there is still one of the original triangular "Give Way" warning signs in black and white at a well used junction.

airborne_artist 1st Jan 2005 18:04

There's a scrappy in Brightwell-cum-Sotwell, nr Wallingford, who's got a load of 1PTS signs. Tried to buy them from him, but he wasn't budging. I'll bet they came from Abi.

Neil Porter 1st Jan 2005 18:23

Airborne_artist : You mean Mr Smith, he had alot of ex Mil stuff at one time, i spoke to him about 5 months ago about something & he was saying what stuff he did scrap & wished he kept from Abiingdon - all things Beverely for a start but that was going back a few years tho!!!

My father came across a Brass Station badge - quite rare i think too..... & old!

neilmac 29th Mar 2005 23:25

abigdon fayre
Have a top time, it was a nice weekend last year and I encourage pilots whether GA or not to attend, I was hoping to take a Benson Flying Club a/c a little hop across but HM says im away to Iraq. Im sure my mates will put a few a/c over for a worthwhile event.


Neil Porter 30th Mar 2005 15:31

Abingdon Fayre Air & Country Show 2005 - 1 May..
Ta for the comment Neilmac - glad you enjoyed 04! Pity you'll miss an even better 05, especially with the Polish Navy chaps around swigging their fave tipple - Vodka & plenty of it!!

On a serious note, the RAF are supporting us well for 05 and that coupled with all the other things should make it a good day with fingers crossed for decent weather & a decent amount of money made for the Charity we support.

Neil Porter 12th Jul 2005 15:30

Better late than never to mention, but for those of you who don't know we have given £4,000 from our recent Ab Fayre Air & Country Show to the Douglas (& Helen) House Respice Centres in Oxford, a truly worthwhile cause ,bringing the total donated from our last 5 shows including the recent one to £13,000 (the amounts have varied each year as to what we could afford to donate) - so a big thanks to all from this site who support us regulary and see you all in 06!

Oh and the Polish crew very much enjoyed their stay - so much they may return with treble the amount of vodka!!!:D

More details & report from our official website (address on top of first page)..

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