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A Civilian 20th Apr 2003 04:39

Ahhhhh, the old Schrodinger Cat Box trick never fails to impress does it Danny :ok:

TomPierce 20th Apr 2003 04:40

Hey spongy, wasn't bad, after all I got a 2 BIG crowns. Didn't like those little ones - you couldn't see 'em.

Raw banter! Yep, know all about that, and worse, but I just happen to think that there is a time and a place for these things and Pprune isn't it. You do obviously, well that's your priv. It's not mine and I have the right to say so. Particularly if the person concerned finds it impossible to control himself. It WAS tasteless, it WAS unseemly - EVEN for Mil types.

As for SAS - I don't remember specifically siding with him. But......if I did it is no-ones elses business - IS IT! See! I can still shout :ugh:

That is the end of it for me.

Danny 20th Apr 2003 04:56

Ahhhhh, the old Schrodinger Cat Box trick never fails to impress does it Danny
I couldn't possibly comment as I have no idea what you mean.:E

What never fails to amuse though, is when someone like NM obviously loses the plot because his repertoir of insults has been depleted. Now we see him getting personal which means we must have hit a raw nerve. I'm not about to martyr the sad boy but some of you may want to pity him. :yuk:

Gertrud 20th Apr 2003 05:14


do you realise you have an obsession with physical appearance?
First the ugly wives, now Danny that you think is small.
I know what the problem is dear. Your momma didn't tell you you were her beautiful little boy as she did with your brother! And your girlfriend dumped you for a "bigger" man! And obviously you haven't been taking your blue pills!

Just got 3 PM from pprunettes telling me Danny is sooooo attractive! Can't wait for the Gatbash!:p

Mad_Mark 20th Apr 2003 05:41

Strange, but I am sure this thread started on the subject of the 'censorship' of other threads :confused:

Girls, please, let's stop all this hair pulling and cat-fighting and get back to the subject of the thread itself.

I will not wander off and talk about this thread or that, but will talk about threads in general. If messages get deleted from a thread I feel that the person doing the deleting should at least have the decency to say that they have done so and why, with a good reason for having done so. Also, why make a thread slippy? If it is felt that the thread has gone too far then close it to new posts, again saying why it is felt necesary to do so. If a thread stays at the top it is because people are still posting to it. If you don't want to continue to read it then you don't click on it :hmm: When a thread gets boring it will die a natural death :zzz:

So, please do not delete posts or make them slippy without having the common courtesy to admit to having done so and why :mad:

MadMark!!! :mad:

SASless 20th Apr 2003 06:53

Jacko....that is the most succinct explanation of your views you have made yet. Congratulations. Keep up the good work. Maybe you are not the liberal that I think you are but rather accept the leftist drivel put out by the media without delving into the facts of the matter as well as you should.

Northern Monkey....Puh-leese! Back in your box....dig up something new, different, unique, and entertaining.

Jackonicko 20th Apr 2003 07:33


Yes, maybe so. But then none of us have the time to devote to delving into the background behind every issue, and though I spent the best part of three years studying the modern history of the Middle East at Uni, I recognise that I did no more than scratch the surface. I try to reject both left- and right-wing media drivel, while contributing plenty of drivel of my own.....

If we were both Brits, it would be far easier for you to understand where I come from politically. I could rattle off a handful of names of politicians whose views are close to mine (or even tell you which newspaper I read every day) and voila, you could pigeon hole me beautifully (and quite accurately). But left and right, and liberal, seem to mean very different things in our two countries. Over here, our right wing party dropped economic conservatism back in the 70s, and since then have been radical free market Manchester liberals, while the ostensibly 'left wing' Labour Party have privatised core activities which many Tories saw as being properly the business of the state (like Air Traffic Control).

West Coast 20th Apr 2003 07:51

He does drive on the left side of the road, that's gotta count for something....Commies, the whole lot I tell ya.

Jackonicko 20th Apr 2003 08:19

Yes, but in a right hand drive car. What side's your steering wheel on, ya pinko bastard? ;)

And before you ask, I 'dress' to the left...... :ooh:

Bof 20th Apr 2003 08:54

Now that was a couple of hectic days wasn't it. I found myself glued to the screen waiting to see who was going to come out fighting next!

Without wishing to get emboiled in the original tasteless 'ugly wives' thread, I found the resultant posts of Danny, Jacko, Beagle, SASless, Tom Pierce etc great reading. Surely this is what Pprune is all about. Long may it last. G'night

West Coast 20th Apr 2003 13:05

I make my wife drive so I can sit on the right side....Christ, her driving is going to be the death of me!

mutleyfour 21st Apr 2003 04:58

I'd like to know the following:

When is this site going to be worth visiting more than every couple of days/weeks....I used to pop in daily (when I had the chance) but now...well frankly its turning into a chore.

More often than not there is no discussion as most of you agree or are too sacred to disagree with whatever is posted.

I know that im going to get a kicking from most of you, but this forum is in its death throws.

We need to remember thats its a MILITARY forum and not a girls guide/boys brigade one.

Finally "I dont care anymore!"

:zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

Jackonicko 21st Apr 2003 05:25


Interesting point, but on the one thread where people have been disagreeing with the Mods, why here?

I happen to agree that PPRuNe has lost much of its danger, spark and fun, and that the increasing attentions of the fun police on Mil Aircrew is unwelcome. Yes I know there's a war on, but PPRuNe was never in danger of giving away real secrets, only what some of the more over-cautious might think should have been classified.

T_richard 21st Apr 2003 21:39

:{ :{ :{ PLULEASE Can't We All Just Get Along:p :p :p

Seriously folks, this thread reads like a 20 car pileup on that California highway that's always fogging up. What's it called?

There are more skirmishes taking place at the same time than Baghdad in the final days. Plus, just when you think two guys are going to kill each other deader than a fedadeehen (sp) at a Navy SEALS reunion, they kiss and makeup. Whats up with that?, Real men kill their enemies when they have them on the ground. Kill, Kill, Kill

If the thread is still in evidence it's not censorship.

Unless someone is paying Danny real cash money for access to this forum, it is still his to do with what he wants, full stop. Don't like the rules, start your own forum. Good luck!!

NM consider yourself lucky, your "ugly wives" thread was on life support after page one. Merry Christmas, now go read the collected works of Milton Berle, Richard Prior or somebody and learn timing and delivery. You just aren't funny "mate"

northernmonkey 22nd Apr 2003 00:40

T_richard from a man who considers Richard Prior a funny man I will consider your last post a compliment, thank you.

No-one seems to have grasped Ali Barbers point at all, reread his initial post and then comment.

Danny accused me of having my toys out of the pram, over a bit of post removal etc, never further from the truth, just a case of double standards. If that’s the rules he wants to play by, no problem just say at the outset that 'I as Owner will tamper with, delete, input, make you look an arse at my discretion' then people know that they are playing on an uneven playing field. And post accordingly, bearing in mind that with the above information in mind not many will post their opinions, as they are seemingly worthless.

Iam fully aware that my Ugly wives thread was childish etc etc, but the more people bit, the more I continued, through encouragement from others. Although I assume my inbox has been looked at and the supporters are now on the naughty boy list.

Motley four has made a very valid comment regarding the forum of late.

The site is a credit to Danny and should be cherished and not used as an ego boosting trip as it appears to be. If it continues, maybe the chaps will grow tired and post elsewhere.

saudipc-9 22nd Apr 2003 00:56

You couldn't be more wrong about PPrune not being the place for banter. The Military Aircrew forum in particular should be a place which allows this sort of thing. As an air force pilot I love banter. It is what made the job fun and I forged many friendships because of it. Hell, one female pilot once called me the most childish man in NATO. It doesn't matter which country you fly for either. Exercises and cross countries to other bases were always enjoyable, as was teasing the exchange officer. This forum can be (serious threads aside) an extension of that banter. If you don't like it then leave. This form is called "Military Aircrew" not "non-military aircrew" telling us how to behave!!
I'll share a pint with you any day and we can discuss our tasteless humor and lack of wit. Funny, always had a laugh at the Sqn.:E

T_richard 22nd Apr 2003 01:06


ahhhhhhhhhh.. okay this must be a language barrier thing,

#1 Richard Prior at his prime was the master of cutting edge wit. He dragged out all the preconceived notions about race and racism into the light of the comic stage where they were laughed at until they were irrelevant, (okay, almost irrelevant). I know British and American humor are at opposite ends of the bipolar world, I still don't think Monty Python is funny, but I get it. Try harder NM.

#2 What the hell does "toys out of the pram" mean? Yes I know what a pram is, I'm American, not a bloody French twit, but in that context NM makes little or no sense.

NM I am not acting as an apologist for Danny, wouldn't know him if I had him in the front sight of my Sig Sauer. I will however challenge any sensationalistic remarks that radically distort the truth. .
.................."If thats the rules he wants to play by, no problem just say at the outset that 'I as Owner will tamper with, delete, input, make you look an arse at my discretion' then people know that they are playing on an eneven playing field. And post accordingly, bearing in mind that with the above information in mind not many will post thier opinions, as they are semingly worthless."............

The above is a gross misstatement of the reality of this Forum besides being riddled with spelling errors. I am not a frequent poster to these threads, but I read alot of other's posts. I have never seen any evidence of a grossly "uneven playing field" as you put it.

Finally, I am happy that you feel complimented, no matter how misplaced the compliment maybe, better to light one man's day than to rain on the world. or something like that..........


northernmonkey 22nd Apr 2003 01:16

T richard
T richard
You have won the 'Most inane piffle in one thread' award

What genuinely does concern me is that a blood clot such as yourself is in possession of a firearm....... Tell us are you or have you been in the Military?

As for distortion of Posts, on this very thread, a rendition aproximating my girlfriend was placed on here by someone other than me, Spongycrabsix had a go at me.....blatantly obvious even to your good self, apologies for any spelling mistakes, its the bank holiday and the Chablis has been flowing since lunchtime

In reality you don't even warrant a reply for saying that you find Monty Python unfunny

Now then where is that wannabe intellectual sidekick of yours, Sasless

Saudipc-9 anytime mate, but its your round:D

T_richard 22nd Apr 2003 01:34


..."piffle" is that some form of soggy British cuisine? Ahh.. talk about your oxymorons
Somehow I knew you'd take umbridge at my Monty Python comment. In years long gone all of my British friends, including one of my college roomates had tried to explain the inanity of Monty to me. Sorry, I just don't get it. I can't speak to the vandalism of your profile etc, I tend to keep my hands to myself, safer that way.

Congratulations on the bank holiday, wish I were sitting beside you so we could slag and drink face to face. I am toiling away here in the New World.

I have not spoken to that intellectual giant SASless today, probably better for you that he is otherwise occupied.:p

northernmonkey 22nd Apr 2003 01:45

Better for me, good God, spare me the turmoil of an afternoon on the recieving end of his dullness.

When I was in Nam..........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
:D :D

Saying you don't like Monty Python is almost treason....behave and repent......watch live at the Hollywood Bowl, the Holy Grail and Life of Brian until you laugh out loud

T_richard 22nd Apr 2003 01:53

Ahh NM its only treason if you are British,:8 :8 , put the wine bottle down, you've had enough, I'm on the other side of the pond. If I saw one more knight fighting with one arm cut off I was going to fall asleep myself. God, for a country with such great literature to have created the sleeping pill of 20th century humor, Je ne comprend pas.

Now don't go calling anyone else dull, when you spend three pages of a thread explaining why you have a god-given right to call some woman ugly. Who needs a life more than you;)

northernmonkey 22nd Apr 2003 01:57

I am aware, and am extremely thankful that you are on the other side of the pond. In your land with so little literature and history.

I wasn't explaining, I was taunting them for being such horrors, it was you bunch of wet pants that bit and made the thread drag on.

Ill be the judge of whether I've had enough, although you are probably right, as I'm beginning to like you:D

And SASless is witless, and very very dull

Vizsla 22nd Apr 2003 02:05

Handbags at dawn or it will end in tears !

T_richard 22nd Apr 2003 02:05

Oh and another thing, over here we learn to shoot before we go into the military. Most of the military types who win trophies at Camp Perry are like me, born with a rifle in their hand. The military is just there to let us play with the really cool toys like SAWs and MP-5s:ok:

The limits on our history mean we didn't have some inbred king killing off his wife every time he changed his socks. And if the truth be know, except for the Bard; Shakespere to the uninformed, most of your best literatury heroes are Irish.

Thank you for the kind word:=

northernmonkey 22nd Apr 2003 02:13

And when you look back through your history books and geography books where was Ireland?:D :D

Forgive me but was it not once Part of the British Isles.

Now then you silly American go away or I will Taunt you a second time.

Oh and shooting....when did the USA last win an olympic medal for precision shooting?

T_richard 22nd Apr 2003 03:11

I think when we set the world record for a recorded kill by sniper rifle, one Carlos Hathcock, G Sgt. USMC single shot ,in Vietnam, . And there is Nancy Johnson Gold medal, 10M air rifle, 2000. Laura Meili Gold, 50 M standard rifle 3 position, 1992, Kim Rhode, Dble trap, gold, 1996, Josh Lakatos, trap, silver, 1996, Lance Bade, treap, bronze, 1996 finally as near as I can tell William Demarest of the USA holds the World record in 50 M pistol established in Milano, ITA on 4/06/00. Not much evidence of Brits except for Mr. Cooper in the 80's, lots of Eastern Euros though

On another note, I thought the Irish didn't care to be lumped in with the Brits

CaptainFillosan 22nd Apr 2003 03:22

Oh dear! An own goal. Been a fair few of those in the past week or so! Ah well nobody's perfect. :O

tony draper 22nd Apr 2003 03:52

I think the record for long distance kill with sniper rifle was shattered by a Canadian team in Afghanistan recently.
Can't remember the distance involved offhand, but it was pretty spectacular.

northernmonkey 22nd Apr 2003 04:25

No own goal, note I said precision and not trap, narrows it down a little, can't really expect GB to perform on the pistol side considering it is illegal to own one here. I will have to give you the airgun medal by default, suppose youll be claiming the BB gun challenge medal next.

The 50m free pistol record has been beaten, in Feb of this Year by a New zealander at the Scandacup in Finland

Out of interest what sort of Free Pistol was Demarest Using?:rolleyes:

The point I was making was for a nation of gun owners they don't seem to excell at the game.

T_richard 22nd Apr 2003 04:35

Narro Smarrow, still no British names there.

Now now NM don't laugh at the air rifle medals, I bet you wouldn't talk so tough if Ms johnson were stand in the neighborhood with a 30.06 in her hands. The skills are easily transferable you know. God I'd pay to see that show, NM jumping around while Nancy shoots the heels off his shoes.

Don't know anything about Mr. Demarest's pistol. You wouldn't believe the places I had to look to find that info.

I think Mr. Draper is right about the Canadians in Afghanistan though.


northernmonkey 22nd Apr 2003 04:42

His pistol was a British made Alan Westlake Engineering Brittarms :D :D

And his rapid fire pistol was a Pardini Fiocchi, Italian .22

You are right about the marksmanship principle being easily transferred to cater for a lager calibre weapon, but she would miss, she is a woman and a yank:D :D

T_richard 22nd Apr 2003 04:52

I think its time to kill this thread and start a new one.

............Title The USMC rifleman is the finest marksman in the world. Debate:=

NM you snuck that last part in, a true butthead:p

I have passed on your cv to Nancy, all she had to say was "click". Good luck brother:ok:

northernmonkey 22nd Apr 2003 04:59

Mm yes the world s shortest thread along with great Italian War heroes and Great welsh recipes:D

Never snuck anything in:rolleyes:

Ref you marksmen woman, the reason her message was click was because the dumb broad forgot to chamber a round:D

ORAC 22nd Apr 2003 05:00

Olympic Medalists in Shooting

T_richard 22nd Apr 2003 05:11

Thanks ORAC,

I visited multiple sights just to get the little I had, Google failed me or more likely, garbage in, garbage out.

Brother, you live dangerously, the click was Nancy dry fireing a Remmington 700 before she packs it up for a trip to your house, I have to admit I laughed even though I knew it was coming.

Jackonicko 22nd Apr 2003 05:15

For someone from Rhode Island to seriously criticise British cuisine, culture or comedy is the height of absurdity. There is great US cuisine (from the Southwest, where Mexican influence is strongest). There is great US art, and great US comedy, too, and in such subjective areas it's simply silly to get into an inane pissing or penis-measuring contest.

Is your obsession with guns an indicator that you wouldn't do too well in the latter, TR? ;)

T_richard 22nd Apr 2003 05:36

Ouch Jacko

Get up on the wrong side of the mattress today? Apparently you haven't visited the smallest state in the Union. We are home to Johnson and Wales University, arguably one of the finest culinary schools in the country, we probably have more top flight restaurants per capita than any state in the union. having immediate access to Italian;Nothern and Southern, Portugese, (largest concentration of Portugese population in N. America), Thai and of course traditional American cuisine, I think it is fair to say I have a firm foundation upon which to disparage English food; if you want to call it food.

As for comedy, I was directing my remarks at NM's brand of comedy, I freely admit I don't get MP et all, obviously someone does cuz they are very popular. The rest was all handgrenades lobbed at NM for fun and sport. Try not to take yourself any more seriously than you already do, you'll live longer

I obsess about my children, I just like guns

tony draper 22nd Apr 2003 05:46

Hey you chaps seem to know about these things, how much is a Feinwerkbau 300s in mint condition and fitted leather case worth?.

Had one hanging on me wall for the last fifteen years or so.

northernmonkey 22nd Apr 2003 05:53

a very good Air rifle in its day, world class.

Used to be about £350 back 20 yrs ago............. stick it in loot for £180 it should go

Jackonicko 22nd Apr 2003 06:14

Thanks for the health tip, TR.

Learn to accept your inadequacies, don't resent the fact that you weren't lucky enough to be born a Brit, and lay off the 'traditional American McCuisine' and you might live longer, too.

If you don't suffer an unfortunate shooting accident.....

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