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Wycombe 7th Apr 2003 04:20

.....some other bint on Sky just stated that it might be able to transport a payload of 45000 tonnes!!

Not even a C17 can do that ;)

Tigs2 7th Apr 2003 06:30

Not Good!

In the bid to get that extra special shot the media are going a long way to destroy the coilitions attempts to win hearts and minds. CNN have just showed a clip of US marines bursting through the gate of a house to conduct a clearance. In the house were a family eating their evening meal. The shots of marines covering the family in the garden with the mother and young girl in bits, while they all (including two boys aged about 2 and three) are on the grass with their hands above their heads. They wont have persuaded this lot its a liberation. Theyve probably just created anther few Brit/US haters. Al Jazeera will love to show that clip.

A sad bit of film.

Man-on-the-fence 7th Apr 2003 16:21

Radio 5 this morning.

Nicky (I'm out of my depth) Campbell to US Army chappie about the latest state of play in Baghdad

"So what are your future plans then"


SOMAT 7th Apr 2003 18:08

BBC Reporting
A social, and reliable, acquaintance who is employed in the news department of the BBC tells me that the BBC Head of News, Richard Sambrook, has been cracking the whip with his correspondents and urging them to ensure:

"that in making reports on the War, care for the views and feelings of the large number of Arab/Muslim listeners throughout the world and those of the majority (sic) of the British population who are against the War must be the primary consideration"

So now we know. I can only conclude therefore that the BBC's consideration for the 'views and feelings' of their own (British) troops, some of whom are fighting for their lives, and those of their families and friends, comes somewhat down the pecking order. God save us!

I also understand that the BBC Arabic service is even more dismissive of Coalition claims than is even the notorious Al Jezeera; this lack of balance has been the subject of adverse reports in the British press with the BBC being described as the 'Baghdad' Broadcasting Corporation. The joke being that if Iraqi TV does go off the air there is always the BBC; given this eventuality, there is however no truth in the rumour that the BBC has waved a lucrative contract in the face of the current Iraqi Minister for Information whom they describe as 'quite a performer' with 'star potential' and 'glowing integrity'.

The BBC has some excellent reporters (John Simpson etc) but, ultimately, the Boss must be obeyed. I suppose also that were I reporting from Baghdad - a la Raghe Omaar - I might also incline towards bias if I had a threathening Iraqi pistol in close proximity to my jacksy.

BlueWolf 7th Apr 2003 18:54

It conjures up quite an exciting vision that does, the idea of two Hercules helicopters carrying the USS Nimitz between them....:O :O

Archimedes 7th Apr 2003 19:19

"that in making reports on the War, care for the views and feelings of the large number of Arab/Muslim listeners throughout the world and those of the majority (sic) of the British population who are against the War must be the primary consideration"

Er - so the BBC's claims that their main aims are

1) Truth
2) Objectivity

Are, in fact (and as we've always suspected) a load of rubbish?

It also demonstrates that it's about time the first 'B' was removed from the Corporation's title, since it would appear that the organisation is more concerned with representing various other groups ahead of the majority of the British public...

tony draper 7th Apr 2003 19:41

I second that Archimedes, Like most people I dislike paying bills, but I really really resent paying 120 quid a year to that bloody luvvie organisation.

Ozzy 7th Apr 2003 21:53

Over here, National Public Radio (NPR) is broadcasting the BBC World Service radio as air filler. I am astounded at the pro-enemy stance that the effing reporters and anchors are taking. They question every announcement the coalition forces make - but take everything the enemy says as effing gospel.

Actually to give the BBC its due, they did seem to find that wassock the Iraqi Information Minister a tad untruthful when he said the US was not in Baghdad and that the Iraqis had retaken the airport and "slit the throats of the invaders" - to quote the reporter: "...if he [said wassock] had turned his head 90 degrees he would have seen four Bradlee fighting vehicles half a kilometer down the road" - wonderful, what effing planet is that minister on??

But I digress, I think. The effing reporter that takes the effing biscuit is Judith bloody Swallow (does she???). She's based in Amman and is single handedly running the Iraqi propaganda effort within the BBC world service. What an arrogant [person] {insert appropriate noun here}, what a holier than thou attitude, what a dipstick. Every time I hear her whining voice I know I'm in for some more disinformation...


moggie 7th Apr 2003 22:36

Now, I watch BBC world - not the usual UK coverage - and I have been generally impressed with the level of coverage. John Simpson seems to have his head screwed on - little or no bull, just the facts, and poor old Rageeh Omaar is doing very well considering where he is and who is monitoring his broadcasts (better to have a report that we all know is a bit skewed than to have no-one there, a la CNN).

The anchor people don't seem to be as obsessed by hearing their own voices as the loons on SKY, and we are spared Francis Tosser bouncing up and down on his stool having little orgasms as he draws pictures with his electronic pencil. Love to see him in downtown Baghdad!

I also see CNN and they are obviously rather aimed at the domestic market and it shows in their coverage.

As for Iraqi MOI and Al Jareera - is it not better to show these things on the BBC, have the anchors and guests analyse them and leave us to make up our own minds? Ultimately, I believe that both the Iraqis and the Coallition are spinning their briefings (less so the coallition, of course) and having both sides available allows us to decide for ourselves. There have been instances of allied briefings being less than 100% truthful, so we do need both points of view.

Ozzy 7th Apr 2003 22:57

John Simpson rocks, man. I was especially moved by his description of the "friendly fire" (btw, how can 'fire' be anything but UNfriendly) incident where his translator died as they worked on him.

Another reporter, James Adams, covering the Pentagon wrote an open letter to his BBC bosses after they changed the report he filed to be more to their liking. I recall he was ape **** about this - he had described the Feeyadeen (sp?) as terrorists in his report and the BBC changed that to guerilla.

So I agree we need fair and balanced reporting, but that's not what the Beeb is dishing up methinks.


newshound 8th Apr 2003 03:42

from a pooled newspaper article written by Martin Bentham in Basra, obviously dictated over a very poor-quality phoneline:

'...the First Italian Irish Guards...'


'...the Royal Scots Tribune Guards...' (this was repeated 4 times!)

moggie 8th Apr 2003 04:02

Nick Gowing on BBC World news, dscribing the arrival of Dubya at Aldergrove.

"...many people will not know that this is RAF Aldegrove as well as a civilian airport, where for years the Royal Army Air Corps has operated it's helicopters, including Gazelles and Chinooks, in support of counter terrorism operations..........."

Two gaffes in one sentence - good work!

Bring back the RFC - so much nicer than this RAAC!

Prof Denzil Dexter 8th Apr 2003 06:38

I rate the Iraqi Information Minister, whatever his name may be. How he manages to keep a straight face through all of his 'News Briefings' I really dont know. I hear the 3 main UK political parties are looking to employ him as Chief of Spin once the conflict is over.

Crótalo 8th Apr 2003 06:40

Another reference to the C-130 which landed at Baghdad described the aircraft as a GIANT transport aircraft. While I admire the capabilities of the C-130, I hardly think it qualifies as a giant!

G.Khan 8th Apr 2003 09:21

It has for ever been thus. The BBC, even at the height of the IRA's murderous activities, would only ever call them 'guerrillas' rather than what they really were, cold blooded terrorists.

MightyGem 8th Apr 2003 09:55

This was posted in the A 10 topic by Naffi Van Driver. Thought it deserved a view in here.

Experts with newscaster on CNN 24th March.

3 yank experts including a former 2-star general from delta force, 1 ex SAS and the network's anchor.

Footage of iraqis giving themselves up.

anchor: We have no verification as of yet if they are british or
american troops taking these POW's

yank 1: Only americans wear boots like that, they're american

yank 2: I agree, and they appear to have american camouflage jackets.

yank 3 (delta force bloke): I'm not so sure, there's not enough
up-close detail to tell 100%, we'd need some close images to tell make of boots and jackets and maybe the shape of their kevlar headgear.

Ex SAS man: Call yourselves experts? Since when did US forces use an SA80 as a standard issue rifle? Their DPM's can be bought, as can the boots so you're chasing rainbows if you want to identify them from their clothes.

anchor: I think you're right.

Ex SAS man: Course I'm bloody right. Any one with half a brain and basic military training worth their salt should be able to identify a British soldier by his rifle. Not to mention the fact they're covering all points properly, not shouting "woo yeah" randomly, and haven't raised a flag in direct contravention with orders.

At this point 1 of the yanks walks off stage tearing his mic off, and the anchor says "I think we can safely say the soldiers on your screen are British. Now for these messages".

Fade to ad break!

RRAAMJET 8th Apr 2003 11:01

MSNBC managed the kind of Forces consolidation that the halls of power have been dreaming of for years...

This morning, AM Burridge gave a briefing at CENTCOM; his rank was given in the subtitles as "Major", and for further clarification the subtitles continued " Cmdr British Forces air marshall"; thus he is commissioned in all 3 services simultaneously, or NBC were covering their @rses as to which branch of our quaint little military he emerged from.

"y'all got funky ranks, huh?";)

MadsDad 8th Apr 2003 14:33

Interview with Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf (Iraqi Information Minister) on hotel roof, shown on last nights bulletins:-

Info. Minister:- 'Our gallant troops have totally destroyed the invading American forces and driven them out of the city'.
Reporter, pointing:- 'But if you just look over your right shoulder minister, aren't those American tanks there'.

(Bradleys actually, but forgiveable in the circumstances).

OutsideLookingIn 8th Apr 2003 20:50

Further to the perceived bias of Aunty.....

Received from PA Newswire at 09:53:05 on 08 April 2003
The following is a pooled despatch from Richard Hargreaves, of The News,
Portsmouth, on board HMS Ark Royal.

Military leaders have axed the BBC from the nation's flagship amid claims of
pro-Iraqi bias.

The Navy has switched off rolling news show News 24 aboard HMS Ark Royal after
weeks of grumbling from crew.

Sailors on the Portsmouth-based aircraft carrier have become increasingly
disenchanted with the BBC's slant on the war.

Ark is one of a handful of task force ships which receives live TV direct from

Rolling news plus two entertainment channels are beamed into the warship as
part of the Navy's efforts to improve creature comforts.

Sailors appreciate being more in touch with home and world events, but
officers and ratings alike are angry at the Beeb's coverage of the war to date.

A BBC correspondent has been on board the flagship - crew have no gripe with
his reports, but they were particularly incensed by comments presenters and
commentators made about the carrier's Sea King tragedy a fortnight ago, when the
BBC suggested poor levels of maintenance played a hand in the deaths of seven

Sailors also believe the news organisation places more faith in Iraqi reports
than information coming from British or Allied sources.

"The BBC always takes the Iraqis' side,'' one senior rating complained.

"It reports what they say as gospel but when it comes to us it questions and
doubts everything the British and Americans are reporting. A lot of people on
board are very unhappy.''

Ark switched off News 24 on Sunday, replacing it with rival Sky News.

Lukeafb1 8th Apr 2003 21:09

Classic on BBC News at Six last night.

Reporter at Belfast airport awaiting the arrival of Air Force One. Runway in background.

Studio Based Anchor (excitedly): "And is that Air Force One, I can see just landed?"

Reporter (hesitates whilst he checks over his shoulder): Er, no Malcolm (or whoever), that's the Aer Lingus flight from Heathrow".

Silence from studio.

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