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RAFEngO74to09 6th Dec 2016 13:03

US Air Force One Replacement - President-Elect Trump's View
Tweet: "Boeing is building a brand new 747 Air Force One for future presidents, but costs are out of control, more than $4 billion. Cancel order!"


Lonewolf_50 6th Dec 2016 13:54

He's not the president yet, we'll see how this pans out. Interesting point.

Parson 6th Dec 2016 13:56

I believe they are actually building three......

GlobalNav 6th Dec 2016 15:02

The 1st time I ever agreed with him
I don't want us to buy this guy a new airplane either. Put the two old VC25s we have in a museum and let him walk. Or maybe he can Tweet his way around the world.

Lonewolf_50 6th Dec 2016 15:08


When he's the President, he gets to be treated like the President whether you like him or not. This is the same as when Mr Obama was president: it is the office, not the individual, that this special aircraft is intended to serve/transport/support.

GlobalNav 6th Dec 2016 15:34

Thanks for the civics lesson.

Mr (President-Elect) Trump used that most respected form of communication known to our modern world (Twitter) to inform us of another a knee-jerk reaction, this time concerning the Air Force One program. So I dutifully salute the office (elect) and say let him cancel it and let the man walk. Why waste a few billion tax dollars on him unnecessarily?

TheWestCoast 6th Dec 2016 15:35

Maybe he would prefer that the Chinese build a cheaper knock-off copy instead?

GlobalNav 6th Dec 2016 15:44

I wouldn't mind if he had one of those persuasive chats with the big B about sending all those jobs to Shanghai.

Lonewolf_50 6th Dec 2016 15:56

Originally Posted by GlobalNav (Post 9600800)
So I dutifully salute the office (elect) and say let him cancel it and let the man walk. Why waste a few billion tax dollars on him unnecessarily?

Because the next president(s) after him will need it to. Getting replacement AF-1's takes that mission's capability into the next few decades.
I concur with your distaste regarding Twitter.
I concur with the issue of the jobs. Will be interesting to see if his walk matches his talk.

GlobalNav 6th Dec 2016 16:23

To be serious for a moment, the office does need a safe and secure mode of transportation such as the VC-25 has provided and obsolescence is intolerable.

That the president-elect seems to regularly shoot from the hip ("ready-shoot-aim") is likely to result in some missing toes (i.e., costly interruptions).

In the meantime, there are long-legged Gulfstreams, also dedicated to presidential travel. But the staff and press will need to follow in another aircraft. He could still Tweet and stay in touch.

rotornut 6th Dec 2016 16:34

Trump wants to cancel Air Force One order
Trump says Air Force One Boeing order should be cancelled - BBC News

Simplythebeast 6th Dec 2016 16:42

Nowt to lose. He gets to use it until his term finishes, leaving his successor with nothing.

Consol 6th Dec 2016 16:50

Normal procedure is the outgoing Prez orders it to avoid embarrassing the new comer I suppose. If true this may mean the closure of the 748 line.

Two's in 6th Dec 2016 16:57

Perhaps if the great man took the time to understand that the mission was more involved than moving his latest squeeze between fashion shows, he might begin to understand how it costs as much as it does. I know through life costs, amortization, obsolescence, EMP hardening etc are very, very tedious subjects for such a great, great man, but he might want to ask somebody on Fox news or even twitter, whether these things are important or not for the subsequent Commanders-in-Chief over the next 30 years.

ACW367 6th Dec 2016 17:08

Interesting article here analyzing his 'chaos theory' Donald Trump presidency: Boeing and his chaos theory - BBC News - it is amazing how 140 characters can send a major corporations stock price falling 1%

Anthony96 6th Dec 2016 17:08

Omg why? he's so retarded

GlobalNav 6th Dec 2016 17:14

Amazing? Or is it the age old phenomena that it's easier to tear something down than to build it up. Or the other one, it's easier to say you will do something than to actually do it.

TacomaSailor 6th Dec 2016 17:20

It is hard to understand what that $4B number means in his thought process. Flight Global reports that the DoD has contracted for $127M for specification research and Boeing says the contract is $170M for "unique capabilities" definitions. It sounds like those two numbers are for the same research.

The DoD says the current estimate $1.65B is for TWO new Air Force One planes.

How Trump got to $4B is puzzling.

West Coast 6th Dec 2016 17:25

Perhaps if the great man took the time to understand that the mission
TI, were you quick to criticize President Obama when he complained about the costs associated with the new Marine 1 helicopter?

atakacs 6th Dec 2016 17:40

Indeed I don't say any (publicly available) material quoting those 4bn...

It might or might not be an expansive price tag... All depends what is delivered against it.

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