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MACH2NUMBER 31st Aug 2016 19:30

Was that the Ozy lad on 5 who often won the social hand grenade award?

O-P 1st Sep 2016 01:26


That Guy got every anti-social award in the known to man. The Sqn sighed a collective thank f@#K when he left...His RAAF replacement was an utter star...only none could pronounce his name... Heard he went far in the RAAF.

gopher01 2nd Sep 2016 05:12

As one who wore a Tash throughout 30 years in Her Majesty's RAF I had at various times some interesting discussions about the styles of moustache that could be worn as the regs only quote a minimum, i.e., the entire upper lip must be unshaven, presumably to head off any A...F H....R styles, therefore leading to some discussion at times on the maximum lenghth involved. I do have some photos of my upper lip in the 60s in Cyprus in the popular Viva Zapata style, with a good tan very Mexican, this at the time was kept by explaining that it was an inverted handlebar moustache, and I got away with it for a while, I was on the M.U. which was a world of its on!
Whilst on the Herc as a G.E. we had a captain who had a full set for medical reasons, seems he had no problem with it and oxygen masks, mind you the only time Herc crew wore oxy masks was for a quick puff in the morning to get the brain back on speed!

gerry smith 8th Sep 2016 11:06

A well known Flt.Lt. at Leuchars, in the 50s said, "Why cultivate it on your upper lip, when it grows wild in your afterburner?" ( We didn't have afterburners then of course) Gerry Smith

NutLoose 8th Sep 2016 14:30

Beags, I think we went one better. After weeks of complaints about our grass, and threats from a civilian to report us, we returned from the Gulf. I cut our grass with the loudest thing I could find, then sprayed their grass with Round-Up.
Departing Halton everyone got up to jolly japes and usually ended up paying for them, to get around this we managed to acquire a sizeable amount of waste AVTUR and carefully spelling out the Dicip's name, inscribed the lawn outside his office with XXXXX is a cnut, true to form over a week or so after we had departed the grass died back to be read by all and sundry from the surrounding blocks and the said unimpressed individual, who found after re turfing it still showed up :) I have a picture sent from the upper floor of the block somewhere.

PersonFromPorlock 8th Sep 2016 21:13

As a former USAF officer, I remember with no pleasure at all the period after the Vietnam war when the only standards USAF (or at least SAC) seemed to have were haircuts and shoeshines; the mission was let go to hell. So I am inclined to be in sympathy with someone who gives them a bit of a fight on appearances.

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