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TheWizard 21st Jul 2015 21:46

Originally Posted by The Oberon (Post 9052618)
I have mentioned this before but not the time and place but seeing as the display envelope seems to be changing it may be worth another mention. Six weeks ago 558 was practicing at Scampton, at the end of the routine it flew fast down the runway from the A15 end before climbing out over the viewpoint. The climb out was at 70 - 75 degs. and before top of climb it flew a half roll and then levelled out inverted, another half role was carried out before it flew off the right way up. For once I was dumbstruck, I was involved with the Vulcan fleet from 1968 - 1980 and have seen lots of displays but nothing came close to the manoeuvre that I saw 6 weeks ago, and yes, I do know the difference between a half role and a wing over.

But not the difference between 'role' and 'roll' though!! :}

TheWizard 21st Jul 2015 21:49

Originally Posted by Valiantone (Post 9052667)
A slightly better video if only spoiled by the commentator



RedhillPhil 21st Jul 2015 22:03

I reckon that this ones the best "howling" video.


Jackw106 22nd Jul 2015 07:36

The best I could achieve from my location in the crowd

RIAT part 3 XH558


bluetail 22nd Jul 2015 12:37

The pilot of the Saturday display was called to the RIAT FCC to explain himself after he landed, I gather the conversation lasted more than the cursory 5 minutes and facts of life were clearly explained to him. He wasn't the pilot on Sunday.

I was on north side of FFD at the time and the aircraft clearly looked to sideslip down after it did its manoeuvre. I wasn't sure if this was an optical illusion or similar, brighter people than me have since indicated it was not an optical illusion.

airsound 22nd Jul 2015 12:48


The pilot of the Saturday display was called to the RIAT FCC to explain himself after he landed, I gather the conversation lasted more than the cursory 5 minutes and facts of life were clearly explained to him. He wasn't the pilot on Sunday.
As you'll see if you read my post #31 20 july 1402, on the previous page, that was not the case.

The pilot was not called to the FCC. He went of his own accord, after a conversation with another pilot, a Display Authorisation Evaluator. The FCC found that no rule had been broken.

He wasn't due to be the 'pilot flying' on Sunday.

I can't speak to what you saw from the North side.


bluetail 22nd Jul 2015 13:19


"As you'll see if you read my post #31 20 july 1402, on the previous page, that was not the case.

The pilot was not called to the FCC. He went of his own accord, after a conversation with another pilot, a Display Authorisation Evaluator. The FCC found that no rule had been broken."

I missed your post #31, so thanks for the correction, but I must admit I did give out a pretty excited and loud "F@&k Me when he did it.

airsound 22nd Jul 2015 13:29

I don't think you were alone there, bluetail!


Jackw106 23rd Jul 2015 07:11

I thought you couldn't improve on the Reds flying display having seen it for a few years now,
what about this year


AndoniP 23rd Jul 2015 09:20

I'm not a professional pilot by any means, and I was impressed at the spirited departure and wingover later on in the display.

I have a question though - on take off the pilot does a 180 degree right hand turn. At 90 degrees to the runway it looks like the Vulcan isn't climbing too fast and there is a load of side slip (?). Is this a manoeuvre where the aircraft is stable and climbing or is the pilot just trying to maintain a stable attitude and turn and once he levels out brings the gear up and continues with the display?

AndoniP 23rd Jul 2015 09:24

And here's a real treat - a gopro view of the inside of the Vulcan whilst flying with the Reds

pontifex 23rd Jul 2015 09:49

He wasn't actually doing a half roll - just overbanking!

AndoniP 23rd Jul 2015 10:06

I thought that teardrop turn (or whatever it's called) was an established bomb-tossing technique used in the 60s?

Momoe 23rd Jul 2015 10:19

Glad that the Vulcan didn't go tech, the display was absolutely superb, having watched Vulcans display over the years. they haven't all been as spirited.

Now that airframe fatigue isn't the issue it was, it's just good to see a fine example of aeronatical engineering being displayed by some very good pilots.

A swansong befitting such an iconic aircraft, disregarding the controversial financing of XH558, I for one will find myself in dusty environs when she lands for the last time.

airsound 23rd Jul 2015 10:32


Glad that the Vulcan didn't go tech,
Touching wood for this year, of course, but she didn't miss a single show last year for tech reasons - just two for wx. Crew chief Taff Stone, and his merry band of six men and one woman do an absolutely brilliant job.

And I know the pilots will be very happy with your kind remarks about them.


wub 23rd Jul 2015 13:44

Love the Red 11 helmet in the video!

Mmmmnice 31st Jul 2015 23:25

When I was small I seem to recall seeing a Vulcan barrel rolling with the bomb doors open at RAF Wethersfield! Years later I'd lie in the approach lights at Waddo (after a night out in Lincoln) watching them night flying; and more recently watched Dave Thomas doing one of his last displays for the CFS Assoc at Scampton. It's a shame that given all the money the Govt wastes on other things it can't find a little to keep this outstanding a/c flying? I'll be down in Bournemouth to see one fo the final (ever) displays........

chopper2004 1st Aug 2015 00:49

My Vulcan photos from RIAT 2015
From my photos on the sat, in a nice chalet garden















tartare 1st Aug 2015 01:14

Overbank schmoverbank.
Roly Falk would have been proud of the man.
The only jet bomber that can be chucked around like a jet fighter... to my knowledge.

Lyneham Lad 1st Aug 2015 14:47

Originally Posted by chopper2004 (Post 9065696)
From my photos on the sat, in a nice chalet garden

Excellent - thanks for posting :)
(Ex-Scampton linie '64-'66)

Pontius Navigator 1st Aug 2015 17:37

Pontiflex, been there, had that done to me.

Andonip, the Vulcan only ever made attacks wings level though it did have one attack when climbing at about 8,000 ft per minute. The Canberra and Buccanner and indeed the B47 practised LABS, but not the Vulcan.

See a LABS video here:

methley 7th Aug 2015 14:07

Just one last photo from the Saturday....


Chainkicker 19th Aug 2015 12:56

Just heard on the local radio, will now be displaying on Saturday (22nd Aug) at the Dawlish Air Show.

Gsxr600 20th Aug 2015 07:45

The only jet bomber that can be chucked around like a jet fighter... to my knowledge.

I've seen the B1 Lancer rolled many years ago at Mildenhall but sadly the B1 displays these days (which are rare even in the US) are very tame.

Pontius Navigator 20th Aug 2015 09:00

Further to my post above, there are lots of YouTube video of B47 manoeuvres including barrel rolls, labs and Immerman turns with up to 3g.

I was surprised how similar in size it was to a Vulcan albeit lighter and a greater fuel load. Speed and ceiling were not as good though but over 1700 built must have been good

JointShiteFighter 20th Aug 2015 20:37

Every weather forecast for Bournemouth (23rd) cites it's pissing it down with poor visibility. Terrible conditions for VFR. :(


JointShiteFighter 20th Aug 2015 20:48

Chopper2004, those images brought a tear to my eye. Thank you for sharing.

Bolleaux to Rolls Royce.

GeeRam 21st Aug 2015 10:19

Originally Posted by Joint****eFighter
Every weather forecast for Bournemouth (23rd) cites it's pissing it down with poor visibility. Terrible conditions for VFR.

Yup, weather looking good for Saturday on south coast, so I wonder how many people might give Bournemouth a miss on Sunday and head to Shoreham on Saturday instead - if their primary aim is to see the Vulcan for perhaps the last time.

Bournemouth may well have shot themselves in the foot by refusing to book '558 for the Saturday as well, when Shoreham added her for Saturday.

JointShiteFighter 21st Aug 2015 10:30

The Bournemouth organisers are crazy for not booking the aircraft for both days. They will have lost a lot of visitors on Sunday, myself included.

I shan't be going to Shoreham but I will be going to either Old Sarum or Goodwood (location depends on the weather at each venue) to give the old girl a final salute. I'd prefer Old Sarum as I'd like to see the Great War Display Team. I don't usually like to watch other people fly (I'd rather fly myself!) but I'll make an exception for those two.

Here's some nostalgia from Waddo, I nicked this from FB:


GeeRam 21st Aug 2015 10:58

Originally Posted by Joint****eFighter
I shan't be going to Shoreham but I will be going to either Old Sarum or Goodwood (location depends on the weather at each venue) to give the old girl a final salute.

Goodwood Revival for Saturday/Sunday sold out quite a while ago, so unless you have some very good contacts to gain entry, or intend watching from some distance away.......Old Sarum might be the better bet, regardless of weather.

NutLoose 21st Aug 2015 11:08

For those in the Midlands area, She is booked for The Victory Show on Sunday the 5th of September just outside Leicester, it's one of her last shows, if you have not been to this sleeper of a show it is an excellent day out, they have re-enactors galore, the strip is grass and very close to the crowd line, additionally to the smallish airshow (but quality) they have a staged battle in the arena that has in the past covered a couple of fields, you can also wander around trench emplacements and chat to the re-enactors..... I shouldn't hype it up lol as I don't want to queue for a long time, but for those interested see


A couple of examples of what you will see, taken by me :)






oohh and better not forget


Methley, love the photo and welcome to the forums :)


GeeRam 21st Aug 2015 11:08

Quality '558 photo
The guy who took this the other week from up on Beachy Head publically posted this on another forum....one of the best shots I've seen of '558 in a long while :D


JointShiteFighter 21st Aug 2015 11:24

Great shot!

The only problem is the Typhoon in its BoB livery won't be making an appearance at Old Sarum. It'll be doing Southend, instead. I wanted to photograph that one livery as its unique and I doubt it'll last for long after this season concludes.

Fluffy Bunny 21st Aug 2015 11:39

Aaaah Nutty. A pic of Johnny Oddball. IRL a bloody good chap and always willing to stand at the bar for a natter and a couple of pints!

GeeRam 21st Aug 2015 12:07

Originally Posted by Joint****eFighter
Great shot!

The only problem is the Typhoon in its BoB livery won't be making an appearance at Old Sarum.

Typhoon is booked for Shoreham but on the Sunday only....and the weather isn't looking too good for that, well not between midday and mid-afternoon at any rate.

mike24652 21st Aug 2015 15:40

Vulcan video
I was over in the UK a couple of summers ago and took this video:


Brings back a lot of memories from my days in Wadddington, my first posting!!

NutLoose 21st Aug 2015 18:33

GeeRam, the film to that photo


Possible bird strike at about 330?

Pontius Navigator 21st Aug 2015 20:59

Nutty, you could be right.

JointShiteFighter 23rd Aug 2015 18:00

GeeRam, this was posted by Red 10 on Twitter a little while back.


Look at that, the perfect setting for the perfect photograph. Weather and cloud placement is perfect, the boat positioning is perfect, loads of people on the beach, and the old girl doing what she does best in her second life. The Met Office, along with every other weather site I checked said that it was going to be slashing it down all day.

Words can not describe how furious I am, right now. :mad:

pulse1 23rd Aug 2015 18:46

I have to say that the way the Vulcan "signed off" at the Bournemouth Show today was superb, at least from where I was standing. It started with the blue noise, up into a 120 degree climbing bank, and then noisily climbed steeply through the patchy clouds, never to be seen at Bournemouth again:{

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