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-   -   Children in pubs (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/549039-children-pubs.html)

Wander00 10th Oct 2014 09:13

Interesting thread, but WTF has it to do with "Military Aviation"? OK, rant over, back to the Ovaltine, mmm, grumble, grumble,

cuefaye 10th Oct 2014 10:18

'Tis there as well WOO?!

teeteringhead 10th Oct 2014 11:47

Dear god, how I long for a proper smoke filled pub.
Me too! An unintended consequence of the smoking ban is that one realises that the average pub REALLY smells of p!ss, farts and stale beer.......:yuk:

Courtney Mil 10th Oct 2014 15:08

As has been illuded to, here in France parents bring their kids everywhere with them. The difference is that French parents teach their kids to behave properly and bring them up in a 'cafe society.' Most French kids are a real pleasure to behold. They are part of the group and there is a clear, mutual respect between youngers and elders. It works well.

Yer average Brit kid in a Brit pub is, more often than not, just a pain in the arse. It seems that everyone else is just expected to put up with other people's brats. More, in fact. The British public is expected to make all kinds of extra allowances and bend over backwards to accommodate spods, with no sense of social responsibility whatever from the parents.

Drown them at birth! The UK is over-populated anyway.

Tankertrashnav 10th Oct 2014 15:12

Interesting thread, but WTF has it to do with "Military Aviation"?
Nothing at all, wander 00, I posted it on here by accident - then transferred it to Jet Blast but failed to delete this one until it had several responses. I did suggest a mod might merge them, but that hasn''t happened, and in any case people have introduced their happy hour experiences to bring a little closer to the usual aviation content.

Anyway mea culpa, sorry about that!

ShotOne 10th Oct 2014 19:04

I did try to bring it back to a military theme by enquiring how people felt about a "No Servicemen" policy. Sadly no one bit.

I agree with the OP on one point that it would be nice to have a consistent rule. As a parent one never knows whether one is likely to be made welcome, summarily ejected, or allowed to stay but treated like toxic waste. Even coloured people in apartheid South Africa at least knew where they stood.

octavian 10th Oct 2014 20:19


Hope I haven't exceeded the photo posting limit, but this is in Warbird Adventures at Kissimmee in Florida. Always good for some T-6 action!

Al R 10th Oct 2014 20:42

These days, we suffer from extended adolescence, more adults engage with Dr Who, Minecraft, Game of Thrones etc than they do ISIL because we have so much crass and shallow news coverage delivered in width and not depth - even R4 Today is more suitable for prissy sixth formers. We feel the need to keep around us things which remind us of childhood. We are terrified of adulthood so embracing anything trendy and youthful marks us out as dynamic. Kids want to be adults, we want to be kids and we have smokers reduced to huddling together as social pariahs on rainswept pavements. Such is enlightened, civilised society.

Beam me up.

barnstormer1968 10th Oct 2014 21:38

Tanker trash.
The law on under 14s you refer to in post #1 hasn't changed as far as I know, but refers to the bar area not the whole pub.

Wander00 11th Oct 2014 06:42

OK, sorry, tongue removed from cheek

NutLoose 11th Oct 2014 10:48

These days, we suffer from extended adolescence, more adults engage with Dr Who, Minecraft, Game of Thrones etc than they do ISIL because we have so much crass and shallow news coverage delivered in width and not depth - even R4 Today is more suitable for prissy sixth formers. We feel the need to keep around us things which remind us of childhood. We are terrified of adulthood so embracing anything trendy and youthful marks us out as dynamic. Kids want to be adults, we want to be kids and we have smokers reduced to huddling together as social pariahs on rainswept pavements. Such is enlightened, civilised society.

Beam me up.
Have you watched Game Of Thrones? I would say that is purely aimed at adults, It's also superb.
As an ex smoker I am 100% for making them pariahs, I started when I joined up and quit when I left...

Xbox one, xbox 360 owner..

NRU74 11th Oct 2014 17:42

About ten years ago, India Knight, the Sunday Times columnist complained about not being admitted to her local pub with her young children.She wrote a long rant and invited readers who had been similarly refused entry to their locals to write in so she could publish a 'Name and Shame' list.
She was somewhat surprised at the large number of people who wrote in asking for a copy of the list so that they themselves could head off and patronise these child free pubs.

racedo 11th Oct 2014 18:36

I agree with the OP on one point that it would be nice to have a consistent rule.
Yup that would be good.

Met up with friends all have littlies like us and all reasonably well behaved. One weekday during holidays think it was half term we all met up for a walk and stuff somewhere and cafe closed at the park so someone suggested a pub close by.

First there and as we walked to pub the Landlord came to door and growled no kids here, asked why not he just said they annoying and as 5 other cars came into car park he just said WTF do I need them when others come here.

Just walked back as people getting out and said no kids, as everybody got into cars I just waved goodbye at the fool, something that was quickly taken up by everyone else. My share of bill in other pub was £60 something so it was a £400 lunch for 25 people.

racedo 11th Oct 2014 18:41

These days, we suffer from extended adolescence, more adults engage with Dr Who, Minecraft, Game of Thrones etc than they do ISIL because we have so much crass and shallow news coverage delivered in width and not depth - even R4 Today is more suitable for prissy sixth formers. We feel the need to keep around us things which remind us of childhood. We are terrified of adulthood so embracing anything trendy and youthful marks us out as dynamic. Kids want to be adults, we want to be kids and we have smokers reduced to huddling together as social pariahs on rainswept pavements. Such is enlightened, civilised society.
Personally don't give a stuff about age as I can do zero about it and really not interested in doing it if I could.
There is nothing sadder (or funnier) than seeing someone in their 40's having stuffed themselves into a dress designed for an 18 year old.

Its attitude to life that is more important.

Tankertrashnav 11th Oct 2014 22:26

Come on - give us a break - once we've voted UKIP and read The Daily Mail we've got sod all else to do with our time!


jindabyne 12th Oct 2014 10:44

long for the old days when the little bleeders were left in the car with a bottle of pop and a packet of crisps
Tanker, would that've been near Bawtry or Marham?

BEagle 12th Oct 2014 13:25

racedo wrote:

First there and as we walked to pub the Landlord came to door and growled no kids here, asked why not he just said they annoying and as 5 other cars came into car park he just said WTF do I need them when others come here.
The name of this undoubtedly fine, 'littlies'-free establishment, please?

ShyTorque 12th Oct 2014 13:58

Here in NZ the little burgers are everywhere and a complete nuisance. me I would ban them all. I would also love to find a child free holiday place so I can have my holiday in peace and quiet. Never had kids of my own so don't see why I should have to put up with others brats.
Strewth...so at what age were you born...twenty one?

racedo 12th Oct 2014 14:22

The name of this undoubtedly fine, 'littlies'-free establishment, please?
The recession took care of them. Last time drove by the metal shutters were still up.

Al R 12th Oct 2014 16:35

Have you watched Game Of Thrones?
Are you mad, and miss Balamory? :hmm:

olympus 14th Oct 2014 19:27

Remember once seeing a pub sign which announced 'No children. Not even nice ones'!

Courtney Mil 14th Oct 2014 19:51

It would be a whole lot easier if folk could make it clear who they are quoting. You know you can add =NAME to the quote function. Or just say who it is.

racedo 14th Oct 2014 22:21

It would be a whole lot easier if folk could make it clear who they are quoting. You know you can add =NAME to the quote function. Or just say who it is.
Who said that..............

Ok Courtney will exit stage left :(

Courtney Mil 14th Oct 2014 22:43

Damn! Should told you who I... Hang on!

Bob Viking 15th Oct 2014 14:47

Children in pubs
So let me get this straight. The older members of this forum and those without children believe that kids should not be allowed into pubs (or even out of the house in some cases). Funny that. I wonder what the parents of younger children think about the matter?
I have three young kids and we eat out a lot. They behave well because we look after them, we don't ignore them and we always bring a colouring book!
We would not take them to the bar because it's not a place for young kids. I wouldn't want other peoples kids there if I was drinking.
In this day and age businesses can't be too picky with their clientele. Families are going to spend money and you'd be foolish to turn them away. They're probably going to spend more than the old gimmer with his pint of best as well.
As an aside it's not just Britain than keeps kids out of bars. In Canada (Alberta) many establishments aren't licensed for kids. This does limit your choices somewhat in smaller towns!
I do agree that there are some crap parents out there though.

Exascot 15th Oct 2014 17:06

My mother always said that, 'children should be seen but not heard'. I belive that they should be neither 'seen or heard' in pubs. Maybe apart from 16 yr old girls with big 'personalitites :E

racedo 15th Oct 2014 17:34

In this day and age businesses can't be too picky with their clientele. Families are going to spend money and you'd be foolish to turn them away. They're probably going to spend more than the old gimmer with his pint of best as well.
Businesses forget that when they says "no kids" they pretty much are giving a very negative message that comes back to bite them.
When a business does that I deliberately avoid going there anytime, especially when we are meeting up with friends for an everning out.

Parents who happy to bring their kids to a pub for a meal tend to have a little bit more money to spend, after all why bother doing it when McDs (other burger/chicken/pizza establishment) is pretty much within 20 minutes.

nutnurse 15th Oct 2014 18:56

I'm sorry to say my son is having a 'children not invited' wedding. Bizarre. He has had the benefit of my opinion. Harrumph.

jindabyne 15th Oct 2014 19:07

Me to son-in-law: Please, can you get the grandkids to stop running everywhere and irritating the other diners?

Him: What's the problem?


nutnurse 15th Oct 2014 19:39

Managers do things right, leaders do the right things, sons-in-law do SFA. (Cf. OCTU thread.)

thing 15th Oct 2014 21:06

I think that it depends what sort of pub it is. A lot of 'pubs' these days are just chain restaurants with a sort of pubby look. I have no problems with children in these, in fact I take my (well behaved) nine year old grandson to one of our local ones which he regards as a great treat.

However I wouldn't for a second think of taking him into a real pub such as the Victoria in Lincoln, nor would I want to see other children in there. What is wrong with adults wanting their own space anyhow? There are stacks of pubs that are appropriate for children, please leave the few proper pubs for the sole occupation of grown ups.

4Greens 15th Oct 2014 21:10

Having had some subjects removed from PPRUNE without explanation, why is this one still here. Most kids in pubs dont fly aeroplanes.

thing 15th Oct 2014 21:14

You haven't been to many Lincoln pubs then...

ShyTorque 15th Oct 2014 21:30

I'm sorry to say my son is having a 'children not invited' wedding. Bizarre. He has had the benefit of my opinion. Harrumph.
Aah, shame. I really think he should let you have an invite.

nutnurse 15th Oct 2014 21:54


Would you be happier if we discussed children in aeroplanes? Or maybe aeroplanes in pubs? (Bit of an undershoot there, Hoskins.)

nutnurse 15th Oct 2014 22:00

@ ShyTorque

He has, that's the problem! It's at some designer concept pseudo-Zen joint in Glos. And I've pitched in a fair old amount. Taxation without representation I call it.

I dare say there'll be aircraft flogging around to keep 4Greens happy. We haven't booked the Reds, though.

newt 16th Oct 2014 07:18

So let me get this straight. The older members of this forum and those without children believe that kids should not be allowed into pubs (or even out of the house in some cases). Funny that. I wonder what the parents of younger children think about the matter?

Ageism Bob!:E:E:E:E

I'm sure there are many with kids who would not take them into certain pubs! They know the score.

I have never liked kids in pubs, it is not an appropriate venue. I also like hotels where the little people have their own pool and facilities whilst I have child free environment and a nice pool bar! Why should I be criticised?:ugh:

Wensleydale 16th Oct 2014 07:52

Back in the day, a school friend of mine reached his 18th Birthday. His father (who did not frequent pubs very much) decided that this was a special occasion, bought my friend a tankard and took him to the nearby inn to christen it. He was taken aback however when the landlord turned to my friend and asked him "Usual, Dave?"

ShyTorque 16th Oct 2014 08:42

I think that was a TV advert from a few years ago....

Tankertrashnav 16th Oct 2014 08:54

Having had some subjects removed from PPRuNe without explanation, why is this one still here. Most kids in pubs dont fly aeroplanes.
4Greens Fair point, but I have in fact apologised twice for accidentally posting this thread on here by accident. It was meant for Jet Blast and I subsequently put a duplicate on there and invited mods to close this one and merge it if they wanted.

In fact this one has been more popular than the one on JB - maybe military aircrew are just very interested in pubs!

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