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-   -   Labour demand to know each time a Tornado takes off! (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/548372-labour-demand-know-each-time-tornado-takes-off.html)

AR1 30th Sep 2014 08:15

The story assumes that Cameron is rung every time one takes off. That's the issue if true.
As for Harman. You're not Gov Luv. On your bike.

pr00ne 30th Sep 2014 08:51

Training Risky,

Well, seeing as you both reposted the article AND brought up what you describe as "the high cost of social engineering in the RAF" bit of a double own goal there eh?

ex_matelot 30th Sep 2014 19:16

Nothing to do with politics - it's a classic case of a nonentity seeking to become a stakeholder in a process that she has zero understanding of, nor influence over. She just seeks the illusion of "involvement".

A classic tactic played by managers promoted way above their capabilities in many fields...
"I want to be cc'd on that".

jayteeto 30th Sep 2014 19:44

They need Labour's votes in Westminster. Harperson is doing this to make them squirm. Playing party politics over what is the right thing to do. Don't joke about her demanding more women to be involved, she has history of it in all industries. A truly repulsive woman.

Finningley Boy 30th Sep 2014 20:27

Surely even David Cameron doesn't get woken from his slumber every time a Tornado takes off on an agreed sortie!?


racedo 30th Sep 2014 21:12

Surely even David Cameron doesn't get woken from his slumber every time a Tornado takes off on an agreed sortie!?
I wish he did.

"Hey Call Me Dave, another aircrew are putting their lives at risk because you politicians screwed up again. now go back to sleep".

NutLoose 30th Sep 2014 21:21

The war is won, haven't you heard, we blew up a truck and took out a gun pit... But listening to the press you would think we've just single handedly turned the tide of the war... Well done guys, but next time could you please take out the press corp hotel first and save us from all the verbiage.

gr4techie 30th Sep 2014 21:27

Expensive way to take out a machine gun.

taxydual 30th Sep 2014 21:46

Anyone on here from Camberwell or Peckham?

If you are, it seems you can ask her what her reasoning is.

Contact Me | IWC2

Go on, I dare you.

racedo 30th Sep 2014 22:43

Expensive way to take out a machine gun.
What was cost ? £500k ?

Martin the Martian 1st Oct 2014 10:54

Thank you gr4techie and racedo. I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking that.

GOLF_BRAVO_ZULU 1st Oct 2014 11:11

Accepting that it's off centreline on this Thread but is this sort of detail really helpful?

RAF jets fired four missiles at Islamic State (IS) vehicles in Iraq overnight, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has said.

It said two Tornados had fired Brimstone missiles at an armed pick-up truck and a transport vehicle west of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, adding that the strikes had been "successful".

"At the scene they were able to identify Isil activity and two vehicles, one of which was an armed pick-up truck," it said.

"Four Brimstone missiles were used to conduct a precision attack on the vehicles. Initial analysis indicates that the strikes were successful."
BBC News - Islamic State vehicles targeted by RAF Tornados

Leaving aside doing the IS Int wallahs work for them do the people on the Clapham omnibus need to know the kill ratios? At least they haven't trotted out the rate book value of each round; yet.

racedo 1st Oct 2014 11:49

Thank you gr4techie and racedo. I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking that.
My worry is will RAF run out of missiles before ISIS run out of Toyota HiLuxs ....................

Fox3WheresMyBanana 1st Oct 2014 11:59

Based on the Top Gear tests, it probably takes at least 4 Brimstones to take out a HiLux !

Herod 1st Oct 2014 13:17

A couple of 20mm Adens would have come in handy, and cheaper.

Bob Viking 1st Oct 2014 13:46

I'm sorry but I just can't help myself. The Aden is a 30mm cannon that was never fitted to Tornados. The Mauser that is fitted to the GR4 is a 27mm cannon.

We often complain about the inaccuracy of journalists when it comes to matters of defence so we really should hold ourselves to the highest standards in this regard.

Your suggestion had some validity but was ruined in the execution.

Now take yourself off to a quiet corner and self flaggelate please.


racedo 1st Oct 2014 14:13

I'm sorry but I just can't help myself. The Aden is a 30mm cannon that was never fitted to Tornados. The Mauser that is fitted to the GR4 is a 27mm cannon.
Relatively easy to Retro fit...................... just think of a number add lots of zeros and there you have it.

Should really add that if you wish your retro fit to work................ not correctly just work that requires lots more money.......................... there are shareholders and directors bonuses to think of.

Wensleydale 1st Oct 2014 14:23

If we are in a picky mood.... shouldn't it now be called a "South Yemen" Cannon?

Finningley Boy 1st Oct 2014 14:26

Aden had a better ring to it.:}


Herod 1st Oct 2014 15:54

OK Bob, I stand corrected. It was only a light-hearted comment anyway. I'm a long was out of the RAF, and the nearest I got to an armed aircraft was a Wessex with a 7.62(?)mm GPMG firing out of the door. Funnily enough, it was in Aden (Yemen to the purists).

Wensleydale 1st Oct 2014 18:23

I once had a date with a Turkish belly dancer in Aden....she was known as the Yemen Kurd Tart.

ValMORNA 1st Oct 2014 20:27

I knew her sister quite well, Shakin' Othman.

NutLoose 1st Oct 2014 20:41

One of the guys I worked with told me he was on guard in Aden armed with a .303. He was told to let off a round if he spotted anything cracking off and everyone would come to his aid, about 3am he spotted intruders, fired in the general direction and they buggered off.
No one came lol and in the morning he faced an enquiry as to why he was short one round.

Training Risky 2nd Oct 2014 06:02

Maybe Herod was making a reference that a couple of Harriers should have been firing the Aden cannon - in a parallel world in which Cameron had not scrapped them prior to a major period of world instability.

Meanwhile - the desperately right-on MOD-to-journalist gravy train rumbles on to remind us of our duty to 'equality'

British Tornado 'with female air crew' bombs key Isil position - Telegraph

cobalt42 2nd Oct 2014 09:06


The Harriers would have to be GR3... The 7/9's never had an ADEN Gun that worked!

Too long ago to be sure... Was ADEN an acronym for 'Armaments Development, ENfield', or similar?

nimbev 2nd Oct 2014 14:45

I recall working on a cost benefit analysis involving aircraft taking out T72 MBT's in the Central Front, didnt make very good reading as I recall - but Brimstone vs pick up trucks! Better quickly pass over the chapter on Economic Warfare.:(

Sandy Parts 2nd Oct 2014 15:52

lucky the bit in ROEs about 'proportional response' doesn't mention 'cost benefit analysis'. Mind you, if I was on the receiving end of the .50cal(?) shells from one of those wildly inaccurate technicals, I'd vote for the biggest, most expensive bomb in the arsenal :E

Al R 4th Oct 2014 10:20

As the National Council of Civil Liberty's legal officer Harman campaigned for sentences against paedophiles convicted for possession of indecent images to be reduced if it could be proved that the naked/photographed children had not been ‘harmed’. She and her kind had their day in the sun with Blair and ran amok with myopic vote winning social engineering. A truly dreadful woman and a vacuous and irrelevant political entity to boot.

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