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-   -   Never heard of Tornado (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/541245-never-heard-tornado.html)

West Coast 7th Jun 2014 20:24

Quote:Did not know what a tide was.
Used to be a brand of washing powder, but I don't think it's on the market anymore. (I know; sad old git)
It's still around. Tide is what I used when I had to wash my own clothes, now I have a wife to do such mundane chores.

West Coast 7th Jun 2014 20:27

Or the trigger...
No argument from me on that point Spandex.

Still, in a world where a (RAF) Phantom could splash a (RAF) Jag over Germany (with entirely officer crew), target recognition was the least of the worries if the procedures were so dangerously lax.

BEagle 7th Jun 2014 20:59

Tide is what I used when I had to wash my own clothes, now I have a wife to do such mundane chores.
And do you offer to wash hers? Or would that be un-American, oo-rah?

Jaguar GR1 XX963/AL of 14 Sqn was shot down on May 25th 1982 35 miles NE of RAF Bruggen, West Germany, by a live AIM-9L Sidewinder accidently fired from Phantom FGR2 XV422 of 92 Sqn during a simulated combat exercise. The Jaguar pilot ejected safely. The Board of Inquiry determined that the master armament switch in the Phantom had not been taped in the "safe" position and the pilot inadvertently rendered one of the two main safety switches "live". The Phantom's pilot and navigator were court martialled and found guilty of offences of neglect, for which they received severe reprimands.
Not so much incorrect target recognition as cognitive failure at the end of yet another long, tiring RAFG exercise.

orca 7th Jun 2014 21:08

BEagle Old chap,

Not wanting to nit pick on what is (I assume) a tongue in cheek thread - but the premise of the three questions was that a Flt Lt of four years total service was to be the examinee. Your answering them was much like my 100% record against my 10 year old in 11 plus revision.;)

But well done nonetheless.

West Coast 7th Jun 2014 21:17

Yeah, but Beags failed the test!

BEagle 7th Jun 2014 22:38

So I guess that's a no, regarding the washing....eh Westie?

And do learn about adverbs of certainty....:rolleyes:

West Coast 7th Jun 2014 23:40

I will as soon as you learn aircraft and ship types...I'll even allow use of the net.

Whoever is home and needs wash does it, but she prefers to do it as I tend to lump all colors and types together. I do iron whatever is the needed. I take some pride in the a well ironed uniform shirt.

brickhistory 7th Jun 2014 23:40

I suppose mentioning that a CBRN-focused US Army captain of all of four years service probably couldn't spot his counterpart in the British Army, or the RAF, or the RN, as he's probably never seen one of those either never mind a Tornado.

Since 2010, there's all of how many left tootling about? And the question can apply to the personnel or the jet, take your pick.

I think I saw a Group Captain once; or it could have been a USN Captain. It was at a distance and I simply didn't care. Probably more of them, however, than Tornadoes these days.

Hmm, Jag shot down by Phantom using an AIM-9...

Jags are gone and were half French.

Phantom, alas gone too, was American as was the Sidewinder.

Amusing thread until the massive chip exposure. I think there's an ointment for that now.

glendalegoon 8th Jun 2014 00:35

Are there any tornado(S) still flying?

Oh, and there is a Paris, Virginia and you can drive to DC in less than 1.5 hours.

I went to an A&W root beer place in Canada and asked for ice. SHAME ON ME

And a pizza, ALL DRESSED UP? Oh come on. We say: everything on it!

I wonder if the OP could tell us the difference between one side of a claymore and the other side?


Norma Stitz 8th Jun 2014 02:32

Sorry, but just to add to the list of 'funnies' for Americans and their shortcomings, a friend of mine was seeing in some Keflavik-based F-15s back in the late 1980s to Lossiemouth. One of the pilots asked him, pointing to the northwest ramp "Hey, how do we get over to that museum over there?"

My mate replied "That, sir, is No.8 Sqn Royal Air Force and they are frontline Shackleton AEW aircraft.":)

West Coast 8th Jun 2014 03:19

Some museum pieces fly.

Ogre 8th Jun 2014 03:56


Be assured the recognition of Jaguar from Phantom was not an issue, they both knew exactly who the other was....

BBadanov 8th Jun 2014 04:50

I always found the OP's observation quite common.

To a US guy, Tornado (if they knew their history) would be a B-45.

I found in Asia and Europe, they didn't know what a Lightning was - a P-38? Not the EE variety. Therefore the F-35 is a Lightning "II", not "III".

It needs to have a "F" or "B" designator to register.

But yes, take care not to stereotype Americans, as some are smart.

Roadster280 8th Jun 2014 05:44

Beags and Ogre.

I did say that target recognition wasn't so much the issue as the procedures. I'm quite sure that the crew of the Phantom knew very well it was a Jaguar, and therefore not a live target. Not that one would have expected to find a MiG or Sukhoi over Nordrhein-Westfalen in 1982.

My point was that the procedures and culture in those days were more dangerous than any deficiency in target recognition.

GreenKnight121 8th Jun 2014 06:37

Of course, then there are the potato fields near Moscow - which I can reach in a few hours driving (in a ground vehicle) from the Hill Aerospace Museum in Roy, Utah, USA.

Moscow, Idaho

airborne_artist 8th Jun 2014 06:46

Many, many years ago in my blue phase I found myself on the Rock with a spare forenoon. It was a fine day, so I went to the top.

A cruise ship was in port. Some of the passengers were also enjoying the view from the summit.

Elmer, in plaid shorts and a mildly clashing check shirt was standing next to Ethel who was dressed entirely in beige.

They were both facing South, looking out over the water. Ethel turned to Elmer and said "Gee, Elmer, what's that big island over there?"

PFMG 8th Jun 2014 06:53

For all of you with a US-centric view of the world there is a New York in Lincolnshire (coincidentally just up the road from Boston) which if you care to take the Euotunnel you can depart from in your motor vehicle and never have to get out until you are in France some 3-4 hours later.

BEagle 8th Jun 2014 07:42

In the Beef Fifty Two bar at the old Ramada, Bellevue, a couple of RAF aircrew are chatting to a couple of the local ladies.

When asked "Wher'ya from", they reply "Lincoln".

"Gee", says one of the ladies, "did they name that after our president?"


dctyke 8th Jun 2014 07:52


Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: lincs
Posts: 98
For all of you with a US-centric view of the world there is a New York in Lincolnshire (coincidentally just up the road from Boston) which if you care to take the Euotunnel you can depart from in your motor vehicle and never have to get out until you are in France some 3-4 hours later.
And of course you know that New York in lincs was once one of the biggest bomb dumps in the raf of the 70's. But you knew that!

gijoe 8th Jun 2014 08:07

'I would say that you are well informed - bravo - but I doubt that all RAF Flight Lieutenants are...but we have no way of proving this because a) you aren't one and b) even if you were one you wouldn't be all of them c) it'll take a while to ask them and d) if we do it via this forum they can scuttle off to google and find out.'

I could name lots of Flt Lts that pride themselves on not being in the military and so wouldn't have a clue what a FH70, AS90, CR2 or CVR(T) is, nor would they be worried about it.

Ho hum!


cobalt42 8th Jun 2014 08:28

DC... Largest? Probably one of the smallest. When the F4's were moving mud, I don't believe we were licensed to store more than 2or3 aircraft loads of 1000 lb HE.
Great place to work, though...
Used to live in Scrub Hill... Bomb Dump to NY, turn right, next 'cross road'.

Tankertrashnav 8th Jun 2014 08:38

Out of Trim and Helpful Stacker - thanks for the explanation :ok:

Thread drift away from aviation from a minute - we were once queueing outside St Paul's Cathedral for admittance to Good Friday evensong. I remarked to Mrs TTN that they would be letting us in in good time for the service, and an Australian tourist in front of us turned and asked "Is this a church then?" On receiving an affirmative reply he shouldered his backpack and ambled off!

Wensleydale 8th Jun 2014 10:01

"Neither can I successfully order a breakfast in Denny's without at least one question from the waitress."

Back in the days of the Sentry deployment to Aviano for 9 years at the end of the last century... there was an unofficial challenge to order a meal in the base Burger King without any questions from the serving staff, who obviously recognised that something was afoot. The closest that anyone got, after much rehearsal in the transport going to base, was when he asked for his choice - explaining that he was very well that morning, did not want to go large, did not want water or a desert, and the meal was to eat in the restaurant [sic] etc. He stood back triumphantly only to be asked "do you want to pay in dollars or lira?"

Phil_R 8th Jun 2014 10:05

I am going to ask the first Flt Lt I see on Monday what the US Army's primary MBT is, what an Arleigh Burke is and what the USAF might do with a AGM-88?
Not to toot the old horn, but I could have done that (although I'd have to rely on an entirely chance mention that an AGM-88 is a HARM and it being fairly clear what ARM stands for).

To drag the thread back to my original point, I'm quite astonished that this stuff wouldn't be drilled into everyone in the military.


Wensleydale 8th Jun 2014 10:33

"To drag the thread back to my original point, I'm quite astonished that this stuff wouldn't be drilled into everyone in the military."

I assume that the excellent magazine "Recognition Journal" is no longer produced and distributed to the armed forces - a victim of funding cuts no doubt?!

Willard Whyte 8th Jun 2014 11:46

Many, many years ago in my blue phase I found myself on the Rock with a spare forenoon. It was a fine day, so I went to the top.

A cruise ship was in port. Some of the passengers were also enjoying the view from the summit.

Elmer, in plaid shorts and a mildly clashing check shirt was standing next to Ethel who was dressed entirely in beige.

They were both facing South, looking out over the water. Ethel turned to Elmer and said "Gee, Elmer, what's that big island over there?"
One recalls a trip from Edmonton to Elmendorf AFB a few years ago in a 'K. About an hour prior to top of drop Flight engineer looks out of the port window and asks me:

"what's the name of that big lake?"

A: "The Pacific Ocean"*

Or the RAF co-pilot flying over the Alps asking "Which one's Everest"

Or the RAF co-pilot on another fleet, after hearing the above story, whilst flying over same said mountain range, asking, once the laughter had died down "Yeah, but which one is Everest?"

Or the RAF aircrew (can't remember crew position - probably co-pilot) stating, after getting out of breath playing beach volleyball, "it must be the altitude."

*I deleted a few expletives present in the original answer.

BEagle 8th Jun 2014 11:58

Wensleydale wrote:

I assume that the excellent magazine "Recognition Journal" is no longer produced and distributed to the armed forces - a victim of funding cuts no doubt?!
Many years ago, the Education Section at the Covert Oxonian Aerodrome was having a clear out of the library. Someone was about to throw away a large number of magazines, but the wife of one of our Flt Cdrs (who worked there), managed to save a box full, which her husband passed on to me.....

Including the first ever edition of the 'Inter-Services Aircraft Recognition Journal', dated September 1942:

Here's one from a few years later (January 1958), by which time it was the 'Joint Services Recognition Journal:

OK - it's obviously a Spitfire on the cover of the Sep '42 edition, but anyone care to guess the aeroplane and ship on the Jan '58 edition? Or the carrier from which the photo was taken?

No doubt Haraka will know?

Willard Whyte 8th Jun 2014 12:09

HMS Eagle & Belfast?

Edit: Hmm, don't think it's Belfast actually.

Haraka 8th Jun 2014 12:11

Wyvern of course.
Not sure of the carrier.
Possibly the Albion (or Eagle)
The cruiser could be the Bermuda ( Gambia or Mauritius?)

Phil_R 8th Jun 2014 12:27

OK, couldn't have done that.

Flap Track 6 8th Jun 2014 13:23

Carrier Deck letter code 'J' is HMS Eagle before the angled deck was fitted. Code was changed to 'E' afterwards.

India Four Two 8th Jun 2014 13:29

OK - it's obviously a Spitfire on the cover of the Sep '42 edition
Yes, but it's a Vc.

230 OCU ( I had to look that bit up ;))

BEagle 8th Jun 2014 13:31

Yes, it's indeed a Westland Wyvern on H.M.S. Eagle...

But the cruiser is neither Belfast, Bermuda, Gambia nor Mauritius.

Haraka 8th Jun 2014 13:55

Well Beags I am pretty sure the Cruiser is of the" Mauritius" class.

Others of her class were Jamaica and Kenya, but at that time they were close to being paid off..........

BEagle 8th Jun 2014 14:05

Not a Mauritius Class cruiser......but close.

A ship with a very impressive history!

airborne_artist 8th Jun 2014 14:14

Is the vessel moored in the Smoke, Beags?

BEagle 8th Jun 2014 14:18



tow1709 8th Jun 2014 14:45

We've drifted a long way off the origins of this thread!

Ceylon class? Although I think both these and Mauritius class were subsets of the Colony class.

If not any of the above, then Swiftsure class?

Not_a_boffin 8th Jun 2014 15:07

Looks like Sheff to me.

Eric T Cartman 8th Jun 2014 15:08

Shiny Sheff ? (C24)

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