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SASless 27th Nov 2013 14:06

Thanksgiving....Where Will You Be This Year?
We American's enjoy our annual Thanksgiving....lots of Football on the TV, Family and Friends in for a big Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings....perhaps a Fire in the Fireplace....and some fine Whisky later with Coffee.

I suppose we should take a minute and think of all those who cannot be with their Family again this Year. I shall....as I was one of them in the past.


MightyGem 27th Nov 2013 15:31

Wherever you are SAS, hope you have a good one.

Robert Cooper 27th Nov 2013 15:41

I will be at home with family and a couple of wounded warriors. Mrs C has the turkey under control, firewood is ready and the scotch is standing by!

Bob C

Onceapilot 27th Nov 2013 16:23

Best wishes to all!:ok:


MPN11 27th Nov 2013 17:08

Thanksgiving Cards sent to friends in the US ... My conscience is clear!

I'm staying home, it's their party. And good luck to those enjoying the weather up the East Coast.

Happy Turkey Day to y'all.

Canadian WokkaDoctor 27th Nov 2013 17:24

I'm stuck in Ottawa under 4 inches of snow - oh wait, I live there!

Happy Thanksgiving to all those South of the Border

Evalu8ter 27th Nov 2013 17:28

In Rome at a Conference (I know..hard life..) but shall raise a glass to our cousins.....

Canadian WokkaDoctor 27th Nov 2013 17:44

In Rome at a Conference (I know..hard life..) but shall raise a glass to our cousins.....
Evalu8ter, is that a red wine and pasta Conference? How is it that you always manage to get the trips to these things?:)

racedo 27th Nov 2013 19:08

Happy Turkey Day to all the Yanks on here................:D

The Helpful Stacker 27th Nov 2013 20:44

Not too far from the original Boston, but will be enjoying my turkey dinner nonetheless.

Squirrel 41 27th Nov 2013 20:50

In London, with some diehard Yankees fans. Explaining to them between courses why the finest team in the AL East won it all this year! :E

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all, and especially US forces far from home. God Bless!


SASless 27th Nov 2013 23:03

Rome....conference....do pull the other one will ya!:{

Evalu8ter 27th Nov 2013 23:49

Just lucky I guess...:}

Red wine drunk as promised....Ciao!!!

SASless 28th Nov 2013 11:02

We should give Thanks for the Blessings we enjoy.....one of them being Italian Wine, Rome, and Italian Women! Somehow Wokka Drivers seem to find themselves deserving of such bountiful gifts from on high!

FantomZorbin 28th Nov 2013 11:26

Our local church is flying the Stars & Stripes ... I wish you all a peaceful & happy time.

NutLoose 28th Nov 2013 11:28

In modern times the President of the United States, in addition to issuing a proclamation, will "pardon" a turkey, which spares the bird's life and ensures that it will spend the duration of its life roaming freely on farmland.[19]

Good to see he has someone listening to his every word :)

Go figure

The Definitive History of the Presidential Turkey Pardon | The White House

Avtur 29th Nov 2013 00:09

Wokkadoctor, I am in Ottawa this week and I believe we had a record breaking 20 cm of snow yesterday (relative to the day of the year). Curious now as to whether we met today!!??

GOLF_BRAVO_ZULU 29th Nov 2013 10:45

Deviating off centreline slightly; were any of you chaps aware of BBC News - Ten things you didn't know about Black Friday ?

Black Friday is the biggest shopping day of the year in the biggest economy in the world.

Canadian WokkaDoctor 29th Nov 2013 12:11


PM sent.

SASless 29th Nov 2013 12:41

Was up at Sun Rise...fired up the Oven....did the Ham and Turkey, Yams, Cranberry-Apple Dish, Broccoli Casserole, Green Beans, (American) Baked Beans, Cranberry Sauce, Dinner Rolls, Pumpkin Pie, Cornbread, Apple Sauce, and Cranberry Sauce....brewed Ice Tea and did a pot of Coffee, set the table, served the Nosh, cleared the table, did two loads of dishes in the dish washer, scrubbed the Pots and Pans.....and served up the ice cream and Pie. Sisters offered to help as the last dish was put up into the cabinet. Replaced three ceiling Tiles that were trashed by the 12 year old grand nephew...trashed the broken set of Darts that were bent by the 6 Year Old Grand Nephew, Hoovered up the bird feathers from a Cat Trophy....and finally talked the last of the traumatized Cats into the house at almost Midnight.

I did give Thanks at Midnight that Thanksgiving is over....and the family have departed leaving Chez Sasless in Peace finally.

I am firmly convinced I would rather chew Tin Foil than do this again! I shall be traveling next Thanksgiving.....even if it is only the Motel Six in the next town!

racedo 29th Nov 2013 13:01

Strange world where Potus gets a pardon from a Turkey................. but can understand its one turkey to another.

SASless 29th Nov 2013 16:43

Getting Pardons from Democrats is pretty easy....cough up enough Dosh....and Bob's yer Uncle! Point of Contact.....Eric Holder!

smujsmith 29th Nov 2013 18:54

Happy thanksgiving to all. Having had the pleasure of a real thanksgiving dinner once, I hope any of you guys away from home are looked after properly.

Smudge :ok:

Lonewolf_50 2nd Dec 2013 18:27

It went well.

22-pound bird, I did the honors. My wife made her usual cornbread stuffing. Home made pie. Football. Beer.

It was good, and a glass raised for those who could not be with their families to similarly enjoy.

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