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Courtney Mil 4th Mar 2013 17:54

F16, Grippen, Typhoon, etc, are very expensive to run. I think out of their budget. I'll find some references.

Coff, you're probably right there. There has been some talk about what aircraft might suit them. The above were ruled out on economic grounds, some have suggested some of the UK's Hawks. Are there some platforms that might do the sort of stuff that the Irish do?

SWBKCB 4th Mar 2013 18:06

Page 6 and nobodies identified the first requirement for the air force of a new nation - some shiny new biz jets!

Courtney Mil 4th Mar 2013 18:26


So go ahead and offer your thoughts. Even Salmond isn't crazy enough st spen his whole defence budget on a fleet of Peron style private jets. So what might he buy, SWBKCB?

AR1 4th Mar 2013 19:06

Pete the concept of accountability was not as strong in 1983 as it is today, reporting him never even crossed our minds - there were 2 couples present. The constable was at the time restrained by his Sgt. Notice he was restrained not me.

OutlawPete 4th Mar 2013 19:28

AR1, a fair point if it was as long ago as that but technically he committed an offence and should have had the book thrown at him.

I'm not saying those attitudes didnt exist but Scotland has long since moved on from that kind of behaviour. Most of the hostility in our long standing union these days appears to be coming from south of the border.

Posted from Pprune.org App for Android

Mach Two 4th Mar 2013 19:42

Outlaw and AR1, loving your thread drift love-in, but not really relevant on this threat or this forum. AR1, maybe you just bring out the worst in people.

CoffmanStarter 4th Mar 2013 19:57

Courtney ... to help drag the thrust of this thread back to your original question ...

Some form of Maratime Patrol Aircraft would seem desirable. On the face of it the CASA/IPTN CN-235 would appear to be a good economic option. If Scotland went with the CN-235 MPA version then there is the capability with 6 hardpoints to carry AM-39 Exocet-Missiles or Mk.46-Torpedos if needed. There is a good spread of Mil use around the world ... so not too difficult to "import" an existing Op Model with a bit of tweaking for Scottish needs. Could also be used for their Fishery Protection role.

The Pilatus PC-9 (off the shelf) would offer an economic training aircraft with sufficient stretch for budding pilots to gain their wings.

Others might like to suggest helicopter/trooping capabilities based on a few working assumptions around needs.

I would have thought a significant SAR capability would also be need ...

Best ...


TomJoad 4th Mar 2013 21:29

Originally Posted by AR1 (Post 7723195)
What have they done to P8ss us off? - On my tour of Scotland I was told to 'F*** off back to England' by a policeman, assaulted by 3 jocks in the toilet of a Chinese restaurant whilst my wife sat at the table wondering why I hadn't returned. We resorted to going into town in numbers, if at all. Short hair, wrong accent apparently. How many Scottish faced this level of hostility in England?
Go and toss your cabers has been my attitude ever since.


Not nice is it when somebody judges you and passes comment on you based on your nationality, you have my sympathies. Same thing happened to me, travelling back up M6 with some Scottish mates following time in the sand pit we were stopped just outside Birmingham for minor traffic offence, broken rear light from what I remember. Policeman hearing accent from the driver must have assumed we were all Scottish. He made great show to us that he was letting us off but then remarked best you ...... Off back to porridge land. Made my apologies to mates in the car, they brushed it off. Not point getting upset by bigots. So what does this tell us, bigots are found in every nation, to suggest Scotland has more than its fair share is, well somewhat blinkered. Taff, Paddy, Jock, all terms designed and used with intent to put down consciously or not, I think the English dish it out but cry foul if it's not on our terms. Only my opinion of course.:=

Mobil 254 5th Mar 2013 04:16


On my first day in the RAF we were lined up in the block and asked by our instructor if there were any "Poxy F@@king Jocks in his flight". It goes without saying that we got a bit of a hard time from this dullard. Just one of a few incidents I had whilst serving. There are plenty of bigots around down south too.

Anyway, if the union is dissolved the Scots will get on with it and do just fine in my opinion.

lj101 5th Mar 2013 05:56

Anyway, if the union is dissolved the Scots will get on with it and do just fine in my opinion
Out of interest, what are your thoughts on the Shetland Islanders stance reference Scottish Independence?

The SNP has previously recognised the islands' right to decide their own future but has since changed its mind, with oil revenues vital to its economic case for separation.
Speaking after sending his letter, Mr Scott said: “This week the genie flew out of the nationalist bottle. The SNP doesn’t believe in people determining their future unless it’s on their own nationalist terms.
“That does not work in Shetland. If independence, with all the huge uncertainty that would cause, were to be contemplated, then Shetland will want to fight for what is fairly ours.”
His letter referred to a report by Capital Economics, one of the world’s leading economic research firms, lauding the “strong” negotiating position of the islands if Scots vote for separation.The analysis said Shetlanders could decide to remain part of the UK in the aftermath of a ‘yes’ vote or insist on a high degree of autonomy from a separate Scotland, similar to the relationship between Denmark and the Faroe Islands.
Mr Scott challenged the First Minister to “accept that fact”. When Shetland's local authority held a referendum 35 years ago asking if residents wanted to be part of an independent Scotland, the result was nine to one against.

Mobil 254 5th Mar 2013 07:01


I don't know the opinions held by the Shetland islanders. I suppose the vote in 2014 will let us know how they feel.

I do know Tavish Scott MSP is dead set against independence being a Lib Dem but the normal bloke in the street will let us know when the vote is held.

Courtney Mil 5th Mar 2013 08:25

Originally Posted by Mobil 254
Anyway, if the union is dissolved the Scots will get on with it and do just fine in my opinion.

The Union isn't going to be dissolved, Scotland is just blustering about separating from it. Anyway, it doesn't look like it's going to happen any more; Nigel Farage says so, so it must be true.


That aside, he does make one very good point and that is to highlight again, the SNP's claims that membership of the EU would not require full negotiation. They seem to be making it up as they go along and it simply doesn't seem to add up, the same as their claims about the future Scottish Defence Forces.

lj101 5th Mar 2013 09:29


Here is some insight into local Shetland opinion;

Shetland News : SHETLAND says NO to Scottish Independence - 4 - Shetlink

and interestingly;

I don't know if you saw my earlier post in another thread but according to my source Jens Stoltenberg extended a hand to us for a return to Norway when he gave a speech at the Town Hall back in May.

althenick 5th Mar 2013 09:57


The Union isn't going to be dissolved, Scotland is just blustering about separating from it.

The Union isn't going to be dissolved, 30% of the flag-waving Patriots in Scotland are just blustering about separating from it.
There - fixed it for you

Al the Porridge-wog (and one 70%)

Courtney Mil 5th Mar 2013 10:08

Sorry, yes, 30%, Al. Thank goodness for the majority.

Agaricus bisporus 5th Mar 2013 10:49

How could Scotland possibly produce enough tax revenue to sustain itself independently? Its an utter fantasy. Sure, they'd want to steal the oil - but why? How? Who says it is theirs? Did they develop it? I don't believe there is any moral right to oil just because it comes ashore in your patch.
There is no doubt that they could not possibly afford a defense force and would rely on being under our umbrella which is hugely hypocritical and unethical (but then that twit Salmond is at the bottom of all this idiocy).

And why, when we are trying to reduce governmental/bureaucratic waste and duplication are we adding layers of bureaucracy (like their ridiculous parliament) instead of removing them? We should be centralising, nor dividing. This is insane, irrational, divisive and destructive. By Christ we will live to regret it if it happens.

Anyway, until we all vote to destroy it this is still our UNITED Kingdom so we will all, as is our democratic right, be given a say if there is a referendum over this - that is all the English, Welsh, N Irish and Scots. ALL of us? Won't we? Because if not we've abandoned democracy, and that is the beginning of the end and I for one will begin thinking subversive thoughts against our so-called "government" in Westminster...

Kluseau 5th Mar 2013 12:28

Feel better? I appreciate the world is a different place when seen from Tunbridge Wells, but I'm not sure a Daily Fail-esque rant is necessarily the way to win the hearts and minds of those who actually will have a vote next Autumn. As an aside, does your enthusiam for centralised government extend to the EU? If so, then you are at least being consistent.

Mobil 254 5th Mar 2013 12:59


Thanks for the link but it looks like more people have posted on this one than the Shetland says no to Scottish independence.

Shetland News : Clive's Record Shop - Shetlink

AB, great rant mate:D

melmothtw 5th Mar 2013 13:38

As an aside, does your enthusiam for centralised government extend to the EU? If so, then you are at least being consistent.
Quite right Kluseau, but as we all know any Scots/Welsh/Irish/Cornish person who wants freedom for his country is a narrow nationalist, but an Englishman who wants the same (either for England or Britain - they often can't tell the difference) is a patriot. You should know this...!

AR1 5th Mar 2013 14:36

To whom..

That's me told...

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