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GlobalTravellerAT 18th Sep 2012 12:04

Advice sought
Afternoon all, I'm currently in need of some impartial advice. My family and I live in SFA near Reading and have done since January 2012. Yesterday I gave a gas meter reading to Scottish power which has been logged by the company, accepted and no questions asked. I have, however, noticed that there does seem to be a problem with the meter. Whilst we haven't used very much gas at all the meter doesn't seem to be going around.

I said to the customer service lady that there may be a problem with the meter but I didn't categorically state that. She has made a note on file but was left at that.

Should I now call them back and state the meter is U/S and do battle from there or leave it as per. The customer service lady did say the meter reading hasn't changed since 2010, so surely they aren't that concerned?!?!

Thoughts and comments are welcome......!!

orgASMic 18th Sep 2012 12:11

Their meter = their problem. You have fulfilled your part of the bargain by giving them the meter reading they require and have told them that you think the meter has gone wonky. I would expect a call in the next couple of days from the gas man to check the meter. I might also expect an estimated bill for use of unmetered gas.

dallas 18th Sep 2012 12:27

I agree with org. They didn't ask you for your opinion of the serviceability of the meter, just the reading, which you did. Unless you've stored your magnet collection on top you're doing nothing wrong, and there will be some sort of BG mechanism that will flag-up spurious readings. Expect an engineer to want to check it though.

Milarity 18th Sep 2012 12:28

AT, you’re using gas, you know it doesn’t come free, and the power company are entitled to charge you for it. The only debate is over how much you should pay if there are no metre readings. Power companies tend to be reasonable and go for an average if you have the info to work it out.

In your case, you could use historical data or come to a mutually agreeable amount. Your problem is that you have been running up a tab, so the rate you are charged may be reasonable but the lump sum catch-up payment may be hard to wear. They will probably agree to spread the cost over enhanced monthly payments until the backlog has been paid.

If you are ignored and action is not forthcoming, keep a record of your communications and keep trying. It will establish your good intent and will help when an eventual figure is decided.

A mate of mine spent 2 years chasing the company with a similar problem and eventually wrote stating that he would assume all power use was free as his attempts to pay had been consistently spurned. He carried on that way for SEVEN YEARS until the company caught on. He agreed a goodwill payment of £500 and to start from scratch. Not bad considering it was not just a domestic supply, but also powered his farm.

GlobalTravellerAT 18th Sep 2012 12:36

Thank you for your responses. I agree with all your comments, morally I think I should state that it's u/s and agree a payment with them but then again if they are telling me it hasn't changed since 2010 they quite clearly arent bothered.
I have had a refund of £250 which I will put to one side and wait for the inevitable bill which once disputed will go back to them no doubt!

Flap62 18th Sep 2012 12:54

Military...hmmmm, aviation......?????


Wrathmonk 18th Sep 2012 13:29

Military...hmmmm, aviation......?????

Perhaps the OP has been plugging the mains gas direct into his BBQ

It then has everything to do with Military Aviation! :E ;)

Halton Brat 18th Sep 2012 13:29

Save gas! F@rt in a money box.......hat/coat.........


dallas 18th Sep 2012 13:35

It's flight safety. The OP is clearly worried about his gas bill and this could distract him from his oubrief, pin check, you name it.

We should get at least a 'good show' for the advice.


Pontius Navigator 18th Sep 2012 14:03

GTAT, I read something similar in the press. There are rules over the repayment etc. I suggest you contact Ofgem and pose the question to them.

I would also try and speak with your neighbours about their actual gas bills so that you have a ball park figure to compare with Scottish Power's estimate. Ideally you will find the identical house with an identical family ie wife at home 2 kids ages the same etc.

Speak with the Families Association; they will be well placed to give good advice.

Pontius Navigator 18th Sep 2012 14:07

Originally Posted by Flap62 (Post 7420211)
Military...hmmmm, aviation......?????


Flap, usual get out clause:

A forum for the professionals who fly the non-civilian hardware, and the backroom boys and girls without whom nothing would leave the ground.

Doesn't say itb has to be aviation related. I know non-aviation topics have been kicked off here but usually because they were fielded by an non-professional troll. This looks like as perfectly valid topic.

lj101 18th Sep 2012 16:00


This may help


Momoe 18th Sep 2012 16:15

A good mate was in fraud detection for British Gas and is now doing court orders, he's related several 'unusual' cases and if the meter is faulty or unregistered the company asks for a goodwill payment.
They will base this goodwill payment on projected consumption so you've only recently moved from electric heating, hotwater and cooking as electric was so expensive!
Expect to pay SFA or less.

earswentpop 18th Sep 2012 16:29

Advice sought
In keeping with the thread title ...

Never wear a red shirt in Star Trek.

Come on chaps, the door's open to brighten up the most boring thread in NATO.

Wensleydale 18th Sep 2012 17:22

I'd ask Sid!

Never wear a red shirt in Star Trek.
Now you've done it - all the old Vulcan "experts" will crack off again!

Ali Qadoo 18th Sep 2012 18:10

1) Don't eat the yellow snow
2) Never try and beat the low flying record, you'll only ever equal it

NutLoose 19th Sep 2012 08:23

I had similar, my electricity company contacted me and told me they thought my meter was US, as i got a refund too, they came looked at it and replaced it, recording the old and new numbers on a card beside the new one, they then took about a month working out their estimated usage based on the previous year and sent me that bill, I disagreed with their estimate stating weather, holidays, work patterns etc and they chopped it down a heck of a lot to a derisory figure which I paid... NEVER agree with their first figure as it appears to be fishing for money that favours them, simply contact them and disagree, it is up to them to prove what you have used and they can't. Plain and simple, they can only guess and estimate it.

Stuff 19th Sep 2012 09:29

Happen to be off today and just watched "Rip off Britain" on BBC1 (yes, I am ashamed to admit it).

There was a gentleman on there who had issues with his electricity supplier going back 7 years and according to the ombudsman the company can only issue you with a bill for the previous 12 months of use, anything before that cannot be claimed from you because they "didn't take reasonable steps to bill correctly".

I realise this doesn't affect you quite yet but if this drags on past Jan 13 just be aware they can't just backdate the bill to when you moved in because they feel like it.

Saintsman 19th Sep 2012 19:35

A friend of mine signed up to one of these doorstep salesman peddling cheaper gas if you moved to with them.

Subsequently he changed his mind and cancelled it. Thought no more until he realised that he wasn't getting a gas bill. Prospective company had cancelled old contract but never re-instated it. Calls to both companies who both denied being the supplier and despite several attempts, no one would take it on because there was no one to transfer it from.

Years later, he still gets 'free' gas.

He really did try but ended up banging his head against a brick wall. Now he doesn't worry about it.

OutlawPete 19th Sep 2012 20:05


Stuff is correct. There is a limited period of time where they can bill you and it must be for a fair amount.

Slightly different case but for nearly 4 years Scottish Power had been undercharging me to the tune of £2500 in total by the time they had worked it all out. They contacted me and explained that this had happened but immediately stated that as the fault was with them, they had no intention of attempting to recover this money. In fact, they credited my account with £200 for the inconvenience.

Hope it works out ok for you.

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