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-   -   BAE hopes to win $7bn T-X order fom US (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/489989-bae-hopes-win-7bn-t-x-order-fom-us.html)

Navaleye 7th Jul 2012 23:36

BAE hopes to win $7bn T-X order fom US
Hope they do, but you can never tell with US politics. They like the T45 and hopefully clinch the deal. Not much in orders from HMG at the moment.

BAE bids to land £7bn US jet project - Telegraph

MadsDad 8th Jul 2012 16:17

If it goes anything like the tanker contract, the best of luck to them as foreign bidders.

Thelma Viaduct 8th Jul 2012 17:53

Same thoughts as mad dad, the spams are bent to ****, but not in a 'gay' way.

Doctor Cruces 8th Jul 2012 17:59

Doubt we'll get it. These days the Spams are so corrupt that if BAe win it, they will discount it and go for an American product regardless, just like the tanker deal. :\

Doc C

Milo Minderbinder 8th Jul 2012 18:16

Isn't BAE an American company nowadays?

NutLoose 8th Jul 2012 19:33

BAE is working on its bid with Northrop Grumman and L-3 Link
Seems a strange choice considering they build the Goshawk in conjunction with Boeing.

giblets 8th Jul 2012 20:14

Although the Alenia Aermacchi M-346 Master is supposed to be a great airframe, it's Russian Origins may well harm it.
Bae/ Northrop should have a great advantage knowing the setup for the F-35 inside out to make near seamless integration for the trainees

Two's in 8th Jul 2012 20:37

Isn't BAE an American company nowadays?
BAE Systems Inc is indeed a US company, but the Hawk bit is part of BAE Systems PLC.

These days the Spams are so corrupt that if BAe win it, they will discount it and go for an American product regardless
Especially all those spams running Barclays bank it would appear.

LowObservable 9th Jul 2012 04:51

"Has emerged as the frontrunner" is perhaps over-egging it a bit.

pr00ne 9th Jul 2012 21:19

BAE Systems Inc is a wholly owned subsidiary of BAE Systems PLC, which makes it about as American as Fish and Chips...

Milo Minderbinder 9th Jul 2012 21:34

They'll relocate if it gets them this order

pr00ne 9th Jul 2012 21:40

"They'll relocate if it gets them this order"

Of course they won't, don't be ridiculous.

Relocate that is, they certainly COULD get the order, though hasn't the requirement been put back a few years? Therefore substantially reducing the chance of the Hawk still being in production.

Milo Minderbinder 9th Jul 2012 21:48

New production line in America. So it doesn't matter if we stop Hawk production in the UK. All it will mean is that BAE shift yet another part of their business to the USA. And what they would be shifting would be production of their last manned aircraft. By then Typhoon production would have ceased and theres nothing to replace it. So bye-bye Warton and Salmesbury (unless they actually manage to sell a drone to the MOD)
BAEs interests in the UK are declining and petty much irrelevant. Why should they not relocate to the USA?

pr00ne 9th Jul 2012 22:01

Because they have far more than military aircraft interests here in the UK. They are a vast outfit and are still acquiring niche UK manufacturing companies in the defence and security market. Detica being a notable recent one.

They have over 30 manufacturing plants in the UK, there is a LOT more to BAES than merely Warton and Samlesbury. Samlesbury will be designing, engineering and manufacturing F-35 airframe assemblies for a very long time.

Mantis and the like will keep Warton busy too. Plus Typhoon will be upgraded a few more times and they are also still active in the export market. In the REALLY long term future, while everyone talks of the F-35 and Typhoon as being the last generation of manned combat aircraft, I recall when that was said about a certain English Electric Lightning...

It's not all doom and gloom in the world's second largest aerospace industry you know!

Milo Minderbinder 9th Jul 2012 22:09

They're acquiring new businesses because they are losing money in the ones they already own and can't make them profitable. So they are buying profitable businesses to asset strip and destroy, providing cash to drive their USA expansion.
They're still following the GEC business model of destroying jobs to liberate cash. The sooner they are rumbled and the banks pull the plug the better.

pr00ne 9th Jul 2012 22:26

Milo Minderbinder,

Have you looked at their financials lately?

Share price up £4 today. Profit of nearly £1.3 Billion. Just what do you think the word "losing" actually means?

Milo Minderbinder 9th Jul 2012 22:30

no, but I've worked in a few publicly quoted companies where I've helped to fiddle the financials, so please don't spout that kind of bollox to me.
If you're buying companies, its dead easy to hide the fact your main business is faltering

pr00ne 9th Jul 2012 22:33

You cannot "fiddle" a profit of £1.3 Billion!

People like me exist to make sure that things that like that don't happen. When they do then the crash and burn is spectacular, especially if you happen to be in the US, when you can expect to go to prison for 90 years.

Milo Minderbinder 9th Jul 2012 23:02

Then people like you should be a damned site more switched on and believe what companies tell you less.
It damned easy to fiddle company accounts - and the bigger you are he easier it is because the auditors are scared of pulling the plug in case they get dragged down with it

pr00ne 9th Jul 2012 23:15

Milo Minderbinder

Ever heard of something called due diligence? We don't just "believe what companies tell us" for goodness sake.

The City is not as naive, nor nearly as corrupt as you clearly think it is, thankfully!

Milo Minderbinder 9th Jul 2012 23:28

Goldman Sacks
Icelandic banks in general
Banco Ambrosiano
Mwerrill Lynch
Conrrad Black / Hollinger
Bernard Madoff
just a few at random

due diligence?
more like sticking your communal noses in the horse trough and enjoying the ride.

cornish-stormrider 10th Jul 2012 11:08

meow fffs fffs ffs and other cat like impressions.

roll up roll up - ringside seats for threppence h'appeny
popcorn is ready!!!!!

Large company is corrupt * - is t'baron you say?

how suprising - something about a squashed serious fraud squad investigation with a "customer" IIRC.....

* alledgedly - as reported in the popular press, anyway a big boy told me and he dun't lie.

Nothing ever suprises me about the self idulging and corruption of almost everyone nowadays, what a wonderful world we live in.

longer ron 10th Jul 2012 11:38

The City is not as naive, nor nearly as corrupt as you clearly think it is, thankfully!
Now that is a comical statement LOL
Historically the financial sector has well and truly screwed most of us...and they continue to do so :rolleyes::ugh:

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