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glojo 26th Jan 2012 16:42

Are we talking about Indian aircraft carriers and the selection of aircraft? I thought the carriers they were operating lacked catapults which would suggest their choice of aircraft is limited!

Willard Whyte 27th Jan 2012 08:30


Are we talking about Indian aircraft carriers and the selection of aircraft? I thought the carriers they were operating lacked catapults which would suggest their choice of aircraft is limited!
Apparently the Indian's are examining concepts for future carriers...

Concepts currently being examined by the Directorate of Naval Design for the IAC-2 are for a conventionally powered carrier displacing over 50,000 tons and equipped with steam catapults (rather than the ski-jump on the Gorshkov/Vikramaditya and the IAC) to launch fourth generation aircraft.
I suppose it would be as well to investigate the various a/c types that it could carry too.

LowObservable 29th Jan 2012 09:25

NaB - The Super Hornet's age (and the age of the original design) certainly means differences in terms of stealth versus a from-the-ground-up design.

If your requirement is written around JSF RCS numbers, the SH probably won't meet it, even with conformals and weapon pods and everything else that can be done.

On the other hand, it would be interesting to look at the actual RCS profiles of JSF and the Ultra Hornet - dB, aspect, band - and ask the question: How much difference does that make to survivability and lethality, across a likely set of missions and threats?

And stealth aside, the SH - particularly with conformals and the uprated engine, which are lower risk than the JSF at this point - gives little up to the F-35C, will surpass it in many respects and costs less. Maybe enough less to CATOBAR another carrier...

Not_a_boffin 29th Jan 2012 15:29

A long time since I looked at the FCBA (as was) requirement, so can't really contrast between F35 & "UltraBug", particularly not for signature aspects :=.

My point was merely that the UK is not just buying a carrier-borne aircraft, but a carrier-borne aircraft that meets particular performance requirements - something that sometimes gets lost in the debate.

The age of the aircraft is perhaps not as important as it once was, but is still a half-decent indicator of the growth potential for a service life of 30+ years. Make no mistake, I think getting some F18F in the next five-eight years would be fantastic for the UK, but only if that then led to F35C sometime in the twenties.

In any case, given the choice for an alternate, Tomcat-21 would always have had my vote - wishful thinking I know!

Kitbag 29th Jan 2012 17:42

NAB raises the growth potential issue, my understanding of the latest gen of 'stealthy' aircraft is that actually growth is strictly limited by the current structure/shape unlike the F18/F16/Mig 29 types which have had their capability and capacity greatly increased through 'growth'. For instance changes to the F35 fuselage for instance to accomodate what I see as a minor mod to the hook have been reported as difficult and expensive by the company.

Not_a_boffin 29th Jan 2012 18:26

Growth ain't just weight / payload. Growth is increase beyond IOC through life, which can also mean data handling, signature etc.....

LeCrazyFrog 29th Jan 2012 19:00



glojo 29th Jan 2012 19:27

Hi Willard,
Thank you very much for the update and I have a few questions none of which are specifically aimed at you but one question does involve your comments about a conventional carrier.

If India were to build or purchase a conventional carrier then where would she get a trained deck crew to operate the ship whilst at flying stations? I ask this question as this area of expertise takes possibly years to master in a competent and professional manner. There are lots of noises being made at the moment regarding certain countries buying oil from Iran with gold instead of the recognised dollar... Would America appreciate this and still offer to help train the Indians or the other fast jet operator France who is part of the EU boycott. where would Indian get this expertise?

Going back to the F-35 or a substitute F-18, I am still about the RAF ownership should the F-18 be deemed necessary. Would the RAF prefer the F-18 to the Tornado or are all GR4's eventually being replaced by the Typhoon? If so same question but substitute Typhoon. If the RAF are not 100% committed then would the 18 be a dead man walking and we have the SHAR saga all over again?

Please note these are questions and I am NOT suggesting or implying anything regarding the purchasing of the F-18 or its future roles..

having said that would the F-18 Growler be more than welcome on any flight deck and is there a substitute for what that aircraft brings to the table? :)

ICBM 29th Jan 2012 19:27


Problem is, we're not procuring a carrier-borne aircraft any more but a carrier capable one. F35C will spend most of its service life ashore because the carrier will be late and we're only buying one Cat/Trap one. It won't be because we don't want to embark, but that we can't because she's in for servicing. The emphasis has switched and F35C will be looked at to replace lost GR4 strike capability for the RAF.

BEagle 29th Jan 2012 20:44

Nice model, LaGrenouilleFolle!


LeCrazyFrog 29th Jan 2012 20:47

works perfect! you just need to get rid of the garlic perfume....:ok:

orca 29th Jan 2012 21:37

Whilst we have one of them listening, could we ask the French for a little help?

Can you quickly explain to us why having Aeronavale pilots flying Rafale M is better than simply embarking a few Armee de l'air chaps every now and then?

Is it more efficient? Does it cost less? Is it safer? Couldn't the air force just supply the air boss? How about the yellow coats? The MAOC staff? Does it really take 3 years to make a LSO?

Please help because we have a navy that once knew about carriers but has forgotten and an air force that helped out to a greater or lesser degree in both the cat and trap ones, and also the VSTOL ones, but now all we're good at is blaming each other for the capability's demise.

It seems we might be interested in your aeroplane, please give us a quick data burst on your C2 and modus operandi.

Many thanks indeed.

PS Please answer from the point of view of both services. Does your air force want to go to sea? Or does it want all the Rafales including the Ms for some other reason? Has it ever been stated how much time a land based pilot would need to become proficient on the deck?

LeCrazyFrog 29th Jan 2012 22:12

It is always hard to tell when you get an interesting question if it is just an excuse for some easy banter of if it is a serious one... so I'll take it as a serious one just in case...:hmm:

Question 1 : I believe you can find part of the answer right at home : when the FAA FJ were absorbed by the RAF so was gone the embarked aviation in the UK (I'm talking fixed wing here). Surely everybody has his own opinion, but I believe it comes down to a couple of simple things (other than politics) :
- crabs don't join to spend 6 to 8 months per year at sea or away otherwise they would have joined the Navy. As easy as that. As a matter of fact I remember when Invincible used to participate in the all the Gulf big air exercises, the ship would go there empty, stovies would join in Oman, get onboard a couple of weeks for the exercise and then disembark before the ship went back home empty...
- it does indeed take a lot of time to keep up with the skills involved with a cats 'n' traps aviation. Unfortunately, the nation that invented it all is about to rediscover how hard it is as soon as the QE2 is afloat. What a shame. I would say that all highly technical skills are hard to maintain, however some more than others...Flying is difficult, flying from the sea is even more difficult. Otherwise anybody would have carriers. Chinese are getting one, let's see how long they take to master the skills to operate it.
When the french carrier went into refit it took A LOT of effort to keep everybody (pilots, LSO, yellow dogs, etc...) current. And that was "just" an 18 months refit...

Question 2 : Yes it is more expensive, yes it is safer. Although I am no specialist (being rotary, I try to keep as far as I can from flat tops), so I don't know exactly how long it takes to form a LSO (3 years seems a bit short to me, you have to add some 10 years of flying experience) As an example, our LSO are captains, that is how rare they are.

Question 3 : No, our crabs don't want to go at sea (as stated before), yes they want all the rafales, and the choppers, and the satellites, and the UAVs, but that's politics. There are pilot exchanges between AA and the Aéronavale, so becoming proficient on a deck is no impossible task. The main problem is keeping current (specially for night deck ops, although from what I know it got much easier with the new jets). So I believe it is a matter of either or, you can't do both.

Can you be more specific on what do you mean by C2 and modus operandi? I'll try to answer on a different post otherwise this one is going to get really boring:zzz:

orca 29th Jan 2012 22:36

Many thanks and yes I was serious.

I personally don't understand the RAF desire to participate in CVF. I suspect it boils down to survival of the service. i.e. if they're not in JCA then they have Typhoon and that is it as far as FW goes. So it's the lesser of two evils and is not because CAS fundementally supports sea basing.

I don't understand why the UK is going to be different. I would have thought that we would do carrier strike like the experts, hence my questions.

I suspect that the cat and trap skills are high end and perishable, so you need to practice. I suspect that some in the RN will over play this (which is inefficient but safe) and some in the light blue will under play it (which is dangerous).

I personally think that the expertise in operating an aeroplane needs to find its way into CAOC/ MAOC, flyco and Fleet HQ. So to me the need for a dark blue aviator runs deeper than just pounding the flight deck.

As regards MO, you answered it in your answer, so thank you.

I believe that in growing the best capability for UK defence you probably want to start by copying the guys who are already doing it and have been for some time. That means a lot of time embarked, by guys prepared to do it, whose career path remains embedded within the capability.

Of course, if CAS were to go on record as committing RAF personnel to extended periods embarked the RN argument starts to look vulnerable. If he went high risk we could even see Joint Force Lightning rebranded as the FAA of the RAF....where I think we've been before!

Thanks again.

kbrockman 30th Jan 2012 10:44

the F15SE probably cancelled, S korea also with F35?
New Pacific Institute | Promoting peace in the Pacific Basin in a time of uncertainty

It looks like Boeing is pulling the plug on their F15Silent Eagle project.
This would leave S Korea only with 2 viable options, the EF and the F35.
since Stealth is an issue for the South Koreans it looks like the way for the
F35 is all but paved.

Not_a_boffin 30th Jan 2012 11:00


The carrier being late will have nothing to do with F35 and it's basing. More importantly, the maritime requirement isn't just what GR4 can do, whatever the emphasis may be in High Wycombe. The ship should also be able to do 8-9 month pa available for embarked ops, docking periods every five/six years.

SpazSinbad 30th Jan 2012 12:18

USN LSO Training Article 2001 NAN
'orca' asked: "... Does it really take 3 years to make a LSO?...: Probably as in the question: "How long is a piece of string" there are variable answers however a useful LSO in the UK context will take a first sea tour and then afterward some USN LSO school training then on the job training back on CVF and it is all good - much the same as the RAN FAA experience back in the day....

Naval Aviation News May– Jun 2001
LSO School: Where the Teachers Go to Learn
http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/2000s/2001/mj01/lso.pdf (1Mb)
"...The school administers three different programs: a two-week Initial Formal Ground Training (IFGT) course, an FRS/TRACOM course for LSOs heading to duty in fleet readiness squadrons or the training command, and three-day Advanced Formal Ground Training (AFGT) for prospective air wing LSOs.
But the school is only part of the LSO training program; it is actually a second step along the training path of a typical LSO. Prospective LSOs are first-tour pilots who upon arriving at their squadron, volunteer and are nominated by squadron commanding officers to apprentice alongside the squadron and air wing LSOs. They are identified early enough to be given the opportunity to progress to wing qualification status before the end of their first operational tour.
After the first cruise when pilots are familiar enough with the LSO's job to make the school a worthwhile experience, they attend IFGT course, taking their skills to the next level. "We like students coming here to have at least waved a portion of work-ups on the platform, so that everything we show them makes sense and we can move on to fine-tuning them as LSOs," LCDR Watkins said.
After IFGT, newly trained LSOs return to their squadron and joinits LSO team to perform air wing duty. After a squadron LSO tour, the LSO returns to the school for the FRS/TRACOM course, becoming eligible for the subsequent shore duty assignment in an FRS or a training command unit.
LSOs who continue their "paddles" career typically get air wing LSO assignments after attending AFGT. Following that sea tour, they often go to a department head position, such as OIC of the LSO school...."

ORAC 31st Jan 2012 08:41

Battleland: F-35: Out of Altitude, Airspeed, and Ideas — But Never Money

glojo 31st Jan 2012 09:44

I have a few questions which are as usual not aimed at anyone in particular, although the first one relates to the link very kindly posted by ORAC.

There are lots of very professional looking web-sites on the Internet but who are the authors and what is there agenda? I have absolutely no reason to doubt the varsity of what is being said but is that because I want to believe in what I am reading?

Should we have anticipated that the F-35 development program would be the most expensive ever for the type of aircraft?

Was the F-35 selected by the United States after a 'winner takes all' elimination contest held against an aircraft built by Boeing? Why were all these MAJOR issues not picked up during these elimination tests? It is not as though the problems being faced by the F-35 are minor teething problems. Numerous major items are only now being discovered and it really begs the question of what tests were carried out prior to signing up for the 35.

Not being capable of catching an arrester hook is more than a trifle embarrassing for a Navy fast jet.

Is there a place for a touch of humour regarding aircraft launched from ships without any ability to land back on a deck?


SpazSinbad 31st Jan 2012 11:09

'glojo' thinks: "...Not being capable of catching an arrester hook is more than a trifle embarrassing for a Navy fast jet...."

Perhaps it is not easy to understand that the F-35C is being tested and that soon a new hook design will be tested. No big deal but if you want to make it a big deal then so be it. I don't believe a hunk of metal can be embarrassed but whatever.

glojo 31st Jan 2012 11:38

Hi Spaz,
You might be reading FAR to much into wording as opposed to observations.

Are you saying it is only a redesign that is needed for the hook? If not then what are your thoughts?

I TOTALLY accept that one answer is a redesigned hook, would that would be the easiest, cheapest and quickest remedy?

BUT surely if that were the answer then would this issue have received so much attention? Time waits for no man and whilst this issue remains unsolved then questions are rightly going to be asked.

Could it be distance between undercarriage and hook?

My question was... Why was this fundamental requirement not part of the acceptance evaluation when both aircraft were competing for this contract? Other aspects were tested to evaluate abilities so why not at the very least do land based tests to see if the thing can catch the wire?

I am in the camp that wants the F-35 to be a success, I am also doubtful about the enthusiasm for purchasing the F-18 but would welcome anyone that can put forward a justifiable case for the RAF wanting that aircraft.

If we were in the position of owning multiple aircraft carriers then the Navy could be the owner of the jets, the maintainer and the trainer but that is never going to be an option.

PLEASE try to look on my statements as questions designed to stimulate debate and try not to pay too much attention to wording which might at times reflect the passion I feel for this and other issues.

ORAC 31st Jan 2012 11:57

Is there a place for a touch of humour regarding aircraft launched from ships without any ability to land back on a deck?
Hurricats and CAM Ships

CAM Ships

Reinhardt 31st Jan 2012 17:04

Originally Posted by orca
Whilst we have one of them listening, could we ask the French for a little help?
Can you quickly explain to us why having Aeronavale pilots flying Rafale M is better than simply embarking a few Armee de l'air chaps every now and then?

In France, Armée de l'air would like to swallow Aéronavale.
They already succeeded in taking UAVs and SAMs from the Army, they developed the combat rescue (you know, when helicopters remain on standby for days, even weeks..) to keep their choppers flying, they experiment sea rescue with their helicopters, they even tried anti-piracy patrol with the AWACS... facing incredible cuts, they try desperately to take the assets from the other services.
- Aéronavale is much older and senior than Armée de l'air (first century celebrated last year) and admirals will not give away so easily.
- Air Force people just don't want to go at sea (everytime they are embarked on carriers, they need to be shuttled back home every two months - maximum - to be replace by others) For the same reason, their choppers crew prefer airfields and airbases to open country and bush camps along with the Army choppers...
- more than the plain technique of landing on carrier deck, operating at sea (maritime strike, ASW, coastal or blue ocean patrol) request some familiarity with naval operations. The majority of Aéronavale pilots are bridge-qualified, and will take a command (frigate, carrier, LPD) in the future. So they are sailors - simple as that.

glojo 31st Jan 2012 22:04

I am reading posts regarding aircraft the F-35 will replace, one of those listed is the A-10! Rather than dig myself into a hole I will ask what are the thoughts on the F-35 as a ground attack aircraft being flown in daylight?

Originally Posted by airforce-technology
The requirement is for: USAF F-35A air-to-ground strike aircraft, replacing F-16 and A-10, complementing F-22 (1763); USMC F-35B – STOVL strike fighter to replace F/A-18B/C and AV-8B (480); UK RN F-35C – STOVL strike fighter to replace Sea Harriers (60); US Navy F-35C – first-day-of-war strike fighter to replace F/A-18B/C and A-6, complementing the F/A-18E/F (480 aircraft).

GreenKnight121 1st Feb 2012 02:54

Originally Posted by glojo
Was the F-35 selected by the United States after a 'winner takes all' elimination contest held against an aircraft built by Boeing? Why were all these MAJOR issues not picked up during these elimination tests?

Originally Posted by glojo
My question was... Why was this fundamental requirement not part of the acceptance evaluation when both aircraft were competing for this contract? Other aspects were tested to evaluate abilities so why not at the very least do land based tests to see if the thing can catch the wire?

Because the aircraft in the evaluation competition were technology and process demonstrators, NOT prototypes!
Thus the X-32/X-35 designations, rather than XF-32 and XF-35.

They were built and evaluated to show that the manufacturers had a good handle on the process of designing and building complex airframe structures with the composite materials specified, and that they were capable of producing something that came pretty close to what they had estimated it would.

The actual airframes were NOT required to be representative of the actual intended design.

Indeed this was very noticeable with the Boeing X-32, which was built and flown as a tailless delta, but when it didn't provide the predicted performance Boeing changed their proposed configuration for the actual fighter to a conventional main wing & horizontal tail design.

You think LM screwed up, think what Boeing would have done if they had won... they couldn't even get their wind-tunnel/computer flight simulations for the general configuration right, what would they have gotten wrong with the detailed design and development?

Seanthebrave 1st Feb 2012 11:32

I hear there will be a decision this year, whether or not to proceed with a navalised gripen demonstrator, in partnership with the MoD...

As for LM screwing things up, my personal opinion is that their expectations of what the technology can deliver are higher than the maturity of said technology...for now

cokecan 1st Feb 2012 11:39

''As for LM screwing things up, my personal opinion is that their expectations of what the technology can deliver are higher than the maturity of said technology...for now''

Sean, shouldn't that be 'LM's willingness to lie and obviscate in order to keep JSF sold'?

Milo Minderbinder 1st Feb 2012 11:50

"I hear there will be a decision this year, whether or not to proceed with a navalised gripen demonstrator, in partnership with the MoD..."

Think about that: built by a company with NO experience of building carrier aircraft, maybe assisted by a company whose last experience of carrier aircraft was in the 1960's with the Buccanner, with guidance from an MoD whose abilties at contract definition are minimal.
Now hows that for a project to go wrong, overbudget and get cancelled when its too late?
Especially when the buy can only be for around 50 airframes - there simply won't be any demand elsewhere, the French will be there first with the Rafale

glojo 1st Feb 2012 12:17

Thank you Greenknight for that reply but would we not expect some type of demonstration to see if the aircraft is fit for the very basic role that is required?

Hindsight is always a useless talent but all our armchair critics seem to have this talent in abundance, however when I want to buy an aircraft to replace the F-18 then I would want to make sure the thing can at the very least take off and land on the deck of a carrier.

I assume that US Naval air stations have arrester wire capability where this could demonstrated?

I must repeat that I am a fan of the F-35 and still hope it arrives on time to join our only carrier capable of operating it.

Engines 1st Feb 2012 12:55


Perhaps I can help here - I worked on the JSF programme with the specialist ship suitability team, and have a pretty good knowledge of the arresting hook system.

The X-35 programme was, as said here before, a demonstrator for basic technologies, and that didn't include the complex matter of testing the arresting hook system.

I worked with the team designing the hook and can confirm that the design they came up with (after a number of changes) was fully approved by the many US Navy subject matter experts from NAVAIR who conducted a string of reviews. (The US specification does not, as far as I know, specify a minimum distance between gear and hook - it does specify around 30 other parameters, all of which the design met).

The whole business of getting arresting hooks to work is actually highly complex and difficult. The USN make it look easy because they are extremely good at it.

LM are trying a redesigned hook point and a new damper to regulate hook bounce. If those don't work, they are going to have to design some form of extending hook or move it aft - and that could be a real problem. However, they are not there yet.

Finally, the arresting hook issue is not the biggest faced by the F-35 programme - read the Congressional quick-look report for the rest.

Hope this helps, best regards,


glojo 1st Feb 2012 14:16

Hi Engines
Both your very good self and GreenKnight have certainly put forward excellent points and I hope I am not being out of order? Clearly it is unfair to be pointing a finger at any one particular party and these problems are unfortunately leaking out into the public domain. :*

I have read that report and as you rightly say there are some horrible hurdles to climb over. :uhoh:

LowObservable 1st Feb 2012 15:07

GloJo - Indeed, the QLR paints a picture. Overall, probably its scariest aspect is the prediction that, since the first year of tests has invalidated the program's faith in modeling and simulation ("testing is validation" - Bunkum!), there are more mines in the waters ahead.

I suspect that it was leaked either (1) to prepare the ground for FY2013-onward budget cuts or (2) as an antidote to the saturation bombardment of propaganda, not only by LockMart but by its mouthpieces.

Fortunately, Panetta has listened, which is why production is being held flat for a few years.

GeeRam 1st Feb 2012 18:34

Originally Posted by Milo Minderbinder
"I hear there will be a decision this year, whether or not to proceed with a navalised gripen demonstrator, in partnership with the MoD..."

Think about that: built by a company with NO experience of building carrier aircraft, maybe assisted by a company whose last experience of carrier aircraft was in the 1960's with the Buccanner

So..... no different to LM with the F-35C then :ok:

Reinhardt 2nd Feb 2012 13:24

Originally Posted by Seanthebrave
hear there will be a decision this year, whether or not to proceed with a navalised gripen demonstrator, in partnership with the MoD...

And to be tested on which ship ? HMS Ocean ???

Seanthebrave 2nd Feb 2012 13:50

How would I know, I'm not the programme chief; I posted it in the forum as an interesting political development!

kbrockman 5th Feb 2012 10:39

The F35's real cost
I didn't find an earlier reference to the lates GOA rapport so here it is,

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program office underreported the average cost per flying hour for the aircraft in the 2010 SAR. The average, steady-state O&S cost per flying hour was reported as $16,425 (fiscal year 2002 dollars). Program officials told us that the number of aircraft used in the estimate for the Air Force’s inventory was not accurate and the estimate also did not project for future cost growth above inflation. The estimate included approximately 528 extra aircraft that when calculating the average cost per flying hour, resulted in higher flight hours and lower average costs per hour. Further, according to the SAR, some of the F-35’s O&S costs were intentionally excluded from the estimate to enable comparison with the antecedent system, the F-16 C/D. Costs for support equipment replacement, modifications, and indirect costs were removed from the F-35’s cost per flying hour since they were not available for the F-16 C/D. Officials calculated that the revised cost per flying hour for the F-35 was $23,557 (fiscal year 2002 dollars), or 43 percent higher, after including the excluded costs, projecting for future cost growth above inflation, and correcting the number of aircraft. However, they noted that the total O&S life-cycle cost reported in the SAR for the F-35 was accurate because it was calculated separately from the average cost per flying hour.
From an article in a Dutch website dedicated to the F35
JSF Nieuws.nl » Laatste JSF nieuws : Kosten per vlieguur sinds 2010 dramatisch hoger

Feiten over kosten per vlieguur

Enkele andere feiten die de minister bekend zijn (op basis van Pentagon Selected Acquisition Reports):
- In 2002: costs F-35 per hour: US$ 9.145
- In 2005: costs F-35 per hour US$ 9.737
- In 2010: costs F-35 per hour US$ 16.425
- Latest numbers (US GAO 12-340) : costs F-35 per hour US$ 23.557
These numbers are not including inflation, 2002 base numbers standard.
from 9.145 to 23.557 = 2.576 fold increase in a mere 10 years timeframe.
And this for a fighter that was initially promised as being cheaper to operate than a F16 and easier to maintain (that concept also went out of the window long time ago).
Also its initial acquisition price has more than doubled, also almost 2.5 times as much as originally envisioned.
Earliest IOC for the A model now set at 2020, maybe.

A simple calculation would mean that the Netherlands without a very substantial increase in budget spending for the F35, can now afford
35 iso the originally planned 85 planes.
It seems that the JSF critics in Holland where right all along when they
claimed many years ago that they ultimately wouldn't have sufficient funds to acquire and operate more than 36 frames.

Bollotom 6th Feb 2012 07:34

Here's a goodly bit of PR. Haven't seen it on Pprune and actually nicked it off Rum Ration.

F-35B Ship Suitability Testing - YouTube

GreenKnight121 6th Feb 2012 08:52

Apparently there is an "outside" driver for some of the F-35 cost increases and redesign delays:

China's Role In JSF's Spiraling Costs | AVIATION WEEK

Originally Posted by aviation week and space technology
Feb 3, 2012
By David Fulghum, Bill Sweetman, Amy Butler
Washington, Washington, Washington

How much of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter’s spiraling cost in recent years can be traced to China’s cybertheft of technology and the subsequent need to reduce the fifth-generation aircraft’s vulnerability to detection and electronic attack?

That is a central question that budget planners are asking, and their queries appear to have validity. Moreover, senior Pentagon and industry officials say other classified weapon programs are suffering from the same problem. Before the intrusions were discovered nearly three years ago, Chinese hackers actually sat in on what were supposed to have been secure, online program-progress conferences, the officials say.

The full extent of the connection is still being assessed, but there is consensus that escalating costs, reduced annual purchases and production stretch-outs are a reflection to some degree of the need for redesign of critical equipment. Examples include specialized communications and antenna arrays for stealth aircraft, as well as significant rewriting of software to protect systems vulnerable to hacking.

It is only recently that U.S. officials have started talking openly about how data losses are driving up the cost of military programs and creating operational vulnerabilities, although claims of a large impact on the Lockheed Martin JSF are drawing mixed responses from senior leaders. All the same, no one is saying there has been no impact.

While claiming ignorance of details about effects on the stealth strike aircraft program, James Clapper, director of national intelligence, says that Internet technology has “led to egregious pilfering of intellectual capital and property. The F-35 was clearly a target,” he confirms. “Clearly the attacks . . . whether from individuals or nation-states are a serious challenge and we need to do something about it.”
The F-35 issue was ducked as well by David Shedd, deputy director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, but not the impact of cybertheft on defense spending and operational security.

“I am not going to talk about the F-35, Shedd says. “I’d be sitting with the secretary having a counseling session. The answer is absolutely yes. The leaks have hurt our efforts in that it gives the adversary an advantage in having insights into what we’re doing. It should be clear that whether there are leaks on the technology side or that affect preemptive decision-making, they are very damaging to the intelligence community.”

Those closer to the program are less equivocal about the damage that cyberintrusions are causing the JSF program.

“You are on to something,” says a veteran combat pilot with insight into both the F-35 and the intelligence communities “There are both operational and schedule problems with the program related to the cyber data thefts. In addition, there are the costs of redressing weaknesses in the original system design and lots of software fixes.”

The subject also was addressed during Pentagon briefings about President Barack Obama’s budget for 2013.

“We are very attentive . . . to cybervulnerabilities in weapon systems, ours and those of others,” says Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter. “It’s part of the modern world. It’s a highly computerized airplane. Like all our other computer systems, we have to be attentive to it.”

In July 2011, then-Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn pointed out that a foreign intelligence agency had victimized a major defense contractor and extracted 24,000 files concerning a developmental system. That is important because a decision to redesign a compromised system depends on whether the lost information would help the intruder develop similar systems and generate methods of attack and defense. Some U.S. officials have pegged the costs at tens of billions of dollars.

There is some empirical evidence to support this concern. China has made a habit in recent years of regularly rolling out new aircraft designs, including the J-20 stealth prototype strike fighter and a series of new unmanned aircraft that look like U.S. designs such as the Global Hawk and Sensor Craft.

Nonetheless, the Pentagon’s ardor for the strike fighter has not dampened.
“We want the airplane,” Carter declares. “We want all three variants. At the same time, there is the issue of cost and the performance of the program in this difficult time when we are trying to reach full-rate production. That’s still a concern. We’ll ride up that curve to full-rate production when it’s economically and managerially prudent to do it.”

Despite the proclamation of support for the program, the Pentagon is expected to reduce by 179 aircraft the U.S. buy of F-35s through 2017 in the forthcoming fiscal 2013 defense spending request, according to a Reuters report. If approved by Congress, this would dash the hopes of Lockheed Martin to swiftly ramp up production and lower per-unit prices, a goal tied to the company’s campaign to sell the aircraft abroad. The Pentagon’s reasoning for slowing production is to reduce the impact of yet-unknown problems that could still arise from the flight-test program. In addition, the Block II software package is late. It was slated for release to the flight-testing fleet by the end of last year.

An early concern about a possible avenue for hacking into stealth aircraft, the F-35’s Multifunction Advanced Data Link (MADL), is no longer suspect. It was dropped as an add-on to the F-22 and B-2 that would allow stealth aircraft to communicate without being detected. Program insiders say MADL was scrubbed as a “pure money issue.” MADL was designed for high throughput, frequency-hopping and anti-jamming capabilities with phased-array antenna assemblies that send and receive tightly directed radio signals.

The F-35 program may have been vulnerable because of its lengthy development. Defense analysts note that the JSF’s information system was not designed with cyberespionage, now called advanced persistent threat, in mind. Lockheed Martin officials now admit that subcontractors (6-8 in 2009 alone, according to company officials) were hacked and “totally compromised.” In fact, the stealth fighter program probably has the biggest “attack surface” or points that can be attacked owing to the vast number of international subcontractors.

There also is the issue of unintended consequences. The 2009 hacking was apparently not aimed at the F-35 but rather at a classified program. However, those accidental results were spectacular. Not only could intruders extract data, but they became invisible witnesses to online meetings and technical discussions, say veteran U.S. aerospace industry analysts. After the break-in was discovered, the classified program was halted and not restarted until a completely new, costly and cumbersome security system was in place.

There is another view of what is affecting JSF and why. A former senior staffer for the U.S. Senate contends that the F-35 program’s problems reflect diminishing interest in manned aircraft whose performance is limited primarily by its aircrew.

“I think the biggest issue facing the JSF is that there has been a profound shift in the military’s perception of the value of manned aircraft compared to unmanned aircraft,” he says. “I’ve had long conversations with a Marine Corps forward air controller who has just returned from Afghanistan. He pointed out that an F/A-18 can be kept on call for 15 minutes, but an unmanned Reaper is there for eight hours. The day of the fighter pilot is over. There has been a seismic shift in the military’s value judgment of manned and unmanned aircraft.”

However, that is a disputed analysis.
The JSF and its mission of penetrating integrated air defense systems will not be threatened by unmanned aircraft despite cost issues, says a retired aerospace official who has been involved with the F-35 throughout its life.

glojo 7th Feb 2012 07:54

Wot!!! ....No steam
The quality of the youtube footage is certainly impressive..

After watching this clip I had a vision of hundreds of electricians stood in a line passing buckets laden with volts all being poured into a box labelled EMALS.:sad:

Courtney Mil 7th Feb 2012 08:14

Great video, Glojo, thanks. The B looks very stable in the hovver. It looks like there's quite a bit of sideways force on the nose leg at times - I'm sure they've noticed.


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