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Indicating Full 2nd Sep 2011 08:26

I applied and was succesful but still have mixed feelings.

The covering letter had a statement of entitlement which was £15,000 less than that which I'd calculated online.

I went to PSF to enquire to be met by a barricade stating "PSF is closed for staff training on Thursday afternoons" - Priceless.:ugh:

I ignored the sign but managed to restrain myself from putting my boot through it.

OpsLoad8 2nd Sep 2011 08:47

ISK Numbers
Vim and AT Mov

Not sure about the breakdown by trade, but of the 86 in the bracket, 56 have gone, of which 17 were non-applicants.

dctyke 2nd Sep 2011 08:56

Quote: While it's a cack situation for those being shown the door who didn't want to go, if you think the military is treating people badly, try finding another employer that would sack people but give them a year's notice and a 9 month salary tax free lump sum.

(with the very significant acknowledgement that you're unlikely to find another employer that might ask you to die for them!)

While (mainly in the lower ranks) expecting you to carry on working for a great deal of that notice period as if nothing had happened whilst preparing to throw your wife and family out of your MQ. It happened in previous tranches! I feel for one and all of them.

November4 2nd Sep 2011 10:35

While (mainly in the lower ranks) expecting you to carry on working for a great deal of that notice period as if nothing had happened whilst preparing to throw your wife and family out of your MQ. It happened in previous tranches! I feel for one and all of them.
Apart from the throw you out of MQs, the organisation that I work for expected those that were recently made redundant to work up to their last day. That was after giving 4 - 6 weeks notice that you had been selected. We had known that redundancy had been coming since Nov last year but no knew numbers or who was going until they got the letter giving them the notice.

They did offer a couple of in house training courses on writing CVs and interview techniques but due to the numbers not everyone could get on the course.

Oh and they re-wrote the redundancy package in January so that those who were going would go on less generous terms.

It's great working for a public sector organisation....

5 Forward 6 Back 2nd Sep 2011 11:11

Interesting comment about the statement of entitlement not matching what you had calculated online, as I'm relying on that calculation being accurate in case I feature in future tranches!

Other people selected; did your statement of entitlement tally up with what the redundancy calculator told you? Are you entitled to a resettlement grant on top of the special capital payment?

Tankertrashnav 2nd Sep 2011 11:26

Is it really just 9 months salary (plus I'm assuming something like 3x pension as a lump sum)? When I took redundancy in 1977 the terms then were 15 months salary plus 3x pension. The figures look laughable (I got around £10k), but that enabled me to put a 50% deposit on a pretty decent house, not the case with Willard Whites example of £100k.

SRENNAPS 2nd Sep 2011 12:17

The covering letter had a statement of entitlement which was £15,000 less than that which I'd calculated online.
I came out in 2007 on Tranche 3 of that redundancy campaign. There was an online calculator; however, before we applied we also had the ability to request a written calculation of what was on offer. That way there could be no argument and if there was a problem at least you could contest it with your “bit of paper”.

Did you have the opportunity to request the information formally?

I for one would not have been satisfied to have decided my fate with just a random on-line calculator and no written agreement of the lump sum. And I don’t mean any disrespect to you.

As it was, my final lump sum was even bigger than the calculation so I was well happy. Sorry, I am not rubbing in salt. The original figure had not taken into account pay rises etc.

Final question, does anybody remember how many people were involved in “my” 3 tranches of redundancy?

Scuttled 2nd Sep 2011 14:31

I thought those redunded got only 6 months pay, if past the ipp?


Whilst understanding your point about making an informed decision on whether to jump or not, I assume that like the vast majority 'Indicating Full' was selected as a none volunteer.

Therefore, as I did, he probably had a quick look online a couple of months ago to get an idea of what he would walk with. Most will be in the same situation. They didn't ask to go.

cazatou 2nd Sep 2011 15:37


Surely you must be mistaken - you will remember (as I do) that the 1975 Redundancy Scheme was proclaimed as "Positively the last Redundancy Scheme the RAF will ever have."

ShyTorque 2nd Sep 2011 16:16

Heard an RAF chap on R4 today IC redundancies. He was saying that the RAF would do everything to help those made redundant transition from service life to civilian life.
I got the following help from the RAF on leaving: "Hand your kit back in and give us your ID card. The main gate is over there..."

They even took away my wife's car pass in advance and tried to stop her getting back to the MQ, which was outside the main gate. We hadn't yet moved out. :hmm:

SRENNAPS 2nd Sep 2011 16:26

Scuttled, I think he did!

I applied and was succesful
My company of 700 has just completed a redundancy of 200 of its’ workforce. 100 took voluntary and 100 got compulsory. Everybody was able to find out how much they would get if it happened. They did not ask to go either, but they made sure they found out!

Oh and by the way, the support I got when I left the RAF (only 4 years ago) was a million times better than the support that my fellow workmates got recently.

Scuttled 2nd Sep 2011 17:48


I'm an idiot, my apologies. In that case I agree entirely.

SRENNAPS 2nd Sep 2011 20:42


Many thanks but no need for the apology. Emotions are high and I really feel for all of those that have been given redundancy, whether it be voluntary or compulsory.

Unless you have been through it yourself, you cannot imagine how it feels.

When you open that letter, after nearly thirty years service, and you realise that you have been selected, you honestly don’t know whether to laugh, shout or cry. I did all three and I am not embarrassed to admit that I did cry… big style. It really is a life changing moment and it is a moment in your life when you need the closest friend you have (i.e my wife for me) to be next to you. Unfortunately for me I was the other side of the country for a top table. After I rang her with the news, I spent an hour, on my own, in a room in the Sgt’s Mess, trying to come to terms with what had just happened. It was hard.

I then went on to get completely hammered at the top table with the support of all my friends and colleagues. It truly was a great “Top Table”. And my Top Table a few months later…well that was even better.

I wanted my redundancy because I thought the time was right. I have no regrets and fully enjoy the life that I now live. But I don’t think I will ever stop thinking about what might have been had I stayed in.

One thing though, I cannot imagine what the feeling is for those that got compulsory and truly did not want it. I am gutted for you and to be quite frank it is so wrong.

Cheers and all my best to those involved.

Indicating Full 2nd Sep 2011 21:25

Thank you SRENNAPS for answering Scuttled's question. Yes, I was a volunteer and would have still applied even if the lower figure had come out of the calculator.


It wasn't just a random calculator I found; it was the official calculator referred to in the redundancy DIN. I know it came with a health warning that the figures might not be completely accurate but an error in the region of 13 per cent is taking the mickey.

You wouldn't believe the run around I've had trying to get answer. PSF referred me to the JPAC who referred me to the RFP who referred me to PSF but the Chf Clk is on leave today so you'll have to ring back Monday.

I wasted the remaindervof the morning trying to book a CTW. The briefing pack said I can apply ASAP but when I rang she said I needed to attend a brief first. I know that my unit resettlement is managed from Lyneham but the lady in the RRC said that Lyneham is closed so you'll have to ring Brize. I ignored that and rang Lyneham. They are open but the lady in the know is on leave this week.:ugh:

I've never criticised my employer on this forum and I'm not about to start now. I'm sure someone will do it on my behalf.

SRENNAPS 2nd Sep 2011 22:01

Indicating Full,

As I said I meant no disrespect to you. It really sounds like things have gone down hill fast since I left 4 years ago. No help from anybody and a run-around from those that are present. Not what you need at this moment in time. It really is a shame, but to be honest I saw the trend developing well before I left. The RAF (and civilian support) are full of them. Its getting worse and I am so glad I had my time when I had it!

Hope it all works out for you. All the best.

Seldomfitforpurpose 2nd Sep 2011 22:16

The very notion that "Blunt Command" was closed on a day of this magnitude shows just how ****** up we are, the Chief Clerk and his folk should have had open doors all round every station we own :=

Wyler 3rd Sep 2011 07:21

At this location it was handled about as well as it could be under the circumstances. One to one interviews to which a friend or rep could be brought. All PSF immediately available (literally doors open and everyone sat at their desks ready) along with SSAFA, Padre etc. All Flt/Sqn/Wg Cdrs on station and, again, immediately available.
Did not lessen the impact and, in a couple of cases, complete devastation, but it was as compassionate as it could be.
For the unit that had Admin shut, I would sack the CO.:mad:

Mr-Burns 3rd Sep 2011 07:54

I know of three people who, having never deployed in their lives and who proudly sport a Jubilee medal only, applied for an OOA thus protecting them from redundancy. Their plan worked and they got 4 months in some staff tour in Afghan (so far behind the lines that they had to send their washing forward) and survived the 1st Tranch. Lets hope they get discovered tranches 2 & 3.

pamac51 3rd Sep 2011 09:29

Chf Clk on Leave
For those stations that had Chf Clks on leave/PSF closed on such a day as R Day - don't sack them - shoot them:\

Duncan D'Sorderlee 3rd Sep 2011 09:40

IMHO ISK made the best of a crap deal. The Maritime community took a battering - I was going to say decimated, but that implies 1 in 10! It was humbling to see how the news was taken by some of the finest people that I have had the priviledge to work with.

All the best to Mrs Swallox and everyone else who got their marching orders. It has been an honour!


Wrathmonk 3rd Sep 2011 13:54

stations that had Chf Clks on leave/PSF closed on such a day as R Day
Why not name and shame them on here .......

Edited to add - the stations not the individuals :O

Biggus 3rd Sep 2011 15:14


Reference your earlier question at post 48, in the round of redundancies you were involved in there were 510 personnel in Tranche 1, 1200 in 2 and 819 in 3....

Tranche 3 were informed in writing on 12 Oct 06, almost 5 years ago....

RAF target strength was 41,000 by Apr 08.... :{

betty swallox 3rd Sep 2011 16:37

Ah, Duncs. At last some sense! Cheers, and thanks for the sentiments! Agree strongly!!

SRENNAPS 3rd Sep 2011 19:58


Many thanks for the info. I must admit I did not realise it was that many!

Tranche 3 were informed in writing on 12 Oct 06, almost 5 years ago....
Tell me about it. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone. Miss it all, but no regrets.

Duncan D'Sorderlee 3rd Sep 2011 20:19

I don't think that there has been any indication of the tranche 2 fields; in fact the announcement has been delayed.


akula67 3rd Sep 2011 20:28

Let's face it we were stiched at ISK. How come waddo only took so few hits and why, because we were led up the garden path. Yes I am angry and bitter but when you give 25 years of your life and are then given the heave ho how are you suppose to feel. Yes I'll get a pension but a lot wont and all those briefs about the pain being shared, what a load of B*&**$%s. This country is playing with fire and it will bite us in the ass, 6 billion barrels of oil down south will only be the start and what good will your super typhoon and uav be not much without an aircraft carrier and mpa.

Enough of the rant best of luck to all and who knows maybe someone will see sence but I doubt it.http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/sr...cons/icon8.gif

Vim_Fuego 3rd Sep 2011 20:43

The RAF now have some time to sit back and see who bolts due to not getting an offer in tranche one...Fuelled by cunningly released wooly directives on the tranche two timings and numbers many will just cut their losses whilst the job market in some areas seems to be bouyant...It could be a sizeable saving when they do and a smaller tranche 2 to suit.

fabs 3rd Sep 2011 20:46

I think tranche 2 fields are now due to be released in the new year.

Airborne Aircrew 3rd Sep 2011 22:12

One wonders why they use the word "tranche".

Why do I believe it is more to protect the feelings of the cutters rather than those of the cut? Why does that disgust me? Do the bosses today lack the intestinal fortitude those of only a quarter of a century or so seemed to have?

Congratulations to those that got their wish and deepest sympathies to those that didn't. Both groups deserved better than you got... :D

Kitbag 4th Sep 2011 06:51

Willard, why the use of 'tranche'? Simple, it is fashionable and, in the RAF it is associated with modern, forward-looking and punchy, CDS when these decisions were made was Jock Stirrup.

From Wiki:

In other fields, notably aviation, the noun tranche is used to denote a block of units sharing a common standard. The Eurofighter Typhoon which is used by a number of European air forces, was built to a number of successive tranches.

Vim, I'm not sure 'cunning' applies here, that would be giving the leadership far too much credit.

Duncan D'Sorderlee 4th Sep 2011 08:56


I don't think that anyone from ISK 'got their wish'; they wanted 21 MRA4 on the line and the ability to continue to provide the best LRMPA support in the world.

However, I grant you that, post SDSR, some of them got their second wish.


Vim_Fuego 4th Sep 2011 09:26

Let's face it we were stiched at ISK. How come waddo only took so few hits and why
Because you could have seen this coming...Having been until recently one of the people at Waddo it struck me as being an obvious path for the RAF to take with regards to the people sat up at Kinloss awaiting their fate...we knew the training system had been run down in PR09 and the trickle of people through it was hardly keeping pace with the natural outflow of people reaching retirement or just finding other things to do...The fleet is busy (E3) doing something productive which further puts any training under strain.

Now take some of the very capable people up at ISK and start doing the math on keeping them busy but perhaps not productive until a space appears in the training pipeline, then pay to move them and take a place on the OCU. Then wait the 18 months+ for them to achieve CR and a level of unsupervised usefulness....Or you could just leave the trained, already settled and experienced people in place, hope to God not many more leave(!) and rely on the trickle feed to keep you going whilst minimising the spend.

You may have picked up on my tone and that I don't think it's a great way to do business...a great deal of skill is about to walk out the door at Kinloss that would have doubtless excelled at Waddington but I don't believe the recent decisions are being driven wholly by even medium term thinking...They are, as ever and in my opinion, being driven by people under extreme pressure to find savings of ever more expanding dimensions so the right solution is forced out by the necessary action...

A and C 4th Sep 2011 09:30

Feather bed redundancy
I think that some of the above fail to understand how lucky they are being made redundant by HMG, you get a big pay off resettlement courses and time to think about what to do next.

I have lost my job three times with no notice,no pay off & no chance of getting the money that is owed to you.......... It was just airline captain to unemployed in a heartbeat.

I know it is disturbing to be out of a job but you guys are at least protected from the worst of it. In total my ex employers owe me IRO £100K with no chance of recovering the money.

I think all In all you are having rather an easy time of redundancy.

Seldomfitforpurpose 4th Sep 2011 10:00

Originally Posted by A and C (Post 6680125)
I think that some of the above fail to understand how lucky they are being made redundant by HMG, you get a big pay off resettlement courses and time to think about what to do next.

I have lost my job three times with no notice,no pay off & no chance of getting the money that is owed to you.......... It was just airline captain to unemployed in a heartbeat.

I know it is disturbing to be out of a job but you guys are at least protected from the worst of it. In total my ex employers owe me IRO £100K with no chance of recovering the money.

I think all In all you are having rather an easy time of redundancy.

This is a classic reason why the Mods should be policing this forum a little more closely, what possible benefit does the above comment from a self confessed civilian have :confused:

These are MILITARY folk losing their MILITARY jobs so the bleatings of some bloody bedwetter who is plainly incapable of holding down gainful employment are of absolutely no relevance what so ever :rolleyes:

cazatou 4th Sep 2011 10:03

A and C

Just how much of your Flying Career was spent in Sandy Places with people taking pot-shots at you?

Al R 4th Sep 2011 10:05

For those stations that had Chf Clks on leave/PSF closed on such a day as R Day
As said, they need to be outed.


A and C 4th Sep 2011 10:12

You are so rude that you are just proving that you are unable to see the advantages of getting the chop from HMG rather than a private company.

As to not being able to hold down a job, I have been in the airline business for twenty years, never failed a check ride of any type and never gone on the dole.

All three companies went bust under me, so there is no question of not being able to hold down a job.

Perhaps if you opened your narrow mind you might have half a chance of holding down a civilian job, you have got the big pay off so now we don't owe you any more and you are going to have to earn your keep in civilian life.

As to the calls for my post to be deleted by the moderators this seems pointless as deleting my post won't make the facts go away.

A and C 4th Sep 2011 10:14

I take your point, that is why the redundancy terms are so much better than in the civilian world dispite what you read in the Daily Mail.

zedder 4th Sep 2011 10:17

a great deal of skill is about to walk out the door at Kinloss
Apparently someone made the comment in the Transition Wing coffee bar after the letters were handed out on Thursday, that 1000+ man-years of MPA expertise would be exiting the Service.

Given that a lot of the younger generation only mainly have experience of transitting up and down the boulevard and flying circles while they did ISR, and also that getting an MPA again in the future is still only an unfunded aspiration, in the fullness of time I think it will be clear that the MOD have f***ed up in spades. To be honest in some circles I understand it is very clear that they appreciate that fact now, but we are stuck with the Political decision which was made by the man at the top after all.

In letting various mates know that I got a letter, I found an e-mail from quite a few months ago:

At the moment as I describe it, I don't want to be part of the tin-pot outfit the RAF will be once all the cuts have happened. Even though I'm PA, I don't think there is much chance of me getting to fly anything else, and at the end of the day it's always been the flying I've loved, not the desk jobs. If I stay I'd probably get some dull job down South that would mean doing the weekly commute, hence I am seriously considering applying for redundancy on the 2nd Tranche. That would be an exit date of 31st Aug 12, and would be same date if I was made compulsorily redundant on the 1st Tranche.
I'd started hearing rumours that there might not be many aircrew in Tranche 2, so I was actually starting to worry that as an experienced Tac Nav I'd got my tactics wrong (a very rare event if I say so myself!). Hence I was relieved to get my letter and it has now bought some certainty back into our life.

Looking back it's been a great ride, and as others have said, I've met and worked with some great people. My personal merry-go-round will be stopping in a years time though and I'm ready to get off.

Of all the names on the list I saw I have to say that your better halfs was one of only a couple to activate my WTF caption.

aw ditor 4th Sep 2011 14:01

As an ex Kipper Fleet individual of the long ago never-to-be-repeated 1975 compulsory redundancies', I wish all the "redundees" the best-of-luck. If you did not volunteer, turn any anger and bitterness you may feel into a "I'll show the ba-----s" motivation, and get on with it! As for the lunatics who got rid of LRMPA may I suggest you never vote for them again. The MRLP awaits! If you in your new civvy' incarnation end up with a T--y MP write and tell them precisely why'.

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