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VIProds 10th Jul 2010 09:49

Morrisons Accusation reposted
For what it is worth.

I have just been speaking to the Manager of Morrisons in Grimsby, who said there is no way that would happen in his Store. They have no restrictions on what religious jewellery or H4H wrist bands that his Staff can wear. In the past, they have helped to promote H4H in Store. One of his Staff this weekend is coordinating a fund raising event for H4H. The Manager was upset at the accusation as he, himself is family of Forces personnel.

Top Bunk Tester 10th Jul 2010 09:56

I think this should nicely cap off the fact that this is an urban myth 'non-story' Check out this link and it's just a rehash of this old nugget ...... also non proven by the way.

Asda till snub for Hope for Heroes mum | The Sun |News|Campaigns|Our Boys

cornish-stormrider 10th Jul 2010 10:01

Thanks VIProds - We do need to get a handle on these scurrolous accusations.

I know that if such an action did occur it would make the press - I would surmise no supermarket would let such an action occur and if it did would jump on those involved very heavily.

I'm all for the outrage bus - indeed I have keys but we do no favours if we leap on board for a "pack of lies, rumour or heresay"

The pub that "banned" service personnel being a case in point - if they banned them wearing uniform - thats one thing but if they banned servicemen (and women) for being in the mob thats another

Wholi - as a public aside I feel you responded to your agressor with courtesy and respect - you old Giffer!:E

Load Toad 10th Jul 2010 10:17

These stories (and they are stories) are sick because the purpose of them is to cause conflict and hate. They are written by cowards.

I've seen similar stories reported - never with any specific detail, nothing that can be proven - about taxi drivers or bus drivers refusing to carry service people or insulting them or such. Currently it is 'Muslims', years ago it would have been 'blacks' or 'Jews' or whatever group some spineless liar decided to try to stir a mob up against.

Andu 10th Jul 2010 11:40

We had a not dissimilar incident in Oz on Friday, when a (supposedly) Sri Lankan rang a Melbourne talk back radio station and let fly about what a ruacist country Australia is and how badly he'd been treated since arriving here as an ilegal immigrant none years ago.

The phones ran hot all morning with outraged people calling for his blood.

I can't prove it of course, but I'd be willing to bet a sunstantial sum that he was a pink-skinned Australian with a very good handle on the Indian accent who made the call to stir up the very reaction he got.

Tashengurt 10th Jul 2010 12:41

I heard a similar story regarding Asda. The day before I had been to the store and had seen a H4H stall there. I quickly decided it was b*llocks.

Two's in 10th Jul 2010 12:55

Surely you're not suggesting that such an august body as the UK Press would seek to cause maunfactured outrage and stir up racial unrest in the community in the hope of generating an interest in their breast-laden, bile spewing, rags? Shame on all of you.

PPRuNe Pop 10th Jul 2010 13:30

Best we leave this be now. This is the third time this has surfaced and still doubts are raised.

Like Morrison's manager, the Asda manager was shocked and if there is anything amiss you can bet they'll be on it and deal with appropriately.

The lads are in safe hands!


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