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Snapshot 18th Sep 2001 12:03

Flipper, I really don't give a t#ss if I get stick for this but I have read and re-read your post. :confused:
I cannot believe you have, what seems a total by-pass of current 'bad press' associated with the RAF! Are you REALLY so childish to write about the things that WE ALL know go in the OM but USED to remain behind closed doors and not splashed all over a public forum like this?
Comments like
"anyway I'm off to register for my third yr. of sponging off the taxpayers, cheers lads."
only go to re-enforce the trash journalism that one day (if you ever make it mate) might have serious consequences to your career within the Royal Air Force.
If you feel it so necessary to 'advertise' that you 'were there' (WEWO*) by name dropping and describing the antics of what seems a great after show party, then I feel sorry for you mate!
Say what you like about me, say my photographs are cr#p, I don't really care, but if this post makes you stop and think about the next time you are about to post on PPRuNE and consider WHO might read this, it shall have been worth the following 'get a life' type posts I expect reciprocated.
One other point, and I am NOT jumping on the band wagon of the events in the US last week, I feel we should move forward now and not let the Bast@rds stop OUR way of life, but, was it appropriate again to advertise EVERYONE was so BLADDERED? I am sure the Blue Eagle team appreciate your comments too?
Being directly involved with PR for the forces, I have to put up directly with the sh#t people like you lay down without regard or interest of the consequences. Go well and THINK.

Olly O'Leg 18th Sep 2001 21:15

Well said Snapshot. I'm sure the women of ELUAS are well chuffed....... :mad:

Tonkenna 18th Sep 2001 22:26

Ok Flipper, perhaps we need to have a chat about PPRuNe etiquete!!


BEagle 18th Sep 2001 22:30

Olly and Snappers - you're probably right but actually I'm quite encouraged to know that students haven't changed that much over the years. I hope that you all had a good time at the Leuchars air show which is obviously living up to its old standards - oh for the days when we used to have aircrew parties on board our Vickers Funbus. You should have seen the look on the Scottish Officer's face when his 43 boys came clanking up the steps with some tinnies for the party - there were already 40 aircrew plus 'guests' (nudge, nudge, wink, wink he said...knowingly...) and the lekkie OJ plus choccie spiders were in full flow!!

incubus 22nd Sep 2001 22:46

I am now taking bribes not to post a photograph of the great Tonkenna beside his airfix aircraft :-)

Tonkenna 28th Sep 2001 00:15

Oh Dear,

You really don't want to scare off unfortunate PPRUNErs who accidently come to this forum do you. Its bad enough having to stand next to a plastic a/c without some one taking a pic to prove that I was there. Still, publish and be dammed.

Tonks :) :)

Mavrik 28th Sep 2001 10:53

I was at RAF Leuchars the day before the Air Show and saw about 12 aircrew getting into the back of an SF Hercules dressed in desert flying suits. This was 3 days after the towers being blown up. Any ideas where they were deploying as i believe only Lemming and Coningsby crews have deployed to Oman????????

fobotcso 28th Sep 2001 13:30

mavrik, I can't believe you expect your topic to be discussed here!

Force deployments are not a matter for idle gossip.

It is not sufficient for you to say that "you can read it all in the papers" or "hear it all on TV".

Snippets of apparently harmless information can be built up to form a big picture that is far more damaging than the components.

Now, if you want to talk about the Airshow...

Andis 28th Sep 2001 17:17

I think Maverick's got a point actually ... i had a pass to get in the day before the airshow and i saw them board the C130 at about 1400 ... does anybody have a pic of them? I think this is the sort of thing we should discuss ... it's a little more interesting than talking about an airshow every year. I know for a fact that it's the leeming and coningsby f3 squardrons in oman.

BEagle 29th Sep 2001 00:06

Please close this thread.

Tonkenna 29th Sep 2001 15:42


What are you guys on. This is a thread about an airshow and not about what may or maynot be happening elsewhere, so please shut up.

BEagle, agree.

Tonks :mad:

Per Ardua Ad Asda 29th Sep 2001 18:38

Mavrik = posts (2)
Andis = posts (1)

Take some advice, delete your posts.

awayday 30th Sep 2001 18:10

we should give these two dudes a break. They are obviously two very sad spotters with nothing more suitable to say and wishing to spread rumours to make their, otherwise, dull lives appear to be intresting.

Tonks, say Hi to K for me! See you in a few weeks.

PS, I like the ring, titanium isn't it?

Andis 30th Sep 2001 19:32

Fella's fells i don't know ...

I'm afraid awayday you couldn't be farther from the truth. Tonkenna ... i know who you are .. didn't think you'd take Mavericks topic so seriously ... i thought you were up for a bit of scandel and a laugh????

shame never mind

Tonkenna 30th Sep 2001 20:58

Unfortunatly Andis (and I don't know who you are) that at times like this some don't see the funny side of such things. Indeed, it only takes comment like those of Maverick and yourself to get all sorts of people interested. We have already seen in the news that SF are in theatre. I have no idea whether thay are or not, and frankly it is not our business. This sort of thing should not even be joked about here, or spocken about on TV, cause, if they are doing the deed they need all the breaks they can get.

So, now you have had your little joke how about just removeing the posts and lets carry on talking about the show, our trying to convince Incubus not to publish a pic of the Tutor, cause it would be embarrasing.

Hi Awayday, having fun? :)


PS Andis, come and say hi some time.

[ 30 September 2001: Message edited by: Tonkenna ]

[ 30 September 2001: Message edited by: Tonkenna ]

NoFaultFound 30th Sep 2001 21:24

Andis - RAF Nav
Maverick - Pilot The Gulf.

Don't seem to show much sense if their profiles are correct!


awayday 1st Oct 2001 00:05

Tonks, prepare for the banter to arrive after a photo like that...

Tonkenna 1st Oct 2001 00:29

Oh great, I feel like I have been outed in some way. Still, who is the lovely women in front of me and can I have her telephone number :D :D .

Cheers Incubus I feel a hard time inbound.

Tonks ;)

Man-on-the-fence 1st Oct 2001 00:30

Verrrry nice

Oops just realised you're the one in the green bag not the blue coat

Sorrreeee :D

BEagle 1st Oct 2001 01:41

Dear me, Tonks - pens in the pocket in Learning Command?? Not tied on with bits of string? And what were you doing with your left hand......??

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