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Tolsti 1st Mar 2002 14:13

Herky birds at TFS?
for the last 3 weeks there have been RAF Hercules on the ramp here at Tenerife Sur. Makes a change from all the ubiquitous 757s I must say and a lovely noise they make too! Is this to be a continuing event or just an occasional visit??

Helpful One 3rd Mar 2002 20:31


6nandneutral 4th Mar 2002 00:43

Could someone delete this thread please

jockspice 4th Mar 2002 01:02

too damn late but ditto the above

nosefirsteverytime 4th Mar 2002 02:16

eh? why?. .. .(I know, I know, probably same reason the "caption compo" was got rid of, but I'd still like to hear why, and have the reason posted as a warning to us outsiders for posterity....). .. .*sigh* don't worry lads, methinks no one's going to get a bullet over a few Herks in Tenerife, let the spotter have his fun! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="rolleyes.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="rolleyes.gif" />

beamer 5th Mar 2002 17:57

Back in my Albert days we used to be given hours. .for route training sorties in which we rarely. .carried any worthwhile freight - just two crews. .plus a couple of ground engineers. Some of the. .trainers had value - winteops/grid navigation etc.. .Others however were purely jollies and one I flew. .on included stops at Tenerife, Faro and Palma !. .. .Apparently the shiney VC10 boys and girls used to . .fly a three to four hour sortie over the North. .Sea as a final 'line check' for newly qualified. .stewards serving pretend passengers down the back-. .always sounded a bit expensive to me !

MAD Boom 5th Mar 2002 22:42

Sssh! . .Don't tell anyone!. .Really, as if the noisy things were covert anyway. I hardly think it is a matter of national security that someone mentions it on this thread!. .And by the way, it is BEDE WINDOW, just to be picky.. .. .MADS

Chris Kebab 5th Mar 2002 23:36

beamer - Trainers, what were they all about? Here's a Herc, go fly round the Caribbean for a week.. .. .Next month - Here's a Herc, pop down to Victoria Falls for a night stop.. .. .And they thought the rest of the air force didn't know! I guess the fun police will have stopped them by now. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="frown.gif" />

Wycombe 6th Mar 2002 12:42

...and if there really are serious security concerns, then why use a a large International Airport that's crawling with holidaymakers from all over Western & Eastern Europe year-round, and taxi the aeroplane right past the Terminal!!. .. .There are plenty of "quieter" airfields in the area (Tenerife North for one!!) that surely could be used.. .. .Sure makes no sense to me (except that perhaps it's a good nightstop.....hush my mouth!)

robspottydog 6th Mar 2002 15:16

TFS- top night out oooooooops, that's torn it, they will have to deploy the MSD (morale suppression device). <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="eek.gif" />

EESDL 6th Mar 2002 18:52

Beamer, sorry to tell you but such jollies are a thing of the past......but thanks for reminding us how easy you had it in the good old days:-). .. .Sense some over-zealous, in-appropriate use of codewords by some blunties. Talk about 'crying wolf', what shall we down-dumb next?. .. .Let's just hope that they didn't autofile Ten Sur on their International Flight Plan. .. .Did I mention that I've got to go to the Santiago Airshow as Route Support.........now if only the F3s were more reliable, would not need a Herky Bird to truck all that way...... .2 hopes of the trip going ahead, and one of those is a dead entertainer who liked to play golf!. .I reckon it's just another aircrew retention scheme.. .. .Before you bleat about comsec, check out the fidae web site for other information that's in the public domain.

jockspice 6th Mar 2002 22:46

For those who have posted later, the offending post has been deleted, so Helpful One,6nandneutral and my previous posts make no sense. I don't really care because most of my posts are like that. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> . .Further to that, I doubt anyone really cares about Hercs at TFS, as long as they get their DFs.

Tripe Loch 8th Mar 2002 13:59

EESDL, If you're referring to Bob Hope I'm sure he would like to know that he is dead. <a href="http://www.who2.com/imnotdeadyet.html" target="_blank">www.who2.com/imnotdeadyet.html</a>

Admin Guru 9th Mar 2002 03:12

I Bedewindow your Bedewindow. However, I prefer to use this kind of language for 'NO DUFF' situations. Then when it is is used, people know it is important. Well done fellas - now everyone knows what Bedewindow means.. .. .How long does it take for a Herc to get to Tenerife - if affected by strong upper winds (that veer and INCREASE with height), surely this would take over 9 hours. Why not use the Globemasters?. . . . <small>[ 08 March 2002, 23:22: Message edited by: Admin Guru ]</small>

robspottydog 9th Mar 2002 03:17

AG go refuel your mahogany bomber <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="rolleyes.gif" />

Bright-Ling 9th Mar 2002 03:33

AG - you are indeed, an @R$E!!. .. .However, as a point, why shout Bede Window, then allow other posts to be removed and then start your "...oooohhhh national Security Blah blah ....". .. .Isn't the person who meaningfully answers the spotter-esque question more in the wrong!?. .. .W@nquers

ORAC 9th Mar 2002 04:51

Not that classified I think, they will even sell you the CD:. .. . <a href="http://www.tpub.com/incco/18.htm" target="_blank">Integrated Publishing</a>

Always_broken_in_wilts 9th Mar 2002 05:01

AG,. . Your ability to wax lyrical on aviation matters is almost as polished as your people skills. However how long to TFS in Albert? suggest you do a bit of research young man as you are a little, no a lot, off the mark. However we have come to expect that.. .. .Happy Herc mate. .. .PS Top nite out!!!. .. .al spelling mistakes are alcohol induced. . . . <small>[ 09 March 2002, 01:02: Message edited by: Always_broken_in_wilts ]</small>

propulike 9th Mar 2002 14:48

Absolutely. Everyone knows that it takes slightly more than a standard crew day to get to Tennereefee, which means an extra long night stop is required and lets the lovely Spanish cuisine be sampled. In Linekers Bar.

jockspice 9th Mar 2002 21:02

......and dancing on the tables, as I remember the last time I saw the light blue in there. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> . .. .AG, there is no beginning to your talents.

A and C 11th Mar 2002 13:44

It,s big and it,s painted grey and green it,s got no windows in the side and it,s got four big props.. .By now even most of the trailer trash that that i haul to TFS will have worked out that the C130 on the ramp is not the economy end of the holiday buisiness ,so why are you acting like its a state secret ?.. .. .Is this because the staff at high wycombe are under the impression that aircraft + hotel = holiday ?.. .. .Well as a tax payer let me point out to the management at the top of the hill that I have payed for a world wide transport force that has to be maintaned with proper trainning and this will require flights to ALL parts of the world some better that others to visit , no doubt that some will regard TFS as some sort of jolly for the boys that the residents of naphill do not enjoy but when the chips are down i expect the transport fleet to sleep in tents alongside the runway if nesessary ,some thing along with being shot at that the residents of high wycombe would not be required to do.

Cy Nichol 16th Mar 2002 12:03

A and C,. .. .Hilarious; surely a wind up….. is that you Admin Guru under a pseudonym? . .. .Not only is your post barely in English, you’ve completely missed the point and having slagged off the residents of High Wycombe, it would appear from your profile that that is where you reside. Excellent spoof.

lids 21st Mar 2002 00:35

Just like to add that you can chop 45mins off the time to Tenerife if you go low enough. I did it once to make a lunch rate. The DFs are moderately priced but you do not always get air conditioned accommodation to store the samsonite, er I mean sleep in after sampling the cultured nightlife. Beats parts of central Asia though.

Art Field 21st Mar 2002 01:38

Got stuck there once in a 10 towing an F4 on its way back from Falklands. Leaking fuel faster than we could put it in. Parked next to Spanish AF 707 carrying Argee Air Attache, small world. Herc came to the rescue then but sadly took four days to get there. Playas da Americas pleasant little spot. All too much for F4 guys, blew their brains out. Those were the days.

Greg Baddeley 22nd Mar 2002 17:55

Looks like you khaki types compromised your own security by posting so much on an open forum <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> . .. .You guys crack me up!!!!

T_Handle 27th Mar 2002 02:43

Linekers = great!. .Veronicas = also great!. .. .unfortunately the days of trainers have gone and these will have been on highly top top top secret trash hauling missions (oh how I long for rubber dog 5h1t and to take Land rovers on air experience flights!)....... and for the crew to get aquainted with the local customs - that is drink lager an sing "vindaloo, vindaloo" on the karioke.. .. .But anyone venturing to said TFS (whether via the Queen or by your own hard earned cash) be extra careful as many crews have been mugged or pick-pocketed recently!!. .. .T

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