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Smoke and Mirrors 16th Mar 2002 16:39

Army Helicopter Down
BBC have just reported an Army Helicopter down nr Jonesborough. Anybody got any more info? Thankfully everyone appears to have survived. . .. .<a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/northern_ireland/newsid_1876000/1876178.stm" target="_blank">http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/northern_ireland/newsid_1876000/1876178.stm</a>

Dunhovrin 16th Mar 2002 22:25

Just 'cos it's NI doesn't mean it's Army. The RAF does more work out here than the AAC.

Tigs 16th Mar 2002 22:34

Dunhoverin. .They have called our aircraft 'army aircraft' for the last 25 years in NI. Frankly it's something most of us have never bothered about, because it takes the heat off us.

jiffni 17th Mar 2002 02:06

Dunhovrin - how did you come up with that statement? Hours? I think not. The only score the RAF beat the AAC on in Northern Ireland is the days the aircrew spend out of province due to their 21/7 roster.

Helmut Visorcover 17th Mar 2002 03:55

Dunhov, poor taste in the circumstance. The only place where jointery really works. You might well bear in mind both the AAC and the crabs 'work in support of the Army' (even though the AAC is Army too). Insecure? If I had a pound for every time someone mistook me for a crab, I'd have a 5 bedroom desres in Chiswick. In those circumstances I just point out I am also a tactical commander as well as a bus driver. Appologies usually come thick and fast from the errant mistaking me for a 'Brylcream boy'.. .. . As a gambit, how exactly do the RAF work harder in the province? We have the same amount of cabs with a third of the man power and twice as many task lines, prey tell your idea of the maths on that one, young pilot officer? (You are aren't you?). I'll not even mention the five commander issue.. .. .As a distraction, good to hear all the Tigers are fine and hope all other peeps are on the mend. Not the best place in the world to fall out of the sky.

Murphy 17th Mar 2002 05:14

Good to hear the crew and Pax are safe and hopefully on the mend!!!. .. .Helmut, . .Here we go again, must be a new batch of Pilot Officers arrived in the Emerald Toilet.. .. .Dunhoverin', . .I suggest you find someone Experienced to look up to, try and learn from them, and if they don't spout too much ***********('Cos we all do at some time), try to be like them.. . . . <small>[ 17 March 2002, 01:15: Message edited by: Murphy ]</small>

Hydraulic Palm Tree 17th Mar 2002 11:40

Stop the bickering, anyway Dunhovrin, had chance to wear your DFC recently. Don't suppose it goes with the airline uniform!!. .. . </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">We have the same amount of cabs with a third of the man power and twice as many task lines, prey tell your idea of the maths on that one </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">Helmut, nowhere near the truth. Perhaps the 5 Regt anti-Crab/JHF(NI)Indoctrination programme is working too well.. .. .Lots of smoke and mirrors in the AAC Workshops!. .. .HPT

MightyGem 17th Mar 2002 12:53

I'd blame S & M for this as it was he stated an Army helicopter, when the BBC link clearly states RAF.. .. .Anyway, keep up the inane AAC/RAF banter&gt;. . <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" />

Dunhovrin 17th Mar 2002 18:59

Oops looks like I struck a nerve there then. . .. .HPT: good to hear you mate.. .. .Murphy: And how long have you been in the province then? All day? and the sad thing is I was never a Pilot Officer.... .. .Any Tiger mates reading this who know me of old - please pass on my regards to the crew who look like they made the very best of a very bad situation.

Smoke and Mirrors 17th Mar 2002 22:01

Jiffni - can't see a problem with this 21/7 routine personally.. .. .Apologies for stirring up some JHFNI internecine fighting by asking what seemed a reasonable question. Anyway I thought that with the advent of the JHC all Battlefield Helicopters belonged to HQ Land, so it was an Army helicopter.. .. .Back to the original point - Good to see all are okay, albeit somewhat battered.. .. .S&M

jiffni 17th Mar 2002 23:41

Dunhovrin - I don't either, I am on it and it works fine for me. My point was that it is one of the few scores that the RAF beat the AAC in, within NI. With over 40 aircraft in NI, the AAC do the most flying. I think Army chaps have a problem with 21/7 for a few reasons. 1. They are not manned correctly to allow their aircrew to be on 21/7. 2. They consider themselves to be soldiers and would not feel comfortable looking over a pint at some other pongo who was actually working for a living. 3. To take one week off in 4 plus take annual leave allowance seems like a lot of time out of province, particularly when drawing NI pay. 4. Within the 'Joint' unit commanded by the Tesco manager there are aircrew on dissimilar systems and no one seems to have the nads to fuze the whole thing together in a JOINT outfit.

jaffad 18th Mar 2002 00:49

I'd just like to quote acouple of famous people. Firstly "Any fool can be uncomfortable, and there are plenty of fools in the AAC", and secondly "You, Sir, are full of crap now kindly sod off!". The AAC, Absolutely, Awfully Clueless.

jayteeto 18th Mar 2002 01:22

Dunhoverin, you are a very naughty boy, winding these AAC types up. As mentioned earlier, how is your DFC keeping these days? Chaps, this unlucky so and so has had MORE THAN ONE tail rotor failure in the Reds. Don't fly ****** airways, he's jinxed. PS Gizzajob, I can doo dat!. . <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" />

Always_broken_in_wilts 18th Mar 2002 01:24

Considering this was supposed to be about the well being of the unfortunate crew and pax of a downed miltary helicopter amazing how it has degenrated into a green/blue row.. .. .Murphy young man, you are not fit to lace DH's boots, let alone smart enough to criticise him.. .. .Arrse.......you certainly are if you really believe what you have accused these guys off or perhaps it's just a bit of penis envy.. .. .Jffni you have answered all your own questions fella and all you have done is confirm what those of with a modicum of intelligence already knew......life in the Army sucks, tell me I am wrong!......If your daft enough to put up with a system that is, and always has been, undermanned and over worked then you are a mug. The RAF employs people of all trades and affords them all with the sort of working pattern you seem so envious of. You talk about nads, so why not use yours and do what many of your predeccesors have done and come accross and enjoy a far superior life style than the one you are currently enduring. DH was correct when he said the RAF do more work. You may have more toys in theatre but when a drumstick or it's slightly bigger brother can lift as much as a Wokka or Percy than come back and let us know.. .. .RHL.....spot on!!. .. .Happy Herc Mate.....ex tiger mate 92-94!. .. .all spelling mistakes are "dh" alcohol induced. . . . <small>[ 17 March 2002, 21:26: Message edited by: Always_broken_in_wilts ]</small>

Chinook 18th Mar 2002 02:13

Boy you guys sure can talk some s%^t!!. .. .How are the crew you morons?. .. .I must have misread the title of this thread, ... should read "JHC Bitch trg". .. .How are ya SH Monkey?

yellow and black 18th Mar 2002 02:40

Chinook - Thank you for bringing us back to the point. The crew are physically OK. Pax not so good.. . . . <small>[ 17 March 2002, 23:04: Message edited by: yellow and black ]</small>

Always_broken_in_wilts 18th Mar 2002 05:06

Nice one Chinook, someone mentioned in an earlier post the crew were ok, lets just hope the pax are going to be alright as well. . .. .Nice to see some common sense in here for a change.. .. .Happy Herc Mate. .. .all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

BEagle 18th Mar 2002 10:32

Best wishes to all involved for a prompt recovery to full health.. .. .Let's not speculate upon the causes of this accident - leave that to the accident enquiry. But let's hope that the work of the enquiry won't later be overturned by someone unwilling to accept the evidence and findings......

Tiger_mate 18th Mar 2002 14:34

Jayteeto said:. .. .PS Gizzajob, I can doo dat!. .. .You live too close to YOZZER you do, about 250 yards I believe, and its rubbing off <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" />

jiffni 18th Mar 2002 15:08

Beagle - I agree that the board needs to find the cause, but as that is taking nearly 2 years on average, surely it is appropriate that operators of similar kit, in a similar location should seek information, rumours, news etc so they can form their own opinions and perhaps take appropriate action in order that the same does not befall them?. .. .I notice that following an accident/incident on a civilian machine PPrune has all sorts of info to assist nosey blerks like myself but following a military one it is lets all keep quiet. Freedom of speech I say and lets all learn from events that thankfully didnt happen to us.

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