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EESDL 15th Jan 2002 09:29

Hasn't this been done before?
Just finished long night-shift, take it or leave it.

Have you ever wondered why we insist on re-inventing the wheel/not learning from the past. I don't mean the common case of a new exec arriving and changing things for changing sake. We still manage to go down the blind alleys, only to bang our heads against the brick wall at the end!
My current job in the sand has been done before, many times, but you wouldn't think so by the complete bo77acks that goes on and the rubish that comes down from above. The Ministry of Funny Walks is busier than ever. Micro-managing, sucking-eggs lessons and such like abound everywhere. Dusty old boxes of de-briefs that have not been read for years.........there seems to be an un-warranted attitude that the past can't teach us anything useful. Ignorance/avoidance of procedures that have been hard learnt.
Well, here it is folks, as I'm sure readers of PPrune are all too aware, adults who have never wiped their own **** are dragging the military down. There is no more the flex in the system to carry you to the next medals parade...do us all a favour and retire gracefully. Have the decency not to wreck the rationale that you must indeed respect. When someone is talking to you, listen. When manpower/equipment is required, don't just acknowledge that there is a shortfall and monitor the situation, do something about it. There are far too many high-paid help doing very little. Sending off un-solicited e-mails, requesting irrelevant information from overstretched personnel makes you look a fool, but more importantly, reminds those under you that they are not being led. Pull the yellow & black, or get the sack.
I'm not referring to just aircrew but every branch in the RAF is at breaking point. Aircrew are the lucky ones, atleast they can get away from it all for a while! You are putting individuals under strain/stress that you have no right to assert - even during ops.
And to think that last night was a good night.
Those that know me can be assured that I'll stay smiling, giving/taking the banter, I just hope I don't let my guard down and make an un-warrented curt comment to some poor sod who is at the end of their tether.....
I for one am not leaving this location until the situation changes and those who think we're still on an exercise, realize why we are indeed here.
I've got lots of suntan lotion and I'm a patient sort, unless there are blunties involved:-)
It's 09:21 local, goodnight.

neilk 15th Jan 2002 14:21

I'm impressed with the quality of the rant!, woyuldn't it be interesting to find out how many of us have been in a simailar position......

mutleyfour 15th Jan 2002 17:23

Sad thing is that its so true to the Army as well.

In fact when they finally retire, they return the next monday filling an equally important post (one arranged over a glass of Red with the Brig), only wearing civvies and still expecting to be called "Sir".
With all the references such as "In my day" etc etc.
Lets have a clear out...new blood with new ideas! :) :) <img src="wink.gif" border="0">

Big Green Arrow 15th Jan 2002 23:34

Blinking 'eck EESDL, you must be incesnsed...there's no cynicism, satire or your trademark sarcasm (excuse spoolliung) So come on mate spill the beans..wos 'appened?

ps Don't get sunburned in that sensitive spot again!

Lurve BGA <img src="tongue.gif" border="0">

Loreto 16th Jan 2002 19:24

<a href="http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/PETERPR.html" target="_blank">http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/PETERPR.html</a>

Thirteen-Twelve 17th Jan 2002 01:44

Put up, Shut up, or vote with your feet.

EESDL 17th Jan 2002 02:45

You seemed to have missed the point and obviously the fact that I stated that I wanted to stay to see it through, to try and bring some consistancy, went completely over your head. You can't be that short.
As I warned, it was meant to be a moan,pure and simple, just surprized that you had the time to reply with such a cliche!!
Even if I did want to vote with my feet, I would have an awfully long walk and would simply leave my colleagues even deeper in the dwang. I'm delighted to report that I do not share your attitude towards my fellow **** shovellers.

[ 16 January 2002: Message edited by: EESDL ]</p>

Thirteen-Twelve 19th Jan 2002 00:41

EESDL moaning never achieved very much apart from anoying people. The Mob isn't about to change in a hurry. I left a long time ago with no regrets - I thought you needed some simple short encouragement to persue one of 3 options since you appeared to have got bogged down in the indecision stage/brainwashing is wearing off stage/believing things might improve stage.

I found sufficient encouragement within the RAF to leave a long time ago and haven't looked back in fact it is hard to imagine it was over a decade ago.

Captain Kirk 19th Jan 2002 01:45


A heartfelt post - I recognize where you are coming form only too well and commend your tenacity/loyatly.

Do not waste your breath on 1312 - I have encountered him before and note that he professes to be happy to be out and yet cannot stop hanging around the Military Forum???

1312 - LEAVE, please, really.

The Mistress 19th Jan 2002 01:56

EESDL - Don't let the stupid arsehole spoil your day. I sure as hell didn't.

Thank God he's been gone a decade. Pity his computer didn't go the same way <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

Shades of Fizzog and Jetboy here (or whatever he called himself)

Thirteen-Twelve 20th Jan 2002 16:26


Ignore my earlier comments, listen to the others and sign on for another 10 years you know it makes sense.

KD 31st Jan 2002 03:43

Jetboy, I thought, was quite funny .

Understand he`s flying fast pointy things now .

Fox_4 31st Jan 2002 03:52

Jetboy - Resurrect him from his cold,northern home! Let him slay Admin chimp like ye olde dragons of old. Jetboy is the white knight.

The Mistress 31st Jan 2002 16:11


Don't know what you're on but send some in this direction will you mate.. . <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

Thirteen-Twelve 2nd Feb 2002 03:36

FIFO - still in use RAF terminology? Anyone need to hear it, daily hear it even?

Albert on Tour 2nd Feb 2002 17:09

So you have finally cracked, EESDL

It is plain to see a glaring fault with your deployed operations set up.

Any operations set up back home or abroad has a couple of hairy arsed senior Chief Techs in their structure to keep sanity all round.

A couple of good looking officers can't be expected to run the show while the only thing on their mind is trying to shag the ops girlies.

I've had them both by the way.

. .Also, don't forget that reason we win all these wars is that we operate in total chaos normally, therefore the transition to war is less painful.

fondest regards

The General

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