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Megaton 16th Dec 2001 19:15

Has anybody done ICSC (new name for BSC I believe) recently and is it the monumental pain in the **** that I suspect? Also, does anyone know what's in the syllabus? Presumably you get to stay in one of the second rate messes at Shrivenham? It may not be obvious but I'm not hugely enthusiastic.

gijoe 16th Dec 2001 22:55


I believe that ICSC may be the purple name for the JCSC of present. As part of the ROCC study, courses undertaken by all 3 services will be streamlined and promotion ages for major, sqn ldr brought more in line with each other.

As for JCSC, it sucks and nearly made me sign on the dotted line. I hope that the ICSC is a lot better.

Obviously if someone knows better than me please speak up. :cool:

mr ripley 17th Dec 2001 00:06

I know a friend who has done this course recently.
Its a great improvement on the BSC.
4 weeks long.
Assessed work is 2500 word essay, chairmanship, leading a defence seminar, 15 min formal presentation, desk top brief to staish.
Other stuff is media skills, lots of input from the resident academics of Kings College London.
The emphasis is on free thought and debate and definitely not towing the party line.
As with courses your enjoyment will depend on your input, your fellow syndicate and your service and defence studies tutor (civvy academic).
There is an excellent library, food is ok, accom in same bldg is on suite. There is a scruffs bar and a honesty bar. You get your own laptop for the duration, and the college intranet and the internet (and pprune) is readily accesible.
You should have a good time.
Even the local curry hse is top notch.
Go do it. (My friend says.)

mr ripley

Megaton 17th Dec 2001 00:32

Big thanks to the Talented Mr Ripley. Yu don't work on the staff by any chance since you make it sound like a holiday camp. :D

One more question: do we have to listen to numerous presentations on what people got for Christmas and "My Life as a Supply Officer" that were endemic throughout OCC? Despite your rather upbeat comments I think I'd stil rather have my fingernails pulled.

What's a good drinking course these days?

Thud_and_Blunder 17th Dec 2001 00:34

Mr R,

Do you think they might get around to teaching the diff twixt "towing" and "toeing"? :D

Titan Locked 17th Dec 2001 01:36


Like Mr R a friend of mine did the course earlier this year and I'm told he speaks the truth. If you're prepared to work between 5pm and dinner (rather than use the sports facilities) then you shouldn't need to do too much after dinner apart from frequent the sports bar! Beer surprisingly cheap.

The work is not difficult and even the 2500 word essay is not marked for SW. Its a good course in a fantastic set-up. The support to the course (inc the mess) is all run by a private company and for once a good job is done - the IT works etc etc. Even the academic instructors (left wing pinkos etc etc) are good for a bit of sport on the ethics of carpet bombing and the like.

Do it before the bean counters realise you're getting something for nothing. Oh, and I understand that following the Defence Training Review ICSC is going to be increased to 8 weeks and ACSC reduced accordingly. Even more reason to get it over and done with!!

It's not a bad drinking course, honest. Or at least that's what my friend told me!!

And if you're interested you come out of it with a Diploma in Management (at no cost) - might not sound much but if you're a non-degree person it shows willingness to undertake post "graduate" training , takes up a line on your CV (both look good for future employment if you're looking outside of aviation - sad I know, but true) and offers you the chance to become a member of the Institute of Management (which not a lot of our v senior bods would know much about) if you want to collect letters after your name.

Happy to discuss via e-mail should you wish.


mr ripley 17th Dec 2001 02:35

You are so right I meant toeing.

The presentations are meant to be analytical. Which should rule out sqn briefs and the inner workings of DLO.

However line of least resistence or effort means that a few of these slip through.

Beer is cheep. The place is run by SERCO, and you can order pizza, burger etc from the kitchen by phone or online between 9pm and 11pm.

Pros: Academic Tutors and their lectures (most of the time) and seminars, facilities.

Cons: Some of the external talks, workload is front loaded.

It might seem like an advert but hey it might be one of the better courses with certainly the best facilities.

For more info see:JSCSC Web pageor Kings College Web pageorRecent Guardian article on the college

mr ripley

[ 16 December 2001: Message edited by: mr ripley ]

Megaton 17th Dec 2001 20:05

You've convinced me that it's probably not worth expending any effort to wriggle out of a nomination if it comes my way. Thanks for the info.

Archimedes 17th Dec 2001 20:30


Have sent you a private mail. As you'll guess from my location line, I have a more than passing interest in ICSC....

Feel free to get in touch.

rigid_rotor 19th Dec 2001 00:50

Done it,
Actually enjoyed it!

If you wait to be nominated well..........
Enjoy the wait.

Do it now before anyone finds out how good it is.

Megaton 19th Dec 2001 02:00

I think I'll probably end up on ICSC between postings. Is there a bunfight to get nominated?

Wholigan 19th Dec 2001 04:42

I used to run it and we used to get an average of 95 applications for the 24 available places. I think that says something for it! It may have changed, but you didn't used to get "nominated" for it, you had to apply, and there were many disappointed folk!

The guys and gals on the staff also work their butts off to make it a worthwhile, enjoyable and valuable course.

Do it as soon as you can get on it.

Megaton 19th Dec 2001 21:25

Noted. Thanks.

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