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-   -   What is the purpose of a standards unit. (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/382210-what-purpose-standards-unit.html)

DVLA 22nd Jul 2009 13:03

What is the purpose of a standards unit.
I have heard it said that each RAF aircraft type has an external standards unit. What is their purpose? Nice simple question for somebody to answer please.

VinRouge 22nd Jul 2009 13:06

To, er, maintain standards?

Wader2 22nd Jul 2009 13:25

In addition the standards unit can learn best practice from those they examine and also educate where new procedures may have been introduced post-OCU.

Art Field 22nd Jul 2009 13:28

To provide an independent check on standards separate from the squadron checkers, to liaise with industry and Boscombe Down on modifications and techniques, to keep aircraft publications up to date, to write SOP's and to represent CFS in the award of instructor categories.

Sook 22nd Jul 2009 15:33

Sssh, new poster! Could be a journo! Wouldn't want anyone getting wind of the RAF actually having standards! :}

Turkeyslapper 22nd Jul 2009 16:22

-To ensure that the colour of ink in your log book is correct,
- To ensure that you use only block letters in your log book,
-To create sidenotes to the footnotes to the annexes of SIs, SOPs,
- And on occasion do some flying to ensure standards are maintained


day1-week1 22nd Jul 2009 17:16

I've come to think that the purpose of combat ready crews is to to give STANEVAL an endless supply of people to check and raise reports on that no-one actually digests!

Could be the last? 22nd Jul 2009 17:33

So when CFS check a 'Q' are they checking his instructional technique or his level of knowledge on that platform or subject ????

BEagle 22nd Jul 2009 17:48

Both! Plus the Instructor's own flying skills and his knowledge of the instructional exercise.

'Ability to impart instruction' is a particularly closely examined topic!

The Old Fat One 22nd Jul 2009 18:04

Surely thread creep is warranted on this one, so...

During my spell on the kipper fleet we had lots of standards units (clearly an oxymoron)

Of course the GSU (group standards unit)

and the LSU (local standards unit)...

and the TSAT (training simulator assessment team - I think??)

and my favourite, the NSU (Nimrod Standards Unit, or Non-Specific Urethritis - take your pick!)

Miles Magister 22nd Jul 2009 18:12

Are these the same guys we called "Trappers"?

Could be the last? 22nd Jul 2009 18:37


As I would of expected. However, how can a CFS agent of one trade state whether or not another trade is being taught correctly? Especially when said agent has no previous knowledge or experience of the other trade? :confused:

Gnd 22nd Jul 2009 19:04

Navy - Standards
Army - Standards
RAF - Trappers
Having had the pleasure, the latter is the most up their own bunch of un-informed people I have ever met. The biggest self glorification org in the mob, IMHO.

Getting off fence now!!

Gnd 22nd Jul 2009 19:21

CFS are very good and realists, a good organisation. Especialy exam wing, they are the default authority in my experience. Had a great experience with the movers in my last jolly so no complaintd their, until they moan about working to hard - as we all are at the moment.

Observed the trappers, still of the same opinion.

Isn't attack the best form of defence or am I reading your comment wrong?

taxydual 22nd Jul 2009 21:08

Hmmmm. Trappers. Love 'em or hate 'em.

At the end of the day, what other organisation has Professionals checking Professionals to produce even better Professionals.

Oh, and the crewroom fridge got it's annual clean out too.

A Win / Win all the way round.

Especially for the poor Sqn Joe who had to make the tea!!!

Duncan D'Sorderlee 22nd Jul 2009 21:43

Don't confuse CFS Exam Wg with STANEVAL. CFS Exam Wg are checking instructional technique - they don't really need to know how your type works. But they can check your log book to make sure you have only used block capitals etc!

As for STANEVAL...


Sloppy Link 23rd Jul 2009 14:39

Those than can.......do
Those that can't......teach
Those that can't teach.....set exams!

betty swallox 23rd Jul 2009 21:16

I wonder how much of the **** being splurged here has ANY substantiation. Or is it jump-on-the-bandwagon-have-a-go at the RAF. Again. I'd suggest those having a go and slagging off Standards have had bad experiences, which in my 2 decades in the mob, is generally a result of a cr@p performance during STANEVAL rides/week!!!

Duncs, right on!

newt 23rd Jul 2009 23:15

Hi All

I have a question!!

Why on earth does the RAF still need CFS and why do they call themselves Trappers?

All answers before lunchtime tomorrow but please don't forget the old moto,

"Information is power so don't give them the information"

Expecting lots of abuse so retiring to the bar!!

Gnd 24th Jul 2009 09:08

Betty, get over it, not every word in the English language is against the RAF!! Debate not defend, you may be able to change opinions! (in my 3 decades of experience)

STANEVAL deserve the comments and exam wing do not (still confused why it is always RAF, not tri service in the RW wing; seeing the RAF have the least amount of RW ac?) Exam Wing are realistic and pragmatic, STANEVAL are picky, out of touch and pointless. Had some very grown-up answers from them (Exam Wing) and some throw backs for good reasons.
Viz, I agree with your last comment but always had a qualified person next to me.

PS - never had the pleasure of being 'trapped' by them (STANEVAL) just had to sort out the aftermath of their idiocy and parochial views.

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