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Biggus 8th Mar 2009 18:35


Curious, does being an officer come higher or lower than second in the list in your opinion......

Whatever my own personal feelings I have been in several presentations/breifings by RAF 4*s where I have specifically been informed that I was a warfighter first.....

It is an expeditionary airforce you know...!!

As for being in the wrong job, I might well be, it wouldn't be the first time!!:O

West Coast 9th Mar 2009 04:47

warfighter first, officer second and aircrew a lowly third.....
Seems to follow the warrior ethos, I like it. Don't know what got in to spheroid.

BIG MACH 9th Mar 2009 12:41

When he was Chancellor, Brown was heard to remark that he did not like the military because they tended to vote Conservative. This mindset explains his reluctance to give the military the funding they need.
He is well known for favouring projects which will create government work in marginal seats and clearly feels that paying for 5 million people on benefits is money well spent.
Brown is a despicable politician whom the military should keep at arms length. Any chance of a coup?

The Helpful Stacker 9th Mar 2009 12:47

It does seem strange that rather than increase manpower in the military (an organisation in which it is quite possible to join with no qualifications yet still reach dizzying heights and gain useful qualifications) New Labour have relentlessly cut-back the Armed Forces, but at the same time have created a shedload of non-jobs in the Public sector and poured millions into education in order to give people worthless degrees with which to plump up their CV's for call centre positions.


Blacksheep 9th Mar 2009 13:34

Gormless Gordon might wish to consider exactly why it is that military chaps tend to vote Conservative. :ugh:

cornish-stormrider 9th Mar 2009 14:58

Blacksheep, Take your sparkling wit and repartee and kindly put it where it belongs........
And you owe me for a new keyboard too. I do feel the one eyed Jock Nostril Mining Doom Seller has suffered enough so kindly stop picking on him and his cabinet of professionals.

Oh sorry all, the drugs are especially strong today, I think I shall go and......weeble weeble schlup vorrdiggit piiiiiiiiiinnnguuu.

Tilt. Scrub Sortie. off to the mess for tea and medals

clapperboard 9th Mar 2009 19:55

Gordon Brown-Have a 'D' and walk.
Gents, good evening from the coldest place on earth. I have sat here now for two hours pondering the literacy that i wish to adorn on these fine pages and my thoughts have borne fruit:
Unelected, disrespectful, arrogant, narrow minded, abusing, sickening, no sense of urgency, (for god sake control that jaw), bring back tony, yes, i know but he wouldn't get elected again anyway, where is the AFPRB 2009, is he aware of the effect this will have on JPA, another shambles by the way, employ real people to interact with people, not some baby huggers who quite honestly you wouldn't let near your own kids, Oh shall i continue.............And another thing, look at the knock on effects of your tax cuts = less revenue, more unemployment = less revenue, pay cuts = less revenue, oh but £400 tax for a 4X4 is ok, and £18 a week child benefit is more than enough to feed a baby ...I THINK NOT MR B....guys vote with your custard pies if you have to, Its OUR BRITAN, we didn't elect him so lets get him out of No10 at the earliest opportunity. Calming down now...breathing.....I think i made myself clear....comments??

ponks 9th Mar 2009 20:05

Well Said Clapperboard!!


Rigger1 9th Mar 2009 20:06

Hear Hear. :D

mr fish 9th Mar 2009 20:13

we need SPITTING IMAGE back, can you imagine what they would have to say about this bunch of idiots!!!!
mind you, they could probably frame some new fangled law to gag it:(

lsh 9th Mar 2009 21:33

"and another fing"!!
Read on, they never announced this effect of "QE" (printing money).

Retirement plans of millions of Britons at risk after Bank of England 'prints money' - Telegraph


Lyneham Lad 9th Mar 2009 21:47

"and another fing"!!
Read on, they never announced this effect of "QE" (printing money).

Retirement plans of millions of Britons at risk after Bank of England 'prints money' - Telegraph
'Tis know as the "Law of Unintended Consequences" (one of many sad examples of hasty, poorly-researched actions and legislation introduced by this sad excuse of a 'Government').

ShyTorque 9th Mar 2009 22:50

Print money?

This is only ever done when we have gold reserves stashed away to back it up, to save gold being pared off the coinage by thieves and scoundrels.

Now, it's not as if they have sold our gold, or anything, is it?..... Mr. Brown... Mr. Brown?

sisemen 10th Mar 2009 00:23

As an expat viewing things from afar, and probably with clarity of distance, I can see UK Ltd heading for the edge of the cliff at an extremely fast rate of knots.

Whilst ranting and raving and writing outraged letters to the newspapers is the traditional British way of protesting until the time to vote comes around I think that this time you really have got a Prime Minister and administration that are leading you all to the brink as never before.

The decade of unworkable ideologies and spin with little substance has brought the UK to its knees. The very real prospect of becoming a serious third world country is staring you in the face. Printing money??? Hasn't Gormless Gordon heard of Zimbabwe, or the Weimar Republic, or latin america? And you all think that writing letters and ranting on here will keep you away from the cliff edge until the general election?

Jeez, there really ought to be a mob storming the barriers of Downing Street calling for an election NOW (and also possibly seeking GG's head on a spike). :{

West Coast 10th Mar 2009 04:53

Four out of Five Americans can't identify Britan on a map. Neither can at least one Brit.

Runaway Gun 10th Mar 2009 05:16

There are only five of them? There seemed like more - perhaps it was the loudness...

clapperboard 10th Mar 2009 07:17

Oh my god AIDU, I wood av fought U mite knot bee sow pikky a bowt 1 spelin misstake, but then again all you seem to do with your life is post on pprune....sad existance, however thankyou to the nice comments, AIDU take note of a system called 'constructive [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']criticism'. Sad.....very very sad.[/FONT]

Maxibon 10th Mar 2009 08:52

Currently reading Tony Benn's diary 2001-2007; a fascinating read irrespective of your political bent. To quote:

"After 65 years in the Labour Party I was never a supporter of New Labour, which we were told was a new political party, but I worked hard to secure the defeat of the Conservatives in the elections of 1997, 2001 and 2005 and like many others I have been disappointed and worried by a dangerous cynicism about parliamentary government; a cynicism strengthened by the suspicion that Britain was bein managed and not represented and that voters could never be sure that they were being told the truth."

Unfortunately we've just allowed ourselves to swept along by this moronic government and upon reflection of 12 years of NL, its shocking how we've been continually cutback and manipulated. Especially us that serve. Our 'get on with it' attitude will continue to be abused as long as the COS of the respective services capitulate (I do not include Gen Dannat in that category). We need to rid the country of this filth at the next election but also keep an incredibly wary eye on their successors. History dictates that they are little better but our middle class (for the most part) leanings ally us more towards the C and therefore less inclined to be so critical.

Len Ganley 10th Mar 2009 09:38


Jock Nostril Mining Doom Seller
Sorry, but I fail to see what his being Scottish has to do with his inability to run the country.

BEagle 10th Mar 2009 09:57

Indeed, Len.

DFMBs apart, the 'stereotypical' Scot is often noted for prudence and for being risk-averse.

Not exactly character traits of the Dear Leader of the execrable nuLabor...:*

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