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Training Risky 31st Jan 2009 04:47

Double Zero - you crack on.

To all others bemoaning the use of "slanderous and racist terms"...get your priorities in order and check your definitions. Last time I checked, the qualifying criteria for being a 'gypsy'/traveller, Muslim, Catholic, etc, etc had nothing to do with belonging to any specified racial grouping. After all, if I so wanted I could complete the shahada 3 times in front of two male muslims and, hey presto. ALL special treatment for ALL ethnic groups, BOTH sexes and ALL religions should have been done away with a long time ago IMHO.

Stop wringing your collective hands over perceived racism and do something useful...like posting on an internet forum (who says a little self-deprecating humour can't be fun?)

A massive campaign on arrse definitely contributed to the Headley Court planning application v Mole Valley....so maybe they should run another?

Anyway, back to the grindstone...

Doctor Cruces 31st Jan 2009 08:44

Totally agree with you Training Risky. All special treatment for minority groups/races etc should have been done away with years ago and the PC brigade hung from the highest lamp post as yardarms are in short supply. Affirmative action sucks. From a purely devils advocate point of view shouldn't this also apply in this case then?

Doc C

gar170 31st Jan 2009 10:41

I honestly can not see how this could be deemed intrusive if their were no objections from the neighbourhood i would feel different.
the details with plans are here.


And as for so called travellers then maybe it would pay to get some of these people on board as believe me if you want to take on an flaunt planning rules there are nobody better.As planning rules and regs certainly don't apply to them.And yes i am talking from experience Traveller buys agri land waits for Easter bank Holiday hardcores field puts up fence move in caravans, Council returns to work and cant be bothered to take on the expense to move and grants TEMP Permission for nine caravans travellers now hard cores the rest of the field.

Double Zero 31st Jan 2009 14:23

Training Risky,


Gar 170 be careful you don't run into people who I'm sure would love having a 'gypsy' camp install themselves next door to them.:rolleyes:

I was going to offer them to come for a drive with me ( their car, not mine ) and try to enter such a place and see how they got on asking questions - as we say, we both have direct experience.

Let that be the end of the slagging DZ / whoever PC stuff, and let's get on with helping RM Townsend !!!

Maybe we are looking at this the wrong way, if you can't beat them, join them; how about either tarmacing an area in the proposed site and putting a large user-friendly 'mobile home' there - seems OK for some as previously mentioned - or if RM Townsends' family felt like it, get on with building and let's see who has the balls to face the nation and order it down !

It seems a decent looking proposal aesthetically, and the ace is that no neighbours have complained - an even better case than Headley Court...

I'd be happy to help out for free where possible, though I am no builder.

BTW I don't read the Sun, so have no idea what they're saying - but if it's helpful to this cause then great, and let's get other broadsheets & media involved - I'm sure they'd feel the same way.

BEagle 31st Jan 2009 15:15

Neither the neighbours nor the Parish Council have stated any objections....

I agree, it looks like a very reasonable structure.

taxydual 31st Jan 2009 16:02

A massive campaign on arrse definitely contributed to the Headley Court planning application v Mole Valley....so maybe they should run another?

Having read the thread on AARSE, I think that even they are calling off the attack dogs.

Wait Out

Common sense, and patience, may still win the day.

Double Zero 31st Jan 2009 16:23

I suspect no common sense is involved, except certain councillors' sense of survival !

I truly hope you're right, not holding my breath.

Plan B & the rest of the alphabet remain available as options.

cazatou 1st Feb 2009 08:31

I would suggest an appeal against the refusal which would be heard by an Independent Adjudicator.

Where I lived in UK in the 90's there was one individual who appealed twice against planning refusals on a particular plot of land and won both times - with costs against the County Council.

Double Zero 1st Feb 2009 08:37

We're already petitioning the government, and letting Wealden council know what we think - and I presume Joe Townsend is appealing against the crass decision ( never assume anything - is he ? ) so who's this independent adjudicator then ?

thegypsy 1st Feb 2009 08:46

I suppose he means appealing to the Planning Inspectorate who are independent but of course each individual inspector can only look at the planning regulations and apply them as he/she thinks fits the case.Whether they are allowed to take this person's personal circumstances into account I am not sure about.

If they appeal they have three choices.

Written Representation

Informal Hearing

Public Inquiry

With a PI you can employ a planning barrister and Wealden Council will have to as well which will cost a fortune and costs can also be awarded against the loser so not a road to go down lightly.


I think it would be better to re apply with a small change in the details and then either Wealden Council planners can save face and approve it or if not then the Councillors can get the planners off the hook by over ruling a refusal by insisting it goes to committee. I do not think both would dare refuse now in view of all the publicity

jetsfather 6th Feb 2009 14:14

I'm not surprised
I had the misfortune of working with this woman. So I'm not surprised. A worst egotistical megalomaniac I've still to encounter. By the way: Her maiden name is Dashwood (Barbara not Barby), 'Hall' is the name of her ex-husband. So even her name is bull****!

BEagle 6th Feb 2009 15:10

E-mail received this afternoon:

This Council has received an unprecedented number of enquiries regarding the planning application for Royal Marine Joe Townsend. We appreciate their concerns in what is a highly emotive issue and we are doing our best to reply to everyone.

We think it is important that everyone who knows about Joe's case fully understands both the reason for this Council's decision on January 8 and the current situation. Whilst this Council is fully committed to providing help and assistance to representatives of all our armed forces who have been injured in the service of this Country, we also have a duty to balance any proposals for new development with the strongly held wishes of the community in Wealden to protect our rural environment.

The Council has made it clear throughout that they are prepared to negotiate with Joe and his family to secure independent local accommodation for Joe. We have suggested a number of alternative proposals which we are discussing with the planning agent and family representatives.

All staff and councillors fully support the need to find a solution to Joe's housing needs. We remain committed to working with the family to help find a satisfactory outcome.

Wealden District Council

'....strongly held wishes of the community in Wealden to protect our rural environment...', eh?

Yet neither the local community nor the parish council had any objections to the proposal.

pr00ne 6th Feb 2009 15:15

"Yet neither the local community nor the parish council had any objections to the proposal.|

Which, given sufficient evidence to support such a claim, would be excellent grounds for a very strong appeal against the decision, which in turn would be almost impossible to resist, ESPECIALLY with national media interest.

BEagle 6th Feb 2009 15:44

As can be noted from Wealden District Council's applications online - Documents list

In 00708087.PDF
Westham Parish Council: We have no objections to this application

In 00709748[1].PDF
Technical Services: No objection

In 00713372.PDF
On behalf of the Highway Authority: I do not wish to restrict grant of consent subject to the observations below (which concerned visibility standards to the south east of the existing access and recommended some foliage trimming to improve them).

Finally, from the Planning Committee's meeting notes in 00710869.PDF: At the time of writing the report no letters had been received. Any reports received will be reported verbally at the Planning Committee meeting

alwayslookingup 7th Feb 2009 04:25

So, it took until Post 50 for someone to acknowledge what I'd said in Post 4, that the course of action now for the applicants is an appeal to the planning inspectorate.

The Council's involvement with the matter is finished, they have made their decision. The only way they can become involved again is if there is a re-application.

I suppose I could have declared an interest in being an elected Councillor, (albeit north of the border)with a reasonable experience of the planning system, but that would have spoiled all the fun. In any case, bearing in mind some of the earlier posts here, would anyone have listened?


gar170 7th Feb 2009 22:10

Watched Noel's HQ on Sky one tonite Noel Edmund's has taken on Joe's case with a scathing attack on the council and their press officer if you get a chance to See the repeat it is worth a watch.
Noel's HQ: Get Hero Joe his Bungalow! - Sky1

racedo 7th Feb 2009 23:36

Applicants always have a second bite at the cherry as was outlined to me by a planning officer a year ago and its at no cost. This is standard with English planning laws apparently.

It may involve making a small change as suggested by the planners and then gets reconsidered.

Given the situation a resubmisson is best option as allows council a way out stating that a change was needed.

They don't deserve it but better a way out for all that going to HM Planning Inspectorate.

BEagle 8th Feb 2009 07:58

The link on the Sky 1 website stated that the petition contained 'over 4000' signatures.

This morning, the figure is 6998.

I think that rather shows the strength of public feeling on this issue.

gar170 8th Feb 2009 09:45

What i did not say earlier was that Noels Edmund's got a support from He Tory leader and also Lib Dem's he also read out a statement from the PM in support for Joe' his plans case and stated that he hoped the the planners will now see that it is only right to approve his plans.

I wish i could find Noel's outburst and down load it.

muppetofthenorth 8th Feb 2009 17:16

BBC NEWS | England | Sussex | PM orders rethink on soldier home

Has to be good news, surely?

cazatou 8th Feb 2009 17:50

Not sure the Council has got the message yet.

Downing Street press release states:-

"It is unacceptable that he is being stopped from having the home of his choice"

Council press release states:-

"We are optimistic of finding an appropriate solution"

They do not appear to be singing from the same hymnsheet as 10 Downing Street.

Chugalug2 8th Feb 2009 18:21

Now that the Great Leader, as opposed to the Dear Leader, has put his clunking fist behind this, I feel confident that after a full evaluation of the unique circumstances appertaining to this case...Wealdon District Council, 180, 180, GO!
Meanwhile add to their discomfort by adding your name to:
Petition to: overturn the decision by Wealden District Council to refuse planning permission for a purpose built home for Marine Joe Townsend, who lost both legs in Afghanistan. | Number10.gov.uk

thegypsy 8th Feb 2009 18:26


you do not seem to understand planning regulations. The one eyed scottish idiot is trying to make political capital out of this and curry favour yet this government decides planning policy and there are no exceptions made for being one eyed or having no legs as far as planning is concerned. The current application as has been said is out of Wealden Council's control.

The Councillors could have over ruled the planning officer at the committee meeting but chose not to do so.

When it comes to looking after their own Councillors on the DCS planning committeee have gone against the recommendation of the planning officers.

Look at WD/2008/1809 The Cart Barn owned by a Wealden Councillor. This went to committee with a requirement for a S106 non severance planning obligation but Councillors went against the planning officers. Why??????????

BEagle 8th Feb 2009 19:13

thegypsy, in a thread concerning the welfare of a disabled Royal Marine, I consider your insulting reference to the PM's disability to be very much out of order.

I am by no means a supporter of Brown, but to make mock of his personal disability is utterly unacceptable, to my mind. As was Jeremy Clarkson's; for someone who does so much for Help for Heroes, his comment was outrageous. But he has at least offered some apology.

Please consider editing your post.

By the way, the number of people who have signed the petition now stands at nearly 9500.....:ok:!

NutLoose 8th Feb 2009 19:24

Seems to be gathering speed, see

Message boards

What really peeves me is a council is a body elected by us to serve the people that employ them, NOT the other way round.

Its ok saying nail it on the house, but that does not give independance and what happens when the Grandparents go on to a better place free from Government intervention.

Double Zero 8th Feb 2009 19:39


maybe you're being a bit hard; I think 'thegypsy' is referring to myopic government talk rather than any persons' disability. ( no fan of Bown either, but reckon all politicians and heads of forces much the same )...

BEagle 8th Feb 2009 19:46

Myopia and monocular vision are hardly synonymous, Double Zero.

Making light of any disability is reprehensible.


thegypsy 8th Feb 2009 19:48


You appear to be another person who does not understand that Planning Officers are Council Employees and are NOT elected but are there to enforce planning regulations set by Government.

A petition will serve no purpose.

Many years ago I got outline planning permission for a house in my garden and the Parish Council and others all got a petition against it after planning permission had been passed but it was all a complete waste of time and too late as the decision had been made and had already been granted. It would have cost the Council dear to abrogate it.

DX Wombat 8th Feb 2009 21:56

Some Good News For A Change
Good to see various MPs, including the PM, doing the right thing. Looks as if their tactics may have worked. :ok:

NutLoose 8th Feb 2009 22:26

Yes...Disabled soldier's home approved - , - Latest news & weather forecasts - MSN News UK

racedo 8th Feb 2009 22:46

Sounds like decision was already made so bandwagon got jumped on.

Or am I just a cybic ?:hmm:

fallmonk 9th Feb 2009 05:25

Bloody disgarce it had to get to that stage BUT am glad its came good at last !
Not many times i can say it but well done the PM and the opisition leader for there phone calls (leaning on) to the councilers :ok:

Al R 9th Feb 2009 08:06

I accept, to an extent, the point made in the previous thread about rules being rules.. but they're also there to be applied with common sense and compassion, and in this instance.. that just wasn't done. The Council's thinking that the work would be 'intrusive' simply defies belief. The ultimate example perhaps, of local nomenklatura being out of touch.


If you're reading this Joe, you probably 'just' think you were unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time but we and your council owe you far more than just bricks and mortar. Good luck in your new home.

dakkg651 9th Feb 2009 12:46

Just listening to Jeremy Vine show.

Sounds like Noel Edmunds has beaten the drum for Joe big time.

Well done that man.

Al R 9th Feb 2009 12:47

Whatever you think about him, hats off to Noel Edmunds for getting stuck in (although you have to >> to 5'30" to watch him get a real head of steam up).

YouTube - Joe Townsend Noels HQ

cazatou 9th Feb 2009 13:26


Perhaps you may wish to consider an apology.

I will not, however, be holding my breath.


airborne_artist 9th Feb 2009 13:47

And some more positive news:

Soldier becomes first amputee to guard Queen - Telegraph

PPRuNe Pop 9th Feb 2009 16:09

the gypsy

The petition will make no difference!

Where were you when the one that AARSE and PPRuNe worked on when the Dorking/Ashtead fiasco for SSAFA to buy a £1m house went awry?

It worked then and it would work now. Hundreds and hundreds of e-mails and letters have gone in to Wealden Council and they must now realise what the minority of objecting councillors have done.

Anyway, the fat lady seems not to have quite sung yet. But watch out if they renege on their utterings today!

This will not be the last time that the voice of the forces and ex forces are heard, and red faces are made where the action is most needed.

BEagle 9th Feb 2009 16:36

12105 people have now signed the petition....

Latest from the Wealden District Council website:

9 February 2009

Joe Townsend Planning Application Statement

We have always recognised the huge sacrifice that Joe has made and have been wholly committed to working with Joe, his family and their planning agent to ensure that he gets the home he needs and deserves.

Immediately following the planning decision, we approached Joe's Grandfather and wish to work with him to reach a solution which is acceptable to everyone. We have agreed with the family that we will meet at their earliest convenience and that meeting will take place this week.

"With a successful outcome from that meeting, we will do everything possible to make sure his application is determined without delay, " said Councillor Roy Galley, Cabinet member for Strategic Planning & Housing Delivery.

"Working within legal timescales, this could mean a decision in principle as early as the end of next week.

"Whilst our immediate priority is resolving this issue for Joe, we are also deeply concerned that there is no specific Government planning guidance in the matter of special arrangements for injured servicemen," he added.

" We will therefore be urging the Prime Minister to reduce the chances of any other council being caught in a situation where there is a heart-rending pressure created by a badly-injured service man or woman needing special accommodation in an area where planning policy directs it to be inappropriate."


The Fat Lady* has yet to sing........

*This is not a slanderous reference to any particular councillor!

racedo 9th Feb 2009 16:54

The Fat Lady* has yet to sing........

*This is not a slanderous reference to any particular councillor!
Yeah we understand:ok:

Any connection to someone living or braindead is entirely deliberate.

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