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engineer(retard) 9th Jan 2009 15:01

Poo Pond
I suspect that the poo pond was for the armourers to have swim in after a night on the lash.

TiffyFGR4 9th Jan 2009 15:45

"I suspect that the poo pond was for the armourers to have swim in after a night on the lash."

Just reminded me there...

In Commander Ade Orchard's book, 'Joint Force Harrier', (A great read by the way, fully recommend it) he said in it somewhere that a Para and two Romanian soldiers (I think?) had some sort of bet, or dare, (Can't quite remember the full details), who could SWIM from one end to the other...Across the "Poo Pond".......Of what I can remember it saying, one Romanian kind of bottled it (Don't blame him in the slightest), the other Romanian jumped in, swam a few yards & decided to swim back & got out....The Para, jumped in & swam to the other end....... :\ :D

Something like that anyway...

But weldone to our lad....just, don't shake my hand or give me a manly hug or anything like that. LOL

British Para 1-0 Romanian(?) Soldier(s) :ok:

downsizer 9th Jan 2009 19:29

Pretty certain it was actually a marine.

wokawoka 9th Jan 2009 21:34

I think we all tend to agree is that Channel 5 focussed too much on the downtime. Or at least that they did not mention the fact that after a 12-14Hr every day with the occasional (and I emphasise occasional) day off guys/girls do need to chill out by having a bit of normality and let their hair down in any way shape or form with no alcohol.
Let's face it, we all need the support trades. How does our aircraft get fixed, how do we get our mail? It's not all about crossing the wire, though the program could have made the public more aware of the fact that Kate's trade supports the people who cross the wire directly. And I do not only mean at 20000' or if at LL at 600 Kts......:E

However I can understand the frustrations of some people who turn up to the admin cell on a Sun morning (dont tell me dont go on a Sunday as there is no notion of days over there and it may be the only time one has spare time) to find that it is a half day/ or a non working day for the admin. Because for some there is no such thing as a day off. On ops we should accept that these things will be on an opportunity basis not as a given. This unfortunately does create friction.

Finally to come back on the Op Allowance thing, it IS a getting shot at allowance. It was introduced by Labour when the Tories said they would introduced tax free salaries for service men / women in theatres deemed to be highly dangerous (ie Iraq and Stan). Being on the back foot labour introduced this allowance in emergencxy saying it would boost up a PRIVATE's salary to ensure it would correspond to a tax free salary for the period of the det. Neer mind the other ranks.....:ugh: For discomfort and separation there is LSA. I do not think there should be a downgrading of our support staff who stay behind the wire, however maybe a boost in allowance for the guys who do take it to the enemy would be much appreciated....:ok:

anotherthing 10th Jan 2009 12:46


You are correct in your assertion that this may not be the best PR for MOD when it comes to the public. Some of the public may well think that money is being ill spent.

However on this forum, frequented by alleged serving members, it is those serving members who are whingeing about the facilities; not the public... I personally think that Joe Public (especially CH5's target audience) will not give a jot or think too hard about it... all they will see is a bit of light entertainment.

Maybe more emphasis should be put on operations, however we have already had 2 excellent programmes recently (Ross Kemps and the one following Marine training through to Operations), so it is understandable that TV producers in a bid for ratings will try a different angle.

NutLoose 11th Jan 2009 02:14

Hmm watched it and they young lady in the Bikini, sad to say no matter what she does or how well she does it in her future career she will possibly always be remembered as that Welsh girl in the Bikini of the telly.......

shame really, I know sex sells, but to put her across as a dumbish Welsh bimbo does her no favours indeed or the RAF for that matter and I bet she will live to regret the day she agreed to take part........

Similar was the young LAC rock proudly showing off his Dog Tags and announcing to the world he feels like a real soldier now....... probably just a snippet from a whole ream of film shot, but a snippet that makes him appear to be a bit of a "muppet" to his collegues etc..

Could have been a really good programme, but when you put it up against the likes of Ross Kemp in Afghanistan it just makes the RAF appear a bit of a laughing stock...........

I know it is TV etc but these programmes do the RAF and their goals no good at all........

sonas 11th Jan 2009 06:27

Wake up smell the coffee
My spin on this one is that, younger, easily influenced people, are going to see the military having a bit of fun as well as the serious side to it. Agree it may focus on downtime, however, both sides of the coin been shown.
It could maybe attract some new bods for the forces.

johno617tonka 11th Jan 2009 12:39

i can't see what all the fuss is about to be honest!! this 1st episode is a recruiters dream, and i think that's what it was aimed at being from the off.. aside from the extra danger in relation to the location, Incirlik was no different in the mid 90's......

i think this is post number 89 or something, but i don't think we can judge the programme till it's final one has been shown. i'm certain that it will get a bit more 'serious' as the weeks go by, and aside from the 'novelty' value, our welsh clerk will soon be forgotten about and others will surely take her place.. i'm not sure i envy the new rocks straight out of training and into a front line deployment... he may seem a bit naive and even a tad daft, but that'll soon disappear soon me thinks!!...

let them have their 15 mins of fame, ignore the eejut keyboard warriors over on arrse and it's sky+'ed ready for the next one..
i for one, can't wait!!
they ALL have my ultimate respect for what they're doing!!!

SRENNAPS 11th Jan 2009 17:11

Well I finally got round to watching the prog this weekend and as I suspected I really don’t see what the fuss is about. It is just another Pprune moan from many of you.

For those of you that have supported the personnel that have appeared in this programme, well done.

For those that have come out with the usual derogatory comments.... get a life. I suspect that many of these comments are from people that have never actually deployed and if they have they are probably not team players. In fact miserable old Sh$ts spring to mind...we had plenty of them on the deployments I was involved in.

I have recently spoken to an old mate who has recently returned from Kandahar and witnessed the filming taking place. He said that the film crew were really friendly and there was good humour and banter from all that participated. Unofficially there was an angle to encourage recruitment. Can’t fault that at all.

I don’t think that the people that have appeared in this program will be remembered for being in “a bikini” and I don’t think they will be considered being a “Muppet for showing their dog tags”. They are young and enthusiastic people who are very proud of what they are doing. Their family and friends are even prouder. I have no doubts that these people would put their lives on the line if the situation called for it.

The programme certainly reminds me of my time in the many places I was deployed to in the horrible Middle East and I look forward to seeing the rest of the series.

Finally, I now work for a company that specialises in defence communication equipment. Several of our lads deploy to Afgan on a regular basis to install this equipment. (So that many of you can have something better than “Goals Calls”). As a result of that the majority of the personnel I work with watched the programme and really enjoyed it. And I can assure you that “the welsh girl” will always be offered a job.

Sloppy Link 11th Jan 2009 18:40

I thought it was OK. For those that wish to critisise, remember, the true worth of any medal be it campaign or gallantry is only truly known by the wearer.


animo et fide 11th Jan 2009 19:26

It would appear to me that too many people on here have far too much time on their hands. You can either:
a) Get back to work, stopping the rest of us carrying you, or
b) Get a life and watch something else on tv


TheWizard 12th Jan 2009 20:26

So lets see what the ARRSE bandits make of their RMP friends then?

Grrrr...watch out for 'the Bear':rolleyes:

nice castle 12th Jan 2009 21:37

Who wears sunglasses inside. c0ck.

NutLoose 13th Jan 2009 00:13

Well it seems to be improving over the first episode and the Pontins holiday camp image took a backburner this week and it started to get more serious, though who ever on the Jumping Bean force that made up the Barbie table, I do hope you can measure two sheets of tin up better than you can a table top :p

Pure Pursuit 13th Jan 2009 06:53

Will somebody please, please just shoot the adminer...

She is a :mad: nightmare!

Off to Bastion with at least 50% of here bag being taken up by :mad: make up!:{

Up up and away 13th Jan 2009 07:53

Didn't she say something along the lines of "I don't really know what firemen do" :ugh:

Gainesy 13th Jan 2009 10:29

Well I didn't realise that they went out to cut casualties from IED'd vehicles. And as for wearing that fire resistent Nomex-type suit in those temps...

Are they still a part of the RAF Regiment?

SCAFITE 13th Jan 2009 10:30

RAF trying to make the best of it
As long as there as been an RAF the boys and girls try to make the best of it. We all know some of the Army (and RAF) are up the front line in very trying times and doing their best with the kit they have in very bad conditions.

Many years ago in the fire strike of the late 70s, there were 2 huts both equiped with camp beds, folding tables and plastic chairs and ash trays for acomodation. At the end of the strike the Army accom consisited of camp beds, folding chairs and plastic chairs and ash trays. The RAF Hut consisted of second hand Telly, Hi Fi, old sofas, decent lighting and all chipped in for some better food.

We all know the arrse boys are giving the RAF stick over this prog, but like all modern armies only a small amount of personnel do the shooting, and most are on back up and logistical jobs (REMF's). The only thing between RAF REMFs and Army REMFs is the RAF try to make life as comfy as possible

Ex RAF REMF and proud of it
(why dig in when you can check in)

airsound 13th Jan 2009 10:51

SCAFITE - a brilliant first post if I may say so. (I'm old and sad enough to remember that SCAF stood for Supply Control & Accounting Flight - I think....)

Anyway, I shall remember

why dig in when you can check in
as a useful riposte.

I missed the first WarZone, but thoroughly enjoyed the second. OK, minor embarrassments - but mostly those are the kind of things that tell you it's real.

And how good it is to see the REMFs at their very important work.

I would think the RAF media lot are well chuffed.


SCAFITE 13th Jan 2009 11:29

RAF making the best of a bad job
Thanks airsound and you are correct about SCAF or very near Stock and not Supply but close enough.

I like you agree a few little cringy bits but overall its what happens, and if you are a young civiy looking to join up, showing the RAF looking after its troops where possible, got to be a good thing.

I have just read a book called (best years of their lives) about national service and a book called (through the hanger doors) about a history of RAF Ground personnel. The RAF wanted to get rid of National Service in the Mid 50s after the Besnson Experiment, for a period personnel at that station were given better types of uniform, removed from petty normal restrictions of service life. This was to see if by making life better for the erks these boys and girls would stay in the service for much longer.

The Army could not see the point of this, and as a result when N/S was got rid of after the last N/S personnel left the service in 1963, the RAF had the least problems converting to a non conscript service.

The Army Bless them dont change and still dont realise that if you dont look after the troops they bugger off.

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