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-   -   Can I have my jacket, wings and hat back please? (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/344659-can-i-have-my-jacket-wings-hat-back-please.html)

mofo999 25th Sep 2008 21:00

Can I have my jacket, wings and hat back please?
During the pre-airshow happy hour on 12 Sep 08 at the Leuchars Officers' Mess, some bright spark thought it would be a good idea to hoist my flying jacket from the gents. There are several problems with this:

1, It was my old Kiwi jacket that I got 10 years ago and cant get a replacement.
2, It has my Kiwi wings on it, which I also cannot replace.
3, it had my chip hat in the pocket, no guesses, it was a kiwi one which I cant get replaced.
4, its theft dumbass.

If anyone out there knows anything about this I'd like to hear from you. I have had those items of clothing for a decade and while they might make a cool souvenir for someone, it means a hell of a lot more to me. Its such a dumb and crap thing to do. That stuff is pretty distinctive. If the perpetrator is reading this I hope you don't think you can wear that stuff and get away with it!

For the rest of you, we can't even trust our fellow military flyers and their guests anymore. Sad but the unfortunate thruth.:mad::mad::mad::mad::=:=

exscribbler 26th Sep 2008 00:36

B*stards. What a bl**dy mean trick and complete emb*ggerance. I hope you get them back.

cribble 26th Sep 2008 05:01

check PMs

Runaway Gun 26th Sep 2008 05:56

Trat truly is bad news. Best of luck.

If he IS dumb enough to wear it, rest assured that it's probably in the privacy of his own home (ie. naked, in the mirror, on his bed).

I hope that helps to narrow it down. :yuk:

Pontius Navigator 26th Sep 2008 05:59

mofo, I know what you mean.

I had a free Kiwi chip bag too, it cost me 22p for the badge, and a US clip-on black tie. Spent one night in the BOQ at Bentwaters shared bathroom - you'll know the style.

Gone, some USless tea leaf. Fortunately the next place we visited was the RAF Club and they gave me an almost black tie. Trouble was it was a very hot summer and the tie had a motif in it so I had to keep my jacket buttoned.

iccarus 26th Sep 2008 08:13

Are you the mofo who jumped on the bus from Leuchars to St A's and proceeded to call everyone a c@nt???

Thought that was a nice touch!!

TorqueOfTheDevil 26th Sep 2008 09:54

Must have turned into an awesome night if this theft has only just been noticed!

But very disappointing all the same, let's hope it reappears.

Senior Pilot 26th Sep 2008 10:13

While you're at it, can you arrange for the return of my hat (Gieves, y'now) souvenir'd at IntSAR 1972 ;)


Gnd 26th Sep 2008 11:02

:oh:And an over coat from sponsors at cosford in 2005 - didn't swear at people then though!!!!:sad:

Maxibon 26th Sep 2008 11:18

Jings - where do we start? I'd be grateful for the return of the following:

Flying jacket (with name badge, might I add) - Lyneham O Mess 1988
Ray Bans (Wayfarer II) Scampton 1988
Various albums - Brawdy 1991
Side hat - Coningsby 1991
Commodore 64 (I miss Harrier Attack) - Leeming 1993
Bike - Leeming 1993
Bed - 1993
Numerous packets of Marlborough Lights - ongoing
Various stashes of pornography - various ongoing (found out it was the wife who found and binned it recently)
Some dirty girls from around York and Doncaster
erm, that's it, I think. PM me if you have any of the items - especially the porn!


ShyTorque 26th Sep 2008 11:39


Some dirty girls from around York and Doncaster
They want you back, they said something about a dirty RAF bloke with no jacket, hat or sunglasses. By the way, they both weigh 18 stone now. :eek:

Where's my best SD hat? Some ungrateful oik nicked it while I was serving him Christmas dinner. Bastard. Mind you, it could have been worse - the Staish got his hat back again. It was under the Christmas tree and someone had peed in it.

artyhug 26th Sep 2008 11:42

Whilst we're on the subject I was wondering if anyone had seen my dignity anywhere? Last seen disappearing over the horizon at a great rate of knots many moons ago....

Maxibon 26th Sep 2008 11:45

"They want you back, they said something about a dirty RAF bloke with no jacket, hat or sunglasses. By the way, they both weigh 18 stone now. http://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/eek.gif"

They must have lost some weight - the amount of chips I had ply them with round the back of Park Lane

6Z3 26th Sep 2008 11:49

Some dirty girls from around York and Doncaster
If one of them had a snake, I might be able to help you out there

Maxibon 26th Sep 2008 12:02

Snake??!! - do go on - was it Donny or York and when

Airborne Aircrew 26th Sep 2008 12:37

None of the above would have happened in the Sergeant's Mess...

Bloody Officers... :}

c-bert 26th Sep 2008 13:12

And while we're at it I lost a pair of black Oakleys in the MT section at Lyneham two years ago.

Rigger1 26th Sep 2008 14:40

2 pissed marines nicked my hat at Halton in 88 - i didn't have the backup or courage to ask for it back.

NutLoose 26th Sep 2008 14:43

I ebayed "New Zealand Pilots Jacket" and this came up..:}

Straight up........ that was the most hits I got for it.:8
Seriously though, I do hope someone does the right thing and returns it.


BEagle 26th Sep 2008 15:07

Somehow I don't think that she's from York or that $hithole of a place called Doncaster....

Hope you get your kit back, mate - thieving from your mates is a strict no-no in my book!

Mind you, I used to leave my manky old hat in various places hoping that someone might steal it, allowing me to make a valid insurance claim. But it was so awful that no-one would touch it - eventually my boss fed it to a mate's labrador, so that was that!

KeepItTidy 26th Sep 2008 15:48

Just keep your eyes on Ebay , if folk have nicked it to sell on thats the place likely they are going to pawn it off.

good luck and it should be very easy to spot Kiwi gear around the airshow circuit

Maxibon 26th Sep 2008 16:33

Unless its a Kiwi airshow:hmm:

exscribbler 26th Sep 2008 21:41

Shy Torque: You been to Donny lately? All the girls weigh 18 stone. I'm out of my weight division... :E

ShyTorque 26th Sep 2008 22:04

Shy Torque: You been to Donny lately? All the girls weigh 18 stone. I'm out of my weight division...
Nah, some certainly don't weigh 18 stone. But there is hope for them; WeightWatchers are allegedly about to open a base camp near McDonalds.

Two's in 27th Sep 2008 01:44

Wouldn't a discrete word with the PMC elicit a more positive response than announcing to the free world that ethical conduct and integrity has apparently gone AWOL in the Leuchars Officers' Mess? Tar Brushes are awfully messy weapons.

bakseetblatherer 27th Sep 2008 02:11

They want you back, they said something about a dirty RAF bloke with no jacket, hat or sunglasses. By the way, they both weigh 18 stone now
I am glad to see that they have finally lost some weight.

Originally Posted by artyhug
Whilst we're on the subject I was wondering if anyone had seen my dignity anywhere? Last seen disappearing over the horizon at a great rate of knots many moons ago....

Yeah you lost it when you went single seat, you traitor! It was definitely gone by the time of your 'G' training..no dignity on that vid :ooh:

exscribbler 27th Sep 2008 22:35

Shy Torque: Too true; I bet Weight Watchers, Slimming World and Lighterlife have a permanent base in the Dome - just over the road from MacDonald's. :E

mofo999 30th Sep 2008 12:22

Thanks for the advice. Have tried all official channels with no success. As for the tar brush, how about ones fingers not getting sticky in the first place?

Flap62 30th Sep 2008 13:25


Are you an exchange guy from the NZ air force or have you re-enroled with the RAF?

L J R 30th Sep 2008 14:12

.....Kiwi exchange from what exactly??

Training Risky 30th Sep 2008 14:37

.....Kiwi exchange from what exactly??
In some Air Forces around the world, there are such flying machines known as 'truckies', 'maritime patrol aircraft' and 'helicopters'.

Maybe mofo is not (take a deep breath and steady yourself) a FJ pilot?

It has been known.

(But to be fair, if mofo is the Kiwi I think he is, he eats quiche and wears a spangly red growbag, a bit like Captain Amazing without the cape.)

Runaway Gun 30th Sep 2008 18:55

Errr, I disagree.

If he's the Kiwi I think he is, he wears a green zoombag, and spangly red Jocks!

Not that there's anything wrong with that....

Flap62 30th Sep 2008 19:26

Just wondered why, if he's no longer in the NZ air force, he would be wearing an NZ jacket, hat and wings.

Does that mean that people will be pitching up to work in cub scout, boy's brigade and any other old kit they have lying about?

Runaway Gun 1st Oct 2008 09:45

Mofo, you have PM...

Wader2 1st Oct 2008 12:23

Probably forgotten in which 'coffee' bar he left it :}

Years ago one Fred Tiernan went to the mess at Waddo for lunch, hung his raincoat on the peg in the side corridor.

When he returned for his next tour, 3 years later, it was still there but a nice shade of greeny blue.

Zoom 1st Oct 2008 13:30

A friend of mine's dad scarpered from France via Dunkirk some decades ago, losing his false teeth somewhere on the beach. This really upset him, but fifty years later he was at a reunion in Dunkirk and they all had a fish supper in a seafood restaurant. My friend's dad sliced open his beautiful piece of fish and - guess what? - no sign of his teeth.

The moral is that the more you want it back the less likely it is to appear, so just steal someone else's.


regle 3rd Oct 2008 15:27

I'm sure I met their Grandmothers in the Danum in Donnie or it might have been in Bettys in York in 1943/4 ex Snaith and Finningley etc. Regle

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