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KPax 18th Jul 2008 07:06

Can the CJO be the next 'boss' he doesn't have 2 wings. How about the man who should be a 'WSOP' with his name being L***er.

Wrathmonk 18th Jul 2008 07:58

Next CDS should be General Lamb (but won't be because he is not politically friendly). Suspect Dannet won't get the nod for the same reason. I'm guessing Gen Richards will be the next supremo. But a question - do you have to have been a single service chief to be considered for CDS?

Next CAS should be Stu Peach (but won't be because he's a navigator - nore likely to be VCDS next). My money is on Steve Dalton as the next CAS ....:\

The Real Slim Shady 18th Jul 2008 10:57

Why not just put it out to tender in the private sector and have a Cheap of The Air Staff?????

Chugalug2 18th Jul 2008 14:55

Next CAS should be Stu Peach (but won't be because he's a navigator
That is precisely the problem with the present system. The present incumbent is a pilot, by all accounts he is more than that - he is a pilot's pilot. What he isn't (well in my opinion, ha ha) is an effective CAS. Of the five transport squadrons I served on, two were commanded by navigators. Both were inspiring leaders, not all of the pilot ones were! Time to post this "tradition" into the bin. I agree that the CAS should be ex-aircrew, because he could be sending other aircrew into danger and needs to know what it involves. He doesn't have to be a pilot to do so. Me? Ex GD/P, so what?

minigundiplomat 18th Jul 2008 16:30

All the best, truly inspirational bosses I've had have been pilots. Best 2IC evr was a Nav, commissioned WSOp's are conspicious by their absence.

Dunhovrin 18th Jul 2008 17:25

How about the man who should be a 'WSOP' with his name being L***er.
Sorry? You've lost me. Why should he be a WSOP? Shurely ALM...

Irish Tempest 18th Jul 2008 17:30

DANNATT Leaving Gift
Personally, absolutely gutted when I heard that Gen DANNATT was not in the picture for the CDS role. I think on balance DANNATT is the most inspiration Snr Officer I have come across in my years in the service. No offence RAF but having a 'yes man' in the post for another few years is not something I relish…

He has the 'pulse' of the men which is such a rarity in this day and age. I, and no doubt over 50% of the Armed Forces would quite happily contribute to his leaving gift (which no doubt he would donate to a worthy cause). Such a simple thing as that and the publicity that would gain would most probably send a rocket up the MOD pen pusher hierarchy.

An alternate would be for us to find out if/when he was planning to resign and all rock up to MOD MB and give him a clap/well done you outside MOD MB...

Nothing illegal here, just thanking a well meaning officer for his gallant attempts to take on the politicos and fight for what he (and we all) believe is right.

It would be a first for the tri-Service org to do something like this and the message would be sent loud a clear to the men (and boys) on the top floor of the establishment.

You never know it could be a duty trip... maybe could coincide with a Pride march?

Chugalug2 18th Jul 2008 17:55

Personally, absolutely gutted when I heard that Gen DANNATT was not in the picture for the CDS role.
Totally agree with you, Irish Tempest. Surely the answer though, with this PM and this government, is to sound off loud and clear to that effect They have shown themselves time after time to be pliable to say the least. So many U turns they are left confused themselves as to the present Party Line. An Aarse/PPRuNe campaign, not to say farewell to General Dannatt, but to see him relieve ACM Stirrup and the sooner the better!

OHP 15M 18th Jul 2008 19:14

Next CDS needs to be intelligent, dynamic and have the strength of character to stand up for his troops ... Roy Cropper gets my vote :ok:

Modern Elmo 19th Jul 2008 00:29

Trenchard argued against the formation of a seperate service.

He was right about that.

Hubstrasse 19th Jul 2008 02:34

My nomination is Gordon Ramsey - No Prisoners(also) and he knows the language! or am i talking complete danglers (again!) Think about it......
Hell's Forces... and maybe some decent tucker.

Archimedes 19th Jul 2008 19:58

Trenchard argued against the formation of a seperate service.

He was right about that.
He argued against creating a separate service during wartime, thinking that this would be an unnecessary distraction.

He later said that his subsequent experiences of hearing Army and RN officers pontificate on air power convinced him that forming a separate service was, in fact, absolutely the right thing to do...

AliasBoris 20th Jul 2008 22:40

The country is very fortunate to have the best man for the job already in post and it is therefore sensible to extend his appointment until a suitable replacement can climb further up the promotion ladder, and thus be experienced and competent enough to take over at the very top by 2011.:)

exscribbler 20th Jul 2008 22:49

Thank you, Sir Glenn. :E

nunquamparatus 21st Jul 2008 16:15

Nominee for CDS
I'd like to propose my Warrant Officer Missileman (1st Class). 3,000 years service, 15 years undiscovered crime, more medals than you can shake a stick at AND, more importantly, the ability to smell out bullsh*t at 50 paces and say "f*ck off, Sir, thats a silly idea" without sounding insubordinate. Not sure he knows how to be a sycophant and he truly believes that HM Queen is the head of the Armed Forces. What he'd do to the legions of oxygen-thieving civil servants on the 6th floor I have no idea but I'm sure it would be fun to watch.

Isn't ironic that as soon as we see these senior officers get promoted to Air Rank/Major General/R Adm we start to see their colours changing. Whilst I have sympathy with their plight (long hours, dealing with pond-life) I do wish some of them would remember that politicians come and go and that reputations live forever. Frankly, with the way the TLBs are under attack let's contract out CDS to Accentura/EDS/IBM and let their lawyers tear the Treasury Solicitor into small pieces the way their lawyers manage to find loop-holes with Defence Procurement (Smart Procurement, remember):E

exscribbler 21st Jul 2008 18:50

That's an even better idea!

Mind you, a WO from any of the Services would do a bloody good bull**** and bolleaux removal job at all levels of the civil service and government. Watching the operation would indeed be a fruitful and entertaining pastime.

Alpha Whiskey 22nd Jul 2008 16:52

Stockholm Syndrome?
Personally I'm not convinced that an extension of CDS untl 2011 is in the best interests of the Armed Forces for all the good reasons we all have to shift jobs every 2 years. One could draw the obvious (and I'm sure incorrect) conclusion that His Gordyness has opted for a party-line towing, bad news/tough call filter of CDS that will see out his term as PM (election in 2010) without creating any of the political problems/iritations that a good man like Dannett would deliver. Also begs the question as to the role of the Service Chiefs and the selection process for the job, given none of them are considered suitable and all would have been approved as appointments by a Labour govt.

Scribbly dee 30th Jul 2008 15:50

I Will Give It A Try
I'll logon to JPA and put it down as an employment preference........if I get any problems I can call the JPAC........is there a time limit on the application.....!!! If I don't get at least interview i'll consider my human rights have been abused....!! :ok:

Zoom 31st Jul 2008 10:43

...hearing Army and RN officers pontificate on air power convinced him that forming a separate service was, in fact, absolutely the right thing to do...
The great man was right all along. :D

...senior officers get promoted to Air Rank/Major General/R Adm we start to see their colours changing.
That's because they get all misty-eyed when they see the light at the end of the tunnel, viz a seat in the House of Lords. :ugh:

The Adjutant 31st Jul 2008 12:05

I would like to put myself forward for the job of CDS. I have been RAF for donkies year and now as a full time reservist certainly qualify as a "crusty old fart". My grandad was Army and dad was navy so I can claim knowledge of all 3 services. While I don't have "wings" I did qualify for an ATC Flying Scholarship 42 years ago, so I can always wear that badge if it is OK with you guys. I know personally the current Viscount Trenchard (grandson of "Boom" Trenchard) so as you see I have first class connections. I would be happy to leave all the decision making to the single service chiefs as long as I got to go to all the dinners and mix with Royalty and other VIP's. I can lay wreaths, tell people they have all done very well (Young Mr Grace style) and drink Pimms without falling down. Not only that but I am quite happy doing it on 4* FTRS wages (i.e much reduced X factor) and no HTD.
In return I promise to abolish all mess bills and bring back batting in officers messes. To pay for this I will reintroduce NCO aircrew and so save loads of money by disestablishing at least half the commissioned pilots and nav's in favour of Sgts.
Remember, vote for The Adjutant!! You know it makes sense.

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