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Razor61 10th Jun 2008 12:58

You joined to be killed, stop moaning!
Rupert Everett has had to apologise to the British forcesfor his words he had said on a TV programme.

Ceefax reporting that he said "The whole point of being in the army is wanting to get killed,
A transcript also mentions Rupert calling the British Forces "Wimps" and "Pathetic" and they are continually whining about going to war and getting killed.

However he then states he was not questioning the bravery of the troops in an apology.

His father is a retired Major apparently.


Squeezer 10th Jun 2008 13:09

For a link to the whole story:


PFMG 10th Jun 2008 13:13

.......When in actual fact I joined as Aircrew because of the promise of:

Pop-star wages
Work hard play hard ethos
Jollys to exotic locations
Hotels on Det
A great bunch of mates who don't take life too seriously
And more Girls

my biggest moan is that I don't get as much as I used to
(except for the wages....PA Spine) :}

enginesuck 10th Jun 2008 13:57

Do you mean Rupert Everett the former rent boy ?

Could open a whole new approach to conduct after capture.....

exscribbler 10th Jun 2008 14:28

According to the Melbourne Herald Sun he said, "The whole point of being in the Army is going to war and getting yourself blown up. That and p---ing on prisoners. Yet we all get shocked by Abu Ghraib."

Poor bloke; 49 years old and he hasn't sorted himself out yet. Sad, I call it.

'Chuffer' Dandridge 10th Jun 2008 16:54

Maybe the ex rent boy should spend some of his time out in the sand pit..........

fecking 'celebs':ugh:

Fg Off Max Stout 10th Jun 2008 16:56

His father is a retired Major apparently.
Daddy must be very proud. Or b) ...

scarecrow450 10th Jun 2008 18:34

I joined as an assistant as 'its the next best thing to flying !' mmmm

The next best thing is sending 'strange' actors to hot and sandy places with a big :mad: target on his arse !!!

Sorry rant over. I must stop saying these things out aloud !

exscribbler 10th Jun 2008 18:39

His father is a retired Major apparently.

Presumably that's why he's called Rupert... :E

Solid Rust Twotter 10th Jun 2008 18:44

You could always tattoo a target on his chin then staple his bottom lip to his eyebrows to make it more visible.

Is that my taxi? So kind. Arrse NAAFI Bar please....:}

scarecrow450 10th Jun 2008 18:50

I've got some ink, anyone got a big sharp needle. Was going to say prick !but better not.:ok:

BigBusDriver 10th Jun 2008 19:27

Everyone in our society has the right to free speech, but when your considerable income depends on your public image and popularity, then perhaps this was a missed opportunity for little Rupert to keep his gob shut. How about an organized campaign to boycott his work and any advertisers associated with it? That's the kind of thing that hurts these Hollywood types.

A10 Thundybox 10th Jun 2008 19:30

I would greatly appreciate some help with a problem I have that sadly as it happens it also involves a recent death in service and perhaps a harrier or two. Can anyone on UK tasking with JFH on Thursday "PM" me so I can ensure that a certain form reaches a certain desk. I have gone the official route but just want to make sure as short notice isn't something creaking Govt admin types do terribly well.
I'm sorry to ask and wouldn't if it wasn't worth a go...and if there is no reply then at least I tried.

2Planks 10th Jun 2008 19:33

I'd never heard of him - sadly now I have!

advocatusDIABOLI 10th Jun 2008 19:34

I personally joined to have an aircraft accident. Ideally, I would get the opportunity to bang out of the best, most expensive fighter going. If I couldn't do that, I'd prang the next best.

Sounds a bit like an interview for Bin Laden's lot, don't you think?

Maddness, please ignore this twonk. :ok:


Stitchbitch 10th Jun 2008 19:46

Can you bang out of a Tutor? You can swoop though? :E

waterhorse 10th Jun 2008 20:51

stupid comment about joining for an aircraft accident
go back to playing with lego

talk_shy_tall_knight 10th Jun 2008 21:48


that is all.

Lydia Dustbin 11th Jun 2008 01:57

You can send notes of 'thanks' to Mr Everett Here

I have !

TANTALLON 11th Jun 2008 10:50

I recall seeing Rupert Everett on a TV chat show a few years ago. One of the other guests was Bernard Manning who proceeded to take the pi$$ out of him something chronic. Brilliant it was!!

enginesuck 11th Jun 2008 11:40

TALIBAN forces in southern Afghanistan were in retreat last night after a fresh offensive by Britain's nancy boy actors.

'Those Taliban get me so worked up'
The absolute darlings flounced into combat late last week and took-up a series of extremely limp-wristed positions along the Helmand River.

After applying some moisturiser and waxing their chests, they began wave after wave of beastly, high-pitched attacks on key Taliban targets.

An Army spokesman said: "They were soooo well organised. Each platoon wore colour-coded bandanas and everyone had plenty of mineral water.

"There was a slight hitch when 'C' company forgot their motivation, but we just sat them down and said, 'the Taliban are all smelly and evil and you're the big, tough soldier who's avenging the death of a very close personal friend'.

"Major Everett was especially brave, sneaking up on this really butch Taliban fighter and then slapping him very hard on the upper arm until they both started crying.

"Then they sat down and watched St Trinian's until the Taliban fellow shot himself."

He added: "Major Everett is understandably very shaken by the whole experience and has retired to his tent with a Cadbury's Chocolate Orange and a copy of Tatler."

(borrowed from www.thedailymash.co.uk )

Gainesy 11th Jun 2008 11:41

Anyone know this ******'s address?

goudie 11th Jun 2008 12:00

This Everett prat is a pain in the in a*se and he knows all about that! Really not worthy of comment

angels 11th Jun 2008 12:26

Never heard of him. Would like to have seen Bernard Manning take him apart though.

Just ignore him. Gainesy - he's not worth your wrath.

minigundiplomat 11th Jun 2008 21:51

Rupert Everett?

See You Next Tuesday!

Razor61 11th Jun 2008 22:24

He lives in Germany...

Melchett01 11th Jun 2008 22:32

Rupert Everett?

See You Next Tuesday!
MGD - No no no no .... He's not in to that!

AR1 12th Jun 2008 00:08

Try as I might, I've searched wikipedia, and I can't find the word 'C*ck' in his entry.

So to speak.

Of course his many fans, might contact him here..

Rupert Everett
Handprint Entertainment
1100 Glendon Avenue
Suite 1000
Los Angeles, CA 90024

The Hook Hacker 12th Jun 2008 00:32

Boycott his films
yes, I'm going to stop watching Shrek in protest, that'll scare him.

It could be that you lot can't see beyond your own ego's of course. So what if he expresses an opinion, that's his right, which we all fight to protect....

Kevlar brolly ready.................

AR1 12th Jun 2008 00:49

And of course it is his right. - He's still a grade 1 c*ck though.:ok:

Dan D'air 12th Jun 2008 09:41

He's still a grade 1 c*ck though
I think you may well find that what he does with his c**k is not grade 1, but number two.

ukcds 12th Jun 2008 10:57

Why I joined
I joined because I like the colours blue and green:cool:

Affirmatron 12th Jun 2008 13:06

Rupert Everett
c/o ICM
Oxford House
76 Oxford Street

Although to be fair I think he has a point. In the same way that Military Personnel join the Armed Forces to be killed, Actors join their profession to be abused on the casting couch by some fat casting agent, to fail their auditions and work as frustrated waiters in LA doing 'tricks for sailors' when their tips don't pay the rent. I've also heard he does it for money, with men.

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