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Two's in 13th Apr 2008 15:20

Armed Forces Day - Fantastic!
Fantastic Idea! Why bother with pay equality with the commercial sector, who cares if the MoD housing stock give slums a bad name, who needs Kevlar in a war zone, why shouldn't we patrol in soft-skinned vehicles, why bother retaining our brightest and most experienced warfighters with more pay?

All we need to do is get everyone to press up their best kit, bull the boots a bit before parading across your local football ground and Hey Presto! An instant fix to all the woes facing our servicemen.

To be honest, if this is the kind of visionary leadership you get without voting the guy in I'm not sure you ever need bother with General Elections again. And to think some people thought he was just a self-serving socialist jock twot.


Britain is to hold an Armed Forces Day to allow the public to show their support and respect for the military, Gordon Brown has suggested.

In a letter seen by the Sunday Telegraph, the prime minister signals that plans are being drawn up for "a special day of celebration".

Leading football clubs are expected to be called on to host parades by troops.

A study by Labour MP Quentin Davies into how the country can celebrate the military is to be published shortly.

Mr Brown has not yet spoken publicly about his support of an Armed Forces Day.

However, in his letter to Richard Scudamore, chief executive of the premier league, he said he was looking forward to discussing how football clubs could "play their part".

chiglet 13th Apr 2008 15:24

I wonder if Peterborough FC would be included :E Oh sorry they are not a "Leading" or "Premiership" club.....:mad:

Bunker Mentality 13th Apr 2008 15:27

Another weekend at work with no compensating time off through the week.

And all the pleasure if organising it will help relieve the stress of undermanning and overtasking.

Things just keep getting better and better.

Thanks, Daily Telegraph - you really are the Serviceman's friend!

Beatriz Fontana 13th Apr 2008 15:59

Oh great. So the Red Devils land on the Old Trafford pitch, the RAF has a flypast at (High) Wycombe Wanderers and the Navy bob about in the estuary before kick off at Plymouth Argyle. Meanwhile back in London, Comrade Brown takes a tri-Service salute on Whitehall as what's left of our heavy armour trundles past the Foreign Office in front of the BBC cameras for all the world to see.

Yep, that's one less day the boys and girls get to spend with their families, and another day that the Veterans get to march in front of an ungrateful government.

Truckkie 13th Apr 2008 16:22

On a personal note, my colleagues and I will probably be spending 'Armed Forces' day in the vicinity of another Taliban sh:mad:hole. Could I request that the overpaid prima-donna Premiership nancy boys come to visit us? Or better still - how about the Premiership 'stars' donating a days pay to Service charities?

Rant Off

Strangelove PhD 13th Apr 2008 16:31

Armed Forces Day
Not a snowballs chance in hell.
There's no way the lentil knitting brigade will allow this.
It’s got to offend some section of society.
There’d be so much policing required (at £££lots of overtime per bobby), it would end up costing more than it would to buy some Kevlar etc.
A day like this could serve as a platform for the loonies to try and wreak havoc.
The British public should show their appreciation in the ballot boxes (well, if there were a party worth voting for), or by flying the flag - if that were not frowned upon in certain communities.
Is the nation doomed? Is Great Britain ‘Great’ anymore?
I’ll continue my support with annual donations to the RBL and the RAFA.
Not much in the grand scheme of things I know, but it’s my way of showing support.
I’m not sure how a ‘forces day’ would be any better, unless it’s a public holiday! (Not that that would be any good to me anymore).

Spanish Waltzer 13th Apr 2008 16:37

from bbc website;

Writing in the Telegraph last month, Defence Secretary Des Browne said many people in Britain, especially the younger generations, were unaware what the forces actually do or how brave and dedicated they were.

He added that while it was unclear how the relationship between the public and the armed forces should be consolidated, there was a need for "some mechanism to help strengthen the bond".
Ive got an idea. How about the uk military take over somewhere like...oh I dont know maybe Earls Court in London for a few days each year and put on a fantastic show combining some of the greatest military musicians with some action displays and maybe even a little competition between different units...maybe something like a traditional race of a gun over some walls and accross a ravine using a few bits of rope and genuine brute strength and determination. Then outside the arena all the different mil units could set up display stands to show the general public at first hand what they get up to in their real jobs and the general public could get to talk openly and frankly with real soldiers about what life is like. You never know it could even be a fantastic recruiting forum. Then all they would have to do is get some royal support - I'm sure Wills & Harry would be up for it and then it could be called.....maybe something like the Royal Competition...no maybe the regal tattoo....no I've got it how about....THE ROYAL TOURNAMENT. :ok:

Now I know you sceptics out there will say the reason such an event could never happen now is that there is no longer the manpower available to stage such a show. Well maybe you're right but I remember as a kid going to it and it was the best recruiting event possible and as I remember it the soldiers, sailors and airmen on those stands didn't feel being there was a chore or an additional duty away from their families. No they were proud to be able to show themselves off to the general public.....ok and maybe chat up the odd passing young beauty....;)

I remember one year there was a fantastic demonstration of what appeared to be a type of dance performed by the Spanish Royal Guard.....and I never looked back....;)

harrogate 13th Apr 2008 16:48

I'm all for it.

The more heavily armed people and equipment we can get within shooting distance of Gordon Brown, the better.

OK, so they'll be British service personell, but I don't think that makes him any safer. On the contrary, in fact.

That's providing he even bothers showing up. He'll probably be back at the empty barracks raiding piggy banks.

Mr C Hinecap 13th Apr 2008 17:13

Seconded the view that those in the UK will be diverted from primary tasks and made to do trite pish in the name of us having an Armed Forces Day/Weekend etc etc.

Oh how the British Military jumped with joy to get a special day. Can't we just be appreciated with decent discounts and a cheery wave when in uniform? Oh no - that would cost someone something - lets get together and do something that gets headline inches for politicians and lets us get accepted for one day a year, then put away again.


GPMG 13th Apr 2008 17:24

Hmmm, Challengers rumbling down whitehall, turret swivels towards the dias....Boom, a problem solved.

Let the revolution begin!! I'll let you know when I'm available to take over.

And the excecution wall to rid us of useless MP's, civil servents, fake celebs, burdens on society etc? I think Hadrians may just be long enough.

GPMG 13th Apr 2008 17:39

Who said you could be in charge?
I honestly cannot believe such cheek, consider yourself first against the wall. :)

Now shall I be Generalissimo or Emperor? Overlord has a nice ring to it.

buoy15 13th Apr 2008 17:50

Aww common -don't knock it lads - you are being really hard on this glum, dour, miserable prudent bast*rd
You might also get a "free" mosquito net for your next tour in the desert:)

If he was on fire in the street, I would not piss on him to put him out

Roll on May elections:ouch:

GPMG 13th Apr 2008 18:08

Oh I don't know Bhouy, I'd pi*s on him, just not enough to put him out that's all.

Although some kind of event is required to recognise the military forces and their families, I can't see how parading in some poxy football stadium will do this.

The Royal Tournament was something very special and an event of this kind should be resurected.

Also more documentries like Ross Kemp in Afganistan and Commando: On the Front Line are needed. Perhaps some following the Doctors and Nurses on the front and the work carried out at Headley Court, that should hit home.

Spanish Waltzer 13th Apr 2008 18:34

now now 1.4G...

Why not have an Armed Forces Day? It is a chance to show the public that the British Army and Royal Air Force are doing their bit in the war torn corners of the world
dont go upsetting the senior service...those cocktail parties are a vital part of the war effort :E

Beatriz Fontana 13th Apr 2008 18:43


Roll on May elections:ouch:
Why? The government have spent the last eleven years fiddling with the constituencies so that they continue to win!

Anyway, the May elections are only for councils - the Prime Minister denied us the opportunity to have a general election. Democracy's great, isn't it?

wetdreamdriver 13th Apr 2008 19:12

Armed forces day
1.4g - don't forget that the Booties, Junglies and the sea jet boys are also in the hot spots as well!!

Anyway I thought we already have an Armed Forces day in November when we remember the real people who fought and died to defend this tin pot nation led by self serving idiots!!!

SOTV 13th Apr 2008 19:18

dont go upsetting the senior service


Melchett01 13th Apr 2008 19:30

Interesting how the govt is trying to off load the responsibility for an Armed Forces day to every one else and doing very little themselves.

Not entirely sure why football teams should be responsible for organising a show of support or how getting us to take a day out of the weekend (because they will ensure it's done in our own time) for an apathetic and sometimes hostile public to come onto military establishments can be seen as a show of support for the forces. That said, seems about right for this lot.

buoy15 13th Apr 2008 20:13

Exactly - that's why the Council elections will give such a good kicking to "Nu Liar Bore", because people will be voting on national issues - he knows he has already pissed off a big majority of the electorate and it will be a threat to his 'leadership', which is already being challenged by his pathetic Senior self servers as we speak

The pensioners and the 10 percent tax sufferers ( 80% of the country) will hopefully vote and see this shameful, unfair, non-socialist government out of office once and for all

Spanish Waltzer 13th Apr 2008 20:27

Are we all in a state of delusion or do we really...actually..truthfully...honestly believe that anyone who has the people's vote behind them and can therefore call themselves an MP at this time venture onto this site and therefore read and just maybe take note of the strength of feeling that so often boils onto the surface when threads such as these are started???? or is it just a good way to vent off...:ugh:

Melchett01 13th Apr 2008 22:16

it's only the usual suspects saying the same stuff over and over again
Is that the politicians, posters on here or both?

Two's in 13th Apr 2008 22:33

Melchett, don't go getting all insightful...it'll only end in tears.

AR1 13th Apr 2008 22:41

You current chaps disappoint me.

The odd afternoon 'marching up and down the square' culminating in a monumental piss up, appears to be beyond you (Freedom of Restormal 1980)

Give u standby chaps a call, we'll willingly help out under the circumstances!

Mr C Hinecap 14th Apr 2008 11:58

You ex chaps forget things have changed since then. St Mawgan in 1980 was a very different place to where most of us are today.

The 'odd afternoon' would be even more distraction from the primary tasks we have, for which we don't have enough people, time, money or other resources to do properly.
I'm guessing the ratio of blue suits to OOA warfighting deployments was a little more favourable in 1980 too.

advocatusDIABOLI 14th Apr 2008 12:10

Perhaps we could set up a PFI, and have industry do it for us. How proud we could all be, watching those 'Shelf Stacking Staff' from Tescos march down Whitehall. After all, there's a lot more of them than us.... :hmm:


exscribbler 14th Apr 2008 12:31

Brown a socialist?
According to Two's In, "And to think some people thought he was just a self-serving socialist jock twot."

Come, come, now. Brown is no more a socialist than I'm a brain surgeon. The rest of it is pretty accurate, though but.

Whenurhappy 14th Apr 2008 17:54

Mr Chinstrap - don't go all serious on us! The Armed Forces Campaign in the telegraph (complete with a US Serviceman saluting) is nothing more than gesture politics but a few Freedom parades (at present 80% of the RAF is at home and not in some dusty sweathole) would be no bad thing. People do like us (your neighbours notwithstanding!) and a bit of visibility - after the elections would do good.

Anyway get back to fluffing those duvets!:ok:


Spam_UK 14th Apr 2008 18:48

Guys, I know that weekends parading aren't many peoples idea if fun. But at least a group of people have done something to acknowledge the job we're doing. Admitedly there's much more to be done, but this will raise awareness!


Yellow6 15th Apr 2008 13:39

Armed Forces Day
An Armed Forces Day? This is an intriguing idea from HM Govt, a day when the British Public get to show their support and respect for their Armed Services.

Meanwhile at your local school the Army recruiters are being told you can’t come in because of the ethical dilemma created by the inaccurate portrayal of service life, who is in danger of creating its own “ethical dilemma” here?

In and around Peterborough RAF Personnel must not wear their uniform, there were objections to casualties being treated in NHS Hospitals; in both instances the objective was to prevent any “offence” being caused to members of the; you guessed it “the British Public”. However, to be more precise, a minority section of our much talked up “multi-cultural” society.

Messrs Brown and Browne, please take note, it was after all the great “British Public” who up and down the country, began voicing discontent at the justifications for going to war in Iraq, do you seriously believe that the same “Public” will now respect the very instruments used to prosecute this war? Yet another ethical dilemma?

If uniform causes so much consternation for some elements of our multi-cultural society, what are we going to wear on Armed Forces Day?, perhaps, the “Politically Correct Collection won’t cause offence two piece suit”.

Irrespective of culture, creed or religion, if this is a truly multi-cultural society where people co-exist in a state of mutual respect, then elements of our society need to respect the rights of those individuals who have to wear a uniform.

It is about time the malcontents either put up, shut up or shipped out; the Armed Forces belong to the UK, they are used to enforce the political objectives of both our own and our allies Governments.

As for Royal Tournaments, Armed Forces Days, Tattoos, Displays and Parades the people who really do respect our Servicemen and Women will turn out and show their support for people who risk everything in the course of their daily duties. If only Armed Forces pay was commensurate with the risks undertaken.

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