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Wing_man 28th Jan 2008 17:14

Asthma and Military pilot training?
Hey guys,

I wont bour you with how much i wanted to become a pilot when i was yonger cheese ....

I would like to know if any other military sectors apart from the RAF (as i know the answer - NO!) take on individuals for pilot training even though they had "mild" astma at a very young age.

i.e Navy, Army...


<W-M> :ok:

stickmonkeytamer 28th Jan 2008 17:39

Once you have done your basic English spelling course, come back and see us. We may be able to help then.

The short answer is no, any case of breathing problems and you are not getting in- sorry...


RAFEmployee 28th Jan 2008 17:46

Unfortunate mate, however, stick is right about no being able to get in.

You can work with the aircraft but that will just tease you i'm sure.

Wing_man 28th Jan 2008 17:56

stickmonkeytamer sorry if i offended "yoy" by my spelling, it shall never happen again ..... find some thing constructive to do, especially with an avatar name like yours ;).

Cheers RAF yes i went to a carreers office when i was 17, no joy. However I have obtained a bachelours degree in Aeropace engineering (2.1) thus officer route is an option.

Thanks anyway just throwing a few options about.

Pontius Navigator 28th Jan 2008 17:59

One despairs.

Roll on another pension :(

BluntM8 28th Jan 2008 18:03

Look mate, to be honest a career in the forces isn't something you just drift into. You have to work damned hard to get there and when you're there you uphold a set of standards - so when somebody pulls you up on your spelling etc then my advice would be to take the advice on the chin and act on it.

If you are genuinely interested in a career (not a job!) in the armed forces, then you will find a wealth of information in the sticky thread at the top of the page. I know it's hard to trawl through but that's why Danny gave us a search function. (I am busy trying to subdivide it into more of a FAQ but it's a behemouth and taking far longer than I thought)


Wing_man 28th Jan 2008 18:06

ok "mate" but when one makes an honest mistake typing on a keyboard it starts to become borderline childish.
Yes i have seriousley looked at a career in the RAF, however I am also looking else were i merley asked an honest question with no intention in offending anyone.


airborne_artist 28th Jan 2008 18:13

Cheers RAF yes i went to a carreers office when i was 17, no joy. However I have obtained a bachelours degree in Aeropace engineering (2.1) thus officer route is an option.

Yes i have seriousley looked at a career in the RAF, however I am also looking else were i merley asked
It might be an option, but I doubt it's a possibility at this rate. If you can't be bothered to spell correctly, recruiters such as the RAF a) might wonder if you can be bothered to do critical checks correctly and b) have plenty more to choose from.

I suggest you re-register with Pprune using another name, and start again. You've already crashed and burned using this one.

BluntM8 28th Jan 2008 18:20

ok "mate" but when one makes an honest mistake typing on a keyboard it starts to become borderline childish.
Yes i have seriousley looked at a career in the RAF however I am also looking else were i merley asked an honest quiestion with no intention in offending anyone.
Don't bother with becoming an engineer either. With that attention to detail I don't want you working on anything I have to fly.

The reason you have got everyones' backs up is that you clearly didn't read the sticky at the top of the page first. There is plenty of information on asthma (note the spelling) - had you bothered to look for it. It seems like you just wanted us to drop the answer straight into your lap. Add a sloppy first impression to that and you come across as entirely unsuited to this service. If that isn't the case then consider why it may appear so.

So, that having been dealt with...

I'm afraid that asthma is usually a bar to service as aircrew. Individuals have, on occasion, attempted to prove that they were mis-diagnosed but this relies on the sympathies of your doctor and the medical boards so shouldn't be relied on. If you choose a career in a ground trade, then asthma may not present a problem. You need to do some research into what you would like to do and then try to arrange some work experience through your nearest AFCO.

With a degree in engineering, you may be disappointed to learn that most EngO posts don't involve much engineering but a far greater amount of man/project management - much of Engineer Officer Initial Training is based on these subjects. Consider other branches where you may feel your knowledge of aviation technologies sets you apart from other applicants.


Wing_man 28th Jan 2008 18:20

Point taken, however I do not like being patronised for minor spelling mistakes when typing on a forum.
I merely asked a simple question and have found nothing but negativity towards myself.

I respect every individual equally no matter how good or bad they spell on a forum!!
Pretty disappointed to tell you the truth about some of the responses I have had.
I am an aerospace engineer and am working for a major airline (not the job I want) but hey it is a start.
just wanted some information instead of a spelling class

Wing_man 28th Jan 2008 18:27

With a degree in engineering, you may be disappointed to learn that most Eng posts don't involve much engineering but a far greater amount of man/project management - much of Engineer Officer Initial Training is based on these subjects. Consider other branches where you may feel your knowledge of aviation technologies sets you apart from other applicants.

Yes I spoke to a guy in the careers office about 3 months ago and we discussed this. It’s the same commercially. I apologise for the sloppy first impression but I type to fast for my own good!
I have spent the last 4 years of my life dedicated to fulfilling a career in the aerospace sector and I am not doing this half heartedly.

Thanks for your POSITIVE input B


BluntM8 28th Jan 2008 18:29

I believe there is an "Engineering Liaison Team" at RAF Cranwell who are involved in, well, liaising with potential engineers for recruitment. They may be worth a call.


Winco 28th Jan 2008 18:42


Please don't even bother applying for any branch of the military. For a start, as SMT says, with ANY history of breathing problems, you stand absolutely no hope.

Worse still, with your attitude, you wouldn't last 2 minutes irrespective of what service you choose.

Ever thought of being a civil servant somewhere? maybe DVLA perhaps??

The Winco

BoeingMEL 28th Jan 2008 18:47

You could learn from this Wing Man!
:ugh:WM, That's a pretty impressive title for a guy who can't fly, write, spell, pay attention to detail, take advice or breathe.

I believe that the mil guys have done you a great favour by giving it to you straight. In fairness my friend you claim a "keyboard mistake" but show all the signs of being almost illiterate as well as unforgiveably careless.

This old ppruner was engaged in 737 recruitment for some years and from time to time received applications written in a similar fashion. What a waste of a stamp!

Either you are a qualified professional in everything you do or you're not! Only you can decide! Cheers bm:ugh:

Wing_man 28th Jan 2008 19:10

Ever thought of being a civil servant somewhere? maybe DVLA perhaps

Thanks for the input I shall apply ASAP; there is obviously no point in perusing my ambition.
I would like to add that I asked a simple question and had nothing but grief over my spelling (which I apologised for).

c130jbloke 28th Jan 2008 19:13

I do not like being patronised
That's you screwed.

I would like to add that I asked a simple question and had nothing but grief over my spelling (which I apologised for).
That's a usual day's banter :rolleyes:

AIDU 28th Jan 2008 19:15

perusing my ambition.
Do you mean "pursuing my ambition"?:rolleyes:

Wing_man 28th Jan 2008 19:22

No I meant perusing.
Thanks for the positive feedback at least, and my lesson in the English language.

WM :hmm:

Tigs2 28th Jan 2008 19:26

you r aul busturds for tecking the puss ought of Wang Min. I half bean a pilut four twentte, sorie sp twentee somting yours and spalling and grandma wus nevar an ishue. Leef him ulone. He wis assking a sensibull kwestune.:=:

Wung Mon eggnore thems day argh knot typing az phast ass uz.

ps BoingMEL

I as lucking four anofer job, can you seend mee an aplikation pleeze.

AIDU 28th Jan 2008 19:27

Wung Mon eggnore thems day argh knot typing az phast ass uz.
Phew I am out of breath just reading that, so I guess he must be really struggling for air.:ok:

BluntM8 28th Jan 2008 19:56

I think that's enough Wing Man bashing for now, chaps! :E

Mods - can this be merged into the generic sticky please?


D-IFF_ident 28th Jan 2008 20:00

Wing Man. Unless you can handle the banter herein you would not survive amongst the junior officers of the RAF. You could make an excellent Squadron Leader though.

Now, where is Beags with his yoof-speak?

Tigs2 28th Jan 2008 20:15


You praty pooper;)

BluntM8 28th Jan 2008 20:17

Sarri Teegs.

rleungz 28th Jan 2008 22:24

Better make a move soon because the cut off age for pilot in the RAF is 23 years.
Plus, the application stage takes a awful longtime. I still havn't got my dates for OASC, but fingers crossed they should come this week :)


AlJH 28th Jan 2008 22:28

I'm not going to write PMSL or anything, but Tigs you did actually have me in hysterics.

And with regards to this:

Point taken, however I do not like being patronised for minor spelling mistakes when typing on a forum.
Then get the :mad: out of here lofty.

And with regards to this little gem:

there is obviously no point in perusing my ambition
... Running before you can walk comes to mind.

diginagain 28th Jan 2008 22:29

He's gone off to get advice elsewhere;

Class 1 & asthma

Oddly enough, his spelling has improved too.

Shaft109 28th Jan 2008 22:44

Wingman - think I have a definitive answer for you.

Recently went to a combined AFCO (all services) with regard to finding out one thing from source itself before I was too late. Any prizes for guessing what that was?

Me, entered the said building and went to the RAF Sgt on the desk.

Sgt "What can we do for you today?"

Me "I'm interested in joining but I have a history of Asthma"

Sgt "It's now law that the Armed forces cannot accept applicants with any history of asthma" (Note ALL Armed Forces, any part thereof including Airman trades).

The short story is they don't want the hassle. Fair enough. It makes no difference that I've held a JAA class 1 medical (unrestricted flight crew Licence) for 4 years.

So don't waste your time.

Hope this helps.

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