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SRENNAPS 13th Oct 2007 18:47

You really are a sad lot. I am so glad that I have left.

I just hope that some of you fitness freaks have the same loyalty to the Royal Air Force that some of the slightly overweight lads & Lasses (Obese in your eyes) that I have known in the last 30 years.

It was as honour to work with them because they brought morale and character to a Sqn. Most of you lot are in it for yourselves. You are so brainwashed and conditioned, you bring nothing to an Air Force that used to have a healthy “can do attitude”. They were proud of what they did and they enjoyed it. Most of you lot just moan and whinge about anything and everything.

Bring it on, you T$$SERS, because it is your attitude that is destroying the once great ROYAL AIR FORCE.

PTT 13th Oct 2007 18:52

And when exactly did you last walk and RAF Med Centre, being the pongo that you are? Did you ask what was wrong with people at all or did you look at the date, think "fitness test day" and assume that anyone who appeared overweight who was in the queue was merely faking it.
I am, of course, quite willing to accept that there are people who will try and get out of doing the RAFFT - I'd be blind to human nature not to - but I put it to you that an MO with 7 years of medical training (minimum) is better qualified to judge fakes and toss them out of the office than you are.
So, your arguments have now been stated:
1. "people being fat [are] not setting a good example to the young types."
2. "Fat and military don't go together."
In response:
1. People smoking are not setting a good example to young types. Neither are people drinking to excess or philandering (often all three together!). They still damn well do it though. It's called a lifestyle choice - people are allowed to do pretty much what they want to their bodies so long as they can do the job. They have to deal with the consequences, and so long as those consequences have no effect on their doing the job, including the RAFFT, then there is no problem. If you don't like to look at them, don't!
2. I'm surprised that you're yet to be able to show that they don't. So far all you've been able to come up with to back the statement up is that "being fat doesn't look military", which is largely irrelevant since "looking unmilitary" and "being a part of an effective fighting force" are not mutually exclusive.

Daft comment from a professional arguer no doubt.
I'll take that as a compliment ;)

its conveniently and suspiciously full of a lot of growbag wearing (and non growbag wearing) types waiting to be signed off...
This statement caught my eye. Your emphasis on growbag wearing is telling. Remove the parentheses and you merely have a catch-all (you either wear one or you don't), so why the emphasis? Green-eyed monster? :E

Anyway, I'm off to watch some overweight blokes throw a ball around and beat up some Frenchies in the process. Honestly, the BMI of those forwards... :=

Maple 01 13th Oct 2007 18:55

I wasn't aware that this was an RAF website.
Nor did anyone say it was, but you are commenting on a service you've never served in on this forum so the point is made I feel......unless you know better?

The Swinging Monkey 13th Oct 2007 19:08

Maple, I do like your attitude, loved it - top rate.

Wg, you are taking this too seriously mate. There was bloke back in the late 30's who had some pretty radical ideas about people who didn't fit in to his perfect society. You are begining to sound a bit like him now!

I have yet to read anywhere on here where someone has written fat/overweight = best/better. It obviously doesn't and no one is saying otherwise. However, that does not make them a bad person or any a lesser person or aviator.

The stories about jockstrappers not being available for det' because they are injured or have to stay behind to represent the RAF or whatever are factually true. I have had tours in the sandpit extended because a well-known fitness freak on the sqn has hurt himself.

It would indeed be an interesting exercise to see how many 'fatties' lost a trip for being overweight compared to the jockstrappers who have got themselves injured. I think that the jockstrappers will win hands down!! I cannot ever remember anyone on any sqn scrubbing because of being fat.

Wg, your comment about the RAF and military was plain stupid and shows a large degree of ignorance. As a pongo, I hope that you never need the services of a Chinook or any RAF asset whilst you are in the sand pit. What are you going to do when you find some big, fat, hairy-arsed Loadie dragging your sorry arse into the back of his cab?? Tell him to bugger off and say that you'll wait for a slimmer, fitter and more 'PC Correct' loadie?? You are a fool.

If it was my sorry arse, I wouldn't give a toss how big and ugly he was, and he could be as unfit as hell. As long as he got me out of there, safe and sound, I wouldn't care a jot frankly!

Get over it guys. Some folk are thin, some are fat. Some are ugly and some are good looking (as I am!!) the fact is that they should be judged on what they do and how they do it, not on their size.


wg13_dummy 13th Oct 2007 19:10

And when exactly did you last walk and RAF Med Centre, being the pongo that you are?
I'm guessing that you meant 'walk past'. I'm sure you will be aware of at least a couple of 'Joint' establishments. Ald and Odiham.

I am, of course, quite willing to accept that there are people who will try and get out of doing the RAFFT - I'd be blind to human nature not to - but I put it to you that an MO with 7 years of medical training (minimum) is better qualified to judge fakes and toss them out of the office than you are.
I take it you are naive and unable to see the bleedin obvious then? The obvious being that the waiting rooms fill up prior to RAFFT.

1. People smoking are not setting a good example to young types.
If I choose to smoke, I will do it in a designated area, usually out of site of the masses and more than likely, out of site of the people I'm supposed to be setting an example to. A fat bloater will be a fat bloater and can't remove himself out of site of the studes.

This statement caught my eye. Your emphasis on growbag wearing is telling. Remove the parentheses and you merely have a catch-all (you either wear one or you don't), so why the emphasis? Green-eyed monster?
Check my profile. Most definitely not.

Maple 01

Nor did anyone say it was, but you are commenting on a service you've never served in on this forum so the point is made I feel......unless you know better?

If I went onto an Army web site and tried to lay down the law
The opposite being that this is an RAF website? You’re suggesting I've come on here to berate the RAF on an exclusive RAF forum. This is a free thread and I was under the impression that anyone could comment on.....unless you know different?

Jointry and all that. :ok:

PTT 13th Oct 2007 20:02

I did indeed mean walk past. I apologise for not proof-reading my last post, but you did got the point of the sentence, so nothing was lost.

Indeed I am aware of those establishments, having served at one of them for some time. You call me "naive and unable to see the bleedin obvious then?", but I merely ask that you allow those with actual medical training decide who is medically able to do phys. What is "bleedin obvious" to you is clearly getting past all those people with medical training. To paraphrase a quote from "Happy Gilmore": "what do they know, they're just doctors!"

You may well smoke outside and out of sight. You will still sink like an ashtray and those you are supposed to be setting an example to do in fact have a sense of smell as well as a sense of sight: they see fat people, they smell smoking people. Neither is a "good example".
Please justify your smoking in terms of setting an example to your people, the detrimental effect it has on your health (and therefore fitness), as well as on whether yellow teeth and fingers, depositing fag-ends and ash everywhere, and smelling of an ashtray constitute the proper military ethos. :E

Apologies for the misunderstanding regarding your profession - I tend not to read profiles as you can get misleading information. I generally prefer to argue in terms of the debate instead of about the individual, but the statement I quoted did strike me as odd.

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