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PPRuNe Pop 20th Jul 2007 06:20

When is the final day for the council to receive letters of objections/support?


An Teallach 20th Jul 2007 06:59

31 Jul 07. The meeting is on 1 Aug.

PPRuNe Pop 20th Jul 2007 07:25

Thanks A T.

Better get writing now people's if you haven't already. Mine went in on the 18th.

Rocket Chucker 20th Jul 2007 08:03

Tigs, I tried to PM you but you box is full (pardon the expression). You'll have to empty some out before it will take any more (Ooh Err Missus)!!

Wrathmonk 20th Jul 2007 08:05


BAFF is, if I recall correctly, run by retired servicemen (of all ranks) to attempt to act on behalf of servicemen (an unofficial trade union if you like). Lots of stuff on it over on Arrse here.

Keep up the good work fella!:ok:


Sl4yer 20th Jul 2007 09:49

Self Respect of Ashtead
Is actually for auction here at the moment.

A2QFI 20th Jul 2007 10:06

Travellers? I don't think so!
Near where I live there are people on a council provided site who are no more travellers than I am! They have a permanent site, surrounded by a fence and razor wire. None of their vans would go anywhere other than on a very large low loader and they have permanent brick built toilet and washing facilities. Really, they are living in portable accomodation with an outside toilet and shower. Not travellers at all IMO and no reason why they should get priority in planning or any other facilities over the needs of our war wounded.

Tigs2 20th Jul 2007 13:41

Rocket Chucker

My Box is now Empty!:}

cargosales 20th Jul 2007 14:50

Urgent Question
(Report from Gray's Lane to follow shortly)

I can't find any precise info. If it has been specified yet, can anyone tell me exactly what kind of vehicle SSAFA are proposing to use for the shuttle service to/from Headley Court please?



Tigs2 20th Jul 2007 16:30

Good work! It really seems that this lady is as disgusted as the rest of us.

I think everyone in Grays Lane and Ashtead should watch these



How great is the second one? Spur of the moment. There are some things i do love about the USA

When our boys come home they are told we don't want you in my back yard.:mad:

Tigs2 20th Jul 2007 17:23

Done! Its been a busy day!

cargosales 20th Jul 2007 17:47

Report from Gray's Lane
Hi All

Thanks for the messages of support.

I spent most of Thursday 20th July in and around Gray's Lane, starting at 1000 and ending at 1900 when I met some lovely ARRSErs for some refreshment and then another walk up Gray's Lane.

I made a number of observations, some of which I'm awaiting further information on, but for the moment I can report the following, some of which may help to clarify house numbers, locations and the like and give a feel for the place.

Gray's Lane is a quiet residential road with some 38 houses in it. As you enter Gray's Lane from Dene Road, the houses are numbered in ascending order with evens on the right hand side and odds on the left,

According to Roger Bennett, 'planning officer' according to the local paper, "The actual house is situated in a very narrow lane, and we are just worried about traffic congestion because access is not suitable." This is quite incorrect:

There are three distinct parts to the road. Between Dene Road and Berry Walk, the road is like any other public side-road. For approx 100m, as it passes Berry Walk, it narrows to single track width, like many public country roads. After Chalk Lane, Gray's Lane widens considerably with a reasonable road width, very wide grass verges and large houses set back from the verge.

All the houses have considerable driveways, (many are in/out affairs) and there is no need for people to park on the road. One builder did however have his transit van parked on the road and on Wednesday evening Pies (from ARRSE) had no difficulty passing it.

No.36 is almost at the end of the road, opposite the junction with Ralliwood Road. I.e. it is nowhere near Chalk Lane, Oaken Coppice and most of Ralliwood Road.

After No.36 there are a further 3 houses on the same side and the road ends with a turning circle. Leading off that is a footpath/bridleway through fields, horses, wildflowers etc. It is tranquil and an ideal place for people who need a quiet place to reflect on things. In my opinion, one could not wish for a better location for what SSAFA are proposing.

Given what the council said about traffic, I paid particular attention to vehicles. Without entering any private property or peering through any hedges, I counted the number of vehicles immediately visible at each house.

The vast majority of houses in Gray's Lane had two or more vehicles visible. Many had three and several had four, including one house whose objection cited traffic! Outside No. 36 were five, yes FIVE cars!! The drive is a big in/out, with plenty of space for a minibus to pull in and drive out again, even with six or seven cars parked on the drive.

Other vehicles, similar to SSAFA's proposed minibus, already use the road with no apparant difficulty. During the day I observed numerous transit-van sized vehicles in the road, including the post office, couriers, builders, plumbers and roofers, gardening companies and the like. Oh and Dial-a-Ride. Who use a minibus!!! Just like SSAFA are proposing!

In addition, several houses are having work undertaken and have a skip on their drive. A skip lorry is no smaller than a minibus so why are they allowed to use the road?

Even more to the point, at two houses I observed the big 1 ton nylon sacks that builders merchants use to deliver sand, aggregate and the like. I rang the local branch of the company concerned and they informed me that the smallest vehicle they have available to deliver those sacks is an 18.5 ton HIAB lorry. Clearly Gray's Lane isn't a problem for vehicles of that size then!

Other observations:
Gray's Lane has a 20mph speed limit. This should present no problem for families coming to stay as they are used to low speed limits on MQs and the like. However, many users of Gray's Lane, both residents and builders/plumbers etc appear to have considerable difficulty adhering to the speed limit, with many travelling considerably in excess of that. As an example, one car was estimated by myself and the ARRSErs to be travelling at some 40mph. One rule for one?

I carried out two traffic counts. Between 1030 and 1130, I noted 6 cars and three vans entering Gray's Lane from Dene Road. In the same time, 5 cars and two vans went in the opposite direction. Between 1645 and 1715, 7 cars entered Gray's Lane whilst 7 cars and three vans left. Whilst statistically inadmissable, these figures suggest that this hardly a road at dire risk of overcrowding or congestion!

One objection sent the council included 'pollution' as a concern. Whilst it is quite legal to do so, I was surprised that this particular householder then had large bonfire on Thursday, with considerable smoke drifting across neighbouring properties. Perhaps smoke isn't pollution?

To indicate how well organised the Nimby campaign is, there are either 14 or 16 houses in Chalk Lane (it is unclear whether two at the end are in Park Lane or Chalk Lane) but between them they submitted 14 letters of objection. There are 34 houses in Ralliwood Road who managed 23 letters and 28 objections came from the 38 houses in Gray's Lane. This was clearly no 'spontaneous decision' on their part! I have logged house number/name vs location in each of these roads to cross reference with what their objections are.

In summary
In my opinion, the house and location are perfect, the objections raised with the council spurious, vexatious and ill informed, and we should do all we can to expose the selfish ignorance which is clearly at play.


Tigs2 20th Jul 2007 18:03

you hero you! Well done mate:D:D:D. Farmboy is complaining of a very very bad head this morning:ok: Do you want me to post your debrief on on ARRSE? Or are you able to do it?

Some other good news

Gurkha Rifleman PUN VC has expressed his feelings on this matter and has said that under no circumstances would he leave his British Brothers in Arms alone in any struggle and would be honoured (health on the day permitting) to be allowed to join those of us that attend the meeting on August 1st to offer his support! :D:D:D

Gonzo 20th Jul 2007 18:09

Good work cargosales.

Is anyone else having problems accessing the Council's web page where all the letters were displayed? I click on the 'Documents' tab, and it's blank apart from an icon for Adobe Reader 8 (which I have already), it was working ok yesterday. :confused:

Tigs2 20th Jul 2007 18:16

I love the comment from one woman on the Mail site

"When the Mail tried to speak to residents, none would be quoted."

Says it all. Not one of them has the courage to go on record.

Reminds me of the incident during WW2 when some golfers complained that the aerial dogfights over the South coast were ruining their game and then protested at a wounded RAF airman being brought into the clubhouse...because he wasn't a member!


Pontius Navigator 20th Jul 2007 18:24

Two more on petition that makes 1129 so far.

Copied from ebay:

Why not also sign the Downing Street petition by clicking

and 1163 by the time I added this link and checked it.

And 1286 2 hours later.

Gonzo 20th Jul 2007 18:32

Just to clarify something in my own mind, the SSAFA already own No.36, don't they?

Also, I see a figure of £1.7m as the cost/value of No.36.

Now, is this correct? Not that it matters, but someone hasn't read this: http://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/De...entrevideo.htm
and put 2 and 2 together and made 5 have they?

Just curious.

Tigs2 20th Jul 2007 19:12

I think the answer is 5! Correct.

I saw a price tag of 1.5 about 70 pages ago on ARRSE

Gonzo 20th Jul 2007 19:42

So perhaps all those objections that say 1.7m could get 20-odd rooms in the grounds, or nearer than Gray Lane won't stand up to much scrutiny!:ok:

Tigs2 20th Jul 2007 19:50

:hmm::hmm: Now why didn't I think of that:confused: Good point Gonzo.

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