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-   -   RAF Fitness Test - Soon to be twice a year! (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/282807-raf-fitness-test-soon-twice-year.html)

vecvechookattack 6th Jul 2007 13:03

Thankfully, all servicemen have to do the AFT. Its generally considered good form for the Armed Forces to be fighting fit, just incase they may need to fight someone.

rudekid 6th Jul 2007 13:11


Continued fishing eh? Good job all those Navy boys and girls are so fit. They might have to chase after the big nasty mean man who nicked their iPod.:{:{:{:{:{

Can't see many people complaining about the requirements to stay fit, just the extra bollocks of an additional test.

vecvechookattack 6th Jul 2007 13:28

But thats the point fatboy......what burden....what paperwork.....what extra.....

The AFT should take no more than 30 mins of your day....

rudekid 6th Jul 2007 13:36


Can you office-bound-desk-johnnies NOT READ?

ZH875 6th Jul 2007 13:36

Originally Posted by vecvechookattack (Post 3397876)
The AFT should take no more than 30 mins of your day....

Unless your parent unit is a 3 hour drive away. :ugh:

airborne_artist 6th Jul 2007 13:38

There is the argument that if you behaved like adults and kept yourself fit without needing to be reminded, then you wouldn't need to be tested twice a year :E

In my green (TA) phase we had no PTIs, no gym/swimming pool, and no paid time to keep fit. We did have an annual CFT, which was required for bounty payment (£1500 odd at current prices). That cheque was quite an incentive :ok:

rudekid 6th Jul 2007 13:41


Is that why the Army have compulsory PT then?:}

Sinjmajeep 6th Jul 2007 13:44

How many compulsory fitness tests do the Army do every year?

airborne_artist 6th Jul 2007 13:44

RK - See my answer/edit above.

Scribbly dee 6th Jul 2007 13:58

The bit I like best is the way we change the deadline every other year. One year you have to complete it the month after your birthday then next year it changes to within the financial year. The best one is when you have to do it in the financial year and 30 seconds after 1 Apr OC Admin contacts PEdO to say get everybody through the test as soon as possible because we want our figures to look good. PEdO thinks oh my god here we go again and spends god knows how much time trying to get everyone through except the old and bold who point out that they have 11 months more to do it in. Excellent sport.

If you cannot pass the test then you should hand in your kit on the way home.

Gnd 6th Jul 2007 14:11

Oh how good this all sounds but to hand in your kit and leave is a little drastic. What about a high-level compromise.
Those who can, go and do and those who can't (pass), get on with all the jobs that those of us who can, do not want to do? (I know less time on ops etc... but....less promotion, op bonus, medals and kudos too???)
We would then have a fit front line (not true at the moment and isn't needed apparently) and dedicated (but less fit) rear echelon. Why throw people out? If we are so short make them civvies in the same job?
I still say that they will do nothing regardless of weather you pass or fail, numbers of attended will bluff most star watchers.
Never know there may be another way?

PS - Army do 3

brakedwell 6th Jul 2007 14:59

If you want to get fitter may I suggest a series of Trot Pasts to celebrate VE Day, VJ day, the Battle of Britain, Aden, Malaya, Korea, the Falklands conflict, the Queen's Birthday, the Duke's Birthday and Gordon Brown's Birthday. Princess Anne and her siblings can dress up as athletes, with medals of course, and wave aggressively as you trot past Buck House in double quick time. :}

Fire 'n' Forget 6th Jul 2007 15:05

The minute the higher ranks start 'doing' and setting an example then the troops will gladly follow, its a proven form of leadership. I believe a lot of them are exempt CCS, IRT,IDT and fitness testing as well as not having to remain CR in a current role.

It's exactly the same as politicians awarding themselves a payrise every year, it just looks and smells bad.

cockneyrock 6th Jul 2007 15:22

Sinjmajeep - How many compulsory fitness tests do the Army do every year?
The Army do their Combat Fitness Test (8 Miles loaded march in 2 hours) once per year and their Basic Fitness Test (1.5 mile run or bleep test plus sit ups and press ups) twice per year.

dallas 6th Jul 2007 16:11

The minute the higher ranks start 'doing' and setting an example then the troops will gladly follow, its a proven form of leadership. I believe a lot of them are exempt CCS, IRT,IDT and fitness testing as well as not having to remain CR in a current role.
They're way too busy interfering with those doing the job, reinventing, reorganising, rewriting, renaming and demanding pointless stats.

They are perhaps the main reason I'm leaving, in fact.

Report Line 6th Jul 2007 16:23


can that 'period of training' be self training?

toddbabe 6th Jul 2007 17:54

Wocca cock you haven't got a clue what it is I do have you? and I am not an SAC, was once and loved it, unlike many of you who spout about the trades and ranks when you haven't been them! keep guessing though.
Yeah I live in Elgin what does that prove?

rudekid 6th Jul 2007 18:26


I think you live IN Elgin, unless it's some sort of alternative lifestyle for the dyslexic that I'm not aware of. In which case, I've no idea what it proves. Please enlighten us?

wokkameister 6th Jul 2007 19:01

I too was an SAC. Your still a cock!


Mr C Hinecap 6th Jul 2007 19:20

stop throwing handbags you great queenies!

We need to get fit.
The old system wasn't working.
The new system is being really badly rolled out (a la JPA etc etc)
We'll make it work as we always do.

Without proper motivation and the ability to make it enjoying, the same people will get fitter and the same slobs will NOT want to get involved because it is dull jockstrapping to meet targets. PEdO and PTIs - show me your worth and engage us in something fun that works - it can be done.

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