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-   -   RAF Regiment in RAF News (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/266356-raf-regiment-raf-news.html)

NURSE 2nd Mar 2007 20:38

I do wish the RAF Regiment would be refered to as such as 'Gunners' is the Royal Regiment of Artillery and Royal Horse Artillery and has been for the last couple of hundred years.;)

Safety_Helmut 2nd Mar 2007 20:42

Military Aircrew A forum for the professionals who fly the non-civilian hardware, and the backroom boys and girls without whom nothing would leave the ground. Army, Navy and Airforces of the World, all equally welcome here.
Doesn't seem to include has beens ? Many ex mil posters do offer something constructive, some just don't have a clue !


Safety_Helmut 3rd Mar 2007 20:57


Thanks for your PM, I must have hit a nerve, do you fit that category then ?

Yes I am about to be ex-military, almost there really, just a few days being paid by the RAF remaining. Already well settled into civilian life and employment, and thoroughly enjoying it I should add.

Your comments on the thread that prompted your PM bear witness to your lack of currency and awareness with things military. The comments from others clearly support that. Are you sure you’re up to moderating the military forum ?

Stick to your comfy A340 seat mate !

Alexander.Yakovlev 4th Mar 2007 00:14

Thanks (particuarly Scroggs) for help with answering my question. Must admit, not quite the response I had expected, bit of a shame really. It is a sad state of affairs when the "Coltishall gate guardian" is deemed acceptable content, and the RAF Regiment not so. Clearly, Scroggs, directing me to AARSE is totally pointless advice.

scroggs 4th Mar 2007 13:13

Why's that, Alex? Is it because you feel that discussion of an RAFP/RAF Regt. squabble would be outside the context of a site for British Land Forces (primarily the Army, of course)? You may be right; you'd probably get short shrift there, because they like to keep their site within their self-imposed context. Well, here's some news: so do we. Why do you think that such a subject should get greater shrift here? This is a forum for military aviation. Yes, of course we accept topics and contributors that aren't necessarily about aircraft or by aircrew, but the context must remain military aviation. The RAF News exchange of letters you referred to in your original post does not fit that context.

Now, I would be grateful to read some intelligent, considered and coherent debate on the topic, rather than the chorus of 'nyer, yah boo sucks' style of name-calling and abuse that has characterised many of the contributions on this thread so far - and, yes, I have deleted some. I don't have to tolerate personal abuse, especially when it's directed at me!

This forum will maintain its Military Aviation focus. If that's a little too restrictive for some of you, I'm sorry, but that's tough. There are forums on here where politics etc may be discussed, but there are inevitably subjects which have no home whatsoever on Pprune. Of course it's up for discussion, but, at the end of the day, you'll have to live with whatever policy we choose to operate. We can't - and won't - be all things to all men.


Grimweasel 4th Mar 2007 14:45


You still seem to have missed the point. Military Aviation. Can't fly without Force Protection when you are on Ops, but then I doubt you'd know that. From your profile I see that you were a Herc lad. I'm guessing you must have left for civvi street prior to Ops in Iraq and Afghanistan and simply see the RAF Regt as those tiresome lot you went to see once a year for a green card.
Well times have changed and most Herc / Aircrew would not have a bad word said against the personnel out there beyond the wire protecting your sound night's sleep and your early morning take-off.

And beside the point, how can you, an EX-military pilot have the right to moderate a forum for MILITARY aircrew when you now fly self-loading freight around the world. This just smacks of some jumped up little megalomaniac civi, goose stepping around his living room trying to get everyone to pander to his needs.

Well, If that's how you want to play it then I suggest everyone leaves and you can talk about MILITRAY aviation amongst your civi pals. You are talking out of your ar$e which, co-incidentally is where we should all migrate. Go bury your head in the sand.

KENNYR 4th Mar 2007 14:51

Scroggs, why dont you and Danny just rename the whole site and call it what you really want to call it,,,,,,,,Royal Air Force Pilots Only Club!!!! I must say, the moderators/administrators recent attitude to non-aircrew, non-RAF persons is becoming tiresome. :rolleyes:

Level 28 4th Mar 2007 15:29

A question of balance.....

but the context must remain military aviation. The RAF News exchange of letters you referred to in your original post does not fit that context.
I agree with Scroggs on this one, a balance needs to be struck here. However, many an ISTAR mission was flown in southern Iraq with a RAF Regiment Liaison Officer as a member of the crew. Furthermore, the RAF Regiment are, IMHO, the best of the best when it comes to Force Protection.

gar170 4th Mar 2007 15:35

Scroggs, why dont you and Danny just rename the whole site and call it what you really want to call it,,,,,,,,Royal Air Force Pilots Only Club!!!! I must say, the moderators/administrators recent attitude to non-aircrew, non-RAF persons is becoming tiresome. :rolleyes:

Matches female pilots if all accounts are correct.

An Teallach 4th Mar 2007 15:38

So, after 28+ posts taking a pop at the mods; are those of us who don't take the RAF News ever likely to find out what has irked our petrine brethren?

Snakecharmer 4th Mar 2007 17:37

I joined the RAF due to passion for aviation and it's military use; I had a great time in the Service. The only real downside (as a non-aircrew officer) was being expected to show in interest in oh-so-many peripheral non-aviation activites and the concerns of those who spend their time doing them. No-ones saying that rock apes, cooks & bottlewashers etc don't make an essential contribution to the projection of power, particularly in the expeditionary age. It's just great to come to a place in one's own time where the focus is purely on the aviation iself - where's the harm in that?!

The Burning Bush 4th Mar 2007 18:03


This just smacks of some jumped up little megalomaniac civi, goose stepping around his living room trying to get everyone to pander to his needs.
LOL (although I'm sure it's not true) ;)


Your attitude leaves me speechless. I'm sure you are a very nice chap and had a blindingly successful career in the RAF, but you clearly haven't a clue of what is happening on ops nowadays.

You seem to be completely oblivious the main point that the majority of posters on this thread seem to be making, myself included. And that is not what may, or may not, have been published in the RAF News; rather it is your quite bizarre, and seemingly random interpretation of what subjects can or can't be included under the rather generic term Military Aviation.

I see the comma is still present in the forum description; if you really are striving to achieve a forum where purist flying related topics can be discussed by aviators, I would again suggest you replace with a full stop and delete the remainder.

Perhaps if you were to share your definition of Military Aviation with us, it might help to keep everyone on the path you appear to be laying for us.

Shack37 4th Mar 2007 21:05


Last September a Nimrod crashed killing all fourteen persons on board.
Twelve were military aviators, two of their comrades were not.

I think a little leeway would not go amiss.
The other posters here are more aware of how different roles are becoming more and more inter-dependent than you or I who have become civilianised.

I am even older than the other who commented on age but I feel more in touch with their posts than with yours. Easu up please.


allan907 5th Mar 2007 00:34

I cannot comment further on this thread as 2 p*sts of mine have already been binned by the A340 driver/coffee drinker and the politburo in PPRuNe Towers. :ugh:

claude liardet 5th Mar 2007 10:33

As a Rock it is good to see that we have some supporters out there in Pruneland. I too would love to know the answer to the original question but I guess that will have to wait until 'constitutional' questions are sorted out.
Scroggs, rather than pressing your own unique personal interpretation of the Forum's purpose, why don't you just start more aircraft related threads, and then contribute to them? There are a few threads which have no place here, but this ain't one of them!

GPMG 5th Mar 2007 10:55

Any second now Scroggs will deploy his nasty, highly trained final solution of a weapon......SamuraiMat!!!!!!!

Whining on about ...'neeeerrrrrrr this isn't mil aviation.....change my nappy......your not talking along the clearly defined standards of these forums......there is a clear and obvious process for posting here....nerrrrrrr'

Fricken tax inspectors and auditors the lot of em.

Wrathmonk 5th Mar 2007 11:59

To drag this back to the original question, and before the thread is locked / deleted ....

The original letter, as published in the RAF News 2nd Feb 07, from a Cpl in the RAF Police stated:

According to the latest advert, broadcast on national radio, ‘the only line of defence for aircraft on the ground is the RAF Regiment gunner’.

This has come as something of a surprise to me and, no doubt, the thousands of RAF Police dog handlers who have spent the last 60-plus years patrolling airfields throughout the world.

What doesn’t come as a surprise is the realisation that our hard work and even our existence is now being denied.

The RAF Police have suffered one cut-back after another and have had our workload dramatically increased.

We have continued with our role without fanfare and self-promotion and, as a rule, have not complained. However, there comes a time when something has to be said.

I would suggest the people responsible for these adverts re-think their reearch procedures before spending time and our money making spurious claims to recruit youngsters to stand in watch towers for a living.

They should consider limiting their advertisements to those which correctly identify them as airfield defence.
The official reply from the Inspectorate of Recruiting at Cranwell was:

The radio advert in question was part of a campaign to raise awareness of a particular trade, in this case the RAF Regiment.

The advert was aimed at potential recruits who may not have considered the RAF Regiment as an option.

The word ‘only’ was used to emphasise the importance of the trade, not to undermine in any way the important role undertaken by other key personnel who have an active role in the protection of a station, such as the Military Guard Service, MOD Police, station guard force and, of course, the RAF Police dog handlers.

Moreover, it would be incorrect to state that the existence of the RAF Police, including the dog handlers, would ever be denied.

When adverts are placed to help bolster recruitment for the RAF Police, similar emphasis is used to highlight the vital role they undertake.

samuraimatt 5th Mar 2007 12:20

Any second now Scroggs will deploy his nasty, highly trained final solution of a weapon......SamuraiMat!!!!!!!
I guess you have had a sarcasm bypass GPMG.

endplay 5th Mar 2007 13:27

You can't fly without supply.
I remember the flight safety campaign which drew te link between a pilot not getting his breakfast and a claim not being paid (or somesuch) and the clear link being established that the resultant accident was, in part, attributable to every link in the chain.

I'm RAF, I'm not aircrew or in an aircraft associated trade but if my job isn't to contribute to air power then what the fcuk have I been diong for the last 30 odd years!!

KENNYR 5th Mar 2007 15:12

Thank you Wrathmonk for your answer to the question that we have all been waiting for. Every single person in the Armed services contributes in one way or another to the war effort, no matter how small that contribution is. The RAF aircraft, no matter how big or small, rotory or fixed wing cannot fly without the attention of a myriad of personnel.

Someone has to service it, clean it, paint it, fly it, Nav it, arm it, feed the crew, feed the technicians, groundies, bowser mongs, empty the loos, control it on the ground and in the air, etc. etc., the list is endless.

Lets all respect each others trades and "get along" ! ! !

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