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Mr-Burns 1st Mar 2007 10:16

Feel Good Friday
Chaps, Lets try something new.

Tomorrow (Friday) lets try not to whinge or moan about the RAF, aircrew, JPA, budgeteers, their airships, defence cuts etc etc.

Why dont we have a day where we just point out the feel good things about what we do?? Part of my job involves regular meetings abroad with some really good guys who are firmly of the opinion that, despite the challenges that everybody is currently facing, the RAF is still regarded as being the best in the world. Exactly the same goes for the Army and the RN by the way.

These arent diplomats trying to blow sunshine up our backsides - they are front line operators who have worked with us over many years and are massively impressed and envious of what we do and how we do it.

So how about a day where we celebrate the fact?? I need cheering up.

We are starting to sound like a bunge of whingers who aren't happy unless we are complaining about something.

AT mates - you'll just have to sit on your hands for the day. :)

Ordynants 1st Mar 2007 10:51

Part of my job involves regular meetings abroad
Must be nice to have a great job and the opportunity to meet

some really good guys

I need cheering up.
If reading PPrune makes you feel depressed then don't do it. If some people want to express themselves or have a legitimate point of view then let them get on with it.

We are starting to sound like a bunge of whingers who aren't happy unless we are complaining about something
maybe it is because some people have lots to complain about.

Wyler 1st Mar 2007 11:13

Well, the story of the Gay, Drag Queen RAF JEngO is certainly cheering the Army up over on ARRSE. :D :} :ok: :E

airborne_artist 1st Mar 2007 11:29

Young man, there's no need to feel down.
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.
I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy.

Have a happy Friday with Flight Lieut N**k B*******e :E

Zoom 1st Mar 2007 11:30

I agree with Mr-Burns. Try to be nice to somebody tomorrow - anybody - for a whole day and see how good it makes you feel. If it doesn't make you feel good, report back on Monday. And have a nice weekend in between.

But since today is Thursday, DJ Nick should be cashiered - or is it a vaguely similar sounding word that I am looking for?

An Teallach 1st Mar 2007 11:38

I'm sure that artice is about a year old. Are we to be regaled with banter about this chap's foibles every time an ARRSER discovers the joys of google?

Zoom 1st Mar 2007 11:43

Undoubtedly. They are pongoes after all.

It's still Thursday.

Mr-Burns 1st Mar 2007 11:49

Sorry if I offended you Ordynants - just trying look on the bright side for a change.

As for 'must be nice to have a great job and the opportunity to meet ....', Yes, I am lucky right now but I've done my bit - believe me.

If you want a medal competition - lets dance !!!

(PS Its only Thursday so I'll be nice to you especially tomorrow)

Mr C Hinecap 1st Mar 2007 11:59

The Sun 'story' is 4 yrs old. Early 2003. 4 yrs certainly breaks the 5 sec banter rule IMHO.

An old but reliable comment:

'If the troops are not complaining, then there is something wrong'

or something like that.

Double Zero 1st Mar 2007 11:59

Poet's day
May I suggest, it's easy to feel good on poet's day; feel good Monday would be much more use !

BTW I'm a civvy, but have worked closely with various branches of the services, and share the high opinion mentioned.

Not the drag-racing bit though, I assure you.

woptb 1st Mar 2007 12:03

Breaking news over at ARRSE ; http://www.infopt.demon.co.uk/macaroni.htm

Mr-Burns 1st Mar 2007 12:08

woptb - Now that has cheered me up. Top banter. :D

Kitbag 1st Mar 2007 12:10

Seems to have been quite common amongst army officers, I note no mention of the RAF- wonder why? :}

Mr-Burns 1st Mar 2007 12:12

anyway ......... back to the thread ......

An Teallach 1st Mar 2007 12:18

The Sun 'story' is 4 yrs old.
Was that really 4 years ago? Bu88er me! I must be getting old!


Roguedent 1st Mar 2007 19:24

In line with this thread, I think everone should hug their boss tomorrow:D :D
For nothing else, but to *remove/plant* the knife in his back:)
*delete as appropriate:mad:

BootFlap 1st Mar 2007 19:40

Bacon & Egg Banjo's all round! Bugger the cholesterol!

Shall we say a mass PPruners push to the NAAFI/Hive at 10Z? Flying programme and other duties aside, of course. Now if the Boss would pay, that would make for a very happy Friday.

The Nr Fairy 1st Mar 2007 20:03

Doe standing at Paddington, seeing a cross-dresser trainspotter and feeling REALLY good I'm just an IT geek count ?

Roland Pulfrew 2nd Mar 2007 07:49

OK. So in the spirit of the topic....

It's Friday The sun is shining, it was a lovely frosty walk to work this morning and the pay rise has been announced (finally) and it does mean a slight increase in my pay. My car was filled up from a big brand source and is running smoothly so I should be able to get home later. Even better the Boss is not in today so I feel an early stack coming on. This evening I plan to walk to the local and have a couple of beers. :ok:

Mr-Burns 2nd Mar 2007 08:01

Thats the spirit. Its a lovely day, the pay rise is ok and my wife ....

oh god, I knew something would bring me down.:bored:

Green Flash 2nd Mar 2007 08:33

The sun is shining, I've got the weekend off and I've just had an e-mail from a Dutch mate in which, amongst other things, he says 'do you remember the night you got stuck at Bugonjo (sp), and the Nederland Army nurses ......'

Oh, yeh.:} :\ :ok:

And his bit of the Dutch airforce is good this morning, too.

Mr-Burns 2nd Mar 2007 08:35

See?? When would an accountant or a city banker have the chance to recall those sorts of memories. Another glorious day in the Force.

Don't worry - back to normal tomorrow I promise.

Green Flash 2nd Mar 2007 08:41

Sorry Burnsy - the fat cat city banker has a feelgood friday EVERY bl00dy day when he thinks about the size of his ..... annual bonus.:mad:

Mr-Burns 2nd Mar 2007 08:44

You just had to bring me down didnt you. :ugh:

airborne_artist 2nd Mar 2007 09:13

I'm remembering the Friday we got a w/e leave from Eglin AFB, and after a couple of hours on the sand at Fort Walton Beach, we went to a club called Daddy's Money. Those American gals really showed their appreciation for our English accents :E

1.3VStall 2nd Mar 2007 09:21

Airborne Artist,

You've just transported me back over 20 years to when I had a two-month detachment to Eglin AFB, living in a condo in Fort Walton Beach. The memories have cheered up my Friday. Happy Days!

SVK 2nd Mar 2007 10:15

Well its Friday and a beautiful day it is too.
My motorbike's out the shed and I'm gardening till end of next week.
It was payday not so long ago and I am presently a weekend millionaire. I'm going to spank some money on beer and girlies with the boyz tonight and, compared to the rest of the public sector, I've a little bit more to be thankful for.
Even the fact that I'm off on det next fri for a couple of months isn't getting me down.

Today is a GOOD day.....
....but a lot can happen in a week.:)

airborne_artist 2nd Mar 2007 10:52

1.3VStall - I was there in 84 - perhaps some of the ladies who entertained us were eagerly awaiting people like you to follow through.:ok:

VitaminGee 2nd Mar 2007 11:01

to follow through
Not a good thing on Friday, or any other day for that matter! := ;)

TFIF - somewhere there's a pint of nigerian with my name on it [and, hopefully, someone else to pay for it!] :ok:

goldcup 2nd Mar 2007 11:31

It's fantastic-

The sun is shining.

I finished clearing yesterday.

And don't start work for a month!


Descend to What Height?!? 2nd Mar 2007 11:51

one of our Sqn Ldr Blunties must read these boards, as he has just popped out to the local village to bring us all fish and chips!:confused: :confused:

The two Flight Sergeants on Ops are suspicious!
:eek: :eek:

TMJ 2nd Mar 2007 13:23

My workshops have churned out some kit Marham needed urgently in record time and earned plaudits all round, OC QBIT's given me some cheques to present to one of my lads for GEMS suggestions, we've planned a Lean event aimed at improving capacity and flexibility rather than cutting manpower, more than half a team's cried on for the RAF Plate quarter final within a day of the date being fixed, there's a do on in the rugby club tonight with 2 live bands that looks like it's going to be a cracking success, the sun is shining, the sky is blue, God's in His heaven and all's right with the world...

ZH875 2nd Mar 2007 13:36

Still on Leave, how good does it get?:)

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