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Crashed&Burned 4th Jan 2007 20:08

As a broad rule of thumb, building and fitting out a room in a Travelodge is around £25k. Why does the MOD pay £70k for accommodation of a much lower standard. Beats me.:ugh:

FOMere2eternity 4th Jan 2007 20:12

Travelodge rooms don't have to undergo the rigours of testing at Boscombe Down, to ensure our accommodation is unfit for purpose all around the world. :hmm:

Melchett01 4th Jan 2007 20:26

STH said

Fundamentally, though, the MoD is broke .....
Ok, I can just about cope with that fact. But one thing I cannot get my head round in any way shape or form is this:

We, the British taxpayers are paying more and more and more in taxes. Whenever anybody dares to put up the idea about tax cuts or mention a review of spending (I seem to remember this was the automatic response to the recent suggestions about cutting inheritance tax), they automatically go on the offensive about how much extra they are spending on various things - NHS, education, defence, CT/CN etc and which services would we like decimating to fund such a cut.

So, with all these billions being poured into various projects, here is my question: Mr Blair, would you care to explain why, when you are pouring billions into various projects, are all the organisations that have to work with this administration fundamentally bankrupt? Just what exactly are you doing with OUR money? Would you care to explain or would you prefer an investigation into misappropriation of funds?

Talking Radalt 4th Jan 2007 20:31

Originally Posted by Crashed&Burned (Post 3051090)
Why does the MOD pay £70k for accommodation of a much lower standard.

Maybe it's something to do with the phrase "General/Air Commodore/Rear Admiral* How about a place on the board of directors when you retire from that tedious military lark?" :hmm:
*Delete as applicable

airborne_artist 4th Jan 2007 21:03

I was a Midshipmite at Leeming in 79, as the RN ran EFTS there for a while. We lived in the SEECO (sp?) huts that were an annexe to the OM. They were made of sheet asbestos, and you could here the guy two rooms down turn a page. They were effing cold in winter, and effing hot in summer. The only benefits to living in them was a) we were away from the grown-ups and b) we paid C 50% of the normal rate.

They were prefabs built to last 5 years max in WW2 - and we weren't fighting any wars then, let alone two at once, so where is the money going to come from now?

Miraculously when HRH the Duke of York went through, space was found in the OM for the dark blue. :E

Bus429 4th Jan 2007 21:26

I'm not a military man but, like most, I support the military, irrespective of the premise of Tony Blair's toadying excursions.
I'm appalled that the situation affecting your accommodation; what were your senior officers doing to allow the situation to degrade to such an extent? (It cannot have happened overnight).
However, the buck stops with Blair; he talks big, does little. Have you received any of the equipment he promised late last year? He is a despicable man.

L J R 4th Jan 2007 22:22


I think your PM stated something along the lines that the military would get everything they ASKED for. Does anyone actually know what has been ASKED for.

....I put it to you that little has been asked for. Just lots of winghing.

Melchett01 4th Jan 2007 23:06

think your PM stated something along the lines that the military would get everything they ASKED for. Does anyone actually know what has been ASKED for.

....I put it to you that little has been asked for. Just lots of winghing
What, apart from the extra helicopters for Afghanistan? And the extra mortar rounds for Afghanistan last summer?

But then again, we've been asking for a new govt for the past few years as well - didn't get that either, so I guess we shouldn't be so surprised :ugh:

WIWOWessex 5th Jan 2007 11:20

Originally Posted by Roadster280 (Post 3050850)
Proletarian - Firstly my apologies for selectively quoting you, however the length of the entire post would be excessive.

Secondly, the ex-RAF accom being handed over to the Army is in itself approximately 70 years old. RAF Colerne for example, was built at the same time as RAF Scampton, and even in RAF hands, Scampton is a decaying pit by all accounts. Topcliffe is a shed of a place. Dishforth was largely rebuilt for the AAC, Upavon vastly changed, North Luffenham another RAF backwater, the list goes on. It is not as though the RAF has relinquished decent accomodation; granted because it didn't have any in the first place.

Thirdly, trashing the accomodation at every opportunity is 1) in keeping with the finest traditions of the Service (blazing pianos anyone?), 2) billed to the miscreants, or collectively billed as barrack damages and most importantly 3), mildew on a decaying ceiling is hardly in the same bracket as puking in the ablutions.

When the Army took over Abingdon in the mid 90s they ripped out all of thenewly installed single man JR accomodation and installed multi-man rooms. All of the OR MQs had recently benefitted from fitted carpets but the army insisted that the oiks could not have that and ripped up a foot wide strip around each room.

I agree that the RAF have for the most part got some (relatively) decent accom but that which they have got has been looked after within the increasingly parsimonious budget. Because of the Army "move the regiment lock stock and barrel every 2-3 years" approach to postings, the inclination to look after what you've got is not there. Instead there has been, IMHO, an element of "let's rip out whatever we can and take it with us to the next barracks".

However, whatever the reason behind the state of the accom provided, there is no excuse for Tony's Cronies not to fulfill their obligation to the men and women, serving and supporting.:ugh: :ugh: :ugh:

SamCaine 5th Jan 2007 14:16

From being a thread about the state of accommodation this now appears to have degenerated into an inter-service slanging match to point the finger at some alleged and/or perceived poor housekeeping. :mad:

Shall we try and put up a united front against the politicians who created the conditions for the Armed Forces of the UK to get into such a state? Or shall we, as usual, try and score points against another service? :ugh:

Yes, there are servicemen/women who don't attempt to live the way they should. But when you're given a doss house in lieu of a quarter/SLA I'd not be too keen on wasting time/money on the pit either. :sad:

The point of the matter is that the govt. wouldn't allow prisoners to live in half of the places we're asked to, and then they have the nerve to make people pay for the privilege. What sort of society treats those who have serve their country worse that those who have wronged the whole of society?

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