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Giant Swede 18th Aug 2006 16:47

Refund of legal expenses.
Has anyone else had problems regarding the "refund of legal expenses" from house moves following the introduction of JPA. I am currently out of pocket by a few thousand and appear to be in a fully developed spin within the JPA network despite all the paperwork being submitted in good order.:uhoh: Any experts out there?

HarveyDelta 18th Aug 2006 20:07

I have had the same problem. You can't submit a claim for RLE until you've incurred the expenditure, however you don't get the cash until it fits in with the next pay run. I moved house over a month ago and the earliest I can expect RLE is the pay run at the end of august. No doubt the company that runs JPA is profting from not handiing over thousands of pounds to armed forces personnel in good time.

buoy15 19th Aug 2006 14:59

Sounds like the early days when prior to Cranditz graduation, you had to open an account with Coutts, who paid the Officer corps
They would be given MOD £millions mid month and then hang on to the money for as long as possible on the pretence of meeting pay day, which sometimes got delayed, for "admin" reasons. They got away with this (and the interest) for umpty years until some brave young spark with b*llocks challenged the shareholders (AFB) and the system changed
Allegedly, at the time, Coutts were "most put out" that someone should challenge their integrity - much like the Government of today
Still loving many and trusting a few

Father Jack Hackett 19th Aug 2006 16:51

AFPAA are particularly poor in this respect. Getting the right run around at the mo over paperwork - I've sent them everything they've asked for, initially submitting everything required in the jsp and they keep asking for additional proofs. Meanwhile I'm down 5 big ones, which are languishing in their account and not mine. :ugh:

JPA or no, this allowance and the rules pertaining to claims predate JPA and have not changed, so I don't see why this shouldn't be a straightforward process like any other allowance and processed with similar alacrity.

Rant over.

Could be the last? 19th Aug 2006 19:23

So if all the paperwork is in order and it is the blunties who have delayed payment due to their c&*k-up, can you ask for the interest as well?

I know in the big scheme of things it wouldn't be a massive amount, but consider if they hold back on "5 Big-ones" for say 2Pay days (8 Weeks) on say 10 people every month..........so on..... etc that soon adds up!!

But hey, there will be some B&LLSh&T reason why they don't have to correct their mistakes......

Giant Swede 19th Aug 2006 19:58

Sounds like your case is the same as mine hence why I posted the thread. Having used this allowance on previous moves prior to JPA without a snag, there is now definitely a glitch. Despite the claim being submitted over 6 weeks ago the JPA helpdesk are clueless and PSF cannot get an answer. Selling and buying a house on posting is expensive and the allowance has not improved with the massive increase in costs, ie stamp duty, and to be kept waiting is unacceptable. In my case I am pissed off because it is my money, I am lucky enough not to be in financial trouble, but I am sure some other poor sod is. Before someone out there goes what about service housing, ram it, if people live in their own property and are moved by the service they should be compensated for reasonable costs in a timely manner.
As you can gather I am rather angry about this, in particular the lack of information and an answer.

NTS 20th Aug 2006 09:37


Just as a thought if you are sure you've sent in all the right docs and they have recieved them have you though about the small claims court. If the RAF are holding your money you can go to court to claim up to £5000. The threat of taking them to court worked for me. Gave OC Accts (I think) 14 days to pay or I would take him to court at the RAF Rep.

Hope you get your mony soon.

Father Jack Hackett 21st Aug 2006 00:32

NTS, GS, thanks for your thoughts.

PSF have been golden, they are as frustrated as myself with AFPAA's performance. I can be a bit of an admin vortex, however the initial submission was submitted under the close supervision of the P2 staff to avoid any potential cock-ups and they were more than happy the paperwork was well in order. AFPAA however don't seem to agree with the rest of us.

Sounds suspiciously like a classic "shift-change" scenario except on a somewhat larger scale - I suspect whoever is dealing with these claims at the mo have had a very poor handover on what the rules actually are and they're playing ultra safe.

God bless JPA.

Farfrompuken 21st Aug 2006 08:34

This is all a bit ominous....

I'm tee-ing up my house move and am already having concerns over my ability to provide pay statements let alone the fact that I'll wait an age for my allowances to come through.

I've yet to be paid correctly since Mar (the last SAMA pay run) and didn't receive any pay statement for July (because I didn't get paid!!-Had to take a loan out to cover me for July and avoid defaulting on my current mortgage!!!!!!). Even the susbsequent pay run sees me short from allowances owed months ago.

The mortgage company will laugh when I explain "there have been a few hiccups in our pay system". They'll just tell me to bugger off having "heard it all before".

To be fair to my P2 staff, they've battled as hard as I have but the simple fact is that an off the shelf package like JPA doesn't work in an organisation with such complex demands.

All in all, JPA has got to be the biggest morale sapper around. If yer on Det, you can cope, but if you're battling to get paid your dues then it'll all get too much.:mad:

Could be the last? 21st Aug 2006 20:17


I didn't get paid correctly for more than 6 months! Accts can get around this by issuing a cheque for what you think you should be paid. Not the ideal but will stop you having to pay the interest on your loan. :ok:

Farfrompuken 21st Aug 2006 20:52


Allowances Can't do that now JPA's here. There are exceptions, however, so I'll keep trying.

Do I get paid for Aug? All too exciting to wait isn't it?!

However, have learnt that those who are not receiving pay correctly/on time may have a case for Constructive Dismissal..... Will do more research in this area.

No employer, unless they are going bankrupt (?) should be unable to pay correctly and on time.

Teething problems, my @rse! If we were a commercial outfit, JPA would have lost the contract by now. It's a disgrace.

Could be the last? 21st Aug 2006 21:03

They are telling you porkies!!!!! := There is a number of ways they can do it; a physical cheque, a BACS advance or the real stuff! Then they claim it back when you have been paid or you can give it back when your paid!

Ultimately, ask for an interview with the AOC during his next AFI.......I am sure he was paid correctly.

Big Unit Specialist 21st Aug 2006 21:24

I have been out of pocket due to JPA for the last 4 months to the tune of £1500 and climbing every month at the rate of £500. JPAC cannot help and kept referring me to "HR". Finally last month I wrote to OC PMS and asked for £1000 to cover mortgage payments - they initially suggested an advance of pay but I dug my heels in and insisted on money from another source because you can bet that JPAC will process the recovery of an advance of pay much quicker than any rectification.

Stn were great and handed me a cheque that day (from the CO's fund!!!!) and my plight added weight to the hasty dispatch of an adminer to Glasgow to sort out all the outstanding Stn problems....... pay statement not yet available so wait out on the results.

Crucial advice: do not under any circumstances accept an advance of pay, Stn Cdr's informing the command chain that they are having to dip into things like their welfare funds gets the attention of the brass and you are not going to reap the c0ckup of recovery action that will swiftly descend upon you if you avoid an advance.

Backwards PLT 22nd Aug 2006 08:44

Sorry to go off topic but - have you been turned to the dark side yet Swede? :}

scroggs 22nd Aug 2006 09:35

As NTS says, don't fanny about. Threaten them with legal action - which you would win - and simultaneously inform your MP of the situation. Get questions asked of the system that it can't ignore. MP's questions can focus the corporate mind quite well, especially if they're reported in the Press...

Good luck!

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