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Confucius 27th Jun 2006 20:23

Originally Posted by Lara crofts pants
What is a bluntie?
Well, it depends on where you sit in your self perceived food chain does it not?
e.g. A Harrier pilot maybe thinks that he can call everyone else a bluntie. However, an F3 or GR4 pilot would feel able to refer to only truckies (of which I am one) and below by the same tag.
Us truckie types then feel that we have to find someone to pick on too and so, more often than not, the movers cop it. It arises from the fact that every trade feels that it must be superior to some other trades in some way and continues down past PTIs, Admin staff, RAF Police and er, um ....
Well, you tell me

Looks kinda' familiar...

guess I shoulda' ended my post with a ©

Lara crofts pants 27th Jun 2006 20:39

Oooops, maybe I should have read all the pages!! :\

Climbing the ladder back to my box now!

Confucius 28th Jun 2006 11:23

Not a problem, Great minds think alike!

Radar Muppet 28th Jun 2006 11:38

A Bluntie is....
....someone who feels the need to discuss how blunt others are on a website.

Number2 28th Jun 2006 12:39

Here bloody here!!

Lara crofts pants 28th Jun 2006 12:41

Oooooohhh......somebody's tired:)

Confucius 28th Jun 2006 13:09

I think someone meant hear, hear! :E

Lara crofts pants 28th Jun 2006 13:19

Either that, or Number2 has a disobedient sheepdog.

Number2 28th Jun 2006 16:27

Labrador cross actually! ISS was wasted on me!!

snapper41 29th Jun 2006 08:05

Originally Posted by Tourist
Because if you can't even manage to get in as an officer or are unwilling to accept the responsibilities involved, you have no business captaining an aircraft.

Hmmm - suggest you take a look at Bomber and Fighter Command histories from WW2; try telling a sgt or FS Lancaster pilot over Berlin that he was 'unwilling to accept responsibility', or the sgt or FS acting as a flt cdr in the Battle of Britain, because he had more experience than the officers...

BellEndBob 29th Jun 2006 11:52


Good point, well made.

Was in the company of a one star once (FJP) who stated to all present:

'SNCO's have never flown fighters and nor shall they whilst I am in the RAF'.

:ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh:

Green Flash 29th Jun 2006 12:34

'SNCO's have never flown fighters and nor shall they whilst I am in the RAF'.

I thought Ginger Lacy was a Sgt, for one? And wasn't Pattle as well? I'm sur e there were others. Sound like BellEnds one star was a bit of a kn*b.

Confucius 29th Jun 2006 13:41

There were plenty of NCO fighter jocks in WWII

Not sure they were allowed pipes & labradors though.

Wyler 29th Jun 2006 14:27

This happened today.

A draw in my officer is stuck. I e-mailed the Warrant Officers gofa to see if it could be sorted.
He sent an e-mail, copied to supply, stating that the whole cabinet needs replacing, there are no funds that he is aware of and the last time he asked supply they said it could take months.

No problem, it's only a poxy draw.

One hour later I get a phone call from the civilian supply manager. He is fuming at the provocative and hurtful comments made by this NCO casting doubt on the willingness and professionalism of his staff. He even thinks some of the comments may warrant, wait for it, legal advice. His barrack warden is threatening redress of said NCO. I told him his reaction is baffling and OTT. This was followed up by a 6 paragraph e-mail from manager detailing his woes and demanding that said NCO produces a written and verbal apology to all his staff.
As things stand now, some 4 hours later, it is still escalating.

I don't normally get involved in Blunty V Sharp end debates but this kind of mind numbing sh*t, along with JPA et al is really making me question where we are headed. God forbid these ars*holes ever have to deal with a real problem.

The really sad thing is this so called manager will probably get his apology, because 'we' are sh*t scared of upsetting the civilians, which will only encourage him to become an even bigger f*ckwit than he is now.


talktothehand 29th Jun 2006 14:54

Wow - an officer with a draw in him/her - what ever next! :eek: . Bet this never happened when supply was run by uniformed blunties!

Safety_Helmut 29th Jun 2006 15:39


For what it's worth, I have been in the position of being asked to apologise to a particularly useless, pathetic, oxygen stealing civvy, even though my boss had fully backed me up. I flatly refused to apologise on principle, w@nkers!


FOMere2eternity 29th Jun 2006 15:41

A draw in my officer is stuck.
For some I have met, file storage would be well above their capabilities...

GOLF_BRAVO_ZULU 30th Jun 2006 06:48


I bet your rugger shirt, jeans and trainer wearing, thin skinned "supply manager" can spell drawer, though.


talktothehand 30th Jun 2006 08:40

And use the appropriate punctuation and grammar! I love irony.

CofG 4th Jul 2006 10:29


Blunties are those officers who love wearing their two's and feel the need to cut around wearing a stable belt and Oxpat shoes with annoying metal tipped heals! whats wrong with painted DMS?

Cumbrian Fell 6th Jul 2006 11:12


Why Oxfords? Because an officer shouldn't be seen dead in Airmen's DMS shoes. Would you ever wear rubber soled 'el-cheapo' shoes in civies? On second thoughts, perhaps you do!

midsomerjambo 6th Jul 2006 12:11

It's funny but I spent around 10 years as a radio/radar tech variously on Jags, Vulcans and Tornados and in all that time I don't think I ever heard any aircrew refer to us aircraft techs (or other ground trades, for that matter) as "blunties". Is this a fairly recently introduced term or am I suffering selective memory loss? BTW, by recently I mean introduced after 1987 (God, was it really that long ago I left?:uhoh:).

Re. the remark above somewhere about each group liking to lord it over some other group - yes, we were just as guilty in disparagingly referring to any non-aircraft ground trades as "shinies" - something to do with the effect on the seat of their pants of too long spent sitting at a desk. Oh yes, and the airframes and engines techs (the "real" aircraft engineers) referred to us as "fairies" (and probably still do).

The Helpful Stacker 6th Jul 2006 17:36

Originally Posted by Cumbrian Fell
Why Oxfords? Because an officer shouldn't be seen dead in Airmen's DMS shoes. Would you ever wear rubber soled 'el-cheapo' shoes in civies? On second thoughts, perhaps you do!

Ahh Oxford shoes with segs on, the bane of fuel hazard areas across the RAF.

EP99j 6th Jul 2006 17:52


Originally Posted by Fox_4
I cant believe you even have to ask what a "bluntie" is!!!
It doesnt really matter if you run the DAG from the comfort of your tent albeit in some dump desert somewhere = bluntie!
Convoy driver (all respect due) but probably still a stacker/engineer/admin bod = bluntie.
A leopard cant change its spots. A bluntie cant get over that they are not aircrew.
The RAF is all about projecting Air Power. Those that dont project Air Power support those that do!
Abuse inbound but happy to merge with it!!! :cool:

Do Navigators still exist, I remember that we used to think of them as living ballast. If they do,do they qualify as honorary blunties? After all, sitting in the back pressing switches must be rather like doing the same thing in an ATC tower, or indeed, tent. After all, no worries about an RPG coming through the side at 15,000 ft, what?

( Now, THAT will get things going!!)


F.O. Kite ( Retd)

sonicstomp 6th Jul 2006 18:49

Deliverance - Good to hear from you, thought this would be right up your alley!

Bluntie = non-aircrew (RAF), that simple.....iaw Aircrew Dictionary

For those non-aircrew who think they aren't blunt - "doth protest too much methinks!"


Hope to see more constructive posts like this one! :ok:

Blacksheep 7th Jul 2006 02:48

Blunt and proud, we are. D'you want us to save you drop of beer for when (and if) you get back from being shot at?

Get stuck in lads, we're all thinking about you down here on the ground, aren't we? Eh? My round again? Bloody hell... :ok:

Lara crofts pants 7th Jul 2006 06:23

A 58 year old expat engineer. I think we may have found THE definitive definition of blunt.

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