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-   -   Brit Helicopter down in Basra? 6/5/06 (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/224817-brit-helicopter-down-basra-6-5-06-a.html)

Mmmmnice 6th May 2006 16:48

A tragic day -
....but the behaviour of the locals is not that surprising given that A: they're possibly aligned with the shooters and B: they don't want us there in the first place and can do without wreckage falling in the kitchen sink. I know this doesn't help those who have lost family/colleagues, but maybe it will further help galvanise the 'firm' into making a decision as to where this is all going? Anyone else think we should leave the Iraqis to it?

P.S the commendable restraint shown by the troops on the ground is one of the many things that distinguish us from from some our less sensitive allies - and long may it remain so.

colmac747 6th May 2006 16:51

Anyone else think we should leave the Iraqis to it?
Absolutely. Time to clear out of there.
Can't the UNHCR (or equivalent) be called upon?

Post Mod 516 6th May 2006 16:52

Another sad day. Thoughts as ever with the families.

fuel2noise 6th May 2006 16:56

Guess it was a Lynx then?

Tigs2 6th May 2006 17:01

Might just be a thought chaps, but maybe the politics are best left out just for the moment. There are grieving families to consider, and i know in past cases, family members in similar circumstances have used this forum to seek some form of comfort by reading the words we have written in memory of their loved ones. Thoughts to the families, words cannot express your loss, and to the brave men on the ground who are showing great restraint whilst in harms way.
Perhaps no time for guesses until we know NOK have been informed.

Rats Naks 6th May 2006 17:22

God bless you all and rest in peace, a sad time for all.


timby 6th May 2006 17:32

Thoughts and prayers go out to all involved; their families and friends.

Keep up the good work out there, everyone - let's not let these b*stards win!

propulike 6th May 2006 18:05

I feel a pit in the depth of my stomach, made worse by the scenes of jubilant locals celebrating the loss of our friends. The only consolation was the outstanding professionalism of our troops trying to secure the area whilst being taunted and attacked. Thanks guys - it's good to know you're there.

An appalling event in an awful place. My heartfelt condolences go to all those affected.

C130 Techie 6th May 2006 18:07

Another very sad day.

Condolences to the families and friends of those lost. Our thoughts are with you.


VerticalThrust 6th May 2006 18:12

Words cannot express the thoughts and feelings of sympathy for those who now morn the loss of loved ones. Be proud of what they believed in and what they stood for. Their loss cannot be put into words. We shall not forget......

For those who stood firm on the ground, from every aviator, thank you.

fantaman 6th May 2006 18:14

It's extremely difficult to express how you feel after such a sad day. No words will be able to describe the sense of loss four families will be feeling tonight, sadly parents have lost their children, partners have lost their loved ones and children have lost their fathers.

I have spent most of the day in front of the various news channels watching the news as it broke, holding out some hope that there may have been survivors. Sadly as time wore on, it became clear we had lost four brave heroes and brothers. It is with a lump in my throat that I write this post and whilst I never knew the men, I'm sure you'll agree, it feels like you've lost a friend.

When we go out to places like Iraq and Afghanistan, we are all too aware of the dangers that we face, but in true British style we grit our teeth and get on with it. It's this stiff upper lip that sets us apart from everyone else. As we move into the 38th month in Iraq, I'm sure we'll all look back and think of the 108 servicemen that have given their lives in what appears to be an endless and uphill struggle.

Like so many have already said, I have nothing but total admiration for the troops on the ground. I'm afraid I don’t think I could have shown the same composure as they did during the mission.

I hope one day when this is all over the families of this tragic event can look back on the comments posted on here. We have lost many things from our three services. They may be able to take some things from us but one thing they will never take away is that great sense, that we are all one big family who pull together when times get tough.

Come on Tony, enough is enough, let's bring the guys and gals back home where they belong.

RIP and God Bless


nutcracker43 6th May 2006 18:16

Today, someone has lost a father, a son, a brother, a husband and friends. To them all, from mrs NC and myself, our deepest sympathies. Our thoughts are with you at this tragic time. RIP


maccer82 6th May 2006 18:26

Well said fantaman. A drink or two will be raised to these brave men tonight. Lets hope our boys on the ground have no more trouble bringing them home. My sympathies to the families, collegues and friends of all lost today.

Flying West

I hope there's a place, way up in the sky,
Where aircrew can go, when they have to die.
A place where a guy could buy a cold beer
For a friend and a comrade whose memory is dear.
A place where no doctor or lawyer could tread,
Nor a management -type would e'er be caught dead!
Just a quaint little place, kind of dark, full of smoke,
Where they like to sing loud, and love a good joke!
The kind of a place where a lady could go,
And feel safe and secure by the men she would know.

There MUST be a place where old aircrew go, when
Their wings become weary, when their airspeed gets low;
Where the whiskey is old, and the women are young,
And songs about flying and dying are sung.
Where you'd see all the fellows who'd "flown west" before,
And they'd call out your name, as you came thru the door,
Who would buy you a drink, if the thirst should be bad,
And relate to the others, "He was quite a good lad!"
And then thru the mist you'd spot an old guy
You had not seen for years, though he'd taught YOU to fly,
He'd nod his old head, and grin ear to ear,
And say, "Welcome, my son, I'm pleased you are here!
For this is the place where true flyers come,
When the battles are over, and the wars have been won;
We've come here at last, to be safe and afar,
From the government clerk, and the management czar,
Politicians and lawyers, the Feds and the noise,
Where all Hours are Happy, and these good ol' boys,
Can relax with a 'cool one', and a well deserved rest.."
"This is Heaven, my son: You've passed your last check!"

Flight is freedom in it's purest form,
to dance with the clouds which follow a storm;
to roll and glide, to wheel and spin;
To feel the joy that swells within;
To leave the earth with its troubles and fly,
And know the warmth of a clear spring sky;
Then back to earth at the end of the day,
released from the tensions which melted away.
Should my end come while I am in flight,
Whether brightest day or darkest night;
Spare me your pity and shrug off the pain,
Secure in the knowledge that I'd do it again;
For each of us is created to die,
And within me I know,
I was born to fly.

WIWOWessex 6th May 2006 18:36

Mrs W and I send our sincere condolences to all the bereaved.

Banana Boy 6th May 2006 18:37

I know that I am not alone in having spent more of my life than I would have wanted to flying over that miserable part of the world. However, to give your life trying to make the place better is too much.

I hate to agree with Dubya, but the sooner we can find an alternative to the black goo the better. Then we can leave them to live in their little bedouin tents and do whatever they like to do in them. How dare they celebrate the death of our brave aircrew and soldiers.

RIP. My deepest respect to all Brits and allies involved.

fantaman 6th May 2006 18:42

maccer82, a cracking little piece.

Should my end come while I am in flight,
Whether brightest day or darkest night;
Spare me your pity and shrug off the pain,
Secure in the knowledge that I'd do it again;
For each of us is created to die,
And within me I know,
I was born to fly.
Afitting tribute to our fallen brothers, I'm sure they will take this with them.

SRENNAPS 6th May 2006 18:45

Yet another sad day. Our thoughts are with all families and friends.
How many more??

JAFG 6th May 2006 18:52

My deepest condolences to the friends and familly of those involved, a sad loss to the rotary community.

mutleyfour 6th May 2006 18:57

Very nice words Maccer. Perfect.

Almost_done 6th May 2006 19:03

Maccer, perfect words.

We can only add our heartfelt thoughts to all involved

Mr & Mrs A_d

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