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-   -   Brit Helicopter down in Basra? 6/5/06 (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/224817-brit-helicopter-down-basra-6-5-06-a.html)

flarecheckohdear 9th May 2006 23:49

Met Dazza when he was just a sprog in the eighties. Shared ships/aircraft/tents/beers & many laughs. A great bloke and a true professional. Words can't express how I feel for his loss and for the loss of his colleagues on the aircraft doing a dangerous job in a dangerous place. For a lot of us on this forum in times past...'There but for the Grace of God..'. My condolences for their families. See you in that great Jungly playground in the sky Dazza.

N Arslow 10th May 2006 14:22

I did not know any of the five, but from the descriptions by people who knew them, I somehow imagine them walking into the light with those Iraqi kids - holding their hands and comforting them.

My sincere condolences to their collegues and particularly their loved ones.

Rest in peace.

ZoomZoom 10th May 2006 21:42


You will not be forgotten...

Chicken Leg 11th May 2006 04:03


You will be sorely missed. An officer, a gentlemen and I'm proud to say a good friend.

I won't forget that big cheesy grin that you always wore, your sense of humour and above all, your genuine zest for life.

The world is a poorer place without you mate.


cobaltfrog 11th May 2006 20:08

Can't let this thread finish yet.

tablet_eraser 11th May 2006 21:29

Sarah was on my IOT flt. A fantastic, bubbly, determined girl. As an ex-ranker she was absolute gold for the flt, helping us through some of the initial stages and keeping us motivated through tough times. I've spoken to another friend from the flt - we're absolutely devastated to hear the news. My thoughts are with her family, and the familes of the others who lost their lives.

She's been in my prayers and will remain in some of my fondest memories.

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sun on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there; I did not die.

Rakshasa 11th May 2006 22:21

Such a sad, sad loss, felt at some many levels and places.

My heart goes out to the families of such fine people. The world is a worse place without them.



Hippy 12th May 2006 02:28

May I interrupt to say:
I haven't been able, due to service reasons, to visit Lee Mulvihill personally but I have been told by fellow colleagues that he has been reading the messages on this and the other fora mentioned. It will take a very long time for the wounds of friends and families deprived of loved ones to heal. Your messages are, I'm sure, aiding those processes in some small way.
I welcome Fantaman's offer to collect the many poignant messages and poems into a single, everlasting, volume. A great gesture.
On a positive note, now that Sarah is running the Ops desk at that great airfield in the sky, we can all be assured of a safe arrival and a warm welcome. Get the kettle on sweetie, the cookies are on the way! :ok:

fantaman 12th May 2006 11:12

Book of Conolence
Afternoon All,

Many thanks to everyone who responded to my request earlier in the week. I’ve had a good reaction to the idea of a book of condolence so it is my intention to go ahead with it. I will wait until the end of the month before I start work on it to let anyone else add their comments.

Many thanks to those who sullied the link to the e-goat forum, the thoughts from them will also be included in the book. So far between the two forums there are over two hundred and fifty posts, all suitable will be included.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions then please get in touch via PM.



Non-PC Plod 12th May 2006 12:57

Although we all know tragedies like this happen from time to time, it doesn't prevent the feeling of shock when you see the face of someone you knew, worked for, respected and quaffed multiple ales with staring at you from an obituary in The Telegraph.
I know that the Commando Helicopter Force will have the resolve to continue what they are doing in the professional manner they always have. The thoughts of many ex-junglies are with you and your families.

tqsplit 12th May 2006 13:48

Heartfelt condolences to families, friends and colleagues. Although I did not know any of these brave souls, it is obvious from previous messages that they were all held in the highest regard. For those that need, I hope you find some solace in the tributes that have been paid.

strek 12th May 2006 15:00

I was previlaged enough to work with Darren for 2 years covering the SK4 capbility area. A great bloke and pilot with a genuine wish to make the most of the assets available.
I hope you are enjoying it up there where the helicopters are always serviceable and have all the extra bits you ever wanted.

mindstorm 12th May 2006 19:17

Have known JC for 20 years now and have had too many beers with a friend who will be sadly missed.
God bless.

ralphmalph 12th May 2006 21:56

I know I will see you down the line in a much much better place. We raised a glass to you on Monday and had a night of laughter and sorrow. Comments were made on your..smooth chat, sarcasim, humor, wit and compassion!!. I heard a door gunner waxing lyrical about how you gave him the mother of all bollockings!! It was the biggest night that we had ever had in the bar!........I only think that is entirely appropiate.
You will be sorely missed by all at Aldergrove and across the Corps.
Many eyes turned to the sky and raised a glass...thought thoughts and shed many a tear.

God Speed and Love

Ralph Malph

Jayfer 13th May 2006 00:48

All of those lost in this dreadful attack were loved, cherished and held in the highest esteem by so many. Our thoughts and sincere condolences are with all of their families, friends and colleagues.
Darren, you were a very funny man! We will all miss you terribly.
Jayfer, Jan, Jo & Phil

Sarah-Jayne 13th May 2006 03:53

Thanx to everyone, it means more than you can imagine!!!!


Fantaman, thanx it will be much appreciated.

LynehamMuppet 13th May 2006 04:34

My thoughts are with the family and friends of those lost, They have gone to a better place.

May you fly forever, Rest in Peace


Talk Wrench 13th May 2006 21:39


I think that you comments about banter and also of service could not ring truer.

The Mil Aviation community, serving, previously served or not have all come together once again.

May the families of the departed take great comfort that there are thousands of people who share the loss.

One big family we are. When we lose one of ours, we all feel the pain.

Once again, from Talk Wrench and Mrs Talk Wrench (a Benson Airwoman), we salute our fallen friends and offer our support to the families involved.

Talk Wrench

Almost_done 13th May 2006 21:54


As a serving airman at Benson you have both mine and Mrs A-ds thoughts at this time, our thoughts are with you and the other famlies at this time and always.

At the going down of the sun we will remember them.

Mr & Mrs A-d

WASALOADIE 14th May 2006 18:52

JC it was a great pleasure and real honour to serve with you all those years ago on 7 Sqn, I still cherish the memories of being your running buddy on WSS.

I raise a glass to you and those who perished with you.

sincere condolences to all your families.


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