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airborne_artist 24th Mar 2006 11:40

Can't exactly see the boys from H getting/accepting an invite to no.10 and being poured drinks by the PM as Maggie did after Princes Gate.

Wyler 24th Mar 2006 13:21

ITV news this lunchtime. Had a couple of his bible thumping mates on who were both very dismissive of the military. One said of the danger involved in the rescue 'So what, it's their job'. Luckily the phone in and e-mails were nearly all incredibly anti this silly little man and his crusade. That at least took the smiles off their faces.:mad: :mad: :mad:

Like I have said before, wait for the round of TV shows, the book and quite possibly the open top bus procession.:*

Dogfish 24th Mar 2006 18:31

I am slightly confused here, no change there. The star'n'stripes boys said they were acting on inteligence gained the night before the rescue but Jack 'the lad' Straw said the operation had been ongoing for weeks. Who is telling the truth?:confused: Despite all that I am glad to see the old duffer is free, just hope he takes the hint and keeps his nose out of other peoples business from now on.

MarkD 24th Mar 2006 20:58

it's actually possible to reconcile this - if there was a "let's game out a scenario for when we get the int" and "well we got the int a couple of hours before and executed game plan x"

There were Canadians involved apparently, some kerfuffle about that here (was it RCMP and/or JTF2, what were they doing in iraq etc.etc.etc.) so they hardly showed up on 3hrs notice.

Lafyar Cokov 24th Mar 2006 21:54

For Ops like this it is customary to ensure that members of each nation being rescued are on the rescuing team - therefore the surviving hostages can each be treated and de-briefed by there own side without some diplomatic hand-over fiasco - which has been quite embarrasing on previous occasions. I would have thought that a small team of Canadian SF would have been lodging with the lead rescuing force looking for these guys until either they were rescued or bodies were found. Not sure, but just an outside guess.

ratty1 24th Mar 2006 23:13

I suppose he will be wanting a lift home in one HMG's finest Aircraft?

SPIT 24th Mar 2006 23:26

For all the gratitude for the military rescuers had to take that was shown by his friends they should have LEFT THE SILLY OL;D F**T where he was and see how his Bible bashing friends reacted then .:mad: :mad: .

SASless 24th Mar 2006 23:26

Why not....they're going that way anyhow are they not? The ride would be all part of the service, along with the medical treatment, the rescue, the new clothes, the food and accomodation....why not a ride home too?

Wiley 25th Mar 2006 06:54

I’m surprised no one has asked the obvious question: what if one or more SAS troopers of American SF soldiers had been killed rescuing these individuals? (I hesitate to label them the way I’d like to.)

I really think any such people planning to go to Iraq should be left in absolutely no doubt as to their status should they be taken hostage. It should be clearly pointed out that no effort will be spent and no risk of life taken in attempting a rescue. End of story.

I was intrigued at the way CNN truncated the sound bite of the bearded … person (see above) from Canada who was the ‘co-ordinator’ of the peace group. Early broadcasts included (given the way and by whom his people had been rescued) his totally inappropriate comments about the war; in later transmissions, these comments were dropped.

airborne_artist 25th Mar 2006 07:48

Article in the Telegraph with more detail - the Canadian hostages refused to co-operate in a de-brief.

Anton Meyer 25th Mar 2006 08:34

Even though he is flying back civ/con air today, he will have been evacuated using the RAF aeromed system and there will probably be a MO or RMN around somewhere..

Big Unit Specialist 25th Mar 2006 08:50

Heartened to see Sky ripping into Norm's supporters this morning - don't fancy his chances in front of the press when he returns to Pinner later today....:} Hostile Press? I think this will be entertainment of the most delicious kind:)

passpartout 25th Mar 2006 09:47

Somehow, I don't think they would have been troubled too much by any UK or US deaths during the rescue.

It would, however, have been a delicious irony if 20 Iraqi captors had been killed during a rescue mission.

Imagine the guilt those 3 pillocks would have had to live with for the rest of their days - being directly responsible for the deaths of 20 people...

SASless 25th Mar 2006 09:49


Why does that surprise you at all about CNN? They make the Beeb's look like wildeyed conservatives!

Flip flop channels between FOX and CNN....if you wish to see a contrast. Ignore the Factor and those segments and just compare the "news" segments.

Danny_Boy 25th Mar 2006 10:51

I see Gen Sir Mike Jackson has gone on record (C4 News) to regisister his annoyance at the lack of gratitude. Good to see a 4* saying what the troops under him are thinking. Although if I were a cynic I would mention that he is retiring soon and has nothing to lose by raising his head above the parapet.

NURSE 25th Mar 2006 11:14

Yes Jackson wasn't a happy camper. And Ignoring FCO advice and putting servicemaes lives on the line is absoute stupidity. I wonder will the Press force him to pubically thank th forces involved and apologise for the risks he made them take.

effortless 25th Mar 2006 11:29

Originally Posted by Anton Meyer
Even though he is flying back civ/con air today, he will have been evacuated using the RAF aeromed system and there will probably be a MO or RMN around somewhere..

Registered Mental Nurse perhaps? Oooh I do hope so.:E

MostlyModerate 25th Mar 2006 16:13

And look who has appeared all over the tv screens as spokesman.....

None other than Monsignor Bruce Kent.

Says it all.

monkeytamer 25th Mar 2006 18:07

It seems like Mr Kember is now very grateful to those involved. (From the BBC website today).

However, Christian Peacemaker Teams, the group all three men were campaigning for, insisted it had thanked the soldiers and Mrs Kember said she was "very grateful".
Speaking at a VIP lounge at Heathrow in the company of his wife, Mr Kember said: "I do not believe that a lasting peace is achieved by armed force, but I pay tribute to their courage and thank those who played a part in my rescue."


Mike Oxbigg 25th Mar 2006 20:44

I think to$$ers like this who go to Iraq when they don't have to should sign a release form waiving their right to be rescued if captured. It galls me to think of decent blokes putting their lives on the line for these :mad: :mad: :mad: !!

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