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astra 24th Feb 2006 00:30

The one thing YOU would change.
Congratulations!! PMA has decided that you are to be the next CAS!!!!!!!

Today is day one, and you have had the fantastic idea of of changing something that "aint broke" to impress your new authority!!

If you had one thing to change in your service life what would it be?

Talking Radalt 24th Feb 2006 01:14

Shorter tighter skirts for (selected) WAAFS :ok:

Flight Detent 24th Feb 2006 01:23

Great idea Radalt,

The flow-on effect will be significant - (in one way, at least!)

Our chief flight checker always says, almost predictably -

"A check ride is like a short skirt, short enough to be interesting, but long enough to cover everything"

I hope this suggestion will have the necessary effect!

Cheers, FD :E

Always_broken_in_wilts 24th Feb 2006 01:39

I would ensure that every RAF guy/girl on detachment is commanded exclusively by the RAF and not the feckin Army. This would send morale through the roof as a semblance of normality is returned as we start treating our people like adults again, as we do on every RAF station I have every served on.

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

astra 24th Feb 2006 01:43

Sounds good to me!!!.....

However, It may prove detrimental as I seem to remember a few years ago there was an SAC dental nurse at a certain North Yorkshire training station. She looked amasing in a short tight skirt but in the the few weeks prior to her 24hr posting managed to ground more baby pilots ( If you know what I am saying) than the luftwaffe managed in the first day of the BoB!!!

Excuse me a minute, I need to apply some cream.

SlipperySlappery 24th Feb 2006 15:45

Well, there's a lot that CAS can not change such as the big, late equipment programmes or dearth of funding so lets not pretend that he can move mountains during his 2-year tenure.

Apart from sacking the dweeb that bought the 'medium weight trouser' and replacing him with a chappy from the Bahrain soukh (who also does a nice line in polyester but at half the cost - and with complimentary coffee), I guess ACM Slappery would have to work out in simple terms exactly where he thought the RAF was going to be in 5-10 years time and then go and tell his 41k employees face-to-face (or as many of them as possible).

And please don't tell me to go and read the copious quantities of stuff that has already been written; there are so many initiatives, changes and visions floating around that nobody seems to have a simple unified view of our destiny.


Wyler 24th Feb 2006 16:47

Allow all personnel to plan, and pay for, their own duty travel/accom using corporate credit cards. No more battling with Admin just to end up with crap Hotel rooms and rip off air tickets.

Ghostie31 24th Feb 2006 18:10

Allow forces personnel to be able to put there children in any state school they wish, at any time.

SirToppamHat 24th Feb 2006 18:34

An old gripe of mine I am afraid:

Remove the rubbish Uniform Tax Allowance and start issuing uniforms to officers.


FFP 24th Feb 2006 19:05

I'd take the wage and pad in London, be a Yes man and retire on the massive pension and b@lls to the Air Force. I'd be leaving and set for life on a good pension . . . . . . . .:E

Pass-A-Frozo 24th Feb 2006 19:17

No American do gooder is allowed to command Commonwealth (Yes, even the old colonies) forces. That way, we can run our own bar on deployment, and actually enjoy ourselves. None of this 3 beer rule. The greatest destroyer of morale ever seen. I'll take unnlimited beer with an occasional suicide bomber any day :D

airborne_artist 24th Feb 2006 21:25

Shorter tighter skirts for (selected) WAAFS
And while you are about it, give 'em some decent shoes - a short(er) skirt and some decent pins are ruined every time they have to put on those clod-hoppers that are left over from a contract for the Hungarian Army.:E

L J R 24th Feb 2006 22:36

Strippers in the Mess. oops already seen that in Pearce WA! - fantastic!!

threepointonefour 24th Feb 2006 23:53

NAAFI coffee. The taste lingers on long after the bl**dy shop died!

Let's have a Starbucks (free of course) in every crewroom. Oh, and a Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. And a Subway for that healthy lunch.

santiago15 25th Feb 2006 01:44

How about a boss who knows when to say 'No, my troops are stretched enough'. And, here's the important bit, a boss who can do such without fear of reprisal.


SirToppamHat 25th Feb 2006 09:39

I know I could just delete it, but having given some thought to my options as CAS I thought I would just leave my previous comment in (I wouldn't be able to make the change myself anyway, so let's say I'd pass this one down the line to Binnsworth SO1 Trousers - a personally signed memo should do the trick.

No, what I have in mind I could probably do without reference to anyone else, and it would not only boost morale, it would actually save money and HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IMPACT (EXCEPT A POSITIVE ONE) ON OUR OPERATIONAL OUTPUT!

I would withdraw the RAF from the IIP Scheme, and ban all similar schemes. Management consultants would not be allowed to be employed by the Service, except at Sevice Rates appropriate to the task (eg wg cdr rates rather than £1000/day).


L-H 25th Feb 2006 10:38

Reduce the disproportionate number of commissioned officers and replace them with SNCO's:ok:

Too many Orificers in the RAF performing tasks that are well within the capability of a good snec. Would give the RAF an opportunity to look at it's people and their abilities better, thus stream them appropriately, improve career prospects and promotion for the troops, reduce the wages and pension bill overall and give those officers remaining better opportunities to hone their leadership and management skills.

Seems like a corker to me:E

Funkletrumpet 25th Feb 2006 19:20

Bring back SNCO pilots, I'd transfer to it myself...:ok:

newt 26th Feb 2006 10:02

1. Close all Station Headquarters.

2. Close all MOD buildings in London and move the occupants to Benbeculiar or somewhere similar so they get to know what its like to live in out of the way places!

3. Buy new aeroplanes! Anything that does the job, looks right and is loads of fun to fly!

4. Make the whole of Europe a 50' low flying area so people know we exist! After all, "Jet noise is the sound of freedom"

5. Close Valley and reopen Chivenor!

6. Select a professional pilot group who do nothing but fly aeroplanes and pay them the going rate!! No secondary duties and no B........t!!

7. Provide an ATPL and a job interview for all those wishing to leave at their 38/16 point!

8. Ban Ladies Guest nights and make mess games compulsory after dinner!

9. Burn all pianos!

There are more but I need to take my blood pressure tablets and retire to the Pub!

JessTheDog 26th Feb 2006 11:03

Install a bomb bay door in every 32 Sqn airframe, located immediately under the seat marked "The Glorious Prime Minister, All Hail Him"....

Subsequently, somewhere over the Atlantic en route to a Bush brown-nosing trip, the lever would be pulled...:}

pulse1 26th Feb 2006 11:11

And while you are about it, give 'em some decent shoes
I was at my son's passing out at BRNC and the Admiral was introduced to my family. He turned to my daughter, a Stringfellows dancer at the time, and asked her why she wasn't in the Navy. "It's the shoes," she said, "I couldn't possibly wear those shoes".

Flt Lt Spry 26th Feb 2006 21:37

I would bring all of the GR4s back from the Gulf and have them on CAP over London/Liverpool/Manchester/Nottingham and anywhere else that's plagued with gang/drug problems. Then get the army to flush out the toe rags and if they meet any resistance (which would be futile), call in an airstrike.

It would beat sitting over Baghdad anyday...

tonkatechie 27th Feb 2006 11:30

How about:
1. More Scripture Readers (trainee Padre) - stick one in every crewroom, and productivity would go through the roof as no-one would want to risk having a tea break, for fear of getting pounced upon.
2. More badges on CS95 - let's face it, in the last couple of years we've only had the little Union Jack, the 'Royal Air Force' name tag, and the new Tactical Recognition Flash (which, incidentally should be the lack-of-recognition flash, as most people's comment is "What the :mad: is that?). There must be some scope for a few new badges to help reduce the overall camoflague effect.
3. Stop diluting everyone's skill by making us do everyone elses job - lets have professional guards doing the main gate, soldiers doing the soldiering, adminers doing the admin, instead of Orderly NCO / Officer, civvy firemen being civvy firemen etc.
4. More pay - there doesn't have to be a reason, other than I work hard, and I want more cash to spend please.
5. Air transport - if I'm in the RAF and I go away on det, I don't expect to have to explain to (laughing) civvy mates why I have to drive there. I start the journey at an airfield, and end at an airfield. It really can't be that hard to work out! If you're worried about money, close down one of those stupid government committees that spend a fortune on expenses.
6. A burger king on each camp.
7. A Hooters on each camp.
8. Someone to input the data on LITS for me. (Preferably someone who used to work at Hooters, but did an evening course:E ).

Safety_Helmut 27th Feb 2006 12:46

8. Someone to input the data on LITS for me. (Preferably someone who used to work at Hooters, but did an evening course :E
Brilliant TonkaTechie ! :ok:

dessert_flyer 27th Feb 2006 13:02

1. make sure we keep all our aircraft until they are on their last legs before thinking of a replacement.
2. change our admin to an expensive automated system where you will no longer have the chance to have to discuss your issues.
3.Make sure wehave so much personal kit that we dont use, that we have to have a garage to store it in, whilst making sure we dont have enough of the kit we do use.
4.Employ a non user friendly method of tracking all our spares for our aircraft, and make sure it is as man intensive as possible.
5. Reduce the amount of line engineers to the bare minimum, but ensure all other sections are up to strength to enable everybody to have the weekend off.
6.Make sure the ladies wear short skirts

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