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maccer82 5th Feb 2006 22:42

If the historical reference of GG's dog is considered racist by the PC crowd, surely the teaching in schools of the slave trade and the treating of other races upto the civil rights movement and various other parts of history should be treated the same? Ignoring history is not going to teach us anything!

The Gorilla 5th Feb 2006 22:55

And today I read that yet another PC idiot who passes for a headmistress (can I say that?) has banned Hot Cross buns from her school lest we upset non christians.

Where the hell is this all going to end??

SASless 6th Feb 2006 00:32


Oh dear friend...that has already happened. Please to remember a Black Woman named Hazel O'Leary who at one time was the Secretary of Energy for our Beloved Bill Clinton. She was the dear lady who had a staffer dedicated to haulling about an Esky containing chilled bottles of High Brow bottled water.

At a nuke site which shall remain nameless...just south of Aiken, South Carolina....she made a grand visit and during a briefing where-in the control board for a nuclear system was being made. She held up the royal hand and stopped the briefer....to inquire what this wee label on the board bearing the words "slave pump for mixer six" ,or some such thing, meant? When informed of the technical reason for having said device...she stopped the briefer a second time....and said she did not care about that...what she was disturbed about was the racially insulting tone of such signs.

You guessed it...upon her return to the palace in DC...imperial decree...change all the labels, signs, posters, notes, technical manuals, etc for the entire DOE. Think there was a bit of cost, labor, and disruption to work efforts getting that done?:mad:

teeteringhead 6th Feb 2006 06:48

... and where exactly does it leave Mark twain's Huck Finn. The escaped slave Jim regularly refers to himself with the N-word..... Do we ban the book or change the words? Either prospect seems pretty scary to me ... Didn't someone say that those who start by burning books finish by burning people...

Quite simply we cannot apply the rules of 2006 to what was done/written/created in another era - what next? I know - we've all heard tell of "starving-ten-year-olds-hanged-in-England-for-stealing-a-loaf-of-bread" ... Let's give 'em all a posthumous pardon!

Well the PC industry is trying it for soldiers executed in WWI so why not?? Just remember ... you heard it here first.....:(

Compressorstall 6th Feb 2006 08:04

I hope that the Daily Mail isn't having a slow news day. Whilst this site exists for us to post our views, there are viewpoints coming up here which are not in keeping with what we are expected to do. Yes, PC-ness can be a pain, yes - some people fail to grasp the original intent behind being PC and it can turn them into insensitive pedants, but as military aircrew we have to stand in the middle and defend our nation as a whole. All this thread is doing is giving ammunition to those who see us as some right-wing organisation. Can we just get back to complaining about JHC, the Army or something traditional?

whiz 6th Feb 2006 08:19

I regret to say that I understand the person concerned is, allegedly, a SNCO, infact a very SNCO (but not a WO yet) and so I find it even more astonishning that someone with so much time in the service would take such a point of view. I would have hoped that he was old enough and wise enough to have been a bit more adult ands sensible about the matter.
Has he just had redundancy ? :p

tablet_eraser 6th Feb 2006 09:12

Here, here, Compressorstall. Some of the comments here do us no justice.

Champagne Anyone? 6th Feb 2006 11:01

Maybe this is the perfect time to close this thread in order to prevent any further racial insults being thrown around.

And we still haven't found out if the painting has actually been removed....

The Swinging Monkey 6th Feb 2006 15:07

Compressor stall,
I'm not sure I agree entirely with all your comments. Yes, some of the comments here are a little strong, but it just shows how PC gone mad (as in this case) is obviously a highly emotive topic.
I am happy for the thread to close if you so wish, but I am also concious of the lack of response from anyone at Scampton which, sadly, suggests that this particular rumour is true.
Whilst I do not agree with some of the extreme views written here, in the main I do agree that this is an unacceptable standard for the RAF to decend to, and only adds weight to the comments about spineless leaders caving in whenever things get just a little 'awkward'.

I will keep my eyes open next time I go to the mess and report back if the painting reappears.

Kind regards to all who have taken the time to respond - I think the overwhelming feeling is that Nigger needs to be back on show for all to see.

jimgriff 6th Feb 2006 15:20

When the Dam Busters was edited to remove the dogs name the editor forgot to remove the morse code message that the dams had been breached. There it was in big broad code N-I-G-G-E-R!:eek: :} :8

Oh how we larfed!!!!!

FJJP 6th Feb 2006 15:40

There is a lot of chat and speculation about this case without us having heard any definitive detail.

It would be useful if someone from Scampton could post the facts of the situation. For example, I don't know the present mess structure [it's probably all changes since Beags and I were there]. Precise knowledge of the occurance would perhaps allow a more positive debate - many of us are making assumptions and talking from a platform of ignorance [of the facts].

So could a Scamptonite please give us the true story and the subsequent happenings?

airborne_artist 6th Feb 2006 16:10

So could a Scamptonite please give us the true story and the subsequent happenings?
I think you'll find they are Scamptonians (Eton - Etonians etc...) :D

WD 1 6th Feb 2006 18:23

I am a resident Scamptonian and while the story may, or may not be true I am sure the discussions will continue as to the rights and wrongs. However, whatever the true version of events I am extremely concerned that a fellow Mess member has betrayed his status by revealing events within the Mess. An old adage remains - 'What happens in the mess, stays in the mess'. The individual involved in the revelation, whether true or not, needs educating in the qualities and integrity expected of his rank!!!

Speedpig 6th Feb 2006 18:36

'What happens in the mess, stays in the mess'
I wonder why? I dread to think of some of the things that might happen in the mess that need to be kept secret.
I think the subject of Gibson's dog's disappearance is not exactly breaking any rules of the secret brethren and certainly does not warrant the abusive term used by WD1. How PC is that?

PPRuNe Pop 6th Feb 2006 19:00

There seems to be a definite desire to see the thread closed because of the continuance of racial overtones. I have seen worse but I think it might be a good idea. So...........I will close it but leave the door open for anyone who wishes to start another thread on the basis that real facts have emerged about the painting's removal or not.


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