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Compressorstall 19th Feb 2006 16:58

So long as it's a Chief that John Reid likes to listen to. There won't be any overstretch then either, but we'll still be in Iraq, Afghanistan (looking for a mission) and probably Iran...

FrogPrince 19th Feb 2006 18:06

Next big thing...
How many stopovers are there between Brize and Pyongyang ??

Compressorstall 19th Feb 2006 19:01

Depends if it's capped actuals or not...

Mmmmnice 20th Feb 2006 19:49

Speaking as one who will remain an indian to the end (never got the hang of sucking up to the right people) I hope you direct your well-placed chum to this forum so that he might get an idea of some of the feeling at the coal face - and act accordingly. No doubt he will be amongst the goofers who come for a look around when I next get sent to some hot,dusty shangi-la

Compressorstall 20th Feb 2006 21:22

Can we hold Beags responsible if his chum suddenly forgets overstretch and becomes John Reid's next new best pal?

RayDarr 22nd Feb 2006 09:00

When yer wounded and left on Afganistans plains
And the women come out to cut up what remains
Roll to yer rifle and blow out yer brains
And go to yer god like a soldier
Kipling ( more or less)

Just thought I would put this in. No real reason. Keep safe out there.

The Gorilla 22nd Feb 2006 11:18

Bet your a cheerful soul to have around!!


Data-Lynx 22nd Feb 2006 17:20

The Young British Soldier
Ray. Kipling offered some wry observations in the rest of the poem for the Young British Soldier sent to the East.

RayDarr 22nd Feb 2006 17:33

Data Lynx
My favourate poet, and yes I do know the rest of it.
Some of his other poems would be quite appropriate on other threads, but I'll try not to bore people too much

Oh it's Tommy This and Tommy that and Tommy wait outside
But it's special trains for Atkins when the Troop ships on the tide!

Things don't change do they.

Compressorstall 22nd Feb 2006 17:46

A cheery poem for those offf to Afghanistan; in summary:

Beware of the sun, your wife may sleep with someone else but don't shoot them, drink beer, love your rifle and don't forget to blow your brains out before the enemy get you...

Can't see that working for recruiting...

Tourist 22nd Feb 2006 19:17

"2 obsolete little grey boats "

Strangely Beagle, amongst your endless stories about Vulcan/Lightning/VC10/zzzz/Airborezzzz/Sopwith TSR2zzzzz/zzzzzzzzzzz, whinges about "RAF not what it was in my day" etc, I don't remember your stories regarding intimate knowledge of Strategic Carrier based Aviation.

I must have missed them.
Maybe I fell asleep again.
Fancy that.

Whats that?
You actually have no suitable background to justify your opinions?
You mean you have just been talking out your @rse?

Remind me just how many bombs the precious Vulcan managed to get on target in the FI?
And how many carrier based (RAF and RN) bombs hit theirs?

RayDarr 22nd Feb 2006 19:46

Silly boy.... It only needed one. Can you imagin the effect that 21 x 1000 lb HE bombs make when the aircraft dropping them has turned around to go home before they hit you, so you didn't hear it approach ... and you know they flew from several thousand miles away to do it... and they can do it again tomorrow.. and the next day, and the next. It dosent matter if the bombs hit the runway or not, they frightened the bejesus out of the poor sods, and they gave up all the quicker for it. That is the value of Air Power.

All part of the big team... RN/RAF/Army... all playing their part for overall victory.

Here endeth the lesson.

BEagle 22nd Feb 2006 20:31

I note that Pusser's Plymorphic Pratt is attempting to troll yet again...


[email protected] 22nd Feb 2006 20:40

.. and sinking to his level. You do yourself no favours.

BEagle 22nd Feb 2006 21:08

Unnecessary to use more expressive terminology than a simply understood single word which is adequately descriptive without further elaboration.

The Gorilla 22nd Feb 2006 21:15

Indeed Beagle you appear to becoming a very grumpy old man.
You are allowing them to get under your skin methinks!

Compressorstall 22nd Feb 2006 21:17

I thought this thread was about Afghanistan anyway, we didn't use the Vulcan there...

BEagle 22nd Feb 2006 21:22

In the words of the prophet:

"Vous me confuse avec quelq'un qui donne une merde!"


Compressorstall 23rd Feb 2006 09:42

Shame you left Beagle, there are too many who do get wound up for the slightest things

Data-Lynx 23rd Feb 2006 10:58

Helmand, We have a problem
Hey Beags, the UK might be embedded but there are no damned frenchies here, apart from MSF. For Ray, you were right about the Vulcan and, separately, an Atkins train (AT version) should have left this morning, snow permitting.

If you want a challenge, take a look at the NATO ISAF map (wait a moment to be offered the blown-up version). Flying in Helmand ranges from crag and ravine to desert dust in a single sortie while the threat remains extremely challenging. Googling on 'afghan ambush' raises over 600K hits and the layered ambush on 3 Feb suggested that the unspeakable have lost non of their cunning or prowess since UK Cav' was mounted on horseback. We then add the complexity of the Rules of Engagement (ROE) and demands of Force Protection to the first operational deployment of AH with on-the-job training to be conducted in theatre. Perhaps we could leave the sniping to the locals in theatre as they are much better at it.

Helmand, We have a problem!

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