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WE Branch Fanatic 10th Jan 2006 11:38

Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
Recently I was looking into stuff to put on the Sea Jet thread, and found myself looking into things about the Type 45 Destroyer. Apart from the fact that the T45 is delayed, and has had the capabilities adjusted to help the MOD meet financial targets, there is a lot of information out there:

Richard Beedall's website has a section dedicated to the T45, the RN simply has one page, the DPA has a project fact file, and BAE Systems have a section on their website dedicated to the T45.

I suspect many of the technologies used with the T45 will also be used for CVF.

Now if you look at any of the pictures the flight deck seems quite large, certainly larger than a T42. Which brings me to the question:

Why is it only intended to carry a single Merlin?

Aeronut 10th Jan 2006 14:02

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
beadwindow out

WE Branch Fanatic 10th Jan 2006 14:04

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
Please see PM Aeronut...

steamchicken 10th Jan 2006 14:43

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
Surely to carry a single FA2 for local air defence...

*gets coat*

airborne_artist 10th Jan 2006 15:11

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
So they can embark one of these, perhaps?


Gets coat, scarf, and tin hat.

LowObservable 10th Jan 2006 15:22

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
One of these and a BIG catapult...


AllTrimDoubt 10th Jan 2006 19:29

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
Don't you EVER give up WEBF???

Ian Corrigible 10th Jan 2006 19:55

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
LowObservable -

Well, you could go that route, but in the best traditions of the "Why do we always re-engineer our aircraft?" thread, you'd have to get BAES to stick Blue Vixen and four EJs in it. Why not start with a British design...




WE Branch Fanatic 10th Jan 2006 20:13

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
Why can't the T45 have more than one helo?

doubledolphins 10th Jan 2006 23:05

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
Went on deployment in an LPD with two wessex 5s and no hanger once. Just a hell of a lot of WD40!

southside 11th Jan 2006 20:58

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
You could get 2 Lynx on it no snags....but why would you want to put 2 Merlin on it? where would be the inprovement to OC there? What tactical advantage would it play??? Embark 2 Merlin on a T45 - Why ?

LowObservable 12th Jan 2006 02:58

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
"Why not start with a British design"

Because it looks like a carp.

ORAC 12th Jan 2006 10:23

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
Itīs so thereīs enough room to fit the skyhook for the GR9........

WE Branch Fanatic 12th Jan 2006 14:04

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
Might have a long weight for Skyhook......

Southside - surely two Merlin means more capability? As the Fleet gets smaller, carrying more helicopters will help recover some of the lost capability. One helicopters cannot be in two places at once, two of them can!

Talking of Merlin - see news about an upgrade.

southside 12th Jan 2006 16:24

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation

surely two Merlin means more capability
Yeah...But remember this is the Merlin yr talking about. So, I'd plum for a couple of Larry's.

Jucky 12th Jan 2006 16:44

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
Larry Lynx any day! Soon it will be the only airborne asset belonging to the RN that will be able to fire a missile!

pigfist 12th Jan 2006 20:40

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation

You are a fool. Worse than that you are a persistent fool. Now in flight safety terms this means you are either a genius or just lucky to be alive. Discuss.
Mmm, put a Merlin on the T45. If we have one thats serviceable. Oh, and that doesn't have any anti-surface capability at all. Slinky Lynx every time.
Now, F*ck off.

WE Branch Fanatic 12th Jan 2006 21:23

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
Polite as ever I see...

When/if the RN gets anti ship weapons put on the Merlin......also is there any planning for carrying Lynx/FLynx with the T45.

southside 12th Jan 2006 21:41

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation

also is there any planning for carrying Lynx/FLynx with the T45
BUGGER !!! I knew there was something we should have been thinking about. Give us credit For gawds sake. The aviation dept on a T45 has been planned down to the last rivet. An oppo of mine was in the T45IPT sitting on the Aviation desk and planning the Flight Dept years ago.

bad livin' 12th Jan 2006 23:39

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation

YEAH!! Get THIS badboy on the T45. AND the CVS!!!!

How'd you like THEM apples, WEBF?

LowObservable 13th Jan 2006 14:26

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
Better yet, dump the ships and fit the Goose with an Advanced Hawkeye radar, Meteors and rotary launchers for 24 Storm Shadows. Or even....


... perhaps with the US-contemplated nuclear power option.:}

the funky munky 13th Jan 2006 20:24

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
WEBF Just to answer you, yes the plan is for the SCMR to operate from the T45 as well as all other RN/RFA in service at ISD. By the way it is normal for a new aircraft IPT to fund any required changes to the ship as part of it's introduction to service.
One nice things about SCMR/FLynx and Type 45. The SCMR/FLynx shares the same more/less logistic as the Lynx so this was a well known fo the planning of the ships facilities.
Sorry to drop a lot of acronyms but the SCMR will have an ASUW capability with FASGW in whatever form it takes.

NR DROOP 14th Jan 2006 07:37

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation
WEBF - Do the navy have 2 serviceable Merlins to embark ? :suspect:

Pureteenlard 14th Jan 2006 14:09

Re: Type 45 Destroyer - Embarked Aviation

Originally Posted by NR DROOP
WEBF - Do the navy have 2 serviceable Merlins to embark ? :suspect:

Isn't that a moot point because they don't have any Type 45's anyway?:)

WE Branch Fanatic 29th Jul 2006 14:32

Now that FLynx has been ordered, am I right in thinking that a T45 will carry either one or two Lynx/FLynx OR a Merlin, perhaps depending on the nature and area of deployment, what aircraft are carried by other ships etc?

Will Merlin get updated Sea Skua if it gets selected as FASGW?

Not_a_boffin 29th Jul 2006 18:16

Facilities sized for Merlin so you could operate one if required, but the plan is to operate larry. As is pointed out elsewhere, Merlin does not have anything like the AsuW capability of HMA8 (and might never have) and T45 doesn't have the ASW assets to make best use of Merlin.

In any event, we don't have enough Merlin to put them on ships flights except where they can do some good (eg 2031 /2087 equipped ships).

What is less amusing though is the absence of a handling system on t45 capable of moving Merlin. Apparently, "modelling has shown that motions will be so benign" it won't be needed. Hmmmmmm... small flightdeck at extremity of ship, 16 tonne aircraft, nosegear handler only.........very expensive splash coming soon........

WE Branch Fanatic 30th Jul 2006 19:23

Is the MOD still trying to stop T45 having (hull mounted) sonar? Apart from submarines wasn't the sonar intended to have mine detection/aviodance capabilities? In the littoral, and with less ASW and MCM asets than a few years ago, this is very worrying.

Guess there won't be an shipborne torpedo launching system (eg MTLS) then?

:ugh: :ugh: :ugh:

RonO 30th Jul 2006 19:30

It's been stated in the past that the T-45 flightdeck (but not hangar) can handle a Chinook. Dunno if that's still true.

I also think there's room for 30 odd marines to be embarked. Will be fun ferrying them anywhere in the one Lynx - super duper or not.

Sonar is being fitted thanks to the defense committee. Not top drawer but should spot the odd mine or two.

Not_a_boffin 31st Jul 2006 07:56

Flightdeck may be able to take a Wokka structurally, but no way is it going in the hangar. There will be provision for 30-odd EMF might be delivered by boat (MIOPS etc) or slowly by small helo.

Ultra sonar to be fitted although whetheger it'll detect mines is moot, as is MTLS although if you're close enough to a sub to shoot a Stingray at it you are in all probability about to go for a swim......

WE Branch Fanatic 31st Jul 2006 13:09

MTLS is a useful back up though, even if it is a bit last ditch. Perhaps in the future it could as be used for launching other things, decoys perhaps, or a UUV to scout ahead for mines?

Shame that CEC (for T23 as well as T45) has been cancelled, so much for NEC.

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