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rotarynav2639 8th Mar 2005 11:55

Loss of a good friend and Pilot

It is with the deepest sadness and regret that I learnt of the passing away of Sqn Ldr Richie Rees last night after a fierce battle with cancer. He was a fantastic boss, friend and colleague and a charasmatic leader.

My heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with Richie's immediate family and friends.

It is truly a great loss for the RAF and for the Rotary fraternity.


Jako Spillman 8th Mar 2005 12:46

A thoroughly sad day; Richie you will be badly missed. That someone with so much enthusiasm, energy and enjoyment of life should be taken away in such a manner is unfair in the extreme.

It is hard to fathom how quickly these things can happen and I hope there is some peace in Richie's immediate family after such a valiant and up-beat fight from a great fighter - simply unbelievable.

You will be remembered with a very big smile and many beers will be drunk in your name in the immediate future and for many years to come...

I can imagine you sorting-out, re-organising and enthusing about the place where you are now, filofax in hand, and those around you will be better off for it - as we have been for knowing you.

Go well.

Axel-Flo 8th Mar 2005 12:52

A very sad day and a massive loss to so many including the service. Words on these occasions are so inadequate:(

Tigs2 8th Mar 2005 13:11

I can only concur with the comments above. This is a very sad day. MY heartfelt condolences to Ritchies family. Ritchie was loved by all. In the many years i knew him he was a pleasure to be with and a pleasure to fly with. A fantastic guy all round. Both he and his family battled so hard. So sad, such a loss.

jayteeto 8th Mar 2005 13:13

Richie, I flew with you in your pilot and crewman days and drank many beers with you over the years. God bless mate, you will be missed by all.

richmaddison 8th Mar 2005 13:51

A sad loss of an excellent person, officer and pilot. Sympathies to the family.

Whipping Boy's SATCO 8th Mar 2005 14:17

Richie, it is truly an honour to have know and served with you.

Our collective thoughts go to Sally and the kids at this horrendous time.

God Speed.

teeteringhead 8th Mar 2005 15:40

What can one say ... knew Ritchie in all his lives - stude crewman real crewman stude pilot and real (very real) pilot. Knowing he was ill doesn't make it any easier.

Love and prayers to Sally and the kids from us all - the more junior Miss Teeters used to babysit the little Reeses when we were all last at EGAA.

RIP Richie...:( A glass or three of the black will be raised to you tonight.

Green Bottle 2 8th Mar 2005 18:50

My condolences and thoughts are with his family and friends. A sad loss to all those who knew him. He will be sorely missed.

RIP. I will raise a glass to you tonight.

5206 8th Mar 2005 18:53

Knew Richie from IOT, Top Bloke

Condolences to his family


PlasticCabDriver 8th Mar 2005 23:04

Richie, you will be sadly, sadly missed :sad:. The world is a lesser place without you,

Beer has been drunk tonight, hope the beer is cold up there too.


PC7anyone? 9th Mar 2005 06:44

Richie was a great colleague and friend during my Aldergrove and Benson days. An oustanding officer, excellent pilot and a loving and caring husband and Dad.

Richie, I'm too far away to pay my respects in person but rest assured your memory will not be forgotten in these parts of the world.

Deepest sympathy to Sally and the Girls

Always_broken_in_wilts 9th Mar 2005 08:02

Not met you for years Richie, last time was getting very drunk at Anne and Sully's wedding.....RIP mate

Lafyar Cokov 9th Mar 2005 17:51

Top Bloke - why does it always happen to the good guys????

RIP & Condolences

cyclic 9th Mar 2005 18:44

Just read this. Very, very sad. I knew Ritchie as a crewman, and at IOT we lived just across the road.

My heartfelt sympathy to Sally and the family.

Rest in peace Ritchie.

Strobin Purple 9th Mar 2005 20:57

From the Arizona deserts to the Norwegian Arctic I have some fantastic memories of Richie: chasing Humpback whales at low level in a pair of rented light aircraft up the Big Sur coastline; the legendary 12,000 NoKr 'all dayer' in the Scotsman in Bergen; putting all the kitty on black in a Groningen casino (and winning!)and boozy 2am river swims in a variety of European capital cities (remember Paris Rotarynav?). One of life's gentlemen, a dedicated husband and father and one of the most generous and loyal friends I have ever had. The world is definitely a poorer place without him and I'll miss him.
Like you said Lafyar, it's always the good guys.
My thoughts and prayers with Sally & the girls.
God bless mate.

rotarynav2639 9th Mar 2005 21:28

Strobin' Purple

Was with you and Richie on virtually all those trips, and have the sun burn and frost bite scars, and the 12000NKr dent in the wallet to show for it. Paris will never be the same!! Great times, great laughs, great memories of a great bloke!

DeaconBlue 10th Mar 2005 11:55

From those of us on the industry side, Richie was a super guy to work with and he will be missed. He had a real vision for what could be achieved and I know he fought his last battle with all the courage, good humour and determination that was the trademark of this approach to all things.

All thoughts and prayers are with his family. Tonight we will raise a glass to his memory...


Jako Spillman 11th Mar 2005 05:39

RN and strobin, I think it is appropriate to air a few more of the tales; you really should add the details of dits such as most definitely not going out in town in uniform in Bergen, and most definitely not drinking whilst going out in town in uniform in Bergen: a fine leader always knows when to take a detour from the orders given, and a fine leader he was, and (not that I was there) I know it was a fine detour.
Happy Days.

Richie's_brov 11th Mar 2005 16:31

Many thanks to all Richie's friends. The messages are being well received by the family and are providing some comfort at this difficult time. Thanks again. Rotarynav thanks for starting this off, it is much appreciated.

Ref. flowers cards. Sally wishes for either a single red rose, to be placed at the end of the funeral, or a donation to the Phylis Tuckwell Hospice. ( Details will be available on the day ) Flowers will only be from immediate family. Thankyou.

Hueymeister 11th Mar 2005 16:42

So long me old....was a pleasure to have worked along side you...a sad, sad loss.


Now Kenny wants to post something

Richie, One of the first Puma crewman to be commissioned into the pilot world who then went onto become OC AMF!!!! in my time a well respected and all round 'bon oeuf' and general top geezer!! all our love mate to you and your lovely family Kenny and Kirsty McLaughlin RIP.

3.16 litres 13th Mar 2005 03:51

Our deepest condolences to Sally and the girls.

Went through EFTS and BFTS with Richie and he was my son's godfather having been such a good friend to us and our then baby son, Douglas.

We will miss you Richie, and Sally our thoughts are with you.

We are completely gutted.

Nige, Ali and Douglas Edwards

Milt 13th Mar 2005 04:34

Please someone, who knew Ritchie well, post his obitury so that we can all share in losing him. I just may have known him.

RIP Ritchie and see you sometime in the Big Hangar.

Richie's_brov 15th Mar 2005 17:24

Many thanks to all Richie's friends. The messages are being well received by the family and are providing some comfort at this difficult time. Thanks again. Rotarynav thanks for starting this off, it is much appreciated.

Ref. flowers cards. Sally wishes for either a single red rose, to be placed at the end of the funeral, or a donation to the Phylis Tuckwell Hospice. ( Details will be available on the day ) Flowers will only be from immediate family. Thankyou

seafuryfan 15th Mar 2005 20:11

Bye Ritchie, we enjoyed a few nights in the Aldergrove Mess, mate - it was easy to tell you were going to go places, and you were always a top bloke whatever the slide worn.

Some of us can't get to your send off due to having to manning the fort - but I know the SH world will do you and your family proud on the day.


Whipping Boy's SATCO 25th Apr 2005 16:29

Back to the top, 'cos sometimes we can be a little quick to forget.

TTFN Richie

ProfessionalStudent 15th May 2005 07:03

Sorry I'm a bit late, but newly returned to PPrune. Anyway, gives me a chace to put Richie back at the top where he belongs!!

Did my RWAFT with Richie at Shawditz. He provided huge inspiration to me (as he did to many others throughout his life) as a baby crewman with visions being a pilot just like him. Great bloke, great inspiration, one of the best.

One of the most difficult things in our job is to find a person about whom no-one has a bad word to say. Richie, your family can rest assured that you are one of those rare people.

Godspeed to you and your family....

Dave, I will never forget posing as carpet salesmen in Shrewsbury on Grad party night...

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