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Tourist 14th Feb 2005 16:20

Hyd 3

(I had to say it repeatedly because of the minimum reply length)

hyd3failure 14th Feb 2005 16:54

Why say that?

what have I said to warrant those rude and malicious words?

Is my argument to strong for you?

Rather than compile a cultivated, articulate and intelligent reply you chose to resort to foul language.

Now, please. If you can manage to form a coherent, eloquent and expressive argument to counter my synopsis then please feel free to add your thoughts to this thread.

However, if you are having difficulty with sentences, finding it hard to altercate or get your point across or just simply find it impossible to speak with words of more than 2 syllables then maybe you should leave us intelligent folk alone and use your limited voice to add your thoughts to this

forwardassist 14th Feb 2005 18:23


It takes more than goggs to be a junglie. Perhaps you should walk across the pan and ask before you make more sweeping comments.:rolleyes:

Si Clik 14th Feb 2005 18:25

I can never resist the chance to tell h3f the FACTS.

OK There are NO plans to merge ANY Merlin units this year or any other year.

51 crews nave NOT been grounded.

The current pilot PVR rate in the FAA is statistically ZERO.

There are very few in broadening jobs that do not require P or O.

I don't know where you get your 51 crews - I know for a fact we haven't even got that many.

If you took a broadening job or even a job in the HQ maybe you would UNDERSTAND the isssues here rather than rant on like some MISINFORMED, SINGLE ISSUE know it all.

And don't forget the rest of the FAA who have their own manpower issues.


hyd3failure 14th Feb 2005 20:59

It takes more than goggs to be a junglie
Of course it does, it takes an aircrewman as well.

OK There are NO plans to merge ANY Merlin units this year or any other year.
I know. I didn\'t mention anything about a merger.

51 crews nave NOT been grounded.
not yet!

There are very few in broadening jobs that do not require P or O.
I\'m looking at the appointers spreadsheet now and there are approx 150 jobs

If you took a broadening job or even a job in the HQ
Done that...and done that 1 too.

toplad_22 14th Feb 2005 21:18

Oh go on then H3F !!!
you are obviously dying for us to ask as you are obviously itching to tell us, what have you heard?? YAAAAWWWWNNNN ! about the 51 aircrew being grounded ( YET)

hyd3failure 14th Feb 2005 21:24

Nope....not gonna reveal my sources.....Sorry Nick

welshwizard 15th Feb 2005 08:25

Hyd 3
You appear to have written off the Merlin already. Clearly your Lynx background is clouding your judgement. Merlin is still a world beater in Maritime helicopter warfare. GIVE IT A CHANCE.

FORMER PIONEER 15th Feb 2005 08:38

Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah!

Drivel! Drivel! Drivel!

Bash Merlin! Bash Merlin! Bash Merlin!

Lynx is Great! Lynx is Great!


H3F or VOI (as I like to call you…)

If you are so experienced, well informed, connected and professional as you say (or you are a Fishead) then surely you must know someone in Merlin Land who can give you the facts and then you wouldn’t have to keep spouting all this Bo**ocks? Because, quite frankly, it’s getting a bit repetitive on every thread.

Or is it that you are worried that, as soon as the powers that be realise that if they cancel the Future Lynx, they can spend the money instead on an EO/IR and Air->Surface for the Merlin, then the Fleet will get much greater capability and commonality?

Oh dear! Then you’d all be out of a job! What a shame! Still, I’m sure some of you could come down here and attempt a Lynx->Merlin conversion. But be advised, it’s not as easy as Pinger->Lynx. You’d have to learn many more disciplines of warfare other than just ASuW and SOOTAX for the Skipper/carrying the mail, as the Merlin is a true multi-role helo, not just “My Little Pony”. Still, I’m sure some of you would be able to hack it……

P.S. You can leave your coloured pencils and plotting boards at home. The Merlin has these new fangled things called “computers”.

6Z3 15th Feb 2005 09:37

"The Merlin has these new fangled things called “computers”."

Computer? Wot, as in a Commodore 64?

FORMER PIONEER 15th Feb 2005 12:05

ZX SPECTRUM 81 actually (with upgraded graphics).......:ok:

hyd3failure 15th Feb 2005 12:06

Hey, I'm not bashing the Merlin. Your'e correct the Merlin is a world beater. The best ASW helicopter in the world without doubt and so much so that the second best ASW helicopter isn't even in the same room. Nope, the Merlin is brill. What is not brill however, is the support for Merlin. No spares, No money and No future. Thats why we are going to be forced to mothball the best part of 30 aircraft so that we can support the remainder.

Flypro 15th Feb 2005 12:53

F.P.....' Merlin is a true multi-role helo'

Sorry, I really have to take issue with that statement. The RN Merlin is about as far away from being a multi-role helo as it is possible to get!
When it flies, I will concede its probably a superb ASW asset, but apart from getting the mail (only from a pucka airfield of course) thats about it:hmm:
Vertrep, SAR, Loadlift, Troop carrying - need I go on?

Standing by for incoming


toplad_22 15th Feb 2005 12:58

What are you whittering on about ? or are you just another Lynx boy getting on the bandwagon? Like H3F you obviously know nothing about the Merlin.

Duncan Bucket 15th Feb 2005 13:24

No Flypro, I have to take issue with your statement.

Why only from a Pukka airfield?
Why can't it Vertrep?
Apart from greater downwash, why not SAR?
Why not Troop Carrying?
Why not go on? Did your SK Training Directive not list anything else?

I (and many others) would really like to know why you think the Merlin can't do these things. So lets hear it.

Sorry forgot loadlifting


extpwron 15th Feb 2005 13:38

As I understand it, the RN Merlin has no VOR/ILS, DME or ADF which would restrict its capabilities in an overland IFR environment.

Duncan Bucket 15th Feb 2005 13:51

Correct, except we don't fly airways when hunting submarines, and thankfully most ships should be at sea.

(Please note I said should be)

FORMER PIONEER 15th Feb 2005 13:52

Beep! Beep! Once again, the "Kick Merlin whilst it is down" bus is just about to leave.......

.......ALL ABOARD!

No, it hasn't got VOR/ILS, DME or ADF. But then again, we don't plan on operating in airways, or doing civilian IFR flying.

It has got a very good IRU/GPS, backed up by AHRS/DVS, which is other RN a/c's primary nav.

Your point?

extpwron 15th Feb 2005 14:01

My point is that people are talking about diversified roles for the machine and it lacks some essential kit to make it true multi-role. Try taking a casualty to a London specialist hospital via a procedural letdown to London/City – without the kit you can’t enter the airspace.

Duncan Bucket 15th Feb 2005 14:09

The SK 5/6 is not procedural capable either. The SAR boys seem to get by OK though.

Adopt the callsign Rescue ... and see what the very cooperative Air Traffic people can give you. Lacking Civilian IF kit does not prevent you from being multi role, especially when flying an Operational Mission to aid a 3rd party where lives are at risk.

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